97: Frank has some work to do….

By Voice of  Reason Raisins

Jefferson, GA (God’s country) – I am glad Jason Heyward finally admitted that his thumb injuryJason Heyward has been contributing to his offensive woes. Denying it is the first semblance of immaturity I have seen in the kid, especially in light of Jordan Schafer spectacle of 2009. Really… what was Heyward thinking? That he’d lose his Major League job? Please…

I think the injury to HeyHey only underscores the Braves need to pick up an everyday LF. At the moment, we have Omar serving as the RH compliment to Hinske with Brandon Hicks as the backup SS.

I say, “Nay, nay.”

This should not be. Omar is the back up SS/super sub. The key word there is “sub”. He makes this team stronger as a sub, not as a regular. If we had an everyday LF capable of batting in the middle of the lineup, then we could have both Hinske and Omar on our bench, occasionally spelling the regulars and keeping everyone fresh… not to mention coming to the plate in late innings with runners on base instead of Brandon Hicks.  KnowhatImean?

Nate McLouth

The CF situation already stretches this team thin as far as OF goes. My hope is that Nate’s extended time off will allow him to return to vintage form. Or if nothing else, the Braves can see that he will not, and to do something about it. Melky has been hot lately, but do we really want to count on that to continue into October?

Again, I say, “Nay, nay.”

This team would be best constructed with Melky serving as the 4th OF. Do I think that Frank should address 2 OF positions before the trade deadline? Maybe. It’s not job #1, but something will have to be done. — Nate, Schafer… heck, maybe even Blanco. He hasn’t been terrible, you know. He certainly hasn’t been a downgrade from Nate. I don’t care, but consistency has to be found. Melky is not consistency. Melky is a day off. Somebody needs to step up. Else Frank has some tough choices.

My beloved Braves are a 1st place team not by accident, but by pure hard work, desire and talent. Oh, they are talented. They are absolutely talented. They have a good mix of veterans and young players, they have terrific pitching, they have grit and energy… they are a playoff team. But, as currently constructed, they have flaws. Those flaws will become more and more exposed as the season grows longer, and really exposed in any post-season that may occur.

Frank must acquire an everyday LF. Period. CF might take care of itself. Or it might just take alot of prayer, duct tape, bubble gum and grinding until October. But LF has to be addressed.

As we move into September, and all of our games are against the NL East, it’ll essentially feel like a full month of playoffs. It’ll also stress this team like a full month of playoffs. The current roster won’t take those stresses.  It’ll fly apart at the seams like Oprah’s girdle.

I say, “Nay, nay.”

I say Frank should take care of it now. We need a LF. Anybody got the number to Outfielders ‘R’ Us?


Comments and articles herein are the intellectual property and opinions of the writers and may not be copied without permission of the writers.

730 Responses to “97: Frank has some work to do….”

  1. 1 Carolina Lady June 29, 2010 at 3:44 am

    Excellent analysis, Raisins! It’ll sure be interesting to see what transpires, won’t it?!

    MANY thanks, my friend.


  2. 2 Gil in Mechanicsville June 29, 2010 at 3:49 am

    Hey guys, sorry I dropped the ball on you CL, it’s 3:45AM and I got up to post Raisin’s great new lead and poof, it was already done… 😦 Must get up earlier…

    Great ballgame by Huddy tonight. I was a little worried that he would cramp up at some point because he was laboring pretty hard. Like I said, the key to getting Washington is to get into their pen. Stasburg got hung with the loss but it was his defense what let him down.

    Good news, both Phillies and the Mutts lost last night. Now, if Derrek can duplicate the effort he made in his last start, the Bravos will be in the catbird’s seat.


  3. 3 Carolina Lady June 29, 2010 at 3:58 am

    Hey, Gil. It’s ok. I haven’t gotten to bed yet. Finished some of the stuff I was working on and decided to go ahead and get Raisin’s excellent lead up before heading to bed for a few hours sleep. Super busy day coming up starting with a dental appt. in the a.m. 😦 (Big hug to Miss Josie from me!) 🙂


  4. 4 eprisewildcat June 29, 2010 at 9:13 am

    First! “Nay, nay” Looks like I’m fourth and I’m OK with that.

    Great observations Raisins and the pursuit of an outfielder will be fascinating to watch. This season has already been pretty fascinating.

    Wonderful game last night! Of course any game we win 5-0 is great by me. Amazing how the four letter network has built Strasburg into the greatest pitcher since Cy Young. Of course all the hype drew an additional 12,000 or so into the Ted last night. Over 40,000 on a Monday night against the Nationals (I almost typed Senators) is good stuff. Hearing a full fledged chant/chop did wonders for my soul. Wish I’d have been there!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  5. 5 berigan2electricboogaloo June 29, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    Excellent lead V! 🙂 I agree that we need a left fielder(especially since I hear JHey is going on the DL! 😯 ) though if we had a right handed hitter to compliment Hinske, a twin of his from the other side, we might be fine. Xavier Nady is hardly playing for some reason for the Cubs…a possiblity????


  6. 6 Voice of Raisins June 29, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    Thanks y’all…

    In case anybody missed it, Bobby announced last night that Meds is staying in the rotation, and KK is going to the ‘pen. Great move. Meds earned it.


  7. 7 Gil in Mechanicsville June 29, 2010 at 6:22 pm

    In a related note, Matt Diaz was activated from the DL. Let’s see how he bookends with Henski.


  8. 8 Gil in Mechanicsville June 29, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    I thought Stausburg pitched a pretty good game, folks have to remember though, he is still pitching for the Nationals. How many time have we seen the same type of performance just to see it all come apart in the late innings.

    That said, he just might be worth the money he is being paid if he can add an extra million or so viewers to a game or paack and extra 12,000 fannies in the seats. All that merchandising, so little time.

    Here’s hoping that D Lowe pitches like he did against the White Sox. I still think his having adopted Medlen has done wonders for his own game.


  9. 9 berigan2electricboogaloo June 29, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    V, I did miss that news! Great! Very glad to be wrong about it, it just flat out didn’t make sense. Medlin with a 3.15 ERA was the only starter outside of Hudson that had an ERA under 4.00. Actually…4.42 is Lowe’s ERA. I don’t know if that’s right now after giving up 4 runs, or what it was before the start of the game.


  10. 10 Gil in Mechanicsville June 29, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    So… as they say, it all evens out. The baseball gods , having learned that KK is being dispatched to the pen have now anointed Derek Lowe as their designated patsy. Jurjjens will likely give up 8 runs tomorrow bu the Braves will bounce back with 10… Just how things seem to work out.

    The Nats have been in a hitting slump for 2 weeks.. So they break out against the Bravos.. Sigh….


  11. 11 Voice of Raisins June 30, 2010 at 10:46 am

    It should come as no surprise to anyone that the Braves are now actively searching for a right handed hitting LF.


    The names being bandied about, “Atlanta officials are considering Josh Willingham (Washington), Corey Hart (Milwaukee) and Jose Bautista (Toronto)” also are not too surprising.

    They obviously want some pop… I wonder if they could get Willingham before he leaves town? 😀

    I’m gonna take a step out and say that I see Craig Kimbrel leaving in such a deal. Why else would they keep him dominating in AAA and hold onto Cristian Martinez on the ML roster? It’s showcasing. And they won’t part with the other big named prospects such as Vizcaino, Teheran or Minor. No way.

    I know that Kimbrel is the “heir apparent” at closer, but I believe that Johnny Venters has caught the eye of players and execs alike for the Braves, and I see him sliding into that role next season. (I’d be willing to bet he’d get Wags’ endorsement for that, too.)

    A deal will come down sooner than later; Frank is not one to mess around. At least that’s his m.o. so far.


  12. 12 Hillbilly June 30, 2010 at 12:07 pm

    Haven’t seen any of this posted here yet, but Mike Minor was promoted to AAA Gwinnett, Christian Martinez will be optioned to Gwinnett to make room for JJ, and Edward Salcedo has finally made his way back into the states. He will join the Rome Braves in Class A.


  13. 13 Gil in Mechanicsville June 30, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    I had thought Willinghan to be a good fit for the Braves. The guy does not have the greatest range but he usually catches what he can get to.

    I love mat Diaz.. Well, like him a lot but doggone if he didn’t pick right up where he left off before he went on the DL with those wild and crazy swings of his. I guess he is an old dog that refuses to learn new tricks. Not like anybody not named Marteen Prado looked a whole lot better last night though. Still, the shock collar might just work on old Matty too. Think the players union might file a grievance on that however.

    Isn’t Nijer Morgan possibly the worse centerfielder you have ever seen? Misplays the ball, throws to the wrong base. get’s picked off base a lot. Whew, makes Gregor look like an All-Star.


  14. 14 Gil in Mechanicsville June 30, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    Was sitting here trying to think what position Josh was to begin with while playing for the Marlins. A catcher I think he was…


  15. 15 Voice of Raisins June 30, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    Thanks for the update, HB. I wondered who would make room for JJ, and that name was at the top of my list. He reminds me a whole lot of Manny Acosta. Good stuff – no clue how to use it.

    Minor will be in the rotation next year… bank on it. I don’t know how the Braves have gone this long with no lefty starter. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that Lowe is in his final season here.

    Gil, I have a little admiration for Gregor. He stands out in no particular area, but he plays hard and seems to do the little things fairly well. I don’t necessarily want to rely on him as an everyday starter for a playoff caliber club, but he seems to be contributing a little more than Nate was. Of course, that isn’t saying much…


  16. 16 Voice of Raisins June 30, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Nice article about Tom Glavine. And it isn’t really sports related…



  17. 17 berigan2electricboogaloo June 30, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    HB, interesting that Mike Minor is being brought up to AAA pretty quickly…we usually see more “prospects” at AA these days…but must be some good players still at AAA! 😉

    Makes one wonder if something is up this year…but that seems pretty unlikely with KK, a perfectly good 5th starter in the bullpen.


  18. 18 Gil in Mechanicsville June 30, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    I can’t see Gregor being the guy in centerrfield for the long term either. But, he has not hurt the lineup when he is in there. He has found ways to be productive. Great attitude I think and that goes a long way with the current team chemistry.

    The thing I am most interested in seeing is how riding the pine and watching other guys play his spot has affected Nate McOut. Will he get it and change his approach at the plate to one that allows him to use his speed or will he continue to view himself as a homerun hitter?

    Having Nate continue to pull down this team would be like wearing and pair of shoes that are too tight because they are expensive and you don’t want to think you have throw your money away…. Or worse they are too loose and are rubbing a big old blister….


  19. 19 berigan2electricboogaloo June 30, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    Gil, to be fair to Nijer Morgan on one point, it sure seemed like that ball that bounced past him went crazily to his left, like it hit a recessed sprinkler head, or something….there were only 2 quick replays I saw, one from behind home plate, so I just couldn’t tell.


  20. 20 berigan2electricboogaloo June 30, 2010 at 2:02 pm

    Funny how posts show up here sometimes….wordpress is very slow at times…didn’t see Gil’s post.
    Gregor seems to me a ML ready guy. Surely if we can’t use him, some other team could as a 4th or 5th outfielder. He is probably the best bunter on the team. And walks a lot. Funny how these days a 5th outfielder is considered a crazy luxury(like a 3rd catcher) but having, what 7 guys in the bullpen is an absolute necessity .


  21. 21 Voice of Raisins June 30, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    I really like Gregor as a 4th outfielder. Problem is, we have too many 4th outfielders. Melky, Gregor, Diaz…

    And as much as I like Hinske, he isn’t an everyday LF. He is the ideal bench player who can spell a starter a couple of times a week.

    To source Mark Bradley, yesterday’s OF was Hinske, Blanco, Melky. Ew. That is not a playoff team OF. The chewing gum and bailing wire can only last so long…


  22. 22 berigan2electricboogaloo June 30, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    yep, too many 4th outfielders. Hinske is on pace for 69 RBI’s in 354 AB’s. I really wouldn’t mind a right handed version of him(Said this yesterday, didn’t i? 🙄 ) IF we can’t find the right bat. And lets face it…we have been looking for the right guy in left for awhile.
    I can’t really see the Nats giving up Willingham, they don’t have anyone to replace him with. If they trade Dunn, no way they trade him too. They really do have the makings of a good starting staff if they were all healthy.
    A decent bullpen as well.

    If the Brewers trade Corey Hart, they almost have to pay Fielder whatever he wants, don’t they??? Well, I forget, they have Gamel rotting away in AAA. Hmmm. They need pitching. Jurrjens, or Medlin for him??? Man, that’s a lot for a guy that is only just putting it together. Speaking of someone just putting it together Jose Bautista.
    He has a .237 lifetime BA in 2000+ ab’s. Hitting .232 now, but with 20 HR’s and 50 RBI’s Weird. Hitting .214 against lefties! Only .237 against righties….I don’t know…


  23. 23 berigan2electricboogaloo June 30, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    Ok not baseball…everyone should read this and get really mad.

    The two most important paragraphs…

    Why does neither the U.S. government nor U.S. energy companies have on hand the cleanup technology available in Europe? Ironically, the superior European technology runs afoul of U.S. environmental rules. The voracious Dutch vessels, for example, continuously suck up vast quantities of oily water, extract most of the oil and then spit overboard vast quantities of nearly oil-free water. Nearly oil-free isn’t good enough for the U.S. regulators, who have a standard of 15 parts per million — if water isn’t at least 99.9985% pure, it may not be returned to the Gulf of Mexico.

    When ships in U.S. waters take in oil-contaminated water, they are forced to store it. As U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the official in charge of the clean-up operation, explained in a press briefing on June 11, “We have skimmed, to date, about 18 million gallons of oily water–the oil has to be decanted from that [and] our yield is usually somewhere around 10% or 15% on that.” In other words, U.S. ships have mostly been removing water from the Gulf, requiring them to make up to 10 times as many trips to storage facilities where they off-load their oil-water mixture, an approach Koops calls “crazy.”



  24. 24 Gil in Mechanicsville June 30, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Well Ber, since you brought it up… The oil spill containment effort is one of the biggest fuster clucks ( and trust me, I have seen some huge ones) I have ever seen.


  25. 25 Gil in Mechanicsville June 30, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    An observation… I think the Braves should move Esco back to the two hole until J-Hey comes back


  26. 26 Gil in Mechanicsville June 30, 2010 at 10:21 pm

    Nice game by JJ tonight, it worked out about the way I thought it would as far a pitching went. Great job of damage control by Peter to hold the Nats to one run in the 6th.

    Now, I am going to root for Washington like crazy as they play the Mets four games in DC. Need some help folks, Braves can’t do it alone.


  27. 27 Gil in Mechanicsville July 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Okay, where is everyone hiding at today?

    An observation… I thought Jurrjens pitch very well last night but one thing did stand out, his inability to throw a change up. Perhaps his fastball and slider are good enough to get by but he really needs that third pitch to get deep into games without the opposing hitters being able to figure him out the third and fourth time around.

    On the trade front, doesn’t it really come down to how much Liberty is willing to spend even on a short term rental? Come to think of it, wasn’t that what Nate McOut was suppose to be about, a high ceiling guy who was affordable.

    While Gregor Blanco will never be confused for Andruw Jones, he has been on base quite a bit and is anything but a sure out. What was he last night, 4 for 5?

    I know he had more hits than anyone else against the Nats in the 3 game series. And just as soon as opposing teams start playing in on him, he will hit to the wall over their heads.

    Still, wouldn’t mind having a guy like Crisp or a Grady Sizemore in the outfield.

    Clevland and Detroit always seem to have an abundance of hitting talent in their minors, anyone available?


  28. 28 berigan2electricboogaloo July 1, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    I was wondering where everyone was hiding too. Guess I should post that fact, so you know that! 😛

    Gil, I think moving Yunel to 2nd place is a capital idea. Capital idea…do the youngsters still say that???
    He’d see a ton of fastballs, pitchers from the stretch.

    Hey, whatyaknow, a reason to like LaRussa!


  29. 29 Voice of Raisins July 1, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    As long as HeyHey is on the DL, I like Yunel in the 2nd spot also.

    That’s it. That’s all I’ve got…


  30. 30 Gil in Mechanicsville July 1, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Okay, it’s unanimous then, who is going to tell Bobby?

    Do you think he would read the e-mail?


  31. 31 eprisewildcat July 1, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    Let’s see… I’m off work tomorrow and it’s going to rain here in south Alabama. Should I stick around and do busy work or drive up to Atlanta for the game. Mmmm… problem is I don’t have anyone to go with. Oh well, I think a solo trip is in order. I’ve done the solo thing before and it’s actually kind of relaxing. Don’t have to worry about too much and I can get there early and wander around. Probably watch some batting practice and then hang around the plaza. During the game I can also listen to the radio which I really enjoy.

