54: Who ARE these guys?? …part 3

Comments and articles herein are the intellectual property and opinions of the writers and may not be copied without permission of the writers.

by Carolina Lady

Bill James said of him, “He looks like a hobbit.”

Listed as 5’7″, Glenn Dee Hubbard was born in 1957 at Hahn AFB, West Germany, is married and has three sons.

Drafted right out of high school in 1975, made his major league debut in 1978 when he was promoted after being named Rookie of the Year in Richmond, Hubbard played for the Braves from ’78-’87, then signed as a free agent with Oakland for his final two playing years. (Others who debuted in the same year are Paul Molitor, Ozzie Smith, Pedro Guerrero, Mike Morgan, Dave Stewart and Terry Kennedy.)

Through 10 years with the Braves and 2 with the A’s, Glenn was better known for his fielding than his hitting, though he was an excellent bunter who led the National League in sacrifice outs in 1982. A steady glove and his willingness to stand his ground while turning a double play, even with a runner coming at him full tilt, made him a valuable asset.

A check of the records indicates that he holds the Braves’ fielding records for second basemen in all categories.

In 1981 he set a then Atlanta Braves’ record for second basemen with a .991 fielding percentage, but his most successful year was in 1983, when he hit .263, set career highs with 12 home runs and 70 RBI and was also named to the National League All-Star team.

He led all NL second basemen in double plays in 1982, 1985 and 1987. Post-Season play: 1982 NLCS, 1983 All-Star, 1988 World Series (A’s).

A couple of career-total numbers that stand out to me are:

– in the 1,354 games he played (11,206 innings)

– he had 2,795 POs (that’s more than 2 per game)

– 4,444 assists (more than 3 per game)

– committed only 127 errors in 12 years – or about 10 a year; that’s .06 per game. Or, just for fun, that’s 0.01 over the 11,206 innings he played.

– had 975 DPs

– and a .983 FP


For that he was paid grandiose sums –

Year Salary
1985 $455,000
1986 $505,000
1987 $555,000
1988 $425,000

Before joining the Braves major league staff in 1999, Glenn spent the previous nine years coaching in the Braves’ minor leagues: Bradenton [’90], Macon [’91-’92, ’94, ’98] and Richmond.

Hubbard seems to have a gift for teaching. from an article at MLB.com:

Throughout the offseason, when they were targeting Kelly Johnson to serve as their starting second baseman, the Braves possessed a confidence that was created by the remarkable work Glenn Hubbard had done with Marcus Giles.

As Braves general manager John Schuerholz remembers, there was a time when “Marcus couldn’t catch a cold.” But Hubbard worked diligently with Giles at Class A Macon in 1999, and by the time the 2003 season ended, the young second baseman had become a Major League All-Star with Gold Glove potential.

“I think if Hubby can turn me into an average second baseman,
compared to where I was in the Minors, he could probably turn you guys (in the media) into a pretty good second baseman,” Giles said as he and his Padres teammates prepared for Monday night’s series opener against the Braves at Turner Field.

Johnson is certainly a better athlete than the media members that Giles was speaking to on Monday. But he had never previously played second base and thus it has been remarkable to see him evolve into a dependable defender, who has committed just one error in his first 141 chances of the year.

“Kelly Johnson has been brilliant there,” said Braves manager Bobby Cox, who last week said his new second baseman was playing the position as well as Hall of Famer Bill Mazeroski once did.

Having seen what Hubbard, who was a sure-handed second baseman in Atlanta from 1978-87, has done with both Giles and Johnson, Cox thinks it’s time people realize the importance of his current first-base coach.

“I think Glenn’s name never gets mentioned, but it certainly needs to be,” Cox said. “He turned them into really great second basemen.”

Because Giles’ cost was beginning to surpass the offensive value he was providing, the Braves opted to not re-sign him after last season. He says that he understands it was a business decision that has given him the opportunity to play in his hometown of San Diego and with his older brother, Brian, who is a Padres outfielder.

“About the biggest thing I do miss over here is Hubby,” Giles said. “Just having him there to remind me of the tips of how to play defense and the room service (batting practice) that he throws, I kind of miss that, too.”

Hubbard isn’t very happy with the new edict that now requires him to wear a helmet on the field. This from an ESPN story:

Glenn Hubbard trotted on the field Wednesday wearing a helmet — and feeling downright ridiculous.

“You know what it feels like?” he asked before a spring training game. “Look at that kid over there.”

Hubbard pointed toward a young batboy standing at the edge of the Braves dugout, his head dutifully covered by a helmet.

“That’s what I feel like,” Hubbard said, not bothering to hide the disgust in his voice. “A batboy.”

Hobbit or not, helmet or not, Glenn Hubbard is a good man to have in your corner: unpretentious, hardworking, down-to-earth, steady. Somebody you can respect.


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354 Responses to “54: Who ARE these guys?? …part 3”

  1. 1 Voice of Raisins August 1, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    Glenn Hubbard should be a role model for all young players coming through the system. He is a grinder and proof positive that hard work pays dividends.

    Great profile, CL. Thanks!


  2. 2 Gil in Mechanicsville August 1, 2008 at 3:47 pm

    Another outstanding post CL…


  3. 3 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Very nice indeed CL! Man, I didn’t recall he was in the minors for 9 years!
    Had no idea he held records for braves 2nd baseman, but it shouldn’t surprise me. He must cringe at most of our bunters, but love Blanco!


  4. 4 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    Hey!!! Any knew trade talk???? Kotsay for Ichiro??? Sorry….sorry….still going thru withdrawl! 😯


  5. 5 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    Thank you, kind sirs! 😀

    Great quote from Bruce Benedict (Steve Hummer – ajc) on the losing days:

    “The eras are not even comparable,” Benedict said. “We didn’t have any players hurt. We just weren’t very good.”

    That was a time, Benedict joked, when if an Atlanta cop stopped you for speeding, he’d give you two tickets to a Braves game. If he stopped you again, he made you go.


  6. 6 Gil in Mechanicsville August 1, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    Withdrawal? Come on Berigan… you know their are still trades to be made out there… Just not easy ones. There is still time for some contending team to suffer the injury bug and be desperate for a replacement. Buy low, sell high… Working for the Marlins I think…

    I other words, I don’t think I would sign a long term lease if I were Ohman or Kelly Johnson…


  7. 7 Gil in Mechanicsville August 1, 2008 at 6:07 pm

    Oh my… good one CL 🙂


  8. 8 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 9:01 pm

    Here’s a neat piece on Chipper:


  9. 9 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 9:05 pm


    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chuck James. Chuck James, ladies and gentlemen! One more round of applause, please!


  10. 11 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 9:24 pm

    At least it’s understandable that the offense is putting up a donut too, Jeff Suppan being their ace and all.


  11. 12 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 9:28 pm

    CC Sabbathia tomorrow and Ben Sheets on Sunday, ladies and gentlemen! Get your tickets now!


  12. 13 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 9:47 pm

    Edge-of-your-seat games, for sure!


  13. 14 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    I meant so you could see some good pitchers. 🙂


  14. 15 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    Think Sabbathia will ever wear a tomahawk?


  15. 16 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    I honestly think either he or Sheets will be here next year. I think Wren will go for broke on one of them. They’ve got to make SOME kind of splash to keep the fans around and the value high for Liberty, and Wren knows enough not to spend that kind of money on a position player.


  16. 17 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    I agree. I’m sure they’ll make a good run at somebody, not sure who – though I hear CC’s name bandied about.


  17. 18 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 10:36 pm

    Grinch, I had to laugh at the ladies and gentleman, Chuck James 😆 ….I just heard parts of the game….Pete kept saying 3-0. 3-0 like it was 12-0. Then at the end. 9-0NINE to NOTHING Said something like, welll I guess we have to review the game….it must have looked even worse in person…..


  18. 19 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:37 pm

    Doesn’t Sheets have an injury problem? I seem to remember him being DL’ed a bit. Or has the dust up there shifted again? 😆


  19. 20 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:39 pm

    On the MLB.com broadcast, in the bottom of the 9th, 2 out, Chip says “The Brewers are trying to blank the Braves” as if it was hanging in the balance.
    I sometimes wonder if he actually listens to what he says.


  20. 21 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    And what has happened to Ring??? His ERA on the 6th of July was 3.44!!! He’s one of the very few guys who shouldn’t be worn out. Naturally, he’s getting in more games than ever….

    Grinch, you will be glad to know that Suppan’s ERA is down all the way to 4.75 after tonight…


  21. 22 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    We have to remember that we don’t even have a real ML team on the field right now. The only question now is: how far down do they sink?


  22. 23 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 10:42 pm

    Good stuff yet again, CL. Wish we had more like Hubby on the coaching staff. Was out running errands, I take it that Chucky was not exactly stellar in his return?


  23. 24 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:42 pm

    When we’re mentioning possible candidates to succeed Bobby, let’s not overlook Yost. He spent a lot of years with Bobby, knows the organization and they know him – and he has managerial experience. Possible?

    I think I’d much rather have him than any of the others I’ve heard mentioned.


  24. 25 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    We are 50 -59. Same record as the Royals. Cincinatti is in last place in the Central. 51-59. Baltimore is in last place in the AL East. 51-56.

    We need to get back in the NL West, we’d be in 3rd, only 5 1/2 out! 😀


  25. 26 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    Thanks, FBG! He’s a good guy, IMO.

    Um, no, I don’t think that one will be in the scrapbook of good memories! 🙂


  26. 27 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 10:45 pm

    I like that idea, CL. Ned’s done a good jon with the Brewers.

    One good thing about Chucky coming up … they designated Corky for assignment to open the roster spot. I guess Sammons is the backup now.


  27. 28 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    a good job


  28. 29 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    Chuck James
    C James (L, 2-4) 2.2 innings, 6hits 6 runs 4 walks 2 homers 9.47 for the year….

    Not to bad….


  29. 30 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Anybody driven a Ford Focus? The road noise on this rental is so bad that over 40 you can’t even hear the radio. Is it just this particular car or is it generic to them?? Wouldn’t give you a dime for it! BUT it is much better than the glorified Volkswagon called a PT Cruiser. Lord, that thing is miserable!
    (Have had 3 different rentals this week…..) 😦

    And still don’t have my car back. Was towed again this morning back to the shop. Ask me how happy I am….. Or not.

    zzzzzzzzzz ‘Night, y’all!


  30. 31 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    not too bad….


  31. 32 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 11:02 pm

    Poor CL! 😦 Don’t know anything about the Focus but I know a few people with PT Cruisers & they love ’em. My cousin says they look like a mini-hearse.


  32. 33 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    CL, I did rent one, years ago,(After my poor 1966 Dodge Monaco was hit by an uninsured motorist) man was it ever crap! They gave ma a taurus first, and was surprised how nice it was….


  33. 34 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 11:06 pm

    The tow truck man (who has been here twice this week) jokingly said that if I’d just give him my schedule and itinerary, he’d keep himself available to come get us. Again. 😆

    I’m off now! Have a good one!!


  34. 35 Carolina Lady August 1, 2008 at 11:08 pm

    The Taurus/Sable is nice. The Sable is just a slightly “upgraded” Taurus. Made on the same assembly line. I’ve enjoyed mine for 14 years. Not so much this week.

    Now I’m REALLY going to bed. The clock has no mercy! 😦


  35. 36 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 11:14 pm

    CL, the Focus was designed to make you focus on how much better Japanese and German cars were. And the PT? Not Volkswagen, which has decent frames for their small cars, but Neon. Really; look it up. The PT Cruiser is a jazzed up, top-heavy shell wished upon a Neon platform. One of the wordst pieces of junk the Chysler “braintrust” thought of before being sold to Daimler. And (sorry, FBG), almost every chick I ever heard drive one (including my mom) cried out how cool they thought it was. Yikes.

    Also, yes Sheets has had injury problems (and plenty), but he’s so good when he’s healthy it might be worth it. Even with those problems, he’s the second best free agent starter available. My guess is that they’ll overpay somewhat for CC, otherwise they’ll either take a chance on Sheets or get two mid-level starters .


  36. 37 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    Actually I think they’re a bit silly-looking. If I wanted a “cutesy” car I’d get a Beetle (probably not real safe though).


  37. 38 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 1, 2008 at 11:24 pm

    Grinch, thing is…..who else is going to bid on him??? The Yankees for sure…can we ever outbid them??? The Red Sox perhaps???? Who else can afford him??? Mets maybe? It will be tough for us to come out on top….


  38. 39 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    That’s why we can only go after one of the two, Berigan. I expect we’ll overbid for one, because it’s in Liberty’s best interest to at least attempt to keep a few people going to the park and they know we know how much money’s freed up. The Yankees’ payroll has already gotten out of control, and they’ve got several folks coming back from injury (which means they’ll only get one of the two). The Red Sox and Angels are both set for starting pitching, which means the only fat pocket team we really have to worry about is the Orioles and I bet we outbid them all things considered. We shall see, but I’m almost always right. In everything always. 😛


  39. 40 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    Despite Bobby’s ineptitude, never underestimate how his personality can swing the balance for free agents all other things equal.


  40. 41 morpheus45 August 1, 2008 at 11:38 pm

    FBG, Volkswagen and Audi have merged, and the Beetle and TT are on the same platform. Small, but surprisingly high quality. It only LOOKS like an old Beetle.