    I posted earlier (but WordPress must have ate it) that I concur with moving Yunel and his frosted tips back into the 2 hole. I think we have a consensus. I’ll make sure and tell Bobby when I get to Atlanta tomorrow. Y’all be looking for me… I’ll be the one in the Braves cap.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  32. 32 Gil in Mechanicsville July 1, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    Which cap Wildcat? There are so many to choose from now… Catch a foul ball while your at it.


  33. 33 flbravesgirl July 1, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    That’s the good thing about my Braves cap; it’s lavender & white. I’ve never seen another one like it. All they normally offer women to buy is pink caps & shirts & I am not into pink.


  34. 34 eprisewildcat July 1, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    Gil… you’re right, we now have three caps to choose from. I fortunately have all three and I’ve grown real fond of the blue road cap. So, I think that is how I’ll roll tomorrow. I’m sitting in Sec 119, field level, on the the 1st base side so a foul ball is a real possibility.

    Weather in Atlanta is supposed to unseasonably cool and beautiful with a high of 85 and getting down to 69 at night. Brrrrrrr. Might have to take a jacket.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  35. 35 eprisewildcat July 1, 2010 at 11:55 pm

    How about them Gnats and Pirates? Mets and Phils go down on a Braves off night. Oh, yeah!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  36. 36 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 8:44 am

    Be careful out there, epw… there are some crazy folks on the road in the ATL on any normal day. Give ’em an excuse to act even more stupid, like July 4, and you have a volatile mixture.

    I need to acquire the road blue cap, too. I like it. All i have is the traditional red and blue one. And a couple of random fan caps…


  37. 37 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 8:50 am

    Well, this should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention:

    Diamondbacks make it official: GM Josh Byrnes and manager A.J. Hinch out


    Byrnes’ undoing was hiring Hinch. Hunch’s undoing was having no clue how to manage a Major League baseball team.


  38. 38 berigan2electricboogaloo July 2, 2010 at 8:53 am

    Have a great time Wildcat!
    Gil, can you picture Bobby in front of a computer??? or with a cell phone even???

    In other baseball news… the Diamondbacks fired GM Josh Byrnes And manager A.J. Hinch. Clearly, it’s their fault their bullpen is no good. Well, it is partially Byrnes fault I guess…But, they have a contract with him for the next 5 years! And Buster Olney said he will be without a job for .2 seconds.

    In still other baseball news, the surging Red Sox lost their other catcher, Jason Varitek broke his foot, and is out 4-6 weeks. That after Victor Martinez broke his thumb.
    other than Josh Beckett , Dustin Pedroia, Jacoby Ellsbury , Mike Lowell , Jeremy Hermida and reliever Manny Delcarmen being on the DL, they are pretty healthy team! 😆


  39. 39 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 8:53 am

    And so now Kirk Gibson gets his first chance to manage. My money says he’ll manage the way he played – with passion and determination – and that his teams will succeed. ARI will be relevant again, probably sooner than later.


  40. 40 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 8:55 am

    I would never celebrate anyone’s injury, but the fact that Chase Utley will be out a minimum 8 weeks after thumb surgery does NOT hurt my feelings.


  41. 41 Gil in Mechanicsville July 2, 2010 at 9:39 am

    Injuries are part of the game, and not one other team will feel sorry for you. You just hope you catch them on your schedule while they are short handed.

    Yeah boy, the Nats came through last night. Mets trolls are no where to be found.

    Yep, pretty good audition opportunity for Gibson. Much like it was for Riggleman last year, even though everyone knew he could manage before he was hired. Actually, it was the reason he was hired in the first place.

    Anyhoo… Yes, the weather has been delightful the past two days here, ya’ll are getting a taste. It got down into the 50’s last night and the humidity is low. Supposed to creep back up into the mid nineties tomorrow however. No rain until next weekend.

    I can hear Skip now, “and a fan from Enterprise Alabama came away with that souvenir”… 🙂


  42. 42 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    What is with the ice-cream-man hats? Ew! 😡


  43. 43 Gil in Mechanicsville July 2, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    I was kinda thinking the same thing Raisins, only other thing that come to mind is the funny farm…


  44. 44 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    Every time I look up, Gregor Blanco is on base…


  45. 45 Voice of Raisins July 2, 2010 at 10:56 pm

    Wow! What a win!


  46. 46 Gil in Mechanicsville July 3, 2010 at 12:06 am

    The happiest person on the team following that walk off win was Jonny Venters. Second happiest, Billy Wagner…

    I have noticed that Venters has not been as effective in his second innings of work. Maybe he needs to go down to the bullpen between innings and stay warmed up like the Japanese players do.


  47. 47 Gil in Mechanicsville July 3, 2010 at 12:22 am

    An observation.. I think the Braves have everything they need to get into the playoffs this year. That said, they still need that big bat in the line-up to make it to the World Series. That and luck…. but they need the big bat more.


  48. 48 Gil in Mechanicsville July 3, 2010 at 12:24 am

    And Bobby really needs to give Troy Glaus a couple of days off. He is really hurting on those wobbly pins of his. It’s also affecting his ability to drive the ball with power. Just saying…


  49. 49 berigan2electricboogaloo July 3, 2010 at 6:26 am

    Gil, I was thinking the same thing about Glaus! Hinske needs to play first once in awhile anyway.
    That was an amazing game! I thought it was over twice.
    And V, you are right, Blanco was forever on base.
    In the olden days, a guy who didn’t hit with much power, but could handle a bat and had speed, could be a regular center fielder. I just hate to see him sent back to the minors.

    Saw that K.C. released Jorge Campillo. Amazing how a guy can pitch 158 innings for the braves in 2008, have a 3.91 ERA, and just be forgotten two years later.
    Saw he had only pitched 11 innings at AAA, but had a low 3’s ERA. Hopefully some team in desperate need of bullpen help will give him a chance.


  50. 50 eprisewildcat July 3, 2010 at 8:19 am

    Do I know how to pick the games or what? I got to see in person J-Hey’s homerun on his first swing in the majors against the Cubs. Then against the Rockies see him hit a walk off two run single. Last nights game against the Marlins was just as good. Back and forth with great pitching by Medlin and Johnson. We get the go ahead run and then almost immediately Wags blows the save. By the way Blanco made a great effort on that ball. Then… Venters botches the play on the rundown and we give up the go ahead run. But then some great at-bats in the bottom of the 11th and Infante gets a gutty walk-off single. WOW!!!

    Speaking of gutty hits. The Wildcat got selected by a Braves cheerleader before the game to go on the field and hit a golf ball closest to the pin. Me and two other Braves fans went down on the field 30 mins before the game and hit one ball from a mat just off home plate to a pin in deep center field. David Ross came over and shook our hand and then hit the first shot. I went last and in with a very gutty performance walked away with a $100 Chevron gas card. Talk about nervous! But it was great fun and David Ross could not have been nicer.

    I think the Braves should put me on the payroll or something. Great things happen when I show up at the Ted. Ha!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  51. 51 Gil in Mechanicsville July 3, 2010 at 9:15 am

    Wow, Great EW… paid for you to be at the game, in more ways than one.

    I got another one of my sets of golf clubs together and cleaned and polished them up for another grandson who expressed an interest in the game. I’m still holding out for a miracle though and keeping my favorite set.

    Ber, I think Joege hurt his shoulder a couple of years back while pitching for Mexico in the WBC. That always affects velocity and control. Of course he was pretty well seasoned by the time the Braves used him.

    Think back, can you really imagine a weaker starting staff than the one the Braves were trying to employ back then? No wonder they paid Lowe $15 million a year.

    I won’t get the Braves game today as Fox will make sure I get the Nationals vs the Mets…:-( Strasburg mania has arrived. I remember when Doc Gooden got the same treatment.


  52. 52 Voice of Raisins July 3, 2010 at 12:47 pm


    A friend just called with extra tix to today’s game. My young’un and I are going!!! I have no idea where the seats are other than in the stadium, which is good enough for me. See ya on FOX!


  53. 53 eprisewildcat July 3, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    Raisins… walk around the plaza and look like a golfer. You never know you might get picked. Of course today they may be catching fly balls or running to steal a base. Just hang around the cheerleaders. Hahahaha!!!

    Hope you can cheer them on to another victory. How about a non-stressful 12-0 game.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  54. 54 Gil in Mechanicsville July 3, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    Wow, thank you Nats, nice comeback to beat the Mutts 6-5


  55. 55 Voice of Raisins July 3, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    What a fun day… great game, great weather, great friends. The perfect combination.


  56. 56 flbravesgirl July 3, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    Yay, VOR! Didn’t get our boys on TV here, so I birthday shopped for lil’ sis instead. She has, as usual, picked a cake that may take me 2 days to make & assemble.

    Since I’m normally not here ’til this time of night I’ll say this early: Happy Independence Day!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day & if you’re handling any fireworks please try not to get blown up or burned.


  57. 57 Gil in Mechanicsville July 4, 2010 at 12:59 am



  58. 58 Carolina Lady July 4, 2010 at 1:22 am

    May God bless this very special nation. Happy Birthday, USA! Think about it: there’s not another country in the entire world like this one.

    Three in front! How sweet it is!! I hope they just keep pulling away from the pack. Run like Secretariat! If you saw him run in the KY Derby, you know what I mean. He was so far ahead at the finish line, the others weren’t even in the TV shot. The most amazing race I’ve ever seen and one I’ll never forget.

    Wildcat, what a terrific experience! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy! 🙂

    My brother hit a good deal tonight. Estate sale at auction – he bought an almost new Dodge Dakota with 29,000 actual miles on it, complete with towing package: $7,100. It will replace his 1993 Blazer with well over 300,000 miles on it. Believe me, the only appropriate place for that thing is the junk yard. May it rest in peace! 😆

    Happy 4th, everybody!


  59. 59 Gil in Mechanicsville July 4, 2010 at 7:22 am

    Glad to see you home CL… And congratulations to your bro… Estate sales are really all about timing. I have found some great buys over the years. Must admit however, I have ended up with a few whammies too.


  60. 60 eprisewildcat July 4, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Congrats to our All-Stars! Infante is an All-Star because he is the best utility man in the National League. Glad that Charlie Manuel is a true baseball man and recognizes this fact. Do believe I’ll vote a boat load of times for the guy with a Tomahawk on his chest as the final All-Star. Heck yeah I’ll be a homer!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  61. 62 Gil in Mechanicsville July 5, 2010 at 3:40 am

    Man, you just can’t let the Fish off the hook and expect to be successful. Only scoring one run after having the bases loaded with none out in the first inning was the real difference today. Too many big guns out of the line up at once if you ask me.

    How old is Taveras? He has got to be at least 100 in baseball years….


  62. 63 eprisewildcat July 5, 2010 at 7:50 am

    Taveras is an interesting player but not what I was dreaming about to add some pop in the line-up. Forgot that he was 2nd in the Rookie of the Year voting in 2005. Ryan Howard and won Taveras finished just ahead of… Jeff Francoeur. Some insurance in case we trade some outfielders? With Shafer and McClouth struggling mightly he could be decent no cost pick-up. I don’t know???

    GO BRAVES!!!


  63. 64 eprisewildcat July 5, 2010 at 7:53 am

    What I meant to say, “Ryan Howard won and Taveras finished just ahead of… Jeff Francoeur.”

    Some coffee please!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  64. 65 Voice of Raisins July 5, 2010 at 10:09 am

    … filling out the AAA roster. And having a little speed handy never hurts.


  65. 66 Gil in Mechanicsville July 5, 2010 at 10:42 am

    One has to wonder how a guy could fall so far so fast. I guess it is another latin player who didn’t give Ja Bu his due…

    Rumor is for Oswalt to go to the Rangers… I can live with that. Millwood says he wouldn’t mind getting traded to the Mets, I can live with that too.

    Poor Nationals, they just can’t seem to get anyone to want to come to DC to play. I guess they are going to hay to rely on home grown talent…


  66. 67 Gil in Mechanicsville July 5, 2010 at 10:47 am

    Only in America would her comments be considered controversial. The following about Prejean..

    The 23-year-old bride made headlines last year after making controversial remarks during the Miss USA pageant that marriage should be between a man and a woman.


  67. 68 Voice of Raisins July 5, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    Welcome to Amerika… home of the tolerant and morally bankrupt.


  68. 69 berigan2electricboogaloo July 5, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    Clearly, our good luck charmed named Wildcat and VOR were not at yesterday’s games! 😉
    Sounds like you guys had a great time those days!

    Gil, what was so funny about that comment last year was that they showed the Prez stated basically the same thing. Funny, no matter what he says seems to be aok with his supporters.


  69. 70 berigan2electricboogaloo July 5, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Good luck charmed??? sigh…
    Hope everyone had a good 4th! 🙂


  70. 71 Gil in Mechanicsville July 5, 2010 at 3:26 pm

    I hope the Braves are ready for the heat. Leaving the relatively balmy weather of Atlanta for the hell hole known as East Philly with the 100 degree temps plus killer humidity.

    Suppose to ratchet gradually upward this week. 105 predicted for this area by Wednesday.

    Well, the dogs both had panic attacks last night at the height of the fireworks displays close to home. Josie and I ended up sitting out in the back yard until 10PM to help quell their nerves. I actually had my own little event so to speak. While cleaning out one of the sheds, I found a bug zapper I had bought before I moved here to Mechanicsville. I had put a fresh coat of black paint on it and hung it up. Well, last night I plugged it in… Yeehaw, now that’s fun, I don’t care who you are :-)… What did Jeff Foxworthy say? You might be a redneck if you think a bug zapper and a six pack equals quality entertainment.

    I could not help but be reminded of the line from Shrek III when Donkey tells Shrek, DON’T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT!!! Bugs are dumb like that though. Even watched one particularly determined creature struggle to get past the wire mesh guard so he could gain entry…. POOF… sizzle…. it was like the botched execution in the movie “The Green Mile”….

    Yep, beer and hot weather will do that for you….


  71. 72 eprisewildcat July 5, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    Melk-dud… arrrrrrggghhhh!!!

    Let me just say that the Melk-dud is not my favorite player. I cannot fault his effort but does he ever come up with a timely hit. His glove work in the field is acceptable but he has to contribute to some run production eventually. Doesn’t he?

    I’m sorry y’all. I don’t want to sound like one of the whiners across the street but geeeezzz!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  72. 73 Voice of Raisins July 5, 2010 at 10:26 pm

    I am hopeful that Melk-dud has played up a little trade value over the last 40 games or so, and that he is the OF included in any trade package.


  73. 74 Gil in Mechanicsville July 6, 2010 at 2:00 am

    Well folks, you know what? If Derrek Lowe pitches every game the rest of the season exactly like that, I’ll take it. Really, just an excellent game. One mistake and boom, but that’s an out at Turner Field.

    Really a bush call by an ump tonight in the 6th saying Prado was bobbling that ball. Cost Derrek 10 extra pitches and rolled over the line up for the Phills. The ball was still with in the confines of his glove… come on….

    Okay, still to more games to play in this set and Halladay won’t be pitching again. We can take these turkeys..

    And Melky… Great 4th outfielder… Everyday guy in the middle of your line up.. Eh, not so much.. Always seems to be the guy the opposing pitchers are looking to to get out of an inning.

    Still, I look for YuNel to have a big second half. The kid really needs to turn it around at the plate. I’m not sure exactly what is going on with him but I just can’t see him flailing for the rest of the season. Hey Frank, hire Freddie as a special hitting instructor for the guy…


  74. 75 Carolina Lady July 6, 2010 at 3:05 am

    I would really love to see L. W. Jones Sr hired as hitting instructor/consultant/whatevertitlefits.


  75. 76 eprisewildcat July 6, 2010 at 8:08 am

    If we had Andruw at the his very best we probably don’t win that game last night against Halladay. The dude really had his best stuff. They said it was his sixth year in a row that he had ten wins by the All-Star Game. WOW!!! The last guy to do it was Catfish Hunter. While living in Dallas I got to see the Catfish many times. He really pitched some gems and I especially remember a one-hitter against Ferguson Jenkins for the Rangers.

    Hey… let’s score early and often tonight.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  76. 77 Gil in Mechanicsville July 6, 2010 at 8:21 am

    At least KK should not have a tired arm when he finally gets a chance to pitch.


  77. 78 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 11:02 am

    KK? Who is this KK you speak of? 🙂


  78. 79 berigan2electricboogaloo July 6, 2010 at 11:53 am

    KK…he’s a guy we are paying more than 7 mil this year, and next…ring any bells now??? 😉
    Seems to me, some team would gladly take him off our hand if we paid say, 75% of his salary this year and next…I mean, it’s nice to have an insurance policy in case Lowe, Huddy, JJ or Hanson get hurt, or Medlen becomes mortal again(I bet that is a big reason KK is still here) but a team like the Brewers should be willing to pay a mil or so this year and next, even if they didn’t really give us much of a prospect…plus, it would give the braves more money come July 31st, or during the offseason…..