  41. 42 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    I love the TT also. That’s what I would buy if money was not an issue.


  42. 43 flbravesgirl August 1, 2008 at 11:58 pm

    You know, I just can’t get used to that new avatar. I keep expecting to see your green, grinning alter-ego.


  43. 44 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 12:04 am

    G, don’t you think it’s more likely to be Sheets??? I think the Yankees have some money coming off the books(Though I think all that talk might been before Mussina and Giambi found the fountain of youth)
    From Red Sox fans I know on a jazz board, they are not happy with the pitching. Dice-K has been terrible of late, Josh Beckett is 9-8. Clay Buchholz has a 5.94 era. Jon Lester is their best pitcher right now.

    Oh, and don’t forget, they are saving 12 million with Bay over Manny.


  44. 45 morpheus45 August 2, 2008 at 1:00 am

    Maybe, G, but having watched JS miss on Tex and watching all four of the “vets” crumble this season, I don’t know Wren will overpay on Sheets. I’m thinkin’ he’s more liable to either REALLY overpay on CC or work to get us two Jeff Suppans and a hell of a good power hitting left fielder. Just my opinion.

    FBG, ask and ye shall receive, though it won’t be easy. Ha! Get it? Damn I amuse myself.


  45. 46 morpheus45 August 2, 2008 at 1:02 am

    It’s not money with the Sox, they don’t need pitching. It’s keeping the Yanks off of it. And I think they’ll both fight over one of the two, or else the option I just outlined.


  46. 47 morpheus45 August 2, 2008 at 1:07 am

    Or maybe a solid 2-3-4 guy, a big name power hitter and a big name setup guy (even resigning Ohman), though I think that’s less likely with Moylan coming back. Though with Soriano being a woman (and not a brave one at that…ha! another pun), who knows. They might just write him off though I doubt it considering the 6.1 mil they spent on him. If I were them, I’d send someone to his house to let him know I knew I knew when his little sister got off from school so he might man up and pitch instead of just straight up steal our money. But then, I’m not the owner. 🙂


  47. 48 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2008 at 7:12 am

    Ah.. Good morning… Another weekend is upon us already.

    On Chuck James… Well, the outfield just did not play deep enough… Perhaps the Braves could station a couple of the infielders in the bleachers to snag some of those gopher balls he has a propensity to give up.

    I still don’t know why Bobby doesn’t just use Carlyle as a spot starter. Certainly cannot have any worse results than what we have been seeing.


  48. 49 chrisklob August 2, 2008 at 9:09 am

    CL, I have enjoyed your series on the Braves coaches. Those guys don’t get a lot of attention so we don’t know much about them. I think it’s nice that you’re profiling them!

    Gil, here’s an article that you might enjoy reading. I’ve been telling you all along that Richmond would have baseball next year. Hopefully, this comes through and you get it. This would also mean that you’d be able to see MB play some too.



  49. 50 Carolina Lady August 2, 2008 at 9:14 am

    Good morning, everyone!

    Thanks, Chris! (Delighted to see you!)


  50. 51 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 9:25 am

    Hey Chris! Long time no see!

    Gil, good question about Carlyle. But, didn’t we go thru this last year with Oscar Villarreal??? We’d run anyone but him out there….He didn’t start one single game.


  51. 52 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Thanks Chris, funny how one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. There have been several reports of groups interested in the Richmond market. The Sally League is but one, also expressing interest are folks from the Eastern League (AA) and a couple of independent leagues.

    A couple of key issues to keep in mind are one, the replacement of the current stadium and the location of that venue, two, the biggest impediment to the progress of baseball, Doug Wilder, will be leaving office the first of the year.

    I am willing to do without baseball in Richmond for a couple of years rather than take just anything. DC is not that far away.


  52. 53 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2008 at 11:29 am

    Just to reiterate, my anger at the Braves leaving was directed towards several entities. The Braves just happened to be one most of you folks knew about. I have blistered a few ears here locally too….

    There is also talk of combining the IL and the PCL to make one AAA league. Who knows where that is going but truthfully, Richmond could out draw Miami right now… So could Norfolk…

    A lot of folks are staying away from the Richmond games this year because the loyal fan base feels abused, the marginal fans stay away because they keep hearing how bad the stadium is… (It’s not)… and then there is the fact that the team really, really is bad…. I mean really….. And for Richmond, that is going some. We have had some real stinkers in the past….


  53. 55 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 4:18 pm

    Games on Fox, and least for some folks….


  54. 56 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    CL, great article! I remember that hit! I would have thought it was the late 80’s, not the early 80’s!
    Did you notice who the A ball manager was where Appling was the hitting coach? Brian Snitker.


  55. 57 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    surprised I couldn’t find a clip of that homer!
    Charlie Morton is pitching his best game since his first start! Has set down 12 in a row after giving up a hit….no runs given up after 5 innings. I don’t think he’s quite as upright as before…something has looked different to me since that first start, anyone else notice a difference???


  56. 58 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 5:15 pm

    Yes! Everyone left so I can have a little peace & quiet & check up on my blog family. Good to see Chris stop in. We miss you, big brother.

    That was a great story, CL. Wish the Braves still had their rookie team here.

    Ber, that sounds promising. What’s the score? (showing the Yanks here, as usual)


  57. 59 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    And thank you for returning to your proper avatar, Oh Mighty Grinch.


  58. 60 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Get Gameday all set up & Charlie promptly gives up 2 runs. 😦


  59. 61 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    I guess everyone left the blog too.


  60. 62 Salty August 2, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    Hello, FBG dear! 🙂 You’re not alone!

    Kudos, CL…as always. You’re old hat at this stuff…aptly so! Now, cars…sounds like the only part untouched is ‘having your chain yanked’! I’m guessing that’s not too far off!


  61. 63 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    Sigh… When it rains it pours… Fielder hits his second dinger of the day…


  62. 64 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    There y’all are.

    Don’t blame me for that one, Gil. I gave up on Gameday.


  63. 65 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 6:37 pm

    Well, I guess Charlie pitched pretty well overall. Too bad he didn’t get more run support.


  64. 66 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 7:26 pm

    Morton went 7 innings, his longest outing, and gave up only 2 runs, so hit best outing, one would have to say….Gotta look for positives, cuz it’s going to be a long 2 months I’m afraid.

    Though things will have to get better when McCann and Chipper get back….Infante batting cleanup???


  65. 67 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    So, how was it that I missed that the Braves DFA’d Corky yesterday? And Ring today? It’s good to see they are taking out the, ahem, well… my Mom always said if I couldn’t say something good… you know…


  66. 68 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 2, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    VOR, I sure hadn’t heard that! But, haven’t gone to AJC in a couple of days….


  67. 69 Carolina Lady August 2, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    Was just reading a story about 97-year-old Grace George whose cat’s yowling woke her up at 4-something in the morning. She got up, smelled smoke, grabbed the cat and ran out to the street. She waved down a car…..

    “Thank God it was a lady,” she said. “All I had on was bikini underwear and a tank top.”

    God love her! 97! 😆


  68. 70 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    I just saw that about Ring. Might as well go with the guys who could help next year.

    😯 She must be in great shape for 97!


  69. 71 Carolina Lady August 2, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    I love her attitude: “I may be 97 but I’m gonna wear bikini underwear anyhow!” 😆 LOVE it!! You go, girl!! Kinda reminds me of Maxine!

    FBG, you got the night shift again looks like. It’s that time for me! Eyes are burning now.

    Have a great one!


  70. 72 flbravesgirl August 2, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    ‘Night, CL!


  71. 73 flbravesgirl August 3, 2008 at 12:44 am

    OK, I guess no one’s going to drop by to chat.


  72. 74 flbravesgirl August 3, 2008 at 12:47 am

    One last thing before I go (and I know I could not possibly write a long enough post to do him justice) : Happy Birthday Savannah Guy!!!!!!


  73. 75 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2008 at 8:16 am

    SG: Happy Birthday, dude! I hope you have a fantastic day! 😀


  74. 76 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 8:26 am

    Happy Birthday SG! Hope you have a great one! 🙂

    And perhaps the braves will win as well! Well, better chance of you having a nice birthday! 😆


  75. 77 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 8:30 am

    Been without internet connection for about 12 hours! So glad I switched services! 🙄

    Before that, some hellatious storm roared thru Jonesboro…Grinch, VOR, Salty(You are in the ATL, as well, correct?) did you get any of that???
    Wasn’t so much the rain…it wasn’t too bad, but the wind!!!! 😯 I know the airport got a gust of 71 MPH…I bet we had a few gusts to 60….I was getting a bit worried….


  76. 78 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 8:47 am

    Before I attempt to sleep some more…What team has the most ex-braves??? I don’t know the answer, just askin’! 😉
    KC might be tops with Kyle Davies (4.41 ERA after getting off to a good start) Tony Pena (After a great year last year, he’s hitting… 150 in 187 AB’S!!! 😯 ) Ron Mahay (2.21 ERA) and Horacio Ramirez , who amazingly enough has a 2.86 ERA as a reliever!


  77. 79 Carolina Lady August 3, 2008 at 9:25 am

    Happy birthday to yooooooooou
    Happy birthday to yoooooooou
    Happy birthday to SG…………………..
    Happy birthday to yooooooooou!

    (a little off pitch but not bad!) 😆


  78. 80 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 9:34 am

    Are you saying you hung a slider CL?


  79. 82 Carolina Lady August 3, 2008 at 11:17 am

    Bobby would say it’s OK – just one or two a little off, but she did a great job today! :-)))


  80. 83 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 11:25 am

    So THAT’S why the Grinch Pup was howling just now. 😛

    Berigan, it hit my Dad’s place hard in College Park, and I was able to look at it off my porch here. I got about 5 minutes of light rain and a good stiff breeze, but it never came closer than about 5 miles.


  81. 84 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 11:25 am

    Happy Birthday, SG!


  82. 85 Carolina Lady August 3, 2008 at 11:43 am

    Grinchy, you are really in big trouble! 😡


  83. 86 Carolina Lady August 3, 2008 at 11:47 am

    Y’all probably already know it, but Hudson will have the TJ surgery this coming week.


  84. 87 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 11:58 am

    I’ve got plenty of magazines.


  85. 88 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 11:59 am

    Just don’t use one to swat me on the nose.


  86. 89 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 12:05 pm

    I wish he would have followed advice and had it last week.


  87. 90 Savannah Guy August 3, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    Thanks for the birthday greetings, y’all. What a nice surprise to check in after travels and see that. Carolina Lady, I’ll have to go one better than Bobby on that singing assessment… every single note sounded just perfect!

    Also, yours was another great lead. You’ve outdone yourself once again with the coach series… go ahead and present yourself with a Kelly Award. That’s only fitting ‘cause you already have the firstest and bestest… the original Kelly! 😀

    Hubbard does look like a Hobbit on that baseball card. Wonder what size shoe they have to give him. Maybe big yellow ones like the Grinch wears?


  88. 91 Savannah Guy August 3, 2008 at 3:27 pm

    After this week, for the first time in three years (or two anyway), I feel that the Braves have a chance. Not a chance to win this year obviously, but a chance to restructure, rebuild and begin a new era.

    Now, I’m not going to hang on every rumor or ride an emotional rollercoaster with every trade suggestion or sit and hold my breath that Wren, JS and Liberty will do what it takes to spend at the level that would quickly (within two years) field a winning/postseason quality team… but I will watch and hope for that.

    Now, unlike some denizens, I’d like to see both Smoltz and Glavine back next year, but not as ‘key’ starters or even key relievers, but as valuable contribtors on the mound and in the club. The mound is a long shot for John, with his major surgery and his contract… and it’s going to be tricky signing Glavine to another year. I believe we need a brand new rotation with Jair, Jo Jo, Campillo, Norton and a new stud ace. Huddy won’t be much of a factor next year, if at all.

    Then, with Moylan, Gonzo, Ohman and possibly Soriano (depending on his health), we’d have the base pieces for a good pen.

    Add a big bopper in left, right and on first, add speed and BA to center field, let French and Kelly go and we’re set. Maybe I’m asking too much. Whatever the case, I’ll enjoy watching the extended ST the remainder of the year. Funny how it works when your team goes through these kinds of cyclical bottoms… it’s bound to happen to every team.

    Then, by the time I get used to relaxing while watching my team with lowered expectations of winning games and no expectation of post season, they’ll put everything together and build something special. They’ll start beating the good teams on a regular basis, they’ll start pulling out those close, edge of your seat one run games, they’ll come from behind the pack and surprise the baseball world and get to the World Series.

    Of course I hope they’ll do that in my lifetime. If not, I hope the new fans that get to watch will have all the excitement and fun that I had during the ‘run’. Maybe they’ll look back on the 90’s and early 2000’s and say, “wow, I’ll bet that was good times for Braves fans”. They would be correct.

    Go Braves!


  89. 92 Savannah Guy August 3, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Make that Morton… not Norton. I don’t think we’ll need Norton on the mound.:oops:


  90. 93 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    Yo… SG, Happy Birthday Bro… 🙂


  91. 94 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    You might also amend adding a new player at 1st; I think they’re pretty set on Kotchman.