  79. 80 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 11:54 am


    I was just looking at the AAA roster – you know, for fun – and noticed that the AAA Gwinnett Braves only have 5 outfielders on their roster even with the addition of Taveras.

    Did you know that the Braves had released Alex Romero? Do you even know who Alex Romero is? Me either. Well, I suppose that’s one reason he was released.

    Now… here’s the real test. Who leads the AAA Gwinnett Braves in HR’s with 14?

    I’ll give you a hint– He is also tied for the team lead in 2B’s with 22, leads the team in SLG%, is 4th in OPS and 7th in AVG. Did I mention he plays OF and is a right-handed hitter?


  80. 81 berigan2electricboogaloo July 6, 2010 at 11:55 am

    You know, I wouldn’t really miss Yunel…and I was once one of his biggest supporters to become an everyday player. If Infante hit .270/.280 and played good defense, would we really be hurting?? Would we miss Yunel’s 0 homers????

    Teams Are Inquiring On Yunel Escobar
    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [July 6 at 10:20am CST]

    Teams are calling the Braves about shortstop Yunel Escobar, according to ESPN.com’s Jerry Crasnick (links all via Twitter) . The Braves are hesitant to move the 27-year-old, despite his first half slump. GM Frank Wren will listen, but the team isn’t anxious to move its starting shortstop. We heard last month that the Braves would probably consider moving Escobar, though they weren’t actively shopping him at the time.

    Escobar posted an OPS around .800 in each of the three seasons leading up to 2010, but has disappointed at the plate this year. He has a .238/.339/.283 line, though he does have five more walks than strikeouts. If the Braves trade Escobar, they would presumably play Omar Infante at short, and possibly Brandon Hicks. Despite his All-Star status, Infante has not been an everyday player for years and Hicks has only stepped in against major league pitching six times.

    The Tigers have interest in Stephen Drew, so it would be a surprise if they haven’t conisdered Escobar. The Rockies and Padres could also use help at short, though there is no evidence that either team is actively looking to add a shortstop.


  81. 82 berigan2electricboogaloo July 6, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    V, I did not know that! I looked him up…why not give him a shot???

    Did ya know Yunel is 27, Infante is 28??? I know, weakens the bench…well…I’d rather have a scrappy Prado type that plays hurt, that doesn’t seem to be morose half the time…you can’t underestimate that point….


  82. 83 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    I would only move Yunel if the return were of near All-star caliber LF. Yunel, while unique in some of his mannerisms, is still a young and foundational type of player. I love him. But I’d trade him if the return knocked my socks off.

    I mean, if Omar is going to play everyday, then the offset in LF better be substantial.


  83. 84 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 12:37 pm

    And how did I miss this?!?

    Braves minor league pitching prospect Arodys Vizcaino has been placed on the disabled list after an MRI revealed a partial tear in the ligament in his right elbow. An examination by Dr. Doug Murray in Atlanta determined Vizcaino does not need surgery.


  84. 85 Gil in Mechanicsville July 6, 2010 at 1:32 pm

    And how did I miss this?!?

    Probably working or otherwise doing something constructive… 🙂

    So, Steven Drew… If he is available, why not? Yes, I know he is a lefty but that does not seam to make that much difference does it, except against Hallady… ?

    It is really hot here today. I have lots of outdoor chores staking up but it is just not in me to want to suffer heat stroke. I washed (did that Monday) waxed the Trans Am yesterday just because I was bored. I have not driven it for two months but still… Makes a very nice lawn ornament…

    If I were so inclined, I would take it out at night but that would conflict with the Braves’ games and sleeping… There is a reason you have an air conditioner in a convertible. Besides, I would actually need some place to go…


  85. 86 Gil in Mechanicsville July 6, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    I know two teams that could really use pitching, three if you count Washington but I think the Braves would rather deal with an American League team. It is a shame the Braves are so cost conscious, They could trade Kershin and some other prospects to Seattle for Lee. Yes, I know the Braves don’t need pitching but they sure could use a lefty.

    I think Matty Diaz is going to be very expendable. That said, Melky could use a night off. or two…

    I know Josh Willingham’s name has been bandied about as a possible solution for the Braves in left field. Were it not for the fact that he is another guy who wants to pull everything I would be very high on him.

    Is it just me or does it seem guys are breaking down at a more rapid rate since MLB has banned Kick-A-Poo joy juice. Seems as if players are reverting back to the 26-31 as prime years again.


  86. 87 Gil in Mechanicsville July 6, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    Ber, since you piqued my interest, I went to the Gwinnett site to see to whom you were referring. Matt Young,,, That guy is SHORT… I thought he was oriental when I saw him during spring training. Did the Braves get him in a trade or has he been in the system all along?

    He did not have a particularly good spring I did not think, seemed somewhat defensively challenged but could not hit either.

    I guess that is why you play these guys in the minors to work those things out.

    It was nice to see that Secretariat Seattle Slew Barbaro is having a good season at the plate, too bad he can’t really play defense.

    Looks like Freddie is having a nice year too. Pretty sure he will be up when the rosters expand.


  87. 88 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    No sir… not Matt Young. Try Mitch Jones. He’s mashing in Gwinnett.

    By the way, the family and I may just head out to the ol’ AAA ballpark tonight…


  88. 89 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 4:08 pm

    Now THIS is the kind of name I’d get excited about:



  89. 90 eprisewildcat July 6, 2010 at 7:20 pm

    Yunel batting 5th tonight! What’s up with that? Geeeezzz!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  90. 91 Voice of Raisins July 6, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    Yep… so that he could lead off the 11th with a single. What tremendous foresight by Bobby! 😀


  91. 92 Gil in Mechanicsville July 6, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    Yeah… That’s what I’m talking about. The “Hittin Fool” strikes again… Bobby made all the moves work tonight. Great insurance on that pop fly Hinske that went for a two run homer.

    Not say I didn’t get a bit nervous when Chavez came in.

    Folks, it got down right egg frying hot here today. My digital thermometer made it all the way to 107 this afternoon. Inside the house it was a cool 79..


  92. 93 eprisewildcat July 6, 2010 at 10:50 pm

    Raisins… I should have known Bobby had a plan. Man, what a ballgame! I’m still stressed out over the events of this game. So… should I continue to fret over Yunel? Invariably what happens is exactly the opposite of what I think will happen. I should just relax and let things unfold as they’re going to. Ah, what’s the fun in that?

    Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George started doing and saying the opposite of everything he thought. What happened was “Opposite George” got rewarded with beautiful women and money opportunities. Crazy world, aye?

    GO BRAVES!!!


  93. 94 eprisewildcat July 6, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Gil… it is a crazy world because down here in Lower Alabama it was mostly cloudy with some light rain. Don’t think the high got over 90 today. That’s not going to last because tomorrow will be 96 and 99 is expected on Thursday.

    Nice to see Matt Diaz hammering the ball! He could be a real valuable part of the offensive puzzle for the Braves. Teaming him with Hinske in left field might be the way to go. Ahhh, but what to do in center? Blanco is a nice player but, but, well… you know.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  94. 95 berigan2electricboogaloo July 6, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    Well, caught part of the game on the radio. Very important win, as the Phils are back to 5 out,and I did see like the 3rd and 4th inning, and Cole Hamels was looking as good as he has in a few years, hitting 95 at times.

    If Diaz starts to hit, that solves one problem, then if the time off does Nate some good(what is the newish cliche, hitting like their baseball card?) problems in the outfield will be solved…to a point. Now, if we can just trade Yunel for the guy we never should have let go…Elvis…say toss in some elite prospects like Jo-Jo, Chuck James, I am sure the Rangers would go for that! 😛 Then the team would be a world beater! 🙂


  95. 96 Carolina Lady July 7, 2010 at 5:20 am

    Andruw Jones hits homerun #399. Wow.


  96. 97 Gil in Mechanicsville July 7, 2010 at 8:02 am

    I agree on Blanco, he is a great number 4 outfielder but unfortunately, the Braves already has a boat load of them. Infante’ made a major league catch in right last night, Matty reminded me of why it is his bat that he is a valuable player, he made most of the plays but looked like he was fighting the fly balls hit to him. Got his glove turned around on that blast by Howard…

    And did anyone else see BMac’s pratfall on the foul ball by Howard? Only guy who had a chance at it but did not look very graceful catching it. That said.. he did catch it.. 🙂


  97. 98 Voice of Raisins July 7, 2010 at 8:55 am

    I just do not quite understand why the lack of love for Yunel… I think he’s a terrific player.


  98. 99 Gil in Mechanicsville July 7, 2010 at 9:42 am

    I just do not quite understand why the lack of love for Yunel… I think he’s a terrific player

    So does Bobby Cox, that is why he is going to be in the starting line up every day.

    I mentioned to the wife last night that while I can see and understand why each Braves’ player is struggling or can identify a flaw in their swing, it is Yunel that mystifies me. I just cannot figure out what he is doing wrong.

    Maybe it’s the sin’s of his past that are catching up with him. The umps sure do squeeze him a lot as far as strike zones go.


  99. 100 Voice of Raisins July 7, 2010 at 10:57 am

    He is a terrific defensive shortstop that gets to alot more balls in play than most. If it’s just a matter of style, well the kid plays with flair and emotion. Maybe more should…

    As to his offense, well, it is a mystery. I listened a good bit on radio last night, and Don went into a diatribe on Yunel’s power outage. His AVG has been creeping back up, and he is hitting in the clutch again like he did last season. But ZERO HR’s? According to Don, they have looked at video of his swing, and can’t find anything different that he is doing. It’s very strange. Same swing, same batter. Still gap to gap, just on a flatter plane.

    Well, IMO, as long as he continues to make plays like he did last night, and as long as he continues to hit like he has done for the last month, any power he produces is a bonus.

    I may be alone – and that’s OK – but I’m a fan. He’s one of my faves.


  100. 101 Voice of Raisins July 7, 2010 at 11:25 am

    McLouth cleared to begin rehab assignment Friday

    12:29 am July 7, 2010, by Carroll Rogers (ajc.com)

    Center fielder Nate McLouth was cleared by Braves doctors Tuesday to begin a minor league rehabilitation assignment Friday in Triple-A Gwinnett. McLouth has been out since June 9 when he suffered a concussion colliding with Jason Heyward in the outfield in Arizona.

    His headaches had subsided by last week but the last hurdle doctors wanted him to clear was being able to conquer the dizziness he was feeling when he took batting practice outdoors in the heat. McLouth saw improvement with that as last week went on and got the OK from doctors after an examination Tuesday in Atlanta.

    If all goes well on the rehab assignment, McLouth could rejoin the Braves shortly after the All-Star break.

    At the risk of sounding crass, maybe this was the best thing that could have happened to him. His season was stinkin’, and sinkin’. Maybe he needed “shaking up”. Maybe the “real Nate McLouth” will stand up. One thing is for sure, the next 2 months will define his future with the Braves. Maybe even define his future in MLB. He’ll either be a much needed bat for CF, or a future Royal.


  101. 102 Gil in Mechanicsville July 7, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    Yeah, In the American League they could DH for him….


  102. 103 Gil in Mechanicsville July 7, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    Nates real problem, and I truly believe this, is he sees himself as a power hitter. He does not work on things that allow for him to use his speed to get on base. Well, the left field wall at Turner Field is about 25 feet further out than the one at PNC Park.

    Secondly, he refuses to go the other way. Tries to pull every pitch and as long as he is doing that, he is going to continue to be McOut…

    I think every player on the Braves in the Braves line up should be modeling themselves after Prado. That kid “gets it”.


  103. 104 eprisewildcat July 7, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Did you ever see a happier person than Matt Diaz rounding those bases. You could tell the burden was lifted and that he was back. Awesome!!!

    Nice to finally get to Moyer. He had his stuff going and it looked like we were doomed. But not so fast said the Braves in the top of the sixth. Now if we can make this four run lead hold up in this silly stadium.

    Very nice… a double play turned the hard way, 3-6-3.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  104. 105 Voice of Raisins July 7, 2010 at 10:15 pm


    The Rays would listen to offers for Upton, but are telling rival clubs that they have no interest in “selling low” on the 25-year-old. The Mariners and Braves are believed by [ESPN’s Jayson] Stark to have checked in on Upton.

    Oh, yeah..!


  105. 106 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 6:28 am

    Is it possible, do you think maybe… uh, that the Braves may have found their “Big Bat” for left field?

    Matt seems to be on a mission, maybe he knows that it will be his playing time that is curtailed if ans when the Braves make a trade.

    That was some inning out up by the Braves in the sixth last night. Good to see BMac coming through again too.

    I think I am going to start calling Troy “Diesel”… That big old semi was motoring last night when he scored from first. He would make a pretty scary tight end.


  106. 107 Voice of Raisins July 8, 2010 at 7:43 am

    You know, Gil, Matt has to know it’s now or never for him. He’s no dummy.

    I still believe that Frank is actively looking for right handed power for LF, though. MattyD may reclaim his stroke, but at his best, he could hardly be considered a true power bat.

    Frank will go get one. Bank on it. It’s his M.O.


  107. 108 Voice of Raisins July 8, 2010 at 8:26 am

    Happy Birthday, FBG!!!!


  108. 110 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 10:15 am

    Sooo, It is our own fabulous Florida Girl’s birthday today. I hope someone besides yourself made a cake for you… Happiest of Birthdays to ya Jenn.


  109. 111 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 10:22 am

    Yes Raisins, who do we dance with this year. Who wants to cut payroll, is woefully out of it and is not in our own division and does not want all of the Braves top prospects in return for a high priced summer rental?

    Who besides Matt kills lefties, after all, don’t the Braves just need someone to play against the lefty starters because they are doing pretty well against the right handers?


  110. 112 berigan2electricboogaloo July 8, 2010 at 10:24 am

    Gil, think you are dead on with Nate. What must be hard for him is he had success for a few years trying to do that, now…not so much…


  111. 113 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 10:42 am

    Ber, it’s so obvious. I know if I were pitching to him, Every pitch would be outside because he has shown he is not willing to adjust. I think the shock collar would kill him because he is one hard headed dude.

    Raisisns, great interview, at least the kid is honest, thinks he has a homerun stroke….


  112. 114 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 10:43 am

    Wow, do the Braves have a baseball “Jones” or what? 🙂


  113. 115 Carolina Lady July 8, 2010 at 10:57 am

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FBG!!!! May there be MANY more!!


  114. 116 Voice of Raisins July 8, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    No game today… bleh…


  115. 118 eprisewildcat July 8, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    FBG… Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Hope you get everything you want and then some! Hey, the Braves have given you 50 wins by the All-Star break and three more are possible. Not bad, aye?

    GO BRAVES!!!


  116. 119 berigan2electricboogaloo July 8, 2010 at 6:40 pm

    Happy Birthday Je…err, FBG!!!! I’ll send you some ducks or cows! 😉
    Hope it’s a great one!


  117. 120 berigan2electricboogaloo July 8, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    Hmmm, could have had him for a song last winter…I don’t know…
    Peter Gammons notes a Corey Hart-Mike Minor rumor (via Twitter). The Braves are interested in Hart and other right-handed hitting outfielders, but Hart tells MLB.com’s Adam McCalvy that he wants to stay in Milwaukee.


  118. 121 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    Well, the latest rumor is Jason Werth is having an affair with Chase Utley’s wife. Boy, pardon the pun but that can really screw up the old team chemistry…


  119. 122 Voice of Raisins July 8, 2010 at 8:44 pm

    Minor is going nowhere; Gammons is senile.


  120. 123 eprisewildcat July 8, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    I’m going into dry heaves over the Lebron James’ announcement spectacle. Any real surprise that “The King” will take his act to South Beach. He didn’t even use the name Miami in his announcement. Well… the way he folded in the conference semi-finals against the Celtics the Heat might just be a flicker. The four letter network has reached a new level of low. Sickening!!!


  121. 124 Gil in Mechanicsville July 8, 2010 at 9:51 pm

    Guys, It’s known as selling the sizzle…


  122. 125 Voice of Raisins July 8, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    I hope the sizzle fizzles in Miami. It’ll be interesting watching Lebron and DWade grumble about “not getting the ball”. Yep… last time I checked, there is only one ball on the court at a time. That’ll be a problem in “South Beach”…


  123. 126 berigan2electricboogaloo July 8, 2010 at 10:53 pm

    V, two words…..Adam Wainwright! 😛

    Corey Hart is on pace for 38 HR, 120 RBI. J.S. (thank God Wren is the GM now) traded Wainwright for J.D. Drew, who had never driven in more than 73 RBI’s in a season. Drove in 93 That year for the Braves. Then skipped town, as he is wont to do. Talk about overrated. Frenchy has better RBI numbers, but he is paid 14 MIl a year.
    Anyway, I digress. I am not a huge fan of getting Corey Hart, but if he keeps hitting at least this year….Does he have a long term contract???


  124. 127 flbravesgirl July 8, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Thanks y’all.

    Actually, Gil, my sister’s birthday is the 6th & I made her this enormous beast of a cake so we finished it off today. It was fabulous, if I do say so myself. 3 layers of choc. cake, covered in choc. ganache, filled with peanut butter mousse, iced with choc. buttercream & garnished with PB cups & peanut butter ganache. It barely fit in my tallest cake keeper.


  125. 128 flbravesgirl July 8, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    Re: Phillies rumor – ewww! Talk about a violation of the brotherhood of teammates. And from a purely feminine viewpoint, Utley is fairly good-looking; Werth looks like he has monkey fur on his face.


  126. 129 Voice of Raisins July 9, 2010 at 9:37 am

    16 years ago today a wonderful woman said “I do” and made me a very happy guy. I don’t know what she was thinking, but I definitely outpunted my coverage…

    Happy Anniversary me & she. 😀


  127. 130 eprisewildcat July 9, 2010 at 10:16 am

    Congrats Raisins… it must have been the summer heat! Supposed to hit the century mark here again today. Oye!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  128. 131 Gil in Mechanicsville July 9, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Congratulations Raisins to both you and your bride.

    EW, temperatures will drop here today, only in the high 90s but the humidity is rising. Yech…

    Taking the day off today… yes, I know, stop laughing.. Grandkids have been visiting the past three days… Whew…


  129. 132 Voice of Raisins July 9, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    Cliff Lee is scheduled to pitch for the Mariners against the Yankees tonight, but according to sources, it could very likely be the other way around.


    It appears that once again, the Yankees are going to swoop in and take the premier guy in the trade market for themselves. 😐


  130. 133 Voice of Raisins July 9, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    I wonder what that means for Javy Vasquez? Reckon they’d take Melky back for Javy? No, not Dunn or Vizcaino. Just Melky. Oh, well… a guy can dream, can’t he?


  131. 134 Voice of Raisins July 9, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    Oh crap! What if they send Javy to Philly for Werth?

    I do not want Javy on any of the teams in our division, that’s for sure.


  132. 135 Voice of Raisins July 9, 2010 at 12:49 pm

    Javy for KK? 😀


  133. 136 Gil in Mechanicsville July 9, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    Here is the problem, you still want teams within your division good enough to beat each other, just not good enough to beat you. Don’t want Philly to beat up on the Nationals like they have done the past few years. Parity is good as long as you are the main parrot…. or something like that.


  134. 137 eprisewildcat July 9, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    Scoring a run off a Reyes error is a good way to start this game with the Mets. Important series for our Bravos. Let’s see if we can hit this knuckleballer.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  135. 138 eprisewildcat July 9, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    We’re not hitting this knuckleballer but he sure is hitting us. What’s up with that? Poor pitch selection on that last at bat. Come on B-Mac! An athletic pitcher like Dickey can hit a hung curveball. Giv’em the hard stuff!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  136. 139 eprisewildcat July 9, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    Melk-Man followed by All Star Omar Infante back-to-back jack!!! Wow did those two dingers come out of nowhere!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  137. 140 eprisewildcat July 9, 2010 at 10:31 pm

    Leading the NL East at the All Star break… Your Atlanta Braves!!!



  138. 141 Gil in Mechanicsville July 9, 2010 at 10:43 pm

    Great to see our 3rd baseman Chipper Brooksie uh Omar go deep tonight… Francouer almost took the glove off of Prado’s hand. Still counts as an out though…


  139. 142 eprisewildcat July 9, 2010 at 11:04 pm

    Gil… that was indeed a smash by Frenchy that stuck in the webbing of Prado’s glove. Big play! You know Jeff would have loved nothing more than to spoil the Braves night. Fun night tonight. Of course the big concern is a familiar one… Yunel. That kid may have as much or more talent than anyone in the majors and yet it seems he’s a mental basketcase at times. What to do about Yunel? Maybe a bad game like tonight will motivate him. I don’t think sitting him until after the All Star break is the answer. Well… that is unless he has another bad game tomorrow afternoon.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  140. 143 flbravesgirl July 9, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    I had to suffer through the Mets’ feed tonight. Keith Hernandez must be the whiniest man on earth. They spent a lot of time early carrying on about Omar being a “strange choice” for the All-Star Team, basically saying he didn’t deserve it. Funny, they shut up after a while.


  141. 144 Gil in Mechanicsville July 10, 2010 at 7:20 am

    On Hernandez… I always enjoyed watching other folks eat crow… 🙂


  142. 145 Gil in Mechanicsville July 10, 2010 at 9:40 am

    Rats… Despite paying an extra $180 a year for the MLB TV package, yet again I will be blacked out from the Braves broadcast. The local station in their infinite wisdom is showing the Detroit/Twins contest… blah…


  143. 146 berigan2electricboogaloo July 10, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    thats great FBG! I used to be a big fan of Keith Hernandez, back when he was a great first baseman for the Cards. Still one of the best first baseman of all time…but seems like someone I wouldn’t really want to talk to…


  144. 147 Carolina Lady July 10, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    The Wildcat has a couple of great photos on his Candid Camera Page!


  145. 148 Gil in Mechanicsville July 10, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    Great pic EW….

    I found a radio feed today so I could keep up with the game. BIG WIN for the good guys… Sweet to get the first two.


  146. 149 eprisewildcat July 10, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Gil… too bad you couldn’t watch the game today. The Braves, especially Hudson, played great today. Could have used some more hits with runners on base but that’s baseball. The Phillies didn’t cooperate tonight but I think they’re line-up is a bit suspect. A sweep tomorrow would be real sweet. Either way the Braves have exceeded our expectations.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  147. 150 Gil in Mechanicsville July 10, 2010 at 11:40 pm

    So, the Mets lose Reyes, the Phillies win three from the Reds but can’t gain ground. The Braves with a chance to sweep tomorrow but likely the “B” team will be on the field, whichever one that is….


  148. 151 berigan2electricboogaloo July 11, 2010 at 7:20 pm

    Great photos Wildcat!
    Well, seems like I missed the right game to miss…oh well, still in first.
    Andruw Jones hit his 400 homer today….


  149. 152 Gil in Mechanicsville July 11, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    Hitting coach Terry Pendleton has worked with McLouth since then to shorten his swing and reduce the upper-cut that Pendleton said had become more pronounced after McLouth struggled following his trade to the Braves last summer.

    Wow, I think they do read our blog, exactly what I have been saying… Maybe there is hope yet.


  150. 153 eprisewildcat July 11, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Bleh! Not much to comment on about todays game. Would have loved to add to our lead but not to be. The team looks to be ready for a break. The major league season really is a marathon. Hope we come out of the gate sprinting with a strong showing against the pesky Brewers in a four game set at home. Mets and Phils are on the road after the break.

    Thanks CL for posting the Candid Camera pics. Really looking forward to another trip to the Ted. Maybe the San Diego series with a day game on the 22nd of July. Oh yeah, there is this little thing called work. Where there is a will ya know there is a way.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  151. 154 Voice of Raisins July 11, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    Well, the way I see it, there is gonna be some roster action happ’nin’ when the Braves return to action Thursday.

    For one thing, the Braves may have to make a decision on Nate by the end of the week. If they send down Brandon Hicks, who is likely to go, they’ll have 5 outfielders PLUS Hinske and Omar. That’s too many, folks, and that doesn’t even count HeyHey, who may be back about the same time.

    OK, so let’s suppose they were to send down Gregor, who has made the most of his recent time up here. Uh, there are already 5 outfielders on that roster, too.

    I think somebody has to go. I think one of them will be traded. It makes sense to trade one whose value is on the upswing, not the downswing. It could be Gregor. Or it could be Melky. Or it could even be MattyD. I’ll bet one of them is gone soon. And not necessarily to bring back someone we’ll all buzz about.

    The fact is, we simply have about three 4th outfielders on the 25 man roster when they’re all healthy, with a full compliment in AAA.


  152. 155 Gil in Mechanicsville July 12, 2010 at 3:49 am

    I think they will swap places between Gregor and Nate. Hicks goes down when J-Hey is activated. If Nate is hitting like he can, then that is an upgrade right there.

    Now, where is Kershin? Have not seen him since his reassignment to the pen.

    I thought Lowe pitched a decent game yesterday, only gave up two runs. Hard to ask your starter to pitch a shutout every time out.

    Angel Pegan of the Mets is a pretty good little ballplayer, I would not mind having him on our team. I noticed him in spring training and thought he was impressive then. Got pictures of him somewhere.

    I could not help but think how much of a difference Heyward could have made in a couple of spots yesterday.


  153. 156 berigan2electricboogaloo July 12, 2010 at 5:47 am

    Gil, I really wish you were the hitting coach of the braves. They would know what was wrong about 3 months ahead of T.P. telling them! 😉

    Have the braves tried to trade K.K.??? really no point to him being on the team unless a starter goes down.

    And came across a name from the futures game to remember. Mike Trout. An amazingly fast dude in the Angels system,(fastest a scout has timed anyone this year from the right hand side of the batters box) who is tearing it up at 18.


  154. 157 Voice of Raisins July 12, 2010 at 8:44 am

    OK… this may be a little bit late, but according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

    Atlanta had a scout at Monday [July 5] night’s game. They had a scout in Cleveland during the Indians last home stand.

    The Braves, atop the closely-bunched NL East, are reportedly looking for a right-handed hitter.

    Whom might we be scouting in Cleveland?

    I think a little research is on order…


  155. 158 Voice of Raisins July 12, 2010 at 8:52 am

    Well, as far as Cleveland is concerned, only 1 guy really fits the bill as a RH power hitting OF, and that’s Austin Kearns. Interesting…


  156. 159 Gil in Mechanicsville July 12, 2010 at 9:33 am

    I watched Kerns in Washington, he was really unhappy there. I’m not surprised however that he ended up with his old manager, Manny Acta.

    I am excited that McLouth may have turned it around. The guy has talent, can hit for high average, it has been his whole demeanor since being traded that has bothered me. Look, the kid has never been part of a winning ball club so maybe he does not know how to fit in. That said, maybe the sitting and watching and realization that his best chance at success lies in front of him and he needs to be the one who changes.

    Reports are that he has shortened his swing and is finding success, striking the ball with authority. I do not care if he hits homeruns but I do want to see him use left field once in a while and stop trying to always pull the ball.

    As far as Gregor Blanco is concerned, I believe his stock has risen dramatically in Bobby Cox’s eyes. the kid has made himself into a valuable commodity for any team looking for a ballplayer. No, he does not have the gifts of an Andruw Jones but he is scrappy, gives you good at bats and has good speed. You hate to always have him on a shuttle between Gwennett and Atlanta but it is a business after all. Certainly he is on Bobby’s “A” list now.


  157. 160 Voice of Waisins July 12, 2010 at 1:26 pm

    Vewy swow day awound Bwaves countwy…


  158. 161 Voice of Waisins July 12, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    Congwatuwations Mahteeen Pwado!!!

    NL stahting wineup:

    1. Hanwey Wamiwez, SS
    2. Mahteeen Pwado, 2B
    3. Awbewt Pujohs, 1B
    4. Wyan Howahd, DH
    5. David Whight, 3B
    6. Wyan Bwaun, LF
    7. Andwe Ethiew, CF
    8. Cowey Haht, RF
    9. Yadieh Mowina, C

    P – Ubawdo Jimenez


  159. 162 Voice of Waisins July 12, 2010 at 6:10 pm


    Home Wuns tonight!!!

    I wove the Home Wun contest! It’s tewwific!


  160. 163 eprisewildcat July 12, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    Waisins I wuv Elmer speak!

    Somehow it reminded me of my favorite cartoon. Bugs beats the Gashouse Gorillas by his wonesum self. Wham a homa, Wham a homa!


  161. 164 Voice of Waisins July 12, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    Chwis Bewman weawwy makes my eaws bweed…


  162. 165 berigan2electricboogaloo July 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    Wheely Waysins??? Err, I mean, really Raisins? Austin Kearns has 17 homers since 2008….excuse me if I don’t get too excited! 😛


  163. 166 Voice of Waisins July 12, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    No, Bewigan, not exciting at all. I am onwy wepohting the news, not twumpeting the possibiwity. I cannot imagine who ewse they could possibwy be scouting with the Twibe, though.


  164. 167 Voice of Waisins July 12, 2010 at 8:43 pm

    Shewwey Duncan? Pwease…


  165. 168 berigan2electricboogaloo July 12, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Hey, I’d rather have Shelly! 😉
    Man, Corey Hart’s swing looks soooo much better than it did last year!


  166. 169 Gil in Mechanicsville July 12, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    I did not realize Cory Hart was so strong….


  167. 170 Gil in Mechanicsville July 12, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Still think Hanley is a jerk


  168. 171 Voice of Raisins July 12, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    Yes, and while it is true that Kearns has but 17 HR’s since 2008, Duncan has but 13 for his career. Neither will strike fear in Roy Halladay.

    And can you imagine an outfield that has both Kearns and Jordan Schafer in it? They may have the biggest ears of any other players in MLB.

    I better be careful… they can probably hear what I’m typing about them!

    Seriously, though. Maybe a straight up swap of Duncan for Blanco or Melky. After all, Grady Sizemore is out for the year, and his replacement, Trevor Crowe, might not start start on some AAA rosters.


  169. 172 Voice of Raisins July 12, 2010 at 9:33 pm

    And Hanley is surely a jerk. But he almost single-handedly gift wrapped Fredi for the Braves. Thanks, Jerk! 😀


  170. 173 Voice of Raisins July 12, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    And speaking of jerks, David Ortiz (I cannot stand to hear “Big Papi” one more time!) strikes me as being a bit of a jerk as well. I for the life of me can’t figure out how he has escaped being nabbed as a ‘roider.


  171. 174 Voice of Raisins July 12, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    Man… Berman may be the single most annoying guy in broadcasting.


  172. 175 Gil in Mechanicsville July 12, 2010 at 11:28 pm

    Yes Raisins, and couple him with Bobby Valentine and you have some real powerful urges to stand on the mute button.

    RAIN…. The Lord has seen fit to bless us with a thunder storm tonight. While I don’t particularly like the fact I have no satellite signal, my crepe myrtles and grass are leaping for joy. I have been watering some of my smaller shrubs but the lawn has been on it’s own. Man, it is BROWN……

    I suspect it will green up for a few days now. Hey, even Death Valley blooms after a freshet.


  173. 176 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 9:53 am

    And George Steinbrenner has died.

    Love him or hate him, he was a baseball icon…



  174. 177 Gil in Mechanicsville July 13, 2010 at 11:15 am

    Some thoughts on Steinbrenner. He brought the Yankees out of their doldrums following the years that CBS owned the club. He made lots of money and he was not afraid to spend it. The consummate control freak, he made it work for him. He was the owner everyone wish they had and the target of everyone else because they could not compete with his spend thrift ways.

    He was all for one and one for all, as long as he was the ONE… RIP Mr Steinbrenner, Billy Martin has been waiting for you to show up….


  175. 178 Gil in Mechanicsville July 13, 2010 at 11:17 am

    Okay, it’s off to the car dealership to pick up a part I ordered for the Caddie, later guys…


  176. 180 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    So I am wondering…

    If the Rays are heavily scouting Corey Hart, as is being reported, where would they play him if they got him? They already have an OF of Carl Crawford, BJ Upton and Ben Zobrist. Zobrist plays alot of positions, so he could move to 1B..? Nope. Carlos Pena (18 HR, 54 RBI) is there. What about 2B? Sean Rodriguez (.265/.302/.425, 6 HR, 30 RBI) is having a pretty decent season. I see no reason to pay what Hart will cost in a trade to essentially replace Rodriguez. No need to even mention 3B and the Golden Child. And SS is a position Zobrist does not play.

    Hart would have to play RF, so where would Zobrist move to?

    Wonder if they are really looking to move Upton as was earlier reported?



  177. 181 Gil in Mechanicsville July 13, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    Rasins, a deal that might have Upton going the other way plus pitching prospects?

    I have watched the Rays farm club in Durham put together some pretty nice seasons. Unfortunately I can actually get eyes on anymore but they have a very deep minor league system now. Quite a few guys are blocked by the very players you mentioned.


  178. 182 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    I find this stuff fun, Gil, even as it applies to teams other than the Braves. Just to see how all of the pieces fit together is fascinating to me.