    They’re also going to give Frenchman at least one more year unless they get bowled over with an offer. However if they get enough power out of two of the three spots I wouldn’t mind seeing Anderson playing center or right. He’s really a joy to watch play in person.

    And if Hubbard had a career Fld. percentage like that at 2nd with big yellow clown shoes, he should definitely be a HOF’er.


  92. 95 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    Soriano DL’d AGAIN following yesterday’s game. MRI shows an inflamation of his inferiority complex after giving up a home run. Really, y’all; has anyone who’s been such a dominant setup guy in his career ever turned into such a coward when given the closer role (and unfortunately, a closer’s pay)?


  93. 96 Carolina Lady August 3, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    Thanks, SG!

    I sorta think Soriano’s problem is between his ears.

    Probably wouldn’t hurt to add a team psychologist to the MASH unit.


  94. 97 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 5:42 pm

    I am mighty peeved at my new computer, and ISP! Connection just…dies….no reason…sometimes it will connect right back, after I power it off, sometimes I have to go thru some stupid stuff thru a browser….

    Now, instead of outlook express, we have new, improved microsoft mail. Which just refuses to really save folks info…oh sure, they show up in the address book, but half of them don’t show up when I type in the beginning of their name, email address, what have you….manually put it in….and it’s there for a few days..then poof! Gone! 😡 Browser print is small, even on largest text! And this is with a bigger monitor than before!
    There’s a zoom function, but then you have to scroll left to right as well as up and down….grrr!

    why can’t they leave stuff well enough alone??? 😦


  95. 98 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    Grinch, you are probably right….but I always think of J.R. Richard….don’t think he’s a stroke waiting to happen, but I still wonder what’s up with his arm! That pitch was either a terrible slider, or a really slow fastball….


  96. 99 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 5:53 pm

    Sure, if he turns out to have a life threatening blood disease or something I’ll be the first to apologize. But that wouldn’t make his elbow hurt. And if your elbow hurts so bad you miss all but four weeks of a season something WILL show up an MRI. Which means he’s a coward, IMO. And beware anything Microsoft “improves.”


  97. 100 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 5:54 pm

    I’d be a lot happier with Windows XP or even 98 than I currently am with Vista.


  98. 101 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 5:58 pm

    BTW, I don’t mean to imply anyone who has good enough stuff to be a closer is neccessarily going to do well in the role. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s not like he’s a rookie. When you act as cocky as he had been acting, and doing as well as he actually does most every time he’s on the mound and then pull this when you’ve got your money then we’re talking about another situation entirely.


  99. 102 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    Grinch, I do agree with you, it’s very strange what he has or has not been doing…he had the guts to close last year, but perhaps he was spooked by finding folks could really tee off on him last year for a month(or however long it was) and he’s got something like a 2nd baseman who can’t throw to 1st all of the sudden.

    Did he have any speed on any of his pitches yesterday??? I just saw the replay of the Fielder homer, and it was 86…thats slider speed, but if it wasn’t a slider….


  100. 103 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    I didn’t get to watch the game ’cause of the lightning.


  101. 104 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    And no, that doesn’t mean I was watching hockey


  102. 105 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 7:28 pm

    All you football fans don’t forget the Colts and Redskins are playing in the HOF game tonight at 8 on NBC. It’s the first preseason game and it will probably suck, but it’s football.


  103. 106 morpheus45 August 3, 2008 at 10:02 pm

    Skip Carey dead, according to AJC. Not cool.


  104. 107 Savannah Guy August 3, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    God bless Skip Caray and his family. He will be missed.


    Very sad news. May he rest in peace.


  105. 108 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2008 at 10:34 pm

    Folks, I am grieving tonight. I know, I should not be sad for we can rejoice in knowing Skip has gone home but still, I feel such a since of loss. Skip Caray was one of a kind. Truly an American icon. I shall never be able to watch a Braves game without thinking of him and all the years of enjoyment and enlightenment he has given me while watching the Braves on TBS. Rest In Peace Skip Caray, I will miss you dearly….


  106. 109 Carolina Lady August 3, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    I am totally devastated.


  107. 110 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    Been trying to post this info for awhile….connection issues.

    Very sad news. I just heard him Thursday. (Didn’t realize that he hadn’t been on for the whole brewers series) I heard him sound weak when Pete was doing play by play, and skip interjected a comment. But, when it was his turn, he sounded just fine, and was quite funny.

    Rest in peace Skip, Braves broadcasts will never be the same…..


  108. 111 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    I just caught the news… I have no words. I’ll miss Skip Caray’s unique style very much. He is as much a part of the Atlanta sports history as Smoltz, Dominique or Murph. He was an island in a sea of cookie cutter PC talking heads. Here’s to you, Skip! You broadcast many joyful images over the airwaves.


  109. 112 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    I can’t get Mozilla/foxfire to work…don’t know if it’s my connection issues, or if they are having troubles….might be why some others are not here yet….


  110. 113 chrisklob August 3, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    I listened to the game on the radio today and wondered why he wasn’t on. I guess I’ve got my answer.

    What awful news. Skip was part of the reason that I became a Braves fan. I worked in restaurants all through college and very often studied very late into the morning hours. I’d have the replay of the game on to keep me company. I always loved his wit.

    RIP Skip. Best wishes to the Caray family and to his broadcast partners. You’ll be dearly missed.


  111. 114 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 3, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    Chris, I watched TBS starting in 1984(And Cubbie games) when I got cable for the first time. Skip was a big, big reason I watched a lot of braves losses….Loved the way he told it as it was….the way, like his Father, he wore his feelings for the team on his sleeve. I wanted the Braves to do well, not just for the fans, for me, but for Skip, Pete, and Ernie….I dropped the Cubs from my team list many years ago, but I have stuck with the Braves for better or for worse….glad we had Skip for so long….but, whenever you like someone, there is never enough time with them, is there?


  112. 115 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2008 at 11:25 pm

    “A chopper to Chipper…”

    “There’s a drive…”

    “And a fan from Aiken, South Carolina comes away with a souvenir.”

    “A little insurance wouldn’t hurt right here.”

    “Lined… caught!”

    “It’s a partial sellout,” trying not to say the game had only drawn 6,000 fans.

    “Time flies, Bulova soars.” Or, one game this season he said, “Time soars, Bulova flies.” I don’t think he ever realized he said it.

    “And once again the bases are loaded. I bet (opposing manager’s name) wishes he was.”

    Too many to even come close. I was just thinkin’ of a few…


  113. 116 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2008 at 11:45 pm

    Would someone please remove the dark cloud from above the Atlanta Braves franchise now? Please? Injury upon injury, disabled starters, career threatening injuries, personal season long slumps, all the 1 run losses, the road nightmares, and now Skip. Can we officially call this the bottom so that we can start rebounding? Please?


  114. 117 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2008 at 11:47 pm


    Time for bed. Can’t say “good”night. How ’bout just,



  115. 118 flbravesgirl August 3, 2008 at 11:49 pm

    I am heartbroken. Dad & I were looking forward to hearing Skip & Pete on the radio when we trekked up to the house next week. The AJC has a link to his call of The Slide up on the home page.

    VOR, it has to get better now. The Braves have a rather sarcastic guardian angel looking out for them now.


  116. 119 flbravesgirl August 4, 2008 at 1:06 am

    I know I’m not the only Braves fan who’s sniffling at their computer tonight. I’m so grateful we got to tell Skip how we feel in his Wurlitzer messages. Sure hope he gets a grand send-off like Harry did.


  117. 120 morpheus45 August 4, 2008 at 1:12 am

    Sadly enough, I can’t find a single audio or video feed to link to. Hopefully there will be something up later today. Prost, Skip.


  118. 121 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 1:20 am

    Grinch, It’s weird, isn’t it??? ESPN didn’t have info on their website, or their broadcasts….I see they are finally mentioning it on ESPN news now…8 minutes into the broadcast. I could live a quite happy life if I never had to hear about Brett Farve ever again….

    This is sad on so many levels, but what rotten timing, with the team going out west! It’s not like they can have broadcasts without Pete, Joe and Chip.


  119. 122 morpheus45 August 4, 2008 at 1:29 am

    If nothing else the trip will give them time to compile a proper tribute. Expect it to get dusty during the next home game.

    And don’t get me started on Brett Favre; I’ve deliberately been keeping my comments off here cause I thought y’all weren’t in to football. I can’t tell you how many of my greatest moments were spent watching him play and celebrating, and now watching a hero become a 13 year old girl has made me both angry and sad. I don’t even like to watch footage anymore; doesn’t matter if he wins the Superbowl this year his legacy’s tarnished way beyond even Pete Rose’s in my opinion.


  120. 123 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 2:38 am

    Grinch, I imagine that is sad….It would be nice if he admitted he really screwed up, and apologized to the Packers, and the quarterback he’s forcing to be a back-up yet again….yeah, right…

    Saw someone say this on the AJC blog….”I’ve not known Braves baseball without Skip” Same for me. Is there anyone here that listened to braves games before Skip????

    Grinch, I did see this great link posted by someone on the AJC blog…better than the very edited one that runs before games(though I still get a kick out of it)

    [audio src="http://www.bayblitz.com/WEB%20GIFS%201/The%20Slide%20-%20NLCS%20-%201992%20-%20Atlanta%20Braves.mp3" /]


  121. 124 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 2:43 am

    And before bed, Carroll posted this on the blog around 1:30 AM…don’t think it’s on any other articles, but I may have missed it(Or it will be used later)

    God bless Skip and his family. And what a strange and sad feeling to be saying goodbye so soon. Skip seemed like his usual jovial self when I talked to him on Thursday but apparently – from what Pete just told me a little while ago – Skip had asked for the weekend off because he didn’t feel up to doing games. Pete said that wasn’t unheard of in the past, for him to take two or three games away, but this time was his time.

    I’ll be forever grateful to Skip for loyal friendship and for his support of me over the last year with my brother battling leukemia. He always asked about my brother and never complained about what he was going through. He would just make you laugh with a joke about not sleeping well or paying for old habits but he never complained.

    Chip Caray called me back tonight as he got off the plane in Atlanta. He was supposed to fly from New York to San Francisco to do his usual radio broadcasts in place of Skip on the road. I thought I’d share with you what he said.

    “I hope and pray he’s not hurting anymore,” Chip said. “I hope and pray he’s sitting on a barstool somewhere with his dad arguing about baseball, and his mom and his brother who he misses dearly. I hope he’s at peace. Because I know he wasn’t the last couple years. And he battled and fought and didn’t do a whole lot of complaining. He knew he wrote some checks that were getting cashed and he didn’t complain about it once.”

    He also said working with his father these last four years has been wonderful, that Skip would ask him sometimes if he ever regretted leaving Chicago and Chip said not once.

    “I got a chance to laugh with him and love with him, working with him for the last four years was like a dream. In so many ways he was my hero, not because he was a perfect dad but because he was an imperfect dad and he wasn’t afraid to say that. That made me love him even more.”

    And best of all, Chip’s last words to his father were I love you.

    “I got to talk to him yesterday and I told him I loved and he started laughing because I was stuck in New York,” Chip said. “It was our own private little joke. I at least got to tell him I loved him, which was the last thing I said to him, so I’m grateful for that.”


  122. 125 morpheus45 August 4, 2008 at 3:04 am

    I can’t watch it now; I’m too sad. All sorts of things have resurfaced from my unconscious. I’ll check it out in the morning.

    No, I started watching and listening to the Braves full time when I moved back down here in ’86. I watched them before when I was down here on vacations, and remember the teams of the early 80’s quite clearly. But not the broadcasting; that part of my brain begins and ends with Skip.


  123. 126 morpheus45 August 4, 2008 at 3:09 am

    And now I found out he was there then, too, but I don’t remember it. So about 22 years for me that I recall his voice.


  124. 127 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 8:29 am

    I went to bed sad, and woke up sad. As a lifelong Braves fan, I honestly feel as though I have lost a close friend. I have criticized people in the past for reacting so personally to the passing of celebrities, but now I find myself in that position. Skip, though, was not a mere celebrity to me. He often told me “bedtime stories” when I was growing up. Back when the Braves were in the NL West, I went to sleep many, many nights with the voice of Skip Caray painting his pictures of Candlestick Park, Dodger Stadium and Jack Murphy Stadium as I was drifting off to sleep. I can’t imagine tuning into the radio broadcasts now and not hearing him give me the “Bulova time of the game.” This sucks…

    Ber: I vaguely remember Milo Hamilton, and I remember Skip calling Hawks games before jumping to the Braves when Milo headed west to Houston. He and Pete joined Ernie in what was, for me, the best trio of broadcasters I have ever heard. The chemistry those three shared was unique and magical. I also enjoyed the pairing of Skip and Joe Simpson, only because Joe seemed to bring out a side of Skip that the others didn’t. But Pete and Skip… the Professor and the ascerbic wit… the perfect storm. This sucks…


  125. 128 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 8:33 am

    And if you think this sucks for us, imagine how it must feel to Pete. How will he be able to call the game tonight? Yet, I know that he will, and will with class and professionalism. Skip would have it no other way.