  179. 183 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    The Braves are the 3rd most popular team in all of baseball. Pretty cool…



  180. 184 Gil in Mechanicsville July 13, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    Ray Rah Re…We’re number three??? Heck of a cheer eh?

    Loses something in translation I guess…


  181. 185 Gil in Mechanicsville July 13, 2010 at 6:22 pm

    “Always room on the band wagon” … Chip Caray 🙂


  182. 186 eprisewildcat July 13, 2010 at 7:02 pm

    I know the Braves are very deep rooted in the South, but the large popularity figures are due in large measure to TBS. I’ve seen the numbers of Braves fans on the road and it’s very impressive. Oh for the good ol’days of Ernie, Skip, and Pete on the Superstation. I don’t know how much longer I can stand Chip and Ron Gant… yuk!!! I actually enjoyed Bob Rathbun and Jeff Torborg more.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  183. 187 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    Oh for the good ol’days of Ernie, Skip, and Pete on the Superstation.

    Ain’t that the danged truth!

    It’s bad enough that you can’t ever figure out which flippin’ station their gonna be on, you never know which flippin’ announcers you’re gonna get, either. Some nights it’s Chip & Joe. Some nights it’s Ernie, Jr. & Joe. Some nights it’s Ernie, Jr. and Ron. (Ugh… those are the worst!)

    Who are we supposed to identify with?


  184. 188 berigan2electricboogaloo July 13, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    And can you imagine an outfield that has both Kearns and Jordan Schafer in it? They may have the biggest ears of any other players in MLB.


  185. 189 berigan2electricboogaloo July 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm

    Speaking of the multiple announcers….am I crazy, or was it mainly Joe and Smoltzie on TBS, and now they have Earnie Jr on most of the games??? Or am I just imagining it???
    and which flippin’ channel, indeed! tbs??? No…Sports South??? No. ESPN??? No…wait, is it Saturday??? Oh, Fox…sigh…well, at least they are televised. Being a Cards fan in the 70’s and 80’s, I think only 40 games + were on TV….


  186. 190 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    Check this out!


  187. 191 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 7:58 pm



  188. 192 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 9:55 pm

    C’mon, BMac!!!


  189. 193 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 10:03 pm


    And I am reminded of one of the reasons that I do NOT like inter-league baseball. As BMac stepped in to face Justin Verlander, there was nothing new or unique about it. He just faced Verlander a couple of weeks ago.

    Bleh. 😐


  190. 194 eprisewildcat July 13, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    I agree Raisins… don’t care for inter-league action. Some of the intangibles that we lose for the sake of selling more tickets and improving ratings. All for the sake of the casual baseball fan. Grrrrr!!!



  191. 195 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    From Buster Olney’s Twitter:

    Heard this:Braves continue to have interest in Cody Ross,who is one of three players the Marlins have made available

    I’d be OK with that.


  192. 196 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 10:56 pm

    OK… BMac up again with 2 outs and RISP.

    Let’s get ‘er done this time, big boy.


  193. 197 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 10:57 pm


    That’s how we do it in the “A”!!!


  194. 198 eprisewildcat July 13, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    That double could get him the MVP! How cool would that be!!!



  195. 199 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    It’d be especially sweet if his hit breaks the 14 year drought for the NL, and gives the Braves the homefield advantage in the WS. 😀


  196. 200 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    Dang! That’s some ugly shoes that Wilson is wearing! 😛


  197. 201 eprisewildcat July 13, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    This Valverde due is throwing some nasty junk!



  198. 202 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    Yessir, epw, nast indeed…


  199. 203 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:40 pm

    uh, nasty… 😳


  200. 204 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    Man, I wish Wags could come in and K the side. That’d be soooo cool.


  201. 205 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:49 pm



  202. 206 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:51 pm

    I have to admit, I wondered why Girardi didn’t pinch-run for Lardo Ortiz. He had guys left to run… like A-Rod. It cost him on Byrd’s great heads-up play.


  203. 207 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP. BMac for MVP.


  204. 208 Voice of Raisins July 13, 2010 at 11:56 pm


    BMac is MVP!


  205. 209 eprisewildcat July 13, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    The Ted Williams Trophy… how very cool!!! Looks pretty cool too… a crystal bat. WOO HOO!!!



  206. 210 flbravesgirl July 14, 2010 at 12:28 am



  207. 211 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 12:47 am

    That was great!!!! And really sweet since it looked like he had weakly fouled out….it was close….Couldn’t happen to a better guy!

    About Cody, from MLB trade rumors…
    Braves Interested In Cody Ross
    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [July 13 at 6:44pm CST]

    Add Cody Ross to the list of right-handed hitting outfielders the Braves are eyeing. ESPN.com’s Buster Olney reports that the Braves are interested in Ross as they look to improve upon their NL-best record in the second half of the season (Twitter link).

    The Braves also have interest in Corey Hart, Josh Willingham and Jose Bautista, according to Jon Paul Morosi of FOX Sports. Like those outfielders, Ross is under team control through 2011, but unlike them he is not having a career year and he can play center field.

    Ross, who earns $4.45MM in 2010, is hitting .282/.332/.415 this year with seven homers. That’s respectable production, but the 29-year-old usually shows more power. He has split time between right and center field and appears to be an average defender (according to UZR).

    The Padres, Giants and Red Sox may look to add outfielders before the trade deadline. San Diego and San Francisco prefer players who aren’t about to hit free agency, so the Braves will have competition for Ross’s services if they are intent on getting more production than Nate McLouth, Melky Cabrera and Matt Diaz can provide.


  208. 212 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 8:03 am

    wOW.. wAS THAT A GREAT GAME OR WHAT? So cool for Mac to win that trophy, I thought he had won a car too… Must be a bad economy.

    On the additional outfielder sweepstakes, I’m rooting for Jose Bautista, how much does anyone want to bet that McLouth would be part of a trade deal?


  209. 213 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 8:09 am

    On the announcer shuffle… John Smoltz is fast becoming one of my favorites. Corney jokes and all…

    Look, don’t complain, you could be getting a steady diet of Ron Dibble and Bob Carpenter… Really, really painful that.

    It was major league baseball that made TBS stop airing so many Braves games. Think about it, how many MLB packages do you think would be sold if the Braves were not included? Now it is all very clear to me.


  210. 214 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    I would wholeheartedly throw my hat into the Jose Bautista camp as well. You do know that he plays 3B as well as OF, right? You never know, we may need one of those nest season…

    Problem is, I’m not so sure Toronto is all that hip on trading him. He isn’t all that expensive. That said, they’d be selling high. That’s good for them, not necessarily so good for us. Maybe JoJo and Melky? 😀

    A guy can dream, can’t he?


  211. 215 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:14 pm


    The Blue Jays acquired shortstop Yunel Escobar and pitcher Jo-Jo Reyes from the Braves for shortstop Alex Gonzalez and minor leaguers Tim Collins and Tyler Pastronicky, according to a team press release. The Jays designated Ronald Uviedo for assignment to make room on the 40-man roster.


  212. 216 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Then again, Gonzalez has 17 HR’s and 50 RBI, to go with his .259/.294/.402 slash line.

    Gotta see what the peripheral guys look like.

    This is just weird…


  213. 217 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:22 pm

    Gonzalez is signed through this year for $2.75M with a club option for 2011 for $2.5M.


  214. 218 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:29 pm

    Tim Collins is a lefty pitcher that’s averaged almost 14 K/9 over 4 minor league seasons.

    He has 9 saves for the Jays AA team this year, and is looked at as a future lefty closer.

    He’s 20-years-old with 294 strikeouts in 194.2 career innings.

    And he’s only 5’7″… a Billy Wagner wannabe?

    His stuff described as “a knee buckling curve with a fastball that can hit 95mph!”


  215. 219 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    Honest, this was not the trade I expected… Good luck to him though, hope he wins the AL MVP….

    That said, I think another move is coming….


  216. 220 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:34 pm

    This is only the first shoe to drop, for sure. With the acquisition of another top relief prospect, one of either Craig Kimbrell or Mike Dunn will be included in the next deal. Bank on it.


  217. 221 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    I think I may actually like this deal, even though I am one of the few fans Yunel had. On its own, it’s an OK deal. Gonzalez does bring something to the table, and the prospects don’t look too shabby.

    But obviously, there were clubhouse issues. And now there are not.

    The cavalier flip to 1B that almost got Glaus injured was probably the last straw.

    I still think it’s the precursor to the bigger deal we’re all expecting.


  218. 222 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    Tyler Pastornicky is a 20-year-old SS and is described as “speedy”.

    His numbers at single-A are a .258 AVG with 35 RBI and 24 SB.


  219. 223 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    On a side note, the Brewers asked the Giants for Jonathan Sanchez or Madison Bumgarner in exchange for Corey Hart, according to Henry Schulman of the San Francisco Chronicle.

    WOnder what that would translate into from the Braves?

    I can’t see the Braves giving up one of their starters. Just can’t.


  220. 224 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    mark Bradley:

    It wasn’t just that Yunel Escobar was slow to learn English. It was that he was slow to learn how to be a professional.


    Ow! 😯 Of course, the truth hurts sometimes…


  221. 225 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 12:56 pm


    The one guy who didn’t fit — and who was never going to fit, no matter how many chances the Braves offered — just got traded. Addition by subtraction, I’d call it.



  222. 226 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    Well, color me surprised! At least as to who he was traded to and for. And I had been on MLBtraderumors 10 minutes before the trade….He no doubt will love playing for Cito Gaston, and playing on turf will only make him a better fielder…I loved him at first…it was like Martin Prado, what does a guy have to do to get a break and play everyday???
    But, as you see with Martin, there is a real hunger to get better, to win…Yunel does not seem like someone from Cuba. You would think he instead was a privileged kid that everything was handed to….


  223. 227 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    anyone else having problems getting this page to load properly??? Almost always have to hit refresh once or twice


  224. 228 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    After reading many of the post as to the pros and cons of the Escobar trade, I cannot help but think of the old adage passed along to me many years ago, that being

    Consistent adequacy often out performs occasional excellence.

    I think that really applies in this case.


  225. 229 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Nice quote, Gil.

    As for me, I cannot say that I am elated about the trade, but at the same time, I think it was a good one.

    This one cannot be fully assessed without it playing itself out on the field. We’ll see.

    I do hope there is still one more in works for a LF. Or a CF. I think the addition of Cody Ross would be OK. I think the addition of Jose Bautista would be outstanding. I wish they could have figured out a way to get him worked into that deal somehow…


  226. 230 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Yep, Good one Gil…reminds me in a way of the Gary Templeton(of the Cardinals) for Ozzie Smith trade. Kinda/sorta. Ok, Alex Gonzalez isn’t Ozzie, Ozzie was very flashy, but he was also good on the easy plays as well. And he WANTED to be good.
    Gary Templeton, as few may recall, was a much better offensive player than Ozzie, at least when the trade was made. His trade (along with the trades of Ted Simmons, Pete Vuckavich, Rollie Fingers, and Keith Hernandez) was one of the reasons I no longer felt like the Cards were my Cards.
    Templeton lead the league in triples, 3 straight years. Was a switch hitter than got 100 hits from each side of the plate. Hit .321 at the age of 21. But, he had issues…When Lou Brock was going for Ty Cobb’s record, He was forever fouling off pitches when he was running. Poor guy would have broken the record long before he did, if Templeton had some discipline. But, that was small potatoes compared to flipping off the fans one day….he was traded to the fathers, and no longer snorting coke, and with bad knees, he was still a good fielding SS, but was never again a star. And Ozzie made himself a good hitter, and was one of if not the best SS’s ever….
    Which has little to do with today’s trade…except Ozzie was a winner. Alex Gonzalez has been on several W.S. winning teams.
    Yunel has never been to the playoffs. And if he’s in Toronto for the next several years, he never will.


  227. 231 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    Is it just me(gee, I’m saying that a lot today, aren’t I?) or does Cody Ross seem like McLouth on a good day??? Of course Ross is hitting higher than Melky , Diaz, or McLouth. And you know what??? Playing in front of actual fans cheering for him…that could only help, right???


  228. 232 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    And Cody is a righty.

    I just wish McLouth would seem like McLouth on a good day…


  229. 233 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    I like Cody Ross as a Marlin, always feasted on Braves pitching it seems. Not exactly an All-Star but he has some pop. Kinda McLouth lite….

    Bobby Cox is really a pretty simple guy to play for. Show up on time, play hard, respect the game…. That’s it, oh, no loud music in the club house, but I digress…

    Anyhoo, have to admit Frank Wren has been pretty spot on with his moves. Maybe even Nate gets it turned around, we’ll see.

    Of course Yunel does not get a chance to say goodbye to his team mates. No awkward moments to mess up the team chemistry. Kind of like the guy you work next to for 20 years and all of a suddenly, a new guy is there.


  230. 234 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 3:13 pm

    Nice piece on one of the players involved in the trade.

    Blue Jays Score Big With Little Lefty Collins
    By Kevin Gray
    May 19, 2010
    MANCHESTER, N.H.—Tim Collins is building a career in the largest city of New Hampshire, but his profession doesn’t involve a hammer and nails.

    That was the original plan.

    Undersized and undrafted, Collins was set to become a carpenter upon graduation from Worcester (Mass.) Technical High in 2007. He enrolled at Rhode Island CC, but two weeks before classes an American Legion baseball game changed everything.

    The 5-foot-7 lefty made a relief appearance on a mound in Worcester, striking out 11 of 12 batters and freezing them with a big league curveball.

    Luckily for Collins, then-Toronto general manager J.P. Ricciardi was attending the game to scout 6-foot-7 lefty Keith Landers, now a sophomore at Louisville.

    Within days, the Blue Jays signed Collins, who, despite not having an agent, landed a $10,000 signing bonus and a contract that includes four years of college tuition ($7,500 per semester) down the road.

    “I was never on the radar,” said Collins, who went 91-5 and threw a no-hitter in high school. “I was all set to work a construction job for the summer and the rest of my life. That’s what I went to (Worcester Technical High) for. Baseball was kind of a hobby.”

    Little Guy, Big Numbers

    The skinny southpaw reported to the Rookie-level Gulf Coast League at age 17 and created a Disney-like story with every strikeout. In the past three seasons, Collins struck out 221 batters in his first 152 pro innings. Lefties hit a paltry .117 against Collins, primarily a setup man for Double-A New Hampshire this season.

    Collins, 20, is one of the youngest players in the league, and, though small in stature, his strikeouts per nine innings (13.6 the past two seasons) stands head and shoulders above most full-time relievers in the minors.

    Collins can get ahead with a four-seam fastball, clocked at 90-92 mph and occasionally touching 93, and deceive hitters with his 12-to-6 bending curve. The curve’s unique action makes it difficult to distinguish from a high fastball—until it’s too late.

    “If you look at his career numbers, they’re actually pretty sick,” said Blue Jays pitching coordinator Dane Johnson. “They’re better than Hall of Fame numbers, though, obviously, it’s been done in the minor leagues. As long as he keeps counts in his favor and incorporates that curveball into the game plan, it’s going to be a long day for hitters. Down the road, I see him as a guy that’s not only capable of getting lefties out but righties as well.”

    Collins mixes in a changeup and is working on a cutter he has yet to use in a game this year. An extremely high leg kick helps him generate velocity from his small frame. Imagine a whip that starts at his feet and ends at his hand, explained Fisher Cats pitching coach Tom Signore.

    Collins can’t help but admire Tim Lincecum and Billy Wagner, with whom he shares much in common. And not just a lively fastball.

    “Obviously, they are not your average pitchers, being a little shorter, but they are really hard throwers,” Collins said. “I’m the same way as far as trying to get everything I can out of my body.”

    Rigorous offseason workouts at Cressey Performance in Hudson, Mass., helped Collins increase his weight to 172 pounds and his vertical leap from 33 to 37 inches.

    An outstanding athlete, Collins was also his high school’s quarterback. Only a lack of size kept him off big league draft boards in 2007.

    ‘A Crazy Story’

    If Collins hadn’t pitched that night in Worcester, he’d probably be framing a house this summer. Instead he’s building another career with the Blue Jays.

    “It’s a crazy story. I was 17 years old. I’d never been out of the Northeast,” Collins said. “Suddenly I’m down there in the Gulf Coast League trying to find an apartment.

    The diminutive southpaw was mistaken for an infielder on his first cab ride in Florida, and Indians minor leaguers reportedly poked fun at Collins—presumably for his lack of size—before an outing in the GCL.

    “He’s a smaller guy, but he pitches like he’s 6-foot-5,” Fisher Cats catcher Brian Jeroloman said. “He has a pitcher’s mentality that when he steps on the mound, it’s his game.”