  126. 129 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 8:39 am

    “Swung and drilled…”

    “Line drive left field…”

    “And as night follows day…”

    “6 – 4 – 3 twin killing.”

    And wouldn’t you like to hear just one more caller ask him to explain the infield fly rule? I know I would.


  127. 130 Savannah Guy August 4, 2008 at 8:40 am

    With Skip Caray’s passing, it’s going to be a cathartic time on blogs all around Braves Nation. His passing touches most of us in a very personal way.

    There are so many very nice comments here and around the Braves blogs last night and this morning since the news broke.. It’s amazing to think about how much baseball is woven into the fabric of so many lives… and it’s incredible how so many of us in Braves Nation had such a good and personal relationship with Skip Caray for so many years.

    Not to take anything away from Ernie, Joe, Don, Pete and others, but the ultimate Voice and personality of the Braves was always Skip. If music is the soundtrack of our lives, surely Skip’s voice was the play-by-play of our team. He brought Braves baseball to life.

    I’ll never forget how Mr. Caray almost always patiently replied, “doing fine, thanks”, to many hundreds of radio callers that all seemed to begin their baseball question with, “How are you Skip?” even after hearing the previous twenty callers ask the same thing. Tongue firmly in cheek, he usually let us know what city or neighborhood fans were from the very moment they caught a foul ball at the stadium. Amazing how he always knew where Braves fans lived.

    We’ve been unwillingly weaned from Skip a bit in the last few years due to the cable deals and such, but most of us will be remembering ‘Skipisms’ for many years to come. He’d calm us during a nail biter and perk us up during a slow game. During a blowout, he always gave us a heads up when it was “safe to walk the dog”. Then, “as surely as the night follows the day”, he foretold the inevitable outcome of an intentional walk.

    Thanks Skip, for the great memories, the humor, the jovial booth repartee, the reverence, the irreverence, the tongue-in-cheek style and the heartfelt candor. I’ve enjoyed your wit and perspective, your colorful commentary and your uncommonly good baseball sense.

    So, as surely as we will all go from ashes to ashes and dust to dust… and as surely as the night follows the day, each of us will depart. Hopefully we’ll get to hear Skip announcing Braves games again on a heavenly field of dreams.

    For the moment, I’m going to “walk the dog”.


  128. 131 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 8:40 am

    And I am now on a self-imposed moratorium on slamming Chip. Probably through the end of this season, at least.


  129. 132 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2008 at 9:31 am

    When one looks back at this baseball season, it will be truly be one of the saddest and darkest in memory for me. A franchise which has aspired to a level of excellence seldom seen in sports, has been hit with so many body blows this season that it is now reeling towards the ropes as it tries to hang on until the end.

    So many front line player to go onto the DL. Even Jeane Dixon could not have predicted the devastation to this team this year. Now, the Voice of the Braves is gone too. Perhaps Skip could not stand the stress any longer having seen the Braves go from possibly the worst franchise in baseball to the best, backslide back into the abyss of mediocrity.

    God Speed Skip Caray, say hello to your dad and my dad as well when you get to heaven.


  130. 133 ssiscribe August 4, 2008 at 9:36 am

    The circle of life. Today, as I took my oldest to his first day of kindergarten, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate I have been to be able to share my love of baseball with him and his brother, and for them to hear Skip’s voice, the way I heard it when my grandfather was introducing me to the grand ol’ game some 30 years ago.

    My life is a little less complete this morning without Skip. He and Pete are the Voice of the Braves. I was fortunate enough not to hear Skip’s two most famous calls as they happened, as I was in the old stadium for both the pennant winner in 92 and the Series clincher in 95. But Skip’s calls of those two epic plays are etched in my memory forever.

    Rest in peace, Skip. May God bless you and your family. Tell your dad we said hello. We love you and we’ll remember you … always.

    The Scribe abides.



  131. 134 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 11:00 am

    Colin Cowherd is telling some nice Skip stories…


  132. 135 flbravesgirl August 4, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Thanks for the link, Ber. It’s the same for me, Skip has always been a big part of the Braves. It’s been tough this season not getting to hear him except when we’re up in Rabun listening on radio.


  133. 136 Hillbilly August 4, 2008 at 11:24 am

    “He hit the DAYLIGHTS out of that ball.”

    “Corked into center.”

    “Hello again everybody. Skip Caray alongside Pete Van Weiren….”


  134. 137 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Cowherd told a story of hearing the Braves in the ’80’s, when they were really bad.

    The Braves had lost 12 in a row, and Skip was calling a game where they were getting beaten again. He was giving the American League scores, and reported the Baltimore score, where they were losing their 15th in a row. He commented, “I’m glad I don’t work for a team that bad.”



  135. 139 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    OK… I’m moving on.

    The Braves are 10 games outta 1st in the east, and 10 1/2 behind Milwaukee in the wild card. The way I see it, the only standing that matters now is that we’re 7 games behind the Mets. All I wanna do now is finish ahead of the Mets. Seriously.


  136. 140 Savannah Guy August 4, 2008 at 2:58 pm

    Salty got caught in the trap again and only his paw made it through. Yikes.

    Raisins, I’m with you on that. Maybe the Mutt’s’ll melt down again. Hopefully we can help that process along.


  137. 141 Salty August 4, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    SG…nope, no trap…’metaphoric’ posting…words don’t do justice to the memories Skip & Co. gave through the years. Just left a ‘Salty was here’. 😦

    Belatedly, and certainly one you’ll always remember…Happy Birthday!


  138. 142 flbravesgirl August 4, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Nice retro Skip avatar, VOR. You & Hillbilly left one Skipism out though :

    “So long everybody.”

    So long, Skip. 😦


  139. 143 Carolina Lady August 4, 2008 at 4:03 pm

    Friends, this is a day when our hearts feel very bleak at the loss of one who means so much to so many.

    But I want to tell you a story:

    For the last week or so, I’ve recounted the recurring mechanical trouble with my car. So far, it has cost me $1578 and I still don’t have it back.

    Not being a rich lady, that’s a LOT of money! But I’ve stood on the Scriptures in the Bible: that He will supply ALL my needs accord to HIS riches in glory through Christ Jesus. I made Him my source. Scriptures also say that He knows of our needs even before we do.

    So, those are the words I’ve spoken; that is the prayer that I’ve continued to make. I haven’t gotten depressed or stressed out over this – I just sincerely believed that God WOULD supply the money I needed.

    In today’s mail, a TOTALLY unexpected envelope containing a check made out to me.

    In the amount of $1578.00.

    Lord, I thank you!


  140. 144 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    CL: God is good, all the time. You are a richly blessed lady… and deservingly so. 😀

    FBG: What an appropriate Skip quote… I think he loved his fans as much as he was loved. I will be tuning in to tonight’s broadcast, but it won’t be the same.


  141. 145 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    From the “gotta give props where props are due” department:

    There is a pretty nice tribute piece put up by that fella across the street. Some very nice memories are shared there. And some pretty nice memories by the denizens as well. I’ll keep my participation here, but the tribute is pretty nice.


  142. 146 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2008 at 5:42 pm

    Raisins.. Mark Bradly did a nice piece too….

    CL… I am happy for you, well, in that your financial needs were met but I still am bothered that they have yet to repair your car satisfactorily. You are fast approaching the law of diminishing returns…


  143. 147 Salty August 4, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    Raisins…you’re right. He wrote a very heartfelt piece, impressive enough that I sent him an e-mail for a job well done. He was kind enough to drop me a ‘thank you’ in response. Like all of us, he feels an ‘ouch’ today.

    CL…mysterious ways! Good for you…truly, truly deserving!


  144. 148 Carolina Lady August 4, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    I’ve tried reading the tributes, but haven’t finished one yet. When do the tears stop??

    To the rest of the world, it’s just my allergies are acting up….

    the car –
    Gil, heard today that the onboard computer has shorted out. They’ll replace it and recheck wiring.

    I think that the high-pressure fluid that let loose in the initial incident possibly got into tiny fractures in wire covers, etc and started the shorting out. Just my theory.

    They gave me a rental this last time and they told me just keep it and they’d call me when it was FIXED.


  145. 149 Savannah Guy August 4, 2008 at 5:57 pm

    Raisins, I agree. It’s the best, most heartfelt lead I’ve ever seen over there… so I gave David kudos for it. I try to always support that kind of sincerity and attitude. After reading all the nice stuff here and over there I decided to post my own little tribute to Skip on both boards.

    I was thinking… If the Caray family visits a blog to see how much all of Skip’s fans think of him, I assume they would check the ajc. If they do, they will be very proud and comforted to see what is being posted there and knowing how much he touched all of our lives.

    Carolina Lady, you are rich in the most important ways and deserving of all God’s blessings. Your faith is an inspiration.


  146. 150 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2008 at 6:56 pm

    Taking a drastic right turn here:

    I don’t know if there has ever been an athlete that I have watched with more admiration, that I have suddenly come to disrespect so rapidly than Brett Favre. What circus; what a joke; what a mess.


  147. 151 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    Well, at least he is not fighting dogs… Just is one…

    And my skins gave good account of themselves last night. Yes, I know it’s pre-season but still… Jason Campbell is a good QB and that kid Colt Brennen could be the perfect fit for Zorn’s offense..

    Grinch, if you are out there, kudos to the Dawgs and their pre-season number one ranking.

    I am glad I didn’t try to change my mind and return to the Evil Empire… Told them a promise is a promise… I stayed down….


  148. 152 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 8:31 pm

    Hello everyone. Sorry for not being here all day. Stupid AT&T connection issues. Called for about the 5th time in a week, this time it’s an “outage” that was going to last til around 7 PM….sigh….not anywhere as bad as losing Skip though.
    Those are great photos of Skip and Chip on the AJC. I know some of you are not fans of Chip’s style, but you cannot doubt for a second the love they both had for each other….
    And yes, I teared up listening to that clip of Skip….the excitement we all felt those days….and the excitement that Skip was finally getting to broadcast.
    I teared up reading what folks here and AJC said about him as well.


  149. 153 Carolina Lady August 4, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    I can’t imagine how Pete is going to get through the broadcast tonight.


  150. 154 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    Someone posted this Skip comment on the jazz forum I frequent….

    On 3-Comm park:

    “Who were the three Com’s, anyway; Trotsky, Lenin, and Kruschev?” 😆


  151. 155 Carolina Lady August 4, 2008 at 8:42 pm

    Audio clips of some of Skip’s calls and comments at the bottom of this page:


  152. 156 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 8:43 pm

    CL, I know…. I recall hearing Vin Scully on a broadcast after broadcast partner Don Drysdale had died (Perhaps just after they found out why he had not shown up for the broadcast?) and he was quite choked up. And we all know how very professional Vin is….it will be hard to listen to…..


  153. 157 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 8:44 pm

    And CL, I am so glad a guardian angel was looking out for you! 🙂


  154. 158 Carolina Lady August 4, 2008 at 8:48 pm

    Thanks, Ber.

    I appreciate John Schuerholz’s comment:
    “He was a friend and a colleague and a partner,” said Schuerholz. “I’d say the void created by his leaving is as big as any void that could be imagined. He was iconic in his stature and was the voice and sometimes the conscience of the Braves. He was the heartbeat of the Braves.”

    Very true.

    Is Pete on radio tonight? I think SportSouth has the TV side. He doesn’t broadcast for them does he? Just wondering which one to listen to to hear him.


  155. 159 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 4, 2008 at 9:01 pm

    CL, now that I think about it, Pete never is on tv anymore. They start the pre game show pretty early. I think 90 minutes before the game…..60 minutes at the latest….

    I am quite peeved at ESPN. With no connection, I tried to see some news on Skip, some tributes, etc…nope, all Farve, all the time. Even with sportscenter being live in the early part of the day….no info. Even their website has no info on the front page.

    I like Baseball tonight, and I am sure they will have more info on it….but the rest of their company can take a flying leap…


  156. 160 Carolina Lady August 4, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    Yes, I think you’re right, Ber. I should have thought! I’ll just listen on radio then.


  157. 161 flbravesgirl August 4, 2008 at 9:54 pm

    Evening y’all. Pete is radio-only these days. I have no idea how he’ll make it through tonight but I bet he will. My dad read that the entire pregame show is a tribute to Skip. Of course we don’t get any of that with ExtraInnings. Maybe some kind soul will put it all online somewhere. I’ll check back in later.


  158. 162 flbravesgirl August 4, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    Classy of the Giants to have a moment of silence.


  159. 163 flbravesgirl August 4, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    Joe & Boog seemed pretty somber at the start but now they’re telling Skip stories. Comforts us & them too, I think.


  160. 164 flbravesgirl August 5, 2008 at 1:17 am

    Well, the game wasn’t so good but the broadcast was great. All the stories & clips made me laugh & that helped a great deal. Good night y’all.


  161. 165 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2008 at 6:34 am

    FBG… I agree, the game last night was secondary and I feel a lot better today after listening to Joe and Boog reminisce. I still have my moments but last night was a tonic for me….


  162. 166 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2008 at 6:35 am

    And what of our middle infielders? First to worst?


  163. 167 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2008 at 8:01 am

    There was a game? I hardly noticed…

    What a great broadcast, though. 🙂


  164. 168 Carolina Lady August 5, 2008 at 9:47 am

    Ever wonder what happened to all the steel from the wreckage of the World Trade Center? Check it out.


  165. 169 Carolina Lady August 5, 2008 at 9:49 am

    Didn’t get to hear/see much of the game and I’m so terribly sorry that I missed it. Glad it went well for them.


  166. 170 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2008 at 10:01 am

    I am worried about Escobar, I don’t know exactly what it is but he seems totally different out there… Attitude problem? Injury? I don’t know what it is but something is wrong…. I don’t think it is the absence of Bryan Pena’ but there is something amiss with the guy right now…

    Kelly is in serious jeopardy of losing his 2nd base slot to Omar when Chipper returns. Kelly has been less than stellar most of the year.


  167. 172 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2008 at 10:23 am

    CL: Yikes! 😯

    I use my cell phone constantly for work… (that could explain alot 😉 )

    Yes, Gil, Kelly certainly isn’t helping himself. Why not let Prado have some playing time? I’m all for the kids getting to play now.


  168. 173 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2008 at 10:41 am

    OMG CL…..


  169. 174 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2008 at 10:43 am

    No wonder todays teenagers are becoming brain dead… They are already deficient in that department anyway… I wonder how long it will be before some lawyer uses the “cell phone” defense for some outlandish crime… ?


  170. 175 JB August 5, 2008 at 10:48 am

    Sorry I’m a little late chiming in.

    CL, I always loved Glenn Hubbard as a kid. When we first started playing baseball and my brother and I were playing second or short, we’d argue over who got to be Glen and who had to be Rafael Ramirez.

    Anyway, with Skip passing on I was hoping to collect some more of your favorite Skip moments, memories, Skip-isms before I get a new post up. I’m sure many of you have some good stories to tell and I’d love to hear them.

    Thanks, friends.


  171. 176 Hillbilly August 5, 2008 at 11:27 am

    I posted this link over at the Old Barbershop and I thought some of you might get a kick out of it as well. A friend of mine let me borrow this deer hunting dvd, which stars Chipper, Adam LaRoche, Ryan Langerhans, Mike DeJean and and Mike Duff. It also includes J.D. Drew, Russ Springer, Brad Hawpe, Aaron Cook….well you can click on the “Buckmen” link in the top left corner to view the cast. It has some hilarious scenes like the “Hog Commander” clip you can view on the front page where Chipper tries to draw on a hog and accidentally hits his release button before coming to full draw. The arrow sails off to who knows where and he can hardly contain his laughter long enough to get another arrow knocked and make the shot. Fun to see how these guys act away from the game. Hope the link works and I’m sure it will get stuck in the filter:



  172. 177 Hillbilly August 5, 2008 at 11:28 am

    You can refresh the front page and a different clip will show up in the “Now Playing” section each time.


  173. 178 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 5, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    CL, or anyone else…I knew I was going to miss at leas part of the game, so I recorded it, and the pregame show(They overlapped) I haven’t seen all the game, so not sure if I missed some of the end of the game, but I have recorded 4 1/2 hours of “stuff” if you want a copy, just let me know! Discs are only 20+ cents, to mail, about a buck to mail, so let me know if you want a copy! 🙂

    They have had some golden clips….brief moments of Skip in hysterics trying to pronounce some unpronounceable eastern European names for the Goodwill games, a call for a Bills playoff game….calling for a 6-4-3 DP and getting one, calling for Sid Bream to hit a homer, and him hitting one, just great stuff!!!


  174. 179 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 5, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    Hill, I see the same clip even after hitting refresh! ZZtop guy again…


  175. 180 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 5, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    Did anyone see Prince Fielder shoving Parra, a starting pitcher last night??(Even though they showed it several times, anything to push the Farve story off the front of Sportscenter)

    Here’s a link to the paper in Milwaukee’s blog…fans do not seem to like what Fielder did at all….and don’t seem to be crazy about Ned Yost either…



  176. 181 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 5, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    poultry processing plant Drops Labor Day For Muslim Holiday


  177. 182 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    It is but another symptom of the jihad that is occuring here as well as abroad. Only here, it is being done systematically, in a calculated fashion so that most of America doesn’t even notice, and won’t until Randy, Simon and Paula are replaced by Rajih, Samir and a heavily veiled Pakeezah. PC America is so busy shoving diversity and tolerance down our throats to realize that they are only providing a bigger target to be slit. And our current generation is being raised so wimpy that they are too cowardly to act anyway. The saddest part is that it isn’t even a holy war, but a holy walkover because this country isn’t even fighting back. What will the PC movement do when we’re living under Sharia law? The very tolerance they are seeking will become a distant memory when they are forced to face east and pray 5 times a day.


  178. 183 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2008 at 1:40 pm

    Dang… that was harsh! 😯 Where did that come from?


  179. 184 Hillbilly August 5, 2008 at 2:10 pm

    Dang… that was harsh! Where did that come from

    Don’t know, but I liked it.


  180. 185 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 5, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    It came from the truth VOR, the truth is sometimes quite harsh….I could post all sorts of stuff how some colleges have special areas for Muslim students….that others aren’t allowed in….airports that have areas set aside for cabbies(You know, the ones that don’t want folks with alcohol in their cabs, or blind folks with their dirty, dirty seeing eye dogs) but you can just google muslim students or muslim cabbies and read about it….sigh…


  181. 186 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 5, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Now, doing a 180…..look at me, I put a clip up on youtube!!!!!! 😀 A dream come true!
    Caution! Old music, and being transferred from a beta, to DVD, to youtube, it ain’t HD quality, in other words! And man does it take forever to create, then upload!!!


  182. 187 Carolina Lady August 5, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    Amen, Raisins!!

    Congrats, Ber! Good for you!


  183. 188 chrisklob August 5, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    If you missed the tribute show on radio yesterday you can here it here:



  184. 189 chrisklob August 5, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    Or maybe that should have said “here it hear”!

    You know what I mean.


  185. 190 flbravesgirl August 5, 2008 at 10:32 pm

    Ber, I would love to have a copy. I got to see the game but none of the pre-game. Played the recording for Dad today. He agreed that it was comforting to hear all the funny stuff & laugh. I think Skip would like to be remembered that way.


  186. 191 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2008 at 12:50 am

    Greetings folks… Looks like Mike Hampton pitched a pretty good game tonight. Certainly he brought his bat. I am not sure what is wrong with Jeff Bennett but he looks awful. Of course it’s a wonder the Braves have any arms left in the bullpen at all….


  187. 192 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2008 at 12:52 am

    Okay Braves, let’s get those runs back.


  188. 193 flbravesgirl August 6, 2008 at 1:05 am

    Yeah, it wasn’t Bennett’s best tonight. Good work from Hampton though & the boys are hitting.


  189. 194 flbravesgirl August 6, 2008 at 1:12 am

    The Giants broadcasters didn’t know what to make of Gonzo’s swaying. It was amusing.


  190. 195 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 8:18 am

    You know, seeing the comments from overnight, I thought I was going to see we lost 8-6 or something! 😉

    FLB, just shoot your info to ziggyelman@excite.com and I’ll mail the disc out! I assume you got the post game show???( I did find it recorded as well)

    CL, want a copy as well????


  191. 196 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 8:25 am

    Slept through game in other words…..


  192. 197 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2008 at 8:36 am

    Good morning Stuffers.. Much better effort from the Braves last night. It’s a day game today (3 PM eastern). I am hoping Chuckie pitches better today. Lord I hate it when the Braves dig themselves into a hole. They just don’t have the type of team that comes back from several runs down.


  193. 198 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 9:12 am

    You KNOW you want to watch this clip, its a very rare clip I put up of the one and only Bunny Berigan!!!! 😀 He’s the guy on trumpet. Theres hardly any footage of him. Jimmy Dorsey is on Clarinet….from the early 30’s but looks much better than the clip put up yesterday from the 40’s..


  194. 199 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 9:19 am

    I’m having way too much fun messing around with creating clips for youtube! Work, sleep be damned!!! :mrgreen:


  195. 200 Carolina Lady August 6, 2008 at 9:55 am

    Ber, never let work interfere with your play! 😆

    (email sent)


  196. 201 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 10:15 am

    And I don’t let poorly worded sentences get in my way either, clearly! 😛


  197. 202 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2008 at 10:40 am

    Berigan, the BUNNY!!!!!!

    Cool stuff dude.


  198. 203 flbravesgirl August 6, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Bunny? 😆

    I don’t get any pre- or post game coverage with ExtraInnings. You get the game & the game only.


  199. 204 Carolina Lady August 6, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    Thomas Sowell has a terrific commentary on our society, athletics and athletes in particular:


  200. 205 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    Yeah, his nickname was Bunny, wanna make somethin’ of it???? 😡

    😆 yeah, back in the early days of jazz, musicians didn’t take themselves so seriously. Besides Bunny, you had Muggsy Spanier, Ziggy Elman, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Jabbo Smith, Willie “The Lion” Smith, Fats Waller…

    Now they are “serious” artists, with names like Wynton, and Branford , and they are as fun as their names…..


  201. 206 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    CL, Thomas Sowell is right on the button on this topic!


  202. 207 flbravesgirl August 6, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    I was just tickled ’cause my cousin is nicknamed Bunny. In her case it’s because she was born on Easter.


  203. 208 Carolina Lady August 6, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    We’ve all seen it, but it’s just plain funny!


  204. 209 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2008 at 5:21 pm

    Anyone else watching the game?


  205. 211 Carolina Lady August 6, 2008 at 7:10 pm

    I’ve come to a conclusion: it is a waste of time and effort for any of us to post a link to anything.

    For quite a while, I’ve watched the Links stats on the stats page – and guess the average number of clicks each link gets.


    No matter what the topic – music, baseball, whatever – one click.

    (Now if Gil or I click on them, they won’t show up ’cause as ‘admin’ our visits and clicks aren’t counted in the blog stats. And I DO click on a lot of them!)



  206. 212 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2008 at 8:10 pm

    Well, that explains why there is only one click recorded.. 🙂

    Actually, the Braves did not play all that badly today. They did go up against a pretty good hurler in Lincecum.

    I still think they should let Buddy Carlyle start.


  207. 213 Carolina Lady August 6, 2008 at 8:24 pm

    Maybe I need to clarify – admin clicks are not counted; all others are. 🙂


  208. 214 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 10:25 pm

    I sleep whenever there is a game…I saw the first few innings….I see Chucky only threw 54 pitches….should Bobby have let him go another inning or two????


  209. 215 flbravesgirl August 6, 2008 at 10:28 pm

    That’s odd because I click on most of the baseball links & some of the others too. Sometimes links won’t work for me. I think it may have something to do with the security on this computer.


  210. 216 flbravesgirl August 6, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    He wasn’t at his best, Ber.


  211. 217 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 6, 2008 at 11:56 pm

    FLB, I click on them as well…I wonder if the counter is…counting properly???


  212. 218 flbravesgirl August 7, 2008 at 12:18 am

    Dunno, Ber. BTW, I emailed you about the recording. If anyone could possibly record the upcoming tributes I would be more than happy to pay for the disc & mailing costs. Otherwise I won’t see any of it. It would mean a great deal as well to my dad, whose love for Skip goes back to pre-cable listening on radio (back in the days when we were Braves “territory”).


  213. 219 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 3:16 am

    I don’t know FBG… I thought Chucky pitched okay, he made one mistake, the pitch that came back over the plate to Rowan. He had lots of ground balls that were seeing eye hits plus the error by Escobar that cost a run. Had it not been the pitcher’s spot to lead off the fifth I think Bobby would have let him go another inning.

    I am pretty sure however, that Glavin will take his spot when he come off the DL. Then again, the way this season is going, somebody could slip in the shower and be out for the rest of the year.


  214. 220 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 7:29 am

    FLB, do you know when any tributes are on in particular, or just record them if/when we see one???


  215. 221 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Chicks dig the long ball…

    I love that commercial… 😆


  216. 222 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 8:41 am

    Chuck James: “If I had a better changeup today, I’d have gone a lot longer and had better results.”

    Thank you Captain Obvious.


  217. 223 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 8:48 am

    CO for short! 😉

    I noticed he looked perhaps a bit different the first few innings…he was throwing 90-91, and it looks a less like he’s throwing less across his body, or did I imagine it???


  218. 224 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 8:53 am

    hey ber. i didn’t see it. i was putting bookshelves together for mrs. raisins.

    my typing is seriously hampered… my dog refuses to get down out of my lap, and i am forced to type one handed…


  219. 225 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 9:39 am

    from the LA Times:

    In a sorry season, Dodgers’ Jones is sorry for things he said
    If he could start over, he would have tempered his remarks about the fans
    T.J. Simers
    August 7, 2008

    ST. LOUIS — Ah, just like the good old days with Kobe taking all the shots, everyone else a bum and the Lakers losing.

    Welcome to Manny Mania, Ramirez 12 for 20 overall, another home run, single, two runs batted in, and the Dodgers get beat for the third time in the five games since his arrival.

    Manny Ramirez is going to need help if the Dodgers are going to advance, someone with more stuff than Derek Lowe, and dare I mention the possible rejuvenation of Andruw Jones?

    Crazy talk, but then something very interesting has happened since Ramirez’s arrival — he appears to be rubbing off on Jones, who finally appears at ease.