    Last season, high Class A Florida State League hitters batted .199 against Collins, who earned a promotion to the Eastern League and at 19 was the youngest player in the Fisher Cats’ seven-year history. Collins in Double-A was knocked around for the first time as a pro, going 2-3, 5.68 in nine appearances last year, but he entered 2010 as Toronto’s No. 19 prospect.

    He breezed through his first nine relief innings this season, allowing two hits and no runs. He hopes to reach the majors as a setup man or lefty specialist.

    “It would be awesome. I feel like anybody in Double-A is close,” Collins said. “I’m only 20. I have a lot more to work on, but I guess my goal would be to get there within the next couple of years.

    Johnson joked that Collins hopefully will stretch another six inches. Such comments are part of clubhouse culture—and nothing Collins hasn’t heard for his entire life.
    “That’s always going to be part of the story,” he said. “I can’t say it doesn’t get old sometimes, but I do get a good laugh out of some of the jokes.”

    Kevin Gray covers pro baseball for the New Hampshire Union Leader.



  231. 235 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    That said, there have been some pretty good pitchers who are vertically challenged


  232. 237 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    According to 680theFan, St. Louis was on the verge of picking up AGonz when Frank stepped up and made his deal…


  233. 238 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    One more thing, well, one more thing for now.

    I guarantee, every single Braves player runs out every ground ball, plays heads up and flys right the rest of the season. I doubt any player expected to see Yunel traded. Sends a pretty powerful message…



  234. 239 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    I like this statement by Gondeee over at Talking Chop:

    They upgrade the weakest position in their lineup, and they didn’t even give up any prospects… just the opposite, they added prospects.

    Ya know, I think he’s right. Many will argue whether it’s an upgrade. If Yunel suddenly gets a clue, and turns this season around, there’s no doubt the naysayers will be crowing from the highest rooftop. For his sake, I hope he does. But the simple fact is that a kid with million dollar skills and a 10 cent head wasn’t getting it done in Atlanta.

    One has to believe that Troy Glaus is breathing a little easier today.

    And how well would that fragile psyche (FOB?) play out in a tight pennant race? I’ll take the guy with playoff and WS experience.

    Heck, Edward Salcedo will be ready in 2012 anyway… 😀


  235. 240 flbravesgirl July 14, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    You know, I always rooted for Yunel but I also always wanted to smack him upside the back of the head & tell him to grow up. He’s got so much talent & that sulky attitude just drove me crazy. I hope he does well in Toronto but I doubt he’ll change at this point, he’s not a kid.


  236. 241 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    V, you’ve got me convinced Frank knows what he’s doing!
    I wonder if J.P. Ricciardi will talk about this trade(Don’t even know if there is a baseball tonight, tonight)

    Only thing I can say is a trade might make him try to prove the braves wrong…


  237. 242 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    Ber, from what I have read, JPR has already talked about it, and says that both of these “prospects” the Braves picked up have real Major League potential.

    Collins sure looks like it; not so sure about the other kid… the SS.

    But, as I said, Salcedo will take over that position in 2012 and beyond.


  238. 243 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    JPR’s actual quote: “filthy… like a little Billy Wagner.”

    Not a bad comparison…


  239. 244 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 6:23 pm

    Mark Bowman:

    “It’s easier to put up with some of that stuff when the guy is hitting .300,” one Braves player said on Saturday afternoon, less than 24 hours after Escobar had made a lazy throw that pulled Troy Glaus off first base and in jeopardy of suffering a serious injury during the sixth inning of a 4-0 win over the Mets.

    Ouch! 😯


  240. 245 Salty July 14, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    Hi, all!
    Observations from an AWOL stuff-villian:
    1. Yep…next Wags!
    2. Prophetic: Gonzales was on my fantasy team; Yunel…nope
    3. Clubhouse chemistry – don’t treat…remove
    4. VOR – still think you could be a GM. Follow your dream…or maybe you are! LOL!
    5. Rob Carpenter – he was actually good back when I lived in Texas and followed the Rangers
    6. I’ve always liked Ross…course, I’ve always liked Nate. Just sayin’….
    7. Smoltzie is outstanding…and Glav isn’t bad, either. If both had known how good they’d be and how much they’d enjoy it, they might have both saved themselves the torture of their final season. Then again…they’re not quitters! Gotta like that! I love Smotz’s self-deprecating humor. He and Joe together reminds me of the days of Ernie and Skip. They’d forget a game was going on. Then again…probably preserved their sanity.
    8. BMAC!!!!!!!!
    9. I miss you guys!!!! 😀


  241. 246 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 6:47 pm

    More on Tim Collins from Bowman..

    Since being signed as a non-drafted free agent, Collins has become an intriguing prospect. The 20-year-old left-hander has recorded 73 strikeouts in the 43 innings he’s pitched for New Hampshire this season. Blue Jays fans seemed to be upset that he was included in the trade.

    Yep, like I said, picked their pocket….

    And unloaded JoJo in the process. Outstanding


  242. 247 Gil in Mechanicsville July 14, 2010 at 6:49 pm

    I guess we’ll find out if this kid can handle heat and humidity since he is headed to Pearl


  243. 248 eprisewildcat July 14, 2010 at 7:31 pm

    On my way home from work I catch Yunel’s name with the word trade on XM MLB Network. So… I have to pull over and get my phone out and get on the internet and low and behold, it’s true! Yunel to the Jays along with JoJo and we get Alex Gonzalez and prospects. YABA DABBA DOO!!! I kinda yelled like I did last night when B-Mac cleared the bases with that double. I’ll echo some of the same comments made here and say I wish Yunel the best. I hope Cito can communicate with him and help his professional development. But, the Braves added a professional shortstop to their line-up. A real ball player that can hit and hit with power. Great move by Wren and I really look forward to how this unfolds. WOW!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  244. 249 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    Listening to Buster Olney on the radio version of Baseball Tonight.
    When asked who he thinks will win the NL East, his immediate response was, “The Atlanta Braves, going away.”

    The more I read and listen to the aftermath of today’s trade, the more I like it. I still think there’s one more move to come…


  245. 250 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    Who knew Yunel has an “official website”?



  246. 251 Voice of Raisins July 14, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    Uh… it needs updating… 🙂


  247. 252 berigan2electricboogaloo July 14, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    Glad to see you back Salt-man! 🙂
    Wildcat, that’s so funny, you getting excited like you did when McCann got the big hit! 😀
    V, it does need a bit of updating, doesn’t it??? 😉


  248. 253 flbravesgirl July 14, 2010 at 10:50 pm

    Oooooh. Mac actually got mentioned on So You Think You Can Dance. Stardom has arrived.


  249. 254 Carolina Lady July 15, 2010 at 2:30 am

    Hey, everybody!

    I am SO happy for Mac! The recognition from his peers has to be something very, very special to him.

    Escobar gone. OK – who do we want on our banner? I’m open to all suggestions!


  250. 256 Salty July 15, 2010 at 5:54 am

    Hudson…come back player of the year in my opinion…and first-class citizen. Community guy…puts his $$ where his mouth (and heart) is.


  251. 257 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 7:08 am

    Works for me… or Prado.. He seems to be the glue for this team.


  252. 258 eprisewildcat July 15, 2010 at 7:23 am

    CL… put me down for Marteeen Prado. He is the engine that makes the Braves go. I have noticed the banner does lack a pitcher so I agree with Salty… Hudson would be the face of our pitching staff.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  253. 259 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 8:09 am

    I agree with everybody… you know, because I would never put up any kind of argument or anything… 😀


  254. 260 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 8:36 am

    It’s what we are… That…


  255. 261 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 8:42 am

    By the way, discussing the trade with Josie last night (Do I have a great wife or what) she reminded me that she has been saying for weeks that Yunel has been playing like he wanted to be traded. I think she had a point…

    Yunel had/has problems. Could be girl friend, could be money, could just be ADD. I hope the good folks in Toronto get it figured out. It does not bother me one bit if a player we trade to another team does well, allows for further trades to be made.


  256. 262 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 9:43 am

    Y’all know I am/was a huge Yunel fan. When I went to the game a couple of weeks ago, I sat in the stands and told my son how big a fan I was of #19 even though alot of folks had begun to sour on him.

    Yet, as the trade went down yesterday and the wailing and gnashing of teeth began, I was and am able to see it from a clear enough perspective to know that while his individual talents may be outstanding, his contributions as a team member were not so outstanding. It takes a whole 25-man roster to get to October.

    Let me put it this way: he could be the strongest and swiftest oarsman in the boat. But when the rowing begins, his oars are all over the place.

    I wish him the best of luck… unless the Braves are facing the Jays.


  257. 263 berigan2electricboogaloo July 15, 2010 at 10:09 am

    I’m with V, I like all the choices for the banner! 😛

    New column by Jeff Schultz, with more interesting comments on the trade….


  258. 265 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    It is being mentioned across the street that Mike Dunn has been called up. I have not been able to verify it, though.

    If it is true, then it raises some very interesting questions.

    1) Is one of Venters or O’Flaherty injured?

    2) If so, why did we not know before 1:00pm today?

    3) Is he replacing someone who has just been traded?

    4) Is he being showcased for a trade?

    If he has in fact been called up, I’ll bank on #4 being the case. It is certainly an interesting twist, though.

    I am trying to nail it down…


  259. 266 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 1:32 pm

    Source: American Chronicle

    By Jeff Schuler, The Morning Call, Allentown, Pa. reporting from the ICL/PCL All-Star game

    Although Indianapolis catcher and Telford native Erik Kratz flied out to right in his only at-bat, the night was more than memorable for the 30-year old when he received word during the game he was being called up to the majors. It’s the first time for Kratz, who will replace former IronPig Jason Jaramillo who was optioned back to Indianapolis.

    “That made my night,” Montoyo said.

    Kratz wasn’t the only player to find out he was going to the big leagues. Gwinnett pitcher Michael Dunn found out in the first inning from his fiancee he was getting promoted to the Braves, and the PCL’s Chris Seddon (Colorado Springs/Colorado) and Ernesto Frieri (Portland/San Diego) got word before the game they were being called up.


  260. 267 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 1:33 pm

    Seems credible enough…


  261. 268 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 1:46 pm

    Shanks also has the promotion, and says that Lee Hyde is being promoted from AA to AAA to replace Dunn. That certainly suggests that no-one is going down. It’s either injury or trade.

    Waiting to see the other shoe drop…


  262. 269 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    Bowman’s Twitter:

    LHP Eric O’Flaherty is going on the DL because of a viral infection. LHP Mike Dunn has been promoted from Gwinnett.


  263. 270 berigan2electricboogaloo July 15, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    V, you are a regular detective today! I see nothing on the AJC, or MLBtraderumors….DOB in transit?? or yet another vacation???


  264. 271 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    Mr. O’B has a day off following the whirlwind Left Coast trip…

    And yes, I am displaying my snooping and digging skills today. I promise only to use my powers for good…


  265. 272 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Ah ha… A good doer… of course, you realize the peril you place yourself in if your secret identity is ever discovered. When you are labeled and an “er” only woe can follow….

    That said. thanks for the info. I keep getting the feeling that Kershin is on the block. Not a single word as to his whereabouts since his banishment to the pen.


  266. 273 flbravesgirl July 15, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    VOR, I agree. I liked Yunel, thought he has amazing potential but it just wasn’t happening with the Braves.

    Hope EOF will be OK, that sort of thing can be very difficult to clear up.


  267. 274 berigan2electricboogaloo July 15, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    Mr. O’B has a day off following the whirlwind Left Coast trip…
    Isn’t that what yesterday should have been? Perhaps since there was a trade, it was to be the day off…

    I sound a bit bitter, don’t I??? Not that I am jealous of a guy that gets paid to watch games(and yes, I guess to write about what he sees! 😉 ) and gets a per diem to eat out and great restaurants nationwide, while I get to eat at…not so great places in Fayetteville. Nope, not even a tinge of jealousy in my body….

    And what is MLBtraderumors excuse??? They break all sorts of non stories like somebody getting released of the Toledo Mud Hens. But no Mike Dunn mention, at least not 10 minutes ago.
    A good doer 😆


  268. 275 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    2night’s lineup:

    1. Marteeen, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF Woo-hoo!!!
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. BMac, C
    5. Beast, 1B
    6. Hinskinator, LF
    7. Alex Gonzalez, SS
    8. Greg White, CF
    9. JJ, P


  269. 276 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    Note on the AJC blog:

    (OK folks, we are down to the third-string. No David O’Brien. No Carroll Rogers. Yes, you’re stuck with me. As one blogger posted on one of my note blogs a few weeks ago: Chris Vivlamore=D.J. Shockley. Just for tonight. I’ll be riding shotgun to O’Brien Friday.)


    I love his sense of humor!


  270. 277 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    Team seems kind of flat tonight


  271. 278 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 8:30 pm

    Then again….

    Poor J-Hey is getting BEAT UP….


  272. 279 eprisewildcat July 15, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    Gil… I know what you mean about being flat. Don’t get it. Looks to be a good crowd tonight with a lots of energy. They need to be hammering this Brewer staff. Oh well… pitching staff has held the Brewers to a single run. Going to the 9th and here comes Wags. Should be well rested. Let’s knock’em down in order!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  273. 280 eprisewildcat July 15, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    In order! Braves Win!!! Pulling for the Cubs and Giants now. Cubs are up 6-2 over the Phils in the 7th.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  274. 281 Voice of Raisins July 15, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    Cubbies up 11-2 in the 9th. Awesome!!!


  275. 282 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 11:01 pm

    Y E A H Baby….. Good win…


  276. 284 Gil in Mechanicsville July 15, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    Still a few holes in this line up but good pitching will rule the day. I am really super impressed with Venters. What a find….


  277. 285 Carolina Lady July 16, 2010 at 3:00 am

    Wow. That’s a pretty scathing article on Francoeur. I’m sorry to see anyone struggle as he has since the media blew him up as larger than life so early in his career. That seems to have done him in. Or did he never have it to begin with?

    Ok. Seems we have a split between Prado and Hudson for the banner. I will take “artistic license” and see what I can do.

    Gil, you indeed struck gold when you found Miss Josie! 🙂

    Today I filed the last of Mother’s insurance policies. A few last bills to pay and in three or four weeks, I can finish the settlement of her little estate. She didn’t leave a whole lot in material goods, but she left an indelible impression on everybody she met. As her only daughter and the one closest to her, she touched and influenced every aspect of my life. She cherished Kelly who remembers all the things she did with her – from playing Barbies with her to taking her to the zoo and parks when she was small. A life well lived. I miss her.


  278. 286 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 8:03 am

    CL, It has been said that the footprint you leave on this earth can be measured by the number of lives you touch. You mother left a very large footprint with you. Amazing that after all the frustrations we experience and no matter how exasperate we become when dealing with a parent, in the end we remember most the kindness and the nurturing they provided. May you mom have a special place at the hand of Jesus and many gifts to surrender unto him.


  279. 287 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 8:04 am

    Now baseball…. Five games up BABY… 🙂


  280. 288 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 8:12 am

    On the Frenchy article… I hope Francoeur doesn’t read the papers… Whew… Welcome to New York


  281. 289 Salty July 16, 2010 at 9:48 am

    The media…uh….s…is worthless. It takes a small person to hide behind a a job/computer screen and tear a person down without ever having to face the same scrutiny themselves. People can form their own opinions of a player/celeb…whatever. Who needs an article or op/ed? The media need to return to reporting facts…if no facts…no article. Wonder why I don’t listen/watch news or subscribe to papers/mags. I have a mind and not afraid to use it…………….when I can find it. 🙄


  282. 290 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    Howdy folks, here is a link to an interview with Tim Collins, the young lefty reliever obtained from the Jays. Always makes it interesting when you hear these guys in their own words.

    Funny how sometimes the guys thrown in on a trade become the story… or not… I guess that is why they call them prospects.

    The other thing I find mildly amusing is how a kid who is not yet 21 feels he is ready for the show…



  283. 291 berigan2electricboogaloo July 16, 2010 at 1:21 pm

    CL, I have been meaning to email you, and I will soon!
    Short public comments…It’s really hard when someone who has always been a part of our life passes. Especially the older one is when they die. I didn’t realize that til my Mom died. I figured if person X made it to the age of ____ well, you can’t complain….and wondered why some people seemed in my mind to “overreact” to the death of a Mother, Father, or even grandparents. Now, I completely understand….


  284. 292 berigan2electricboogaloo July 16, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    Boy, you read a few geek blogs and you really want to pull your hair out, you know??? Talking about WAR, and stuff like that, that is total B.S.

    One dope I saw via mlbtraderumors was just going on and on about how Yunel was worth more than Alex Gonzalez, even this year! Good gravy! Well, all I know is that Alex Gonzalez was given a standing ovation by his new teammates! Have you ever heard of that before????