    “They’re stuck together like glue,” says Manager Joe Torre, Jones laughing it up with Ramirez and then hitting a monster home run the other night.

    Just as surprising, there was a relaxed Jones speaking before Wednesday’s game, apologizing to Dodgers fans for things said, and pledging to still win them over.

    Opposites attract, of course, so no wonder Ramirez and Jones get along so well. Ramirez can hit, and Jones cannot.

    Jones can catch with his Gold Gloves, while Ramirez would make a great DH.

    Jones gets booed every time he makes an appearance in Dodger Stadium, while Manny Mania needs less than 72 hours to take root.

    “Every day I’m still nervous,” Ramirez says, “being part of a different family and trying to fit in.”

    They’re different, all right, Jones probably just as nervous as Ramirez when he came to the Dodgers, but acting aloof and disengaged from the paying customers.

    From the start, “I don’t care” were his three favorite words. He didn’t care what the fans thought, didn’t care what anyone had to say — smirking after each strikeout.

    “I wish I could start everything over,” Jones says. “I apologize for the things I said about the fans; I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.

    “I care about playing well for Dodger fans, but now I have to be strong to overcome everything that has happened.

    “It’s tough mentally every time you go out there and they let you know how they feel, and you look at the scoreboard and see your batting average. I’d like to just go away for a few months, work hard and start over, but I can’t do that. I need to do everything I can to still help this team.” [Why didn’t he have that attitude with the Braves??]

    No one, including Kwame Brown, has taken a public L.A. beating like Jones in some time, but to his credit he has never turned nasty or become sullen and unapproachable like Juan Pierre. It speaks to his character, but a few more home runs would speak louder.

    “They brought me here to get the job done and I failed,” Jones says. “They brought Manny here to do what I was supposed to do. He’s Manny Ramirez and he’s danger — real dangerous.”

    Ramirez says he’s been getting help from Jones on where to position himself in the outfield, and Jones says everyone is better because Ramirez has become a Dodger.

    “I want to do the right things,” says Jones, who has three home runs — all on the road. “As much as anything, I want to hit a home run in Dodger Stadium because it’s important to let the crowd know that I’m not giving up.

    “I wanted to come here and play for the Dodgers, and still want to help these guys win.”

    Then he grounded out as a pinch-hitter, which means he has not struck out in his last two appearances, Manny Mania getting credit with the miracle.


  220. 226 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 10:00 am

    Ah… It’s good to have friends. Something Andruw has few of in LA… Could Manny be this year’s “Fred McGriff” for the Dodgers?


  221. 227 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 10:15 am


    Come with me, please, on a walk through sad. C’mon, I need the company. I don’t want to take this trip by myself.

    Start by crossing the entrance to the Diamond’s home team clubhouse. Ever since April 22, 1966 — in one form or another, first at Parker Field and from 1985 on at the Diamond (at the time a jewel) — it’s where the Braves’ Triple-A ballplayers have changed clothes, gotten treatment, gobbled a postgame meal, set their GPS for Atlanta, daydreamed.

    There’s an iconic “A” above the doorway to the equipment room, a “Braves” slapped atop the opening to the laundry room, two posters in the players’ lounge conjuring memories of Atlanta’s 1995 World Series title. A framed No. 23 Aaron jersey hangs on a wall — Tommie Aaron, Hank’s brother, having been the league’s MVP in ’67 and the guy for whom the R-Braves’ team MVP award is named.

    Dale Murphy and Chipper Jones have been among the recipients. We all can say we knew them when.

    The stadium’s supports are decorated with blown-up photos of R-Braves from the past — Murph, Chipper, David Justice, Phil Niekro. A Braves logo adorns the bat rack in the dugout. The ushers wear Braves-imprinted shirts. You can’t walk far in the joint without spotting a tomahawk.

    “This is a Braves town,” manager Dave Brundage was saying a couple of days ago. “There’s a reason why they’ve stayed here for 43 years.”

    There are reasons why there won’t be a 44th year, but we’ve been round and round on that one, and I’m not in battle armor today, I’m in mourning. I mean, we’re talking 43 years of baseball here, 43 years of Ralph Garrs and Tom Glavines, 43 years of Jim Beauchamps and Tony Brizzolaras, 43 years of ups (five championships) and downs (last in the league standings and attendance this gloomy campaign).

    Forty-three years of a relationship.

    Listen to this: In the history of minor-league baseball, only Bluefield, W.Va., and the Orioles — at 51 seasons and counting as an Appalachian League couple — exceed the link that’s paired the Braves and Richmond. Now, come the last out Sept. 1, that marriage will dissolve and a franchise that’s been ours since before Super Bowls and a man on the moon will head for Gwinnett County, Ga., and out of our lives forever.

    You don’t need to be a Braves rooter to lament that.

    “The thing that bothers me is all the people who have grown up coming out here,” said Bruce Baldwin, the team’s GM the past 22 seasons. “Almost daily, I get a father with his kids who says to me, ‘You know, my dad first brought me here,’ or ‘My grandfather took me to Parker Field.’ That’s sad. That’s very, very sad.”

    Baldwin shrugged.

    “To me, it’s not about the wins and losses, it’s not about the game. It’s about the community. It’s about coming out and participating and having fun, having a night out with the family. With our departure, I think it leaves a big hole in the fabric of our community.”

    He’s right. Sure, we can survive without the Braves, without baseball even, without diversions. But music, art, sports — they colorize our world. Have the Braves been consistently high-grade? Uh-uh. But they’ve been a perennial for 43 seasons, and that counts for a lot in my book.

    “Part of this is embracing a community and being embraced back,” Baldwin said. “I have days when I’m deeply saddened and I walk around this place and it makes it worse.”

    I know how he feels. Anyone got a tissue?


  222. 228 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 10:16 am

    And that is how I have felt.. but the Braves have made it easier for me this season by become the Pittsburgh Pirates.


  223. 229 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 10:30 am

    That was a good article, Gil. And it is very sad! Sure wish it had worked out for them to stay in RIC. Some things just shouldn’t change.


  224. 230 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Gil: I do feel bad for the folks there in your stompin’ grounds that are losing part of the fabric of their community. The new Gwinnett stadium is only about 25 minutes from my home and I see its progress once a week on my way to rehearsal. It’s odd, I guess, because I can experience the excitement and anticipation of something that’s not even here yet. I have no idea what it must feel like to be on the flip side of that. Know this though… Even though it was a matter of economics and business that is the root of the upheaval, once it arrives, my family will attend. And I hope one day that my son or my daughter will take their respective families as well and say “My dad brought us when we were kids.”


  225. 231 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 12:04 pm

    That is sad Gil….of course if we all had a say in it, the Braves would stay in Richmond/


  226. 232 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 1:12 pm

    Raisins… Like the old saying goes, one door closes, another door opens… I guess the thing that ticks me off the most is the fact that Atlanta offered to build a stadium downtown and sign a 25 year lease. However, Hizzona the Mayor did not like the plan as he did not think of it first. Oh well…. lots of blame to go around, I just hope the Braves put a better product on the field for you folks in Georgia than they did for us.

    Now other news…. Richmond will have baseball, seems that minor league owners are falling all over themselves trying to come here. I think I will agree with Lipper in that Richmond should be a bit choosier even if it means we skip a year.

    In other economic news… I paid 3.51 a gallon for regular today. Does that mean the oil companies found the ceiling for gas prices? Folks pushed back pretty hard when it hit $4 per gallon. Still, nothing else will come back down, nothing…. Food, travel, utilities… nothing will come back down even if gas was $1 a gallon again. However, oil companies are pretty smart. They recognized that it was time to back off when the threat of off shore drilling and fuel efficient cars came to fore. Of course, they may have killed the “Golden Goose” already with the big 3 automakers in the dumps.

    Okay, now stepping back down off my soapbox.


  227. 233 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 1:15 pm

    One year ago: San Francisco’s Barry Bonds hit home run Number 756 to break Hank Aaron’s storied record with one out in the fifth inning of a game against the Washington Nationals, who ended up winning, 8-6.


  228. 234 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 1:15 pm

    And one last thing…. It is not just the fact that the franchise is moving out of Richmond, it is really about the amount of time Richmond has been associated with the Braves. I believe that is the real issue… Lots of great ball players have been through here though.

    And Raisins… Jeff Francoeur will look mighty good playing for Gwinnettt next season… 🙂


  229. 235 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    Jeff Francoeur will look mighty good playing for Gwinnett next season



  230. 236 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    Okay, time to get back to work here… Catch ya’ll later


  231. 237 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    Consumer warning!

    OK… I was just munching a fruit snack – you know, like a gummy bear, except different – and hiccupped in mid-munch. Somehow, little chewed bits of fruit snack (grape, by the way) traveled up through the back door into my sinus cavity. It feels as though an incindiery device was detonated in my sinus. 😯 I am still blowing out bits Nevermind…

    Beware the fruit snack!


  232. 238 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    Maybe we can sign Andruw to play in Gwinnett if/when he’s released by the Dodgers! 😉


  233. 239 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    Perhaps since you are the Voice of Raisins and it’s a gummy bear….or not…seemed funnier in my head before I typed this…thank goodness I can hit delete instead of submit, and no one will ever know of my folly


  234. 240 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    Hmmm… Brian Giles is not in the Pad’s lineup this afternoon, and there is speculation about that he is being dealt to the BoSox. The rich get richer…


  235. 241 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    Ber… Nothing says lovin’ like an $18 million per year guaranteed contract… However, I think Manny will help Andruw find himself in Los Angeles.

    That said, I am reminded of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner with AJ playing the part of the albatross…


  236. 242 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    WHy does “albatross” immediately remind me of this?


  237. 243 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    See what happens when you get me started?


  238. 244 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 2:17 pm

    “No doctor, call ambulance, keep warm.” 😆



  239. 245 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    You call two youtube links getting started???? 😕

    Hey!!! Where are SG, Grinch, Chris and Salty???? They can’t leave the sinking ship known as the braves!!!! Being a braves fan is like being in the Mob, you can’t ever leave! :mrgreen:


  240. 246 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    Chinese Islamists threaten Olympics…they have killed recently, but that didn’t seem to make much news the other day….



  241. 247 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 3:37 pm

    Ber: I know the warning signs… If I hadn’t stopped there, I’d still be posting now, my son would be late for football practice, my work would go undone, my clients would fire me, my business would go under, my house would go into foreclosure, and I’d lose my DSL connection. Trust me, it was for the long-term best for me and Stuffville.


  242. 248 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 7, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    FLB, I don’t see an email from you! can you resend, or send info via CL????


  243. 249 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    Chinese Islamists?? Who knew!
    Islamists only know killing, torture, terrorism, hurt, harm and force.

    The Bible says:
    “The thief (Satan) only comes to kill, steal and destroy.”

    Kinda fits.


  244. 250 Voice of Raisins August 7, 2008 at 6:12 pm

    Amen sistah!


  245. 251 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 7:26 pm

    If memory serves me, the Carey family was having a private service and burial for Skip today – public memorials this coming week. Am I correct?


  246. 252 flbravesgirl August 7, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    Checking in very briefly. It didn’t go through, Ber? I’ll re-send.

    My understanding is that the service is Mon. at 4, open to all. Supposedly TBS will do a tribute during their Sun. game (probably 30 seconds) & Tues. morning there will be a free public memorial at the Ted & another tribute before & during Tues. night’s game.


  247. 253 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 8:17 pm

    Here’s the TV part:
    Turner Sports will recognize the legacy of Skip Caray over the next several weeks, including a special feature on his legacy during the Sunday MLB on TBS telecast on Aug. 10 and a tribute during the Braves game telecast on Peachtree TV on Tuesday, Aug. 12, what would have been Caray’s 69th birthday.


  248. 255 Carolina Lady August 7, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    “According to Sutton, there will be a private family service on Thursday and a memorial service most likely on Monday.” (I knew I had seen it somewhere.)


  249. 256 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:38 am

    CL domination?


  250. 257 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 12:40 am

    BAS! Where the heck have you been?


  251. 258 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:42 am

    Drunk tank.

    You better have cookies.


  252. 259 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 12:43 am

    Charlie pitched great, some very nice hitting tonight, Boyer’s arm is going to fall off & someone needs to get hold of Connor Jackson & wax those giant woollybooger eyebrows. Does that sum up the game?


  253. 260 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 12:43 am

    I hope you’re kidding. And no cookies here, I’m on a diet.


  254. 261 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:47 am

    Diet….me too….10% less fat cookies then?


  255. 262 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:49 am

    As far as Boyer…

    until the man can locate the fastball somewhere other than where even Gil could hit it….

    well, I’m just not sure he’s a dependable setup guy.


  256. 263 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 12:54 am

    I’m not sure we’ll ever find out if Bobby doesn’t stop over-using him.

    No cookies, bread, pasta, potatos, fruit, etc. The thought of french fries is enough to make me whimper. Have a soy crisp.


  257. 264 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:56 am

    Thank you for the email, CL. It just so happened to fall on my birthday. BravesandStuff karma, I s’pose.

    For the record, I feel compelled to say that I don’t think every Muslim is all about killing, torture, terrorism, hurt, harm, and force; However, I do feel too many Muslims believe in same.


  258. 265 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:58 am

    Miss Velvet…I’ve only been skimming of late….I understand you’ve moved?


  259. 266 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 12:59 am

    No bread…..there’s your Islamist extremist right there.

    Miss Velvet to Guantanamo…


  260. 267 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 1:03 am



  261. 268 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 1:03 am

    No, not yet. It’s more a gradual migration of our belongings at this point. Earliest we can actually move is the end of the year. Heading up tomorrow for 10 days to get some work done.


  262. 269 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 1:10 am

    And seeing that it’s after 1 am, I should rest up for the trip.


  263. 270 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 1:12 am

    Well, I hope said work gets done.

    Me…too lazy to move.

    Landlord raises the rent to $1300…Ok, sir, where do I sign.

    Just don’t make me move all this crap.


  264. 271 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 1:13 am

    G’night, Miss Velvet. Safe travel, Ma’am.


  265. 272 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 2:56 am

    I figure that when I sell my house, it’s going to include the contents… Well, most of it anyway. Lord how I hate packing and moving… I am not even crazy about most vacations for the same reasons. I think Josie believes we have to take most of it with us…

    By the way, welcome back Steve…. 🙂


  266. 273 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 3:35 am

    How did I miss tonight’s game??? I was thinking the Braves had an off day today, I guess the only one off was me… 😦


  267. 274 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 3:59 am

    maybe too focused on Richmond, Gil?

    or is it Gwinnett? or Gwinet? or Gwinett? or Gwinnet?

    us Californians ain’t got much edumucation.

    Maybe the Gwinnett County Georgia Braves of Florida/Tallahassee?

    Think Moreno.


  268. 275 Bay Area Steve August 8, 2008 at 4:04 am

    ty for the welcome, Gil.

    I moved a one-bedroom apt, with help…and whined for a year.

    I don’t think I’ll ever move again.

    Perhaps if that wife ever shows herself.

    ….if she moves it….

    I think you folks know I’m lazy…and CHEAP…don’t forget CHEAP.

    even cheaper than Berigan…the search for crack (I know it’s hard to believe)


  269. 276 Carolina Lady August 8, 2008 at 9:05 am

    BASteve, you DO know you’ve been AWOL, don’t you???! 😆 Welcome back!! Glad to see you!

    Yes, I’m guilty of making a ‘blanket statement’ regarding the Muslims. However, even if there are some who don’t follow all the instructions of the Koran and the imams about killing everybody they see, they don’t dare speak out against the carnage – out of fear of death by all the others.

    Mention ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islamist’ and you automatically think ‘killing’, ‘murder’, etc. Well, ’nuff of that!

    Have a safe trip, FBG!


  270. 277 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 9:22 am

    Gil, I slept thru my 3rd straight game! 😳 Usually I was just sleeping for 4 hours, and missed it, for the first time since, since….since I don’t remember, I actually slept 8 hours!!! Of course, I woke up tired! 😕

    BAS, sure….all the other thousands of nights I am the only one awake, you never show up, then, the one night I sleep all night, and you show up! 😡 😥 Sorry, just very emotional about it!

    Hope we will see you before Hillary gets in the white house(It’ll take some work, but I think she can find away to toss Obama under the bus!)


  271. 278 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 9:48 am

    And FLB, if you haven’t left already(Sometimes hard to tell when someone at 1 AM says leaving tomorrow)

    I never have gotten either email from you! 😦 Checked junk folder as well….stupid excite mail was great til a few weeks ago, I would blame them at this point, after their “improvements”

    Can you sent the info to CL???


  272. 279 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Morning y’all! I’m leaving in about 45 mins. actually. Ber, I’ll send via CL.


  273. 280 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 10:49 am

    Have a good trip, FBG. Hey… if you’re gonna be in town and not too tired, my band is playing in Sugar Hill tomorrow at 11:30am. Sugar Hill is only about an hour south of Tiger on I-85. You’ll probably be tired from traveling today, but I thought I’d at least tell you about it. If you might be interested, I can give you more details about time and place.

    Drive safely!!!


  274. 281 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 10:50 am

    Actually, now that I think about it, you don’t even go as far south as I-85. You would exit at Buford off I-985.


  275. 282 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 10:51 am

    OK, sent it to CL. I don’t know if they’ll show any of Tues. morning’s tribute but if you could record Tues. pregame, game & postgame, I’m guessing that’s when we’ll see it.

    Gotta run. Probably won’t be online tonight, we’ll get in late but I’ll see y’all tomorrow night.


  276. 283 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 10:53 am

    Thanks, VOR, but we’ve got family coming in around that time tomorrow.


  277. 284 flbravesgirl August 8, 2008 at 10:54 am

    OK, now I’m really leaving!


  278. 285 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 10:54 am

    Travel safely, and have fun with the family. Another time, huh?


  279. 286 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 11:59 am

    Watching Major Leagues, Back to the Minors on TBS.. About Jeff Francouer, right??

    Oh by the way, Corkey showed up in Richmond, cleared waivers, started last night…


  280. 287 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    Oh by the way, Corkey showed up in Richmond, cleared waivers, started last night…

    Lucky you! 😀

    With the dearth of catching in the ML, Corky goes unclaimed… says alot, doesn’t it. Of course, BPena did the same in KC, so… 🙄


  281. 288 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    Surgery day for Huddy… Everybody say a prayer. Also, Soriano’s elbow is being examined by Dr. Andrews today. Busy day for the good doctor. Here’s a quick peek of Dr. Andrews making a house call: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWMO3rAD98k


  282. 290 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    Cool story on Gonzo, CL…


  283. 291 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 2:05 pm

    The Nationals’ Class AAA affiliate will almost certainly be elsewhere next season. The Columbus Clippers, a partner with Washington since last season, will allow its two-year agreement to expire at season’s end, the team’s general manager, Ken Schnacke, told the Columbus Dispatch.

    With the Clippers and Cleveland Indians likely to form a partnership — one that will coincide with the opening of Columbus’s new stadium in 2009 — the Nationals could be part of a complex musical chairs game that changes numerous affiliations in the International League.

    The Indians might vacate Buffalo. The Mets might vacate New Orleans. The Blue Jays might vacate Syracuse. All contracts between those teams and their affiliates are expiring.

    Washington’s Class AAA team could potentially wind up in New Orleans, where the Nationals based their Class AAA team until 2006.

    Chico Harlan, Washington Post

    So, Gil, why not Richmond? Makes sense to me…


  284. 292 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 2:25 pm

    The Braves have not released Richmond from their contract for 2009. They are waiting to make sure Gwinnett is available. Very frustrating for us folks in Richmond. By the time they do so, it is likely too late to secure a triple A team for 2009.

    Reminds me of the cheating husband that thinks it’s okay to step out on the wife but lo unto anyone trying to move in on the spouse… A double standard if you ask me.


  285. 293 Voice of Raisins August 8, 2008 at 3:54 pm

    I can’t imagine the stadium not being done. It’s going up pretty quickly…


  286. 294 Carolina Lady August 8, 2008 at 5:42 pm

    Mexican cartels raising pot in US Nat’l forests
    excerpt –
    “This is about serious criminal organizations,” Walters said. “They’re willing to kill anybody who gets in their way. They’re taking money back to those who kill prosecutors, judges and law enforcement.”

    Over the past eight days, a federal, state and county law enforcement initiative called Operation LOCCUST has eradicated 420,000 marijuana plants here worth more than $1 billion on the street. By comparison, authorities eradicated 330,000 plants over the six-month growing season last month, said Lt. Mike Boudreaux of the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department.


  287. 295 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    Which ones, CL? Any close to me? 🙂


  288. 296 Salty August 8, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    Saw ‘across the way’ where Gonzo is now the Cobra! Let it be known that B&S is the origin of that moniker! Yes, indeed…from the morning of June 19, after his first appearance of the year. Almost two months later, they’re finally catching up to the wit and brilliance of the Stuff-villians! 😆


  289. 297 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    I’ll help them eradicate at least a pound or two.


  290. 298 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 5:48 pm

    That name’s perfect; first I’ve heard it. Who came up with it here, and who said it over there?


  291. 299 Salty August 8, 2008 at 6:14 pm

    Salty Says: June 19, 2008 at 9:17 am
    Watch Gonzo in his next appearance (this afternoon…I hope not!). I like that subtle rockin’ motion…looks like a Cobra hypnotizing its’ prey…before the STRIKE! 😯 Deadly!!!!

    Voice of Raisins Says: June 19, 2008 at 11:03 am
    That is exactly the vision I related to while watching Gonzo toe the rubber. It was awesome from a pure spectacle point of view.

    DO’B wrote in his blog lead today about the nickname. Apparently the Giants’ and D’Backs’ announcers both referred to Gonzo as the Cobra. DO’B and denizens there liked it.


  292. 300 Carolina Lady August 8, 2008 at 6:31 pm

    😆 Give ’em time – they’ll catch up. Some of them, anyway. 😆

    Way to go, Salty!!


  293. 301 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Naw… They are in their own misguided world…


  294. 302 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Salty, that’s great! How did I miss it in June????


  295. 303 Carolina Lady August 8, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    That unusual swaying has to be distracting to the batters. I love it!


  296. 304 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    Check out this article from the LA Times….what has been going on in Mexico of late is nothing short of horrifying, and guess what??? The violence is starting to show up here and there in western states. Check out how many people have been killed in Mexico…just this year!!!

    Mexico official resigns over drug cartels battle

    A high-ranking official in the Mexican attorney general’s office has resigned under pressure amid poor results in the nation’s battle against kidnappers and drug traffickers, reports Marla Dickerson.

    Noe Ramirez Mandujano had served for 20 months as deputy attorney general in charge of the Office for Special Investigation Into Organized Crime before tendering his resignation Wednesday.

    Violence has exploded across large swaths of Mexico as drug gangs fight for control of lucrative smuggling routes to the United States. More than 2,300 people have died this year in Mexico in narcotics-related violence, according to a July 18 body count by the national daily Reforma.

    On Thursday, police in the western Mexican state of Jalisco found six members of a family shot to death in a house in the town of Zapotlan el Grande.

    And in July, the nation’s drug wars sank to new depths as the Mexican navy announced it had seized a submarine that was transporting cocaine off the southern coast. Colombian authorities have captured more than a dozen such vessels over the last couple of years, but law enforcement experts say the homemade subs are becoming ever more sophisticated.

    It’s hoped that the recently approved Merida Initiative — which will see a funding injection of $400 million for the Mexican Government from the U.S — will help the country in its bloody battle against the organized crime and drug trafficking networks.

    — Deborah Bonello in Mexico City


  297. 305 Carolina Lady August 8, 2008 at 6:57 pm

    Drug users in the US are the sole reason for all that carnage. No market, it would cease instantly. And they say pot doesn’t hurt anybody. Right.


  298. 306 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    If it were legal, which it should be, there would be no more violence among the cartels (except for that involving cocaine), no more violence in the Middle East involving America, no dependence on foreign oil (the plant produces an emissions free fuel that burns every bit as hot as gasoline and doesn’t harm the environment), no more tearing down the rain forests (it makes a higher quality paper than wood) tens of thousands of farmers would have booming jobs, fewer people would soak themselves in alcohol (a much, much more harmful and dangerous drug) and thus overall crime (especially spousal abuse) would be greatly reduced and medical science would advance about 20 years on the spot. But because Companies like Jack Daniel’s and Budweiser have been paying the government off since prohibition to vilify pot (and the absolutely absurd movie “Reefer Madness” gave it the start), you people still just exist in an archaic little bubble and shoot yourselves and your country in the foot every time you parrot what a corporation tells you to because you like their commercials. Goebbels may have been a Nazi pig, but he was absolutely and completely accurate in his assertions of what the people will believe. They didn’t get that many otherwise good people at the Nuremburg Rallies by accident any more than an amazing number of you (and the rest of the country) are still voting for things that destroy what you love most dearly and line evil people’s pockets just because of effective advertising. Soapbox off. 🙂

    Now, here’s a pretty funny list of baseball’s 11 biggest A-holes by Cracked.com (warning: R-rated language). http://www.cracked.com/article_16534_11-baseball-legends-who-were-legendary-assholes.html


  299. 307 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 7:28 pm

    Sorry, didn’t realize that word was in the link…


  300. 308 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    The following is a true story… A good friend of mine is in the salvage business. In fact, it was he who got me interested in auctions to begin with. Anyway, at one particular sale which was sponsored by a trucking company, he spied a large sealed container with no markings other than 1 of 4. The box was aluminum and was about 4 foot square and about 1 foot tall. It was mixed with a few other items and he bought the lot for $5. He was thinking he could always sell the box as scape metal but it was a pretty nice box. He took it home to North Carolina and unloaded it from the truck and set it aside until he could get to it.

    Now this container was sealed pretty well. He finally decided to inspect the contents. Now for you folks who have never been to a salvage auction, when buying a box lot or a pallet of items, you don’t always know what you are getting. Sometimes treasure, sometimes trash but that is why you buy as scrap. Anyway, he opened the container and lo and behold it was full of marijuana. Now the container was vacuumed packed so after opening the box, he was unable to close it. he said the smell was overpowering.