    Now, another Blue Jay site had a link to this story from back in 2008 on Yunel and Bryan Pena. Very interesting, and it just makes me wonder even more why ol’ Yunel didn’t play his butt off every inning of every game….


  285. 293 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    Yunel is a very insecure person, comes from a lot of things but he is someone who wants to be praised constantly. Ever had a high maintenance girl friend? Anyway, he has not been able to cope with the down side of the game, he was use to being able to flip his bat, style his throws… Can you imagine how 90% of the players in the NFL or NBA would respond if they were told “no trash talking”?

    It was a part of his culture, a part of his game. He was so afraid of making a mistake that he became mistake prone. Folks, I was a big fan of Escobar but I somehow have always known he was the square peg in the round hole as far as the Braves were concerned.

    I’m hoping the Jays let the “Big Dog eat” if you know what I mean. Sometimes you just have to say, it just isn’t going to work out, no matter how much you want it to.


  286. 294 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Jayson Stark:

    The Braves look as if they’re built to win any time. They’ve lost one series since the first week of May, and that was to the hottest team on earth (the White Sox). Pitching wins in October, and I love their pitching. I think their lineup can be pitched to. But if Jason Heyward is healthy again, that changes everything. Also, they’re still bat-shopping. So stay tuned. They’re the NL favorites in my mind right now.

    Me too…


  287. 295 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    2night’s lineup:

    1. Marteen, 2B
    2. HeyNow, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. Beast, 1B
    5. BMac, C
    6. MattyD, LF
    7. Gonzo, SS
    8. MelkMan, CF
    9. Big Red, P


  288. 296 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Troy is a little banged up right now. I think big men wear down a little faster than those reedy dudes. That said, I look for Hey Hey and Matty, The Hittin’ Fool, Diaz to have good nights at the plate. Let’s hope the line up doesn’t constantly cycle around to the weak sisters like last night…

    Four out of six of Marteen’s last hits have been homeruns… That will really boost your slugging percentage. So… when do the Braves move him to third base and hit him in the three hole?


  289. 297 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 4:44 pm

    So… when do the Braves move him to third base and hit him in the three hole?

    Ha! 😀

    Actually, as great as he has been leading off, I’d love to see him slide down to 2 if we had a mythical “true leadoff hitter”. Of course, that’d mean HeyHey sliding down to 3.

    I believe the Beast is suffering from wear and tear on the ol’ legs. IMO, he needs a regular day off each week, maybe coupled with an off day to give those knees some rest. Every day game after night game and every day before off day should be designated Hinske Days.


  290. 298 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    Awww… Phillies lost again… 😀


  291. 299 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    I think the Braves should platoon Henski and Glaus until Troy has a chance to recover. The Braves can platoon Diaz with Infante’. Still need a centerfielder but until that happens, need to spread the misery around. Still need to make sure Ross stays fresh too, even if it means letting him play left field or first base once in a while.


  292. 300 berigan2electricboogaloo July 16, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    Gil, I think that is one thing LaRussa has on Bobby. He really knows how to keep everyone fresh, and get playing time.

    V, gee, that’s a real shame! 😀 Lou has sparked the Cubs! 😉
    Lost two games, and that’s with Ryan Howard hitting 3 homers over the two games….


  293. 301 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    The Braves can platoon Diaz with Infante

    Both righties…


  294. 302 Gil in Mechanicsville July 16, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    The Braves can platoon Diaz with Infante

    Both righties…



  295. 303 Carolina Lady July 16, 2010 at 6:43 pm

    re Collins: I’m always amused by young kids (boys aged 16/17-about 21 or so) who think that by growing straggly hair on their pimply faces, they somehow look “older”. They look like just exactly what they are: youngsters trying to look older and fail immeasurably. Cut the shaggy hair, shave the straggly mustache and beard and they’d look 100% better. 😆

    No new banner yet. In the next day or two. Y’all still want Prado and/or Hudson? Speak now or something. 😀


  296. 304 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    Y’all still want Prado and/or Hudson? Speak now or something.

    Hmmm… tough one. I’ll say this much about it:

    No slight meant to Prado, who I think is the epitome of a “Braves” ballplayer, but Huddy’s been here a while. He excelled as a Brave, was injured as a Brave, came back to excel again as a Brave, and will retire a Brave.

    That said, you can’t go wrong either way.

    (BTW -I hope Prado is a Brave for a long time too.)


  297. 305 eprisewildcat July 16, 2010 at 9:42 pm

    CL… Huddy may well be the Comeback Player of the Year and as such deserves a spot on the banner. Pretty high praise indeed to be on the B&S banner. But if Marteeeen earns the MVP you may have to shoe horn him in there as well CL.

    Doesn’t M.Dunn know that Bobby hates walks? Well he wiggled out of trouble. WHEEEW!!!

    Take Me Out to the Ballgame time at the Ted and we need some runs!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  298. 306 eprisewildcat July 16, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    They’re chopping at the Ted y’all! We’ve got a run in and two ducks on the pond, nobody out, and Marteeeeen up.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  299. 307 eprisewildcat July 16, 2010 at 10:07 pm

    Bummer dude! Sure didn’t take advantage of that situation and to top it off I think Chipper just may be ham-strung again. DANG!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  300. 308 Voice of Raisins July 16, 2010 at 10:24 pm

    We’ve got a frog-strangler up here in God’s country, and the satellite’s been out for an hour. I have no idea what’s happened in the game since around the 5th inning…


  301. 309 eprisewildcat July 16, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    Well Braves fans it was fun for a little while! Now that KK sprayed lighter fluid on the fire it’s all a formality now. Glad no one got hurt by those line drives the Brewers were smashing everywhere. Got to be a bright side to everything ya know? Maybe KK’s future with the Braves is not so bright, aye?

    GO BRAVES!!! and giants!


  302. 310 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 2:58 am

    Raisins, consider yourself lucky you did not have to watch that debacle.. Man. that was plum ugly. Looks as if “Bad” Tommy is back. Sometime you hate it when your team is hot and on a roll and you get a 3 day break.

    I guess Kershin answered the question of why we had not seen him for almost a month. The time off did not help him a bit. Think maybe he needs some R & R in Gwennett to get some confidence/ability back.

    Sadly, but for a base running error by the Brewers it could have been worse.

    And Chipper “pulling/tweaking something” Auggggghhhhhh. Injury to insult I say…


  303. 311 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 3:01 am

    However, as bad as it was, the status quo was maintained as only Washington put a dubya on the board yesterday. Mutts lost 1-0 to the Giants.


  304. 312 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    Rosenthal via MLBTR:

    The Braves like [Cody] Ross as well but their opinions on Corey Hart are mixed. Some Atlanta officials are rather fond of Hart, but others see him as a slightly better version of Jeff Francoeur. If Matt Diaz hits well and Nate McLouth comes back strong, they may not even need the Brewers outfielder. If their guy ultimately is Hart though, it’ll be at their price.

    I personally believe Ross would be a nice addition, and Hart would cost too much…


  305. 313 Salty July 17, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    Don’t you just know both Ross and Hart are screaming (inwardly), “Pick Me! Pick Me! Aww…come on guys, pick me!!!” 😆


  306. 314 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:10 pm

    Good one Salty 🙂

    Game time


  307. 315 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    Wassup Salty! Yes, I know they are…


  308. 316 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    Got the “B” Team hitting tonight


  309. 317 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    I like it….


  310. 318 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Diaz, Melky & Omar are our OF’ers tonight. That ain’t gonna cut it, folks… 😐


  311. 319 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    Heck raisins, they may not even get a ball hit to them tonight


  312. 320 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:15 pm

    Huddy looks sharp tonight


  313. 321 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:16 pm

    Okay, maybe so


  314. 322 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    I gotta feelin’…

    Huddy is gonna be dominant tonight. Quick and efficient. I just feel it.


  315. 323 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    Gonzo batting 3rd? Interesting…


  316. 324 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:20 pm

    Huddy has that cut fastball working


  317. 325 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    Ugh… Angel Fernandez behind the plate…

    Forget what I said about Huddy. Angel is too flippin’ inconsistent. I can see Bobby gettin’ tossed already…


  318. 326 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:27 pm

    Kid must have been watching the Japanese pitchers, has that little hesitation in his delivery


  319. 327 Gil in Mechanicsville July 17, 2010 at 7:31 pm

    man, Huddy is dealing


  320. 328 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    Yikes!!! I step away for 5 minutes, come back and the game is tied?!?

    Dang! 😡


  321. 329 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 9:01 pm



  322. 330 eprisewildcat July 17, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Well that top of the 7th was not pretty. In fact it was a bloody mess. All three walks scored. Yikes!!!

    Need a comeback special. We’ve done before this year.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  323. 331 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    Angel Hernandez is a turd.


  324. 332 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    Well… that was underwhelming.


  325. 333 Voice of Raisins July 17, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    Congrats Andruw on your 400th dinger! 😀


  326. 334 Gil in Mechanicsville July 18, 2010 at 12:52 am

    Sigh….. Think we made em mad or something?


  327. 335 berigan2electricboogaloo July 18, 2010 at 11:31 am

    I wouldn’t make a habit of hitting a 300 pound guy….
    and if we were to trade for Corey Hart, a few days ago would have been a good time…


  328. 336 Voice of Raisins July 18, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    From MLBTR:

    Jerry Crasnick of ESPN tweets that Tampa Bay expressed interest in Yunel Escobar before he was dealt to Toronto. He also tweets that Reid Brignac was part of the talks.

    I wonder how accurate that is. Crasnick has been known to, uh, exaggerate. But if that’s true, Brignac might have been a nice pickup. I imagine that Tim Collins was the real focal point for Frank. At least that’s my humble opinion…


  329. 337 Voice of Raisins July 18, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    Maybe we’re gonna break out of this post-ASB offensive funk today. Manny Parra is looking an awful lot like Manny Acosta.


  330. 338 berigan2electricboogaloo July 18, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    V, sure hope so….have a 2-1 lead in the 3rd, but they are overdo for a breakout game, aren’t they???


  331. 339 berigan2electricboogaloo July 18, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    While looking for something else, I see Yunel is 2 for 2, with a homer and 4 RBI’s….now that everyone is aware of his lack of hustle/focus, he’s going to play with a chip on his shoulder and will put up good numbers. Still glad to have Gonzo….and am pretty sure he is going to put up better power numbers for us….


  332. 340 Voice of Raisins July 18, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!


  333. 341 berigan2electricboogaloo July 18, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    That’s what I was talking about! on a 0-2 pitch, a granny, thanks…Manny! 😛


  334. 342 Gil in Mechanicsville July 18, 2010 at 7:02 pm

    There are a couple of guys in the Braves bullpen that I would be willing to send to Gwennette right now. There has got to be some better options available than Chevez and Kawikami.

    Mike Dunn has not exactly knocked my socks off either. Still, good win for the Braves today.

    And Matt Diaz says..”Trade for a RH outfielder? We don’t need no stinking trade”…. Except maybe for a third baseman….


  335. 343 eprisewildcat July 18, 2010 at 8:01 pm

    Did y’all see the end of the stinking Mets vs. Giants game. You’ve got to be kidding me! How could the umpire miss that call? Is this the year of the bad umpire, official, or referee. There needs to be an investigation and a house cleaning. They need to fire some of these bobo’s. Geeeeezz!!!

    Of course the only reason I’m really upset is because the Mets stole a victory out of the jaws of defeat. Arrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  336. 344 Voice of Raisins July 18, 2010 at 10:36 pm

    Just so you know…

    Tim Collins, the young lefty the Braves just got from Toronto, had five K’s in two perfect innings in his AA Mississippi debut Friday. Not too shabby.


  337. 345 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 1:52 am

    Wildcat, you were right on with your observation on the play at the plate in SF. For reasons I do not fully understand, it seems that the quality of the umpiring is in decline. Just too many missed calls. Maybe we are watching to close. After all, I guess if you have to result in watching X-Mo 3 times before you can make a call, then I’ll give it to the ump who is watching in real time. Balls and strikes, I don’t really care where the strike zone is as long as it is the same for both teams and is called consistently.

    That said, the umpire should never be part of the story.

    Yes Raisins, I saw that too. I am wondering if maybe Collins wasn’t the real prize in that trade.

    I am glad Yunel is working out for Toronto. I hope he does well. I for one hold no animosity towards the young man. I think he just must not have been a big fan of deer hunting.


  338. 346 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 8:38 am

    From Talking Chop:

    Brandon Beachy – 5 IP, 2 R, 1 ER, 3 H, 1 BB, 13 K – After striking out a career high 11 in his last start, with a scoreless relief appearance and a scoreless appearance in the All-Star game between, Beachy topped that by fanning 13 in his lone start this week. The Braves seem to have unearthed a diamond in the rough, as the undrafted Beachy has been spectacular this year and has only improved since moving into the rotation.

    Where’d this kid come from???

    Mr. Beachy is 3-1 with a 1.18 ERA in 26 appearances this season – 5 starts – in Pearl (AA). He has 93 K’s in 68.2 innings. He sports a robust 12.2 K’s per 9 innings.



  339. 347 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 8:55 am

    My wish lost at the moment starts and ends with the Marlins’ Cody Ross. With MattyD proving he can still rake against lefties, and Hinske mashing righties all season, I think we have our LF.

    That said, CF is still somewhat a black hole. Melky is OK, but as I have said over and over, he is best suited as a 4th OF. I think the season time clock is running out on McLouth. He’s not exactly tearing up AAA pitching, and I have no reason to believe he’s gonna elevate anything with his impending return to the bigs.

    Plug Cody in CF, and the lineup will tick. I’ll take .279/.331/.409 with 46 RBI out of my 7th spot all day. Hey, he even has 7 SB’s. That allows Gonzo (that last DP he started was a thing of beauty!) into the 8th where anything he gives us is gravy.

    vs. lefties:

    1. Prado (R)
    2. HeyHey (L)
    3. Chipper (S/R)
    4. Beast (R)
    5. Mac (L)
    6. MattyD (R)
    7. Cody (R)
    8. Gonzo (R)

    vs. righties:

    1. Prado (R)
    2. HeyHey (L)
    3. Chipper (S/L)
    4. Mac (L)
    5. Beast (R)
    6. Hinske (L)
    7. Cody (R)
    8. Gonzo (R)



  340. 348 berigan2electricboogaloo July 19, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Wow indeed V! After so many years of nothing pitching wise from the farm, there seem to be an embarrassment of riches! Not complaining mind you! 😛
    Seriously though, I wonder if they have hired more pitching oriented scouts in the last 5 years or so??? Quite a turnaround!
    No doubt a leftie, right???? 😉

    As for the play in the SanFran game…yeah, the ump blew it..but to be fair, baseball tonight showed a called strike that the ump didn’t call for the mutts pitcher. Bad, but fairly bad! 🙄


  341. 349 berigan2electricboogaloo July 19, 2010 at 9:22 am

    Well V, the only complaint I would have with that is that Gonzo has more homers and RBI’s than Diaz(granted, who has been injured) and Cody…Though if there are forever runners on base in front of him, it won’t matter too much will it??? Still, Diaz might be a “better” 8th place guy….weird…braves never seem to have true leadoff guy, nor a guy who should bat 8th. But, that’s necessarily a bad thing, at least the 8th place guy. .


  342. 350 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 9:51 am

    nor a guy who should bat 8th

    They do when McOut is in the line up


  343. 351 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 11:49 am

    I would bat McLouth 10th…


  344. 352 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 11:58 am



  345. 353 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 11:58 am


    The Marlins’ asking price [on Cody Ross] is “very, very high, despite the fact that some teams view him as a non-tender candidate.”

    Hmmm… I want no-one at a seller’s price.

    That Braves are in a comfortable position to not really have to do anything, which makes it very difficult for selling teams to hold a ransom over anybody.

    The way I see it, if a deal is available that will immediately help the team, but isn’t unreasonable – such as Millie’s demand for Hart, or Olney’s reported pricetag for Cody – the Frank will almost certainly make a move. It won’t be for the Nat’s Willingham, as an inter-divisional trade will be pricey. Maybe Baltimore will want to dance.

    I don’t know… Prior to this report, I thought Cody was the most likely match. Now I’m not really seeing anything that jumps out.


  346. 354 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    According to Bowman, Nate will be back in tomorrow’s starting lineup. Frank needs a few games to assess whether or not he needs a real CF. Essentially, Nate has about a week to prove he belongs. It’s put up or shut up time.

    I’m good with that.

    Unfortunately, Gregor pays the price…. again. Too bad. He was having a nice stretch with the big boys.


  347. 355 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    The down side for Gregor is he returns to Gwennette, the upside for Gregor is he left a pretty positive impression. He’ll be back in September.

    I mentioned this across the street… Question, who else needs a Cody Johnson or Josh Willingham? It is one thing for a club to want a certain price, its another when you are the only one buying. What other teams need a right handed outfielder?

    To me, Frank Wren is holding the trump cards, he is the only one who actually has what every team not named the Braves need, that is left handed pitching.

    The Phillies and the Mets both have displayed their Achilles heel in that they do not have the bullpen to hold a lead.

    Diaz is right, the Braves’ team may not look sexy but they do look solid…


  348. 356 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    While uncharacteristically listening to ESPNradio this morning, I heard a very interesting statement from John Kruk.

    He said, in so many words, that the Braves are the one team in contention that doesn’t really need to do anything. He said they have already addressed the one major issue they had in trading Yunel for Gonzo.

    He may be right. They may not need to do a thing.


  349. 357 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 4:07 pm


    The Braves discussed super-utility man Jose Bautista with the Blue Jays while negotiating the Yunel Escobar-Alex Gonzalez trade, but the Braves want to see how center fielder Nate McLouth recovers from concussion-like symptoms before determining their next move. McLouth had only a .281 OBP in the first seven games of his rehabilitation assignment at Triple-A.

    Well… ain’t that interestin’?


  350. 358 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    So, what do the Cubs want for Byrd????


  351. 359 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    I’m thinking they would likely pay Frank Wren to take Sorinto off their hands.


  352. 360 Voice of Raisins July 19, 2010 at 6:33 pm

    The more I think about it, the more I think Frank is finished. There isn’t a huge impact guy out there that wouldn’t cost the farm – literally. I think we’re gonna have to pin our CF hopes on Nate/Melky.


  353. 361 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    Raisins, I think after the debacle that Frank Wren went through after the Furcal deal fell flat, he and his team have become very tight lipped in their dealings.

    Think about it, name one deal he has made since that the Braves nation actually knew about ahead of time.

    I do think he is serious however in giving Nate McLouth one last opportunity to fail. I hope Nate realizes this and plays his buns off because it may be his best shot of seeing the World Series. Otherwise, he will be banished to a perinatal cellar dweller for the rest of his career.

    I don’t see anyone trading a “Big” piece that has a chance at making the playoffs this year. I think he also won’t deal with Oakland because they flipped Langerhans to the Nats on him after he tried to stay away from trading within the division.

    Should be an interesting two weeks. Now, that’s not to say that is a significant player came available who also might fit into the Braves long term plans came on the market, he might just give up a piece or two.

    Do the Braves really have anyone currently within their farm system who is untouchable? Not like he is going to give up J-Hey.


  354. 362 Gil in Mechanicsville July 19, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    The other night I mentioned that Josie said that Escobar was playing like he wanted to get traded. Well, he hit another dinger for the Blue Jays tonight. While I am not so sure it isn’t just happenstance, I remember another Latin player who basically did the same thing. I mean the guy stunk up the place so bad the Braves finally released him. He went on to have a pretty good career with the Boston Red Sox. Maybe ya’ll have heard of him. Luis Tiant….


  355. 363 Carolina Lady July 20, 2010 at 5:04 am

    Happy Birthday to our friend, TnPaul! Miss him around these parts of cyberspace!


  356. 364 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 9:19 am

    Good morning fellow stuffians!


  357. 365 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 10:01 am

    Some random thoughts for a Tuesday morning…

    If Frank does make a move before the non-waiver deadline, it will almost certainly be for CF after Nate has fallen flat on his face. That said, Nate has about a week to prove he can still be a contributor on a playoff caliber team. Otherwise…

    I see really only 2 other teams remotely having an interest in Cody Ross, One being the Bosox and the other being the Fathers with whom we are starting a series tonight. If Frank truly wants to acquire him, neither of those teams will be able to offer a better package. That said, Frank should definitely not overpay. I don’t think Frank would overpay…

    I gotta give props to MattyD. He has totally changed my mind about him in the last week. I now believe that a Hinske/Diaz LF platoon will be as good as anything we could acquire for LF for 2010. I think Frank probably agrees. His focus has been entirely shifted to the aforementioned CF situation…

    In April, would anyone have ever guessed that our biggest pitching concern in July/August would be Tommy Hanson? Mind-boggling…

    I think it stinks that Johnny Venters was handed a 4 game suspension for plunking Prince Fielder. By the way, Prince has been hit 14 times this season. Maybe if he’d lose some of that goo, he wouldn’t hang out all over the plate. And why wasn’t Parra tossed after hitting Glaus square in the hip? The warning had already been issued. I think someone should have plunked the plate ump…

    Speaking of Venters, pretty gutty stuff for a rookie to “take care of business” in that way. I really like this kid. I bet his teammates think pretty highly of him also. I hope he’s our closer in 2011…

    A friend and I were talking last night about our beloved Braves. He and I agree that Fredi is a lock to be our manager next season. Isn’t it a bit odd that he has completely dropped out of sight since his departure from Miami? I think it’s a done deal…

    What coaches might survive the regime change? Or, on the flip side, which coaches will be gone? I think Eddie Perez has a good chance of sticking around. Same with Hubby. I think TP is a lock to be gone. I’m unsure about Roger, but I am leaning toward him being gone, too. My neighbor thinks Glav will be our pitching coach under Fredi. Interesting. Could be…

    What about Chino? His main function has been as liaison to the Latino players. Uh, I think Fredi can handle that himself. Sorry, Chino. That leads us to Brian Snitker. What do we know about Snitker? All I know is that if you rearranges a couple of letters, his name is “Stinker”…

    What would I do if I were Fredi? OK, glad you asked. Hubby would stay at 1B. Eddie would become my 3B coach. Stinker would move to bullpen coach. Did you know that he was our bullpen coach in ’85 and again from ’88-’90? I won’t hold that against him…

    Fredi’s bench coach in Miami was Carlos Tosca. He was fired along with Fredi. Why? I don’t know. Heck, I don’t really know what their real function is anyway, other than being a right-hand to the manager. Maybe that’s why he was let go too. I won’t be surprised to see him follow Fredi here as our bench coach…

    I would do all I could to hire Glav as my pitching coach, but I’m not so sure he’s ready to be away from his family that much. Failing that, I have no problems with Roger. Is it inappropriate to mention that Leo is unabashed in his desire to return to coaching? Hmmm… maybe that song has already played…

    What does that leave? Oh, yeah. Hitting coach. It won’t be TP. I pray it isn’t his former hitting coach in Miami who was the other coach fired along with Fredi and Carlos. I do not see Jim Presley fitting in here. Seeing him in a Braves uni would bring back too many bad memories of some really baaaaad Braves teams. His .242 AVG and .282 OBP in 1990 doesn’t exactly inspire confidence as a hitting coach. It’d be kinda funny, though, if he replaced TP as a coach here since TP replaced him as a player here. That’s all it would be, though. Only funny. And not for very long…

    So who would be a good candidate for hitting coach for 2011 and forward? That’s a good question. I may have to chew on that one a while…


  358. 366 berigan2electricboogaloo July 20, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    V, that looks like a candidate for a new blog lead!!!

    I’d love to see Fredi as our new manager, but don’t doubt the P.C. vote. T.P. being here so long, etc….sigh….

    as for Roger McDowell….at first I really wasn’t that crazy about him…but I think looking at how well our staff is doing, including the new guys, he has to be given credit for that….and I hope he sticks around.


  359. 367 Gil in Mechanicsville July 20, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    Great opine Raisins


  360. 368 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 1:04 pm

    Gee… that’s alot longer in print than it was in my head… 🙄


  361. 369 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    I wonder if Mike Lowell would want to be a coach after he retires at season’s end?


  362. 370 berigan2electricboogaloo July 20, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    Gee, don’t you hate it when you actually agree with something Tim McCarver says??? 😉
    He shouldn’t have had to take anything back….he’s right this time…


  363. 371 berigan2electricboogaloo July 20, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    Check out the “alarming” story on gluttony at the ball parks on the cover of S.I. I never, ever liked that magazine. It’s like the rolling stones of sports mags, IMHO.


  364. 372 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    I like to look at the photos in the first few pages of SI, and that’s it. It isn’t a real “sports” magazine. It’s pop culture with a sports spin.

    As to the “gluttony”…. heck, if you can afford those prices, go for it.


  365. 373 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 6:38 pm

    Jon Paul Morosi:

    On Monday, two major league sources put the chances at roughly 50/50 that the Braves will trade for an outfielder. Atlanta has interest in Florida’s Cody Ross and Washington’s Josh Willingham, among others. The Braves are also keeping an eye on Milwaukee’s Corey Hart.


  366. 374 Voice of Raisins July 20, 2010 at 9:58 pm

    This from Mr. O’Brien across the street:

    Braves could be poised to make Cody Ross offer if McLouth doesn’t impress in next week. Not one, but two Braves special assistants are at the Marlins game tonight — Jim Fregosi and Dom Chiti.

    And from Bowman:

    After allowing Nate McLouth to take batting practice at Turner Field on Tuesday night, the Braves decided to wait until Wednesday to activate him from the disabled list and begin utilizing him as their primary center fielder again.


  367. 375 flbravesgirl July 20, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Good stuff, VOR. I’d keep Roger, he seems to be good at adapting his coaching style to each pitcher ( which was Leo’s weak point). And yes, I think Fredi is laying low in Atlanta waiting for the official announcement.

    Always liked Mike Lowell, even though he always killed us with the Fish. He would be a great guy to have in the organization.

    Used to like Prince but he’s turned into a diva. That whole situation was blown totally out of proportion by Angel Hernandez, one of the suckiest umpires in all MLBland.

    Now, after a few days of total insanity here (the truck battery died, Dad got sick, the front door lock broke,etc.), Dad & I are headed for Tiger for a bit. Wish me luck with the new-ish laptop.


  368. 377 berigan2electricboogaloo July 20, 2010 at 11:55 pm

    FBG, that laptop can only be better than the other one!

    Man, that was a great game! JJ had a bit of trouble in the 2nd(or was it the 3rd) but then was really hitting his spots. Diaz hit his 3rd homer in as many games…
    Wagner closed it down. Still can’t figure why he can’t play one more year….Money is more important than family, isn’t it??? 😛

    Phils seem to have some sort of deal in place for pitching by the end of the week…..

    Does Oswalt make much of a difference???


  369. 378 Gil in Mechanicsville July 21, 2010 at 5:24 am

    “I don’t wear a cup,” Crawford said. “Never wore a cup. I do too many moves to wear a cup. … I’m still not going to wear a cup.” Seriously dude, you might want to rethink that one.

    Now the Braves… Wow, what an impressive game from Matt Diaz and J-Hey. Smokin’ I’m telling you… I thought Jair was walking a tightrope the first few inning but managed to work around it. His slider was really working tonight. it was a good team win and it put a little more daylight between the Braves and the Mutts and Fillies.

    At this point, I don’t know that another pitcher is going to make all that much difference for either team. Their problems go deeper than that.

    Nate returns tonight, time for him to put up or shut up. I’m hoping for no homeruns out of him but a solid 2-4 night with two singles on the ground up the middle or maybe beat out an infield hit with a stolen base. Really, I want to see a guy who will hit line drives, not warning track fly balls.

    Speaking of which, didn’t Melky make a nice play in the first to save a run? Did not hit the sprinkler head this time. Two caught stealings for Mac tonight too. Yep, just a well played game form the Bravos. (I am overlooking the two E-4s because they were just so out of character and did not affect the game at all)


  370. 379 Gil in Mechanicsville July 21, 2010 at 7:02 am

    Well, maybe they (the errors) affected the game a little bit but they were not game changers… No pun intended…

    So, does Nate step up or wilt? Nothing like knowing your job is on the line to separate the weak from the strong. Like making a three foot putt when it means breaking 80…


  371. 380 Gil in Mechanicsville July 21, 2010 at 7:06 am

    Ber, I think the ship has sailed for the clubs behind us now. One starting pitcher is not going to make that much difference for either the Mutts or the Phrils. Not when they have a bullpen that is constantly throwing gasoline on the fire.


  372. 381 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 7:19 am

    I actually hope that the Phils do make a deal for an impact pitcher. As has been very well stated, I don’t think one more pitcher is gonna fix what ails them, and it would mean giving up at least a very good prospect. I hope they go for it.


  373. 382 TennesseePaul July 21, 2010 at 9:18 am

    CL: Thanks for the wishes. I planned on dropping by last night but my wife had other ideas that didn’t include me blogging. I suppose I needed to step away from the machine for a few hours.

    I must say, I’m thrilled the Braves are back at the top of the pack. All this talk and rant from some that the division titles are meaningless, rather lose the season than lose in the post season… I think that is falling flat on its face. This is a fun team to watch.


  374. 383 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 10:00 am

    10Paul!!! Wassup?!?

    Happy belated B-day! 😀


  375. 384 berigan2electricboogaloo July 21, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Hey 10Paul, belated birthday wishes as well from me! 🙂

    Yeah, if we had won the last few seasons, I might have that stuck up view, but not this year, not at all!
    This has the feel of a special team.
    I just beseech Bobby if it’s a 1-1 game in the 8th, and someone gets a leadoff single or double, that he doesn’t feel the need to have Prado or Heyward bunt them over, lets give the hitters 3 chances to get the guy in!!!
    That is all! 😛


  376. 385 berigan2electricboogaloo July 21, 2010 at 11:38 am

    1-1 game in the 8th, during the playoffs I meant to say…


  377. 386 Gil in Mechanicsville July 21, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Yes guys, this team is marvelous. Different guy every night, Different type of win every night, just a fun bunch…


  378. 387 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    All that we have said here is very logical. You know: assess Nate… RF and LF are set… CF is the problem…

    One thing that keeps whispering on my mind, though, is that we still could use a big stick to place in the middle of the order. We could still use a right-handed slugger.

    I’m not writing anything off at the moment. It’s so evident that Frank (and I am sure to a certain extent Liberty) want to send Bobby out a winner.

    Which do you like best?

    (A) upgrade LF:

    1. Prado (R)
    2. HeyHey (L)
    3. Hart or Willingham or Bautista (R)
    4. Mac (L)
    5. Glaus (R)
    6. Chipper (S)
    7. Gonzo (R)
    8. Melky/Nate (platoon)

    (B) upgrade CF:

    1. Prado (R)
    2. HeyHey (L)
    3. Chipper (S/R)
    4. Mac (L)
    5. Glaus (R)
    6. MattyD/Hinske (platoon)
    7. Cody (R)
    8. Gonzo (R)

    or (C) stand pat:

    1. Prado (R)
    2. HeyHey (L)
    3. Chipper (S/R)
    4. Mac (L)
    5. Glaus (R)
    6. MattyD/Hinske (platoon)
    7. Gonzo (R)
    8. Melky/Nate (platoon)

    I think we can win with any of those 3. I think (A) makes us alot better. I think (B) makes us only marginally better.


  379. 388 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    To expand a bit more…

    I think (C) still wins the NL East. I think (B) wins the NLCS. I think (A) is capable of winning the whole she-bang.


  380. 389 Gil in Mechanicsville July 21, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    Raisins, To be honest, I don’t think Willingham or Ross is an improvement over Diaz. I don’t think any of them can play right field any better than Heyward. That leaves centerfield as the black hole. That to me is the point where the greatest improvement could be made, that and maybe thirdbase… But I digress…


  381. 390 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    Ross over Diaz? Nope… strictly for CF. Ross over Melky or Nate? Unless Nate comes back as the Nate of 2008, I’d still prefer Cody.

    Willingham over Diaz? Diaz can’t hit righties. Willingham over Diaz/Hinske platoon? I’d still probably take it.

    We all know there won’t be any changes in RF for several years.

    Now… Jose Bautista or Corey Hart over Diaz/Hinske? Emphatically yes. Both are true middle of the order boppers.


  382. 391 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 5:32 pm


    Roy Oswalt is making the most of his no-trade clause and it’s slowing the Phillies down as they attempt to acquire him. Two people familiar with the discussions tell ESPN.com’s Jayson Stark that Oswalt is asking that his 2012 option be picked up by any team that trades for him. The Phillies don’t mind the idea of paying Oswalt $6MM this year and $16MM next year, but they are not comfortable guaranteeing the right-hander $16MM in 2012.

    And this is exactly why the Braves do not give NTC’s…


  383. 392 berigan2electricboogaloo July 21, 2010 at 6:30 pm

    One thing about Bautista that worries me…did y’all know he’s only hitting in the .230’s????
    Hart makes more sense….but, and it’s a Jennifer Lopez sized one….if Nate hits what he has in the past, we might be better off staying pat…if not, then yeah, we are short a bat….too bad there is so little time before the trade deadline.

    Also saw this on MLBtraderumors…interesting…

    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [July 21 at 5:23pm CST]

    The Phillies have asked the Rays