    He called the local sheriff’s department and reported his find. They came out and relieved him of his burden. His grand daughter was a sheriff’s deputy at the time and she derided him for calling the law because she said they would just smoke it… 🙂

    Now the box was marked one of four and he has no clue where the other three ended up but it gives you an idea of the sophistication of many of these cartels.

    By the way Grinch… sorry but he didn’t save any samples… 🙂 Or else my son’s would likely smoked him out long ago… 🙂


  301. 309 Carolina Lady August 8, 2008 at 8:02 pm

    Sorry, I didn’t realize drugs were so wonderful.
    Legalize it and the entire US, with few exceptions, can complete the transition to mindless zombies. 🙂
    May as well legalize all the sports drugs, too, while we’re at it.

    “Thissssss isss, uh, thisss is – your captain. We’ll be flying – YEAH!!! Oh. We’ll be FLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYing – in an airplane today…….. 😆 😆 . We expect tooooooo arrive in – – – – where? uh, Podunk – uh, well – sometime. Everybody just siiiiiiiiiit and have a snort or two. I am! ”

    😆 😆

    Driving will be great, too!

    😆 😆


  302. 310 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    Personally, I could care less if marijuana was legal or not, it is not my drug of choice… However, like alcohol and prohibition, the crime bosses get rich and people still use it and the government ends up paying to try to eradicate it instead of reaping the rewards if they could tax it.

    It scares the heck out of me every time the government declares war on something. LBJ declare war on poverty and look how that turned out… Poverty won.

    Now baseball… Braves play tonight and I know to watch the game…


  303. 311 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    CL… you mean they don’t already fly high??? 🙂


  304. 312 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 8:08 pm

    CL… The best we can do is try to get control, we will never be able to eradicate drugs just as we could not stop the flow of alcohol. I don’t have to like it, just being practical…


  305. 313 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 8:10 pm

    Okay… back to the dog house 🙂


  306. 314 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Thanks for beating me to that one Gil…”Imagining” drugs being used during flights or driving is quite a hoot. 🙂 I was a truck driver myself once; never would’ve made it on some of those runs without greenies anymore than half the great moments in baseball would’ve happened in the last 50 years without exactly the same drug. BTW, and you may feel free to look this up, the United States Air Force is the only country in the world that not only allows its pilots to fly under the influence of amphetemines during wartime but REQUIRES it. I’ve got the History channel special on it (where two Colonels in flight suits out on the tarmac about to get into B-2 bombers nod and confirm it); I’ll be happy to mail a copy to anyone who doesn’t believe it. Knowledge is power.


  307. 315 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Also, I quit somking MJ (except maybe once or twice a year) a long time ago; I’m just waxing practical. My personal drug of choice is alcohol. I’d just like to see the country move forward out of darkness, is all.


  308. 316 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Anybody watching the olympics?


  309. 317 Salty August 8, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    Salty, that’s great! How did I miss it in June????

    You were asleep? 😛


  310. 318 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    Maybe he was high. 😛


  311. 319 Savannah Guy August 8, 2008 at 9:10 pm

    Also, I quit somking MJ (except maybe once or twice a year) a long time ago

    Quit somking becasue it was effacting speling? :mrgreen:


  312. 320 Savannah Guy August 8, 2008 at 9:13 pm

    Speaking of smoking MJ… remember when his hair caught on fire while shooting a Pepsi commercial? Now that was somking of pop music… before his nose fell off and he turned white and became a charter member of Nambla. 😆


  313. 321 Savannah Guy August 8, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    So, lemme see if I got this right… Gonzo is now Cobra?

    Is that a little Rocky Stallone-ish? Let’s break this down for a minute. He pitches with closer-like stuff. He’s named Gonzales, hence Gonzo. He rocks like, uh, a snake? Do cobras rock? No, they don’t. They coil and slither and spit but they don’t really rock.

    Elephants rock back and forth. So do Orangutans, chimps, penguins, parakeets and those loud, boisterous creatures that stumble around the streets of Buckhead after midnight but none of those seem like good, descriptive nicknames for a fearsome setup guy or a closer.

    No, Gonzales needs a more fitting nickname that suits his rocking style and evokes fear in opposing hitters, mesmerizes coaches and agents, aggravates the hell out’a Mets fans and intrigues NY baseball writers.

    Got it… how about Rocker?

    Uh, no, maybe not…



  314. 322 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    I think legalizing drugs should at least be considered….but(and there’s always a but! 😛 ) if the Government tried to collect taxes…good luck with that…the guys on the street most likely wouldn’t be too likely to admit how much they made….and if stores tried to sell cocaine next to a pizza hut…no neighborhood would want that. Well, some in Cali would welcome it.;)
    And then you would open the world of lawsuits to whomever sold drugs, in a legit way….And I don’t think prices would come down, for some reason…..but, we sure ain’t winnin’ the war on Drugs right now…..


  315. 323 Salty August 8, 2008 at 9:20 pm

    Come on, SG, he spelled olympics correctly!

    Drug wars…what a waste of money and resources!


  316. 324 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 9:24 pm

    Likely…didn’t I do that recently, and use the same word like, um…several times in the same sentence??? Man, I need a fix….of course, for me a fix is Chocolate!


  317. 325 Savannah Guy August 8, 2008 at 9:26 pm

    and if stores tried to sell cocaine next to a pizza hut…no neighborhood would want that.

    But can you just imagine a doobie parlor right next to a Krispy Kreme? Gangbusters.


  318. 326 Salty August 8, 2008 at 9:28 pm

    Looks like Gonzo to me!


  319. 327 Salty August 8, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    Uhm…I think I’m in the lint trap! 🙄

    Tried to post this link…the one on the left reminds me of Gonzo…check the sway! 😆


  320. 328 Salty August 8, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    Yep…twice in the lint trap! 😦


  321. 329 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 9:33 pm

    no more violence in the Middle East involving America, no dependence on foreign oil (the plant produces an emissions free fuel that burns every bit as hot as gasoline and doesn’t harm the environment)

    Grinch, my friend….if you think that your Monte, or my 2 1/2 ton Lincoln could possibly powered by pot, or pot by products…then you just had your recent bi-annual dance with Mary Jane! 😆

    Just like ethanol was supposed to be the end all to all to fuel supply issues, the facts(Or more likely the supply) are not there…..look what’s happened to the price of grain, corn, etc…since turning crops into fuel. Made some farmer richer, that’s all.

    We’d have to stop growing food to grow enough pot to fuel for our cars, trucks , buses and planes…


  322. 330 Savannah Guy August 8, 2008 at 9:40 pm

    Speaking of legalizing drugs, Cheech and Chong just reunited and are touring.


  323. 331 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 9:54 pm

    Unlike ethanol, my fine feathered friend, hemp oil doesn’t have to come from a food crop, and would thus not slow production of anything much. It’s also not as tempramental as corn, and can be grown almost anywhere and wouldn’t supplant any current food crops. All it produces is jobs and clean fuel. If you’re really still convinced it’s not only a viable option but THE MOST viable option by far, let me know and I’ll mail you all the info you need to understand. And not from “Dope.com,” but Cal Poly, MIT, Stanford and other such sources. It’s not a joke, though tragically it’s treated like one.


  324. 332 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 8, 2008 at 9:59 pm

    I have a suspicious charge on my credit card(A convenience check for $89 I sure didn’t write) and I have called WAMU twice in the last 3 hours….computer problems both times….2nd time they didn’t tell me they still had the same problem til I had been on hold awhile. Both times somewheres far,far away….

    I hate that phoney, “Terribly sorry kind sir, a thousand pardons for not getting your CC# correctly, could I ask you to please repeat it???” 🙄

    I feel like a whip is ready to be used at any moment on the employee…..


  325. 333 Salty August 8, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    (the plant produces an emissions free fuel that burns every bit as hot as gasoline and doesn’t harm the environment)

    And in the news today…a healthier America. Since marijuana has become a more widely used fuel, it seems more and more folks like to walk along the roadways, particularly those with higher traffic volumes. Coincidentally, energy bars sales have ramped up as well…seems the ‘munchies’ are common amongst the walkers! 😆


  326. 334 Salty August 8, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    Emissions free doesn’t mean odorless…does it! 😕 Oh, well…feeble humor attempt! 😆 🙄


  327. 335 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    The ump certainly made up for that bad call in our favor earlier with the final call of that inning, no? It was two feet high and a foot outside. Yikes. Where’s Questec when you need it?


  328. 336 morpheus45 August 8, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    Wow, that was sad. Francouer owes Campillo a steak dinner. That first “hit” Francouer misplayed so bad he dug his spikes in and practically sucked in his stomach to have to catch it on a one hop. All he needed to do was stick out his glove while standing still to catch it. It was generously (and erroneously) called a hit, and the sac fly that scored the 2nd runner from third wouldn’t have happened had Frenchy made a routine play. He cost Jorge two runs, and Jorge had to turn his own DP to get out of the inning. I sure do wish Frenchy was worth something, so we could trade him. What a loser.


  329. 337 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2008 at 11:55 pm

    Okay group… I have a very sick granddaughter named Jackie that needs the prayers of the group. She is currently in intensive care with pneumonia. the doctors are having a hard time getting a handle on it. Josie spent 10 hours at the hospital with her tonight so her parents could work today. I will be honest with you folks and tell you I am very concerned about her…


  330. 338 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 9, 2008 at 12:49 am

    Gil, I will pray for her quick recovery!


  331. 339 morpheus45 August 9, 2008 at 12:55 am

    Will do, Gil…I’m focusing that way now.


  332. 341 Savannah Guy August 9, 2008 at 9:23 am

    Gil, prayers here for Jackie.

    I’m sure the doctors are the best and doing their best, but you make sure they are aggressive with antibiotics and that they are positive with the diagnosis of viral or bacterial. Also make sure they keep Jackie propped up and moved around in the bed, rotating from side to side as much as possible. Make sure the nurses move her hips and shoulders to rotate… not just grab her hand and pull. That’ll bruise her hand or sprain her wrist.

    Second to prayer, walking is best. Sitting up is good. Please keep us posted.


  333. 342 Carolina Lady August 9, 2008 at 12:54 pm

    Braves RHP Tim Hudson underwent Tommy John surgery on Thursday, performed by Dr. James Andrews. How did I miss that?


  334. 343 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 9, 2008 at 12:57 pm

    CL, I heard about it during the game, or after the game perhaps….its just rotten timing, to have it in August. Relievers can come back in 12 months, like Gonzo(Actually a bit longer, right?) but they say starters are more like 16-18 months….


  335. 344 morpheus45 August 9, 2008 at 7:14 pm



  336. 345 chrisklob August 9, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    Gil, certainly my thoughts and prayers are with Jackie as well as with you and the rest of your family.

    Interesting article about our former center fielder.



  337. 346 chrisklob August 9, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    CL, It appears that I may have one trapped in the filter.


  338. 347 Gil in Mechanicsville August 9, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Thanks for your support folks, Jackie was doing a bit better this afternoon after a rough night but the doctor said he expects her to get worse before she gets better. She turns 12 on Monday, looks like it will be in the hospital. She is a real trooper, takes after Josie I think…


  339. 348 Carolina Lady August 9, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    Interesting article on Andruw, Chris. Thanks!
    (Gil must have bailed you out of the filter ’cause it’s clear now.)

    Lots of continuing prayers for that little girl, Gil! Keep us posted!


  340. 349 Berigan, the WORM!!!!!! August 9, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    Gil, hope the doc is wrong, and the worst has already past!

    Chris, interesting story on Andruw….I really feel sorry for him. I hope he hits 10 homers the rest of the way…. I think he has learned his lesson by now. Can you believe that he hasn’t hit a home run at Dodger stadium this year???


  341. 350 Savannah Guy August 10, 2008 at 8:38 am

    Gil, every doctor I’ve ever encountered in a hospital always… ALWAYS gave the family of the patient the worst possible scenario as a prognosis. That way, if they are right, nobody is surprised. If they are wrong, they are heroes that beat the odds. They are usually wrong and usually heroic, based on what they tell the family. That’s why they almost always ‘beat the odds’.

    Your report on Jackie sounds very good. She’s in the best of care with prayers. They’ll continue.


  342. 351 Gil in Mechanicsville August 10, 2008 at 9:24 am

    Good morning folks, I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Jacquelin. She did a little better last night as they were able to get her up and walking some. She has a partial lung collapse on the left side but they are finally able to hear some air movement. She is still a very sick little girl but there is light at the end of the tunnel I think.

    Thank you CL for adding Jackie to your prayer circle.


  343. 352 Carolina Lady August 10, 2008 at 9:51 am

    Wonderful news, Gil! God hears our prayers. She will make a full recovery. And you’re welcome; it is an untold blessing to have a circle of people who will immediately put on their Prayer Warrior hats when needed! To God be the glory. There are several HUNDRED people praying for her right now! 😀


  344. 353 Voice of Raisins August 10, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    Several hundred plus my family. And this evening, Gil, another 30+ will march forward. Tell Jackie she has an army behind her.


  345. 354 Carolina Lady August 10, 2008 at 2:18 pm

    Just want to thank y’all for the lively conversation and all the contributions to our blog! One of the most entertaining places on the web! 😆

    NEW BLOG IS UP – or something……..


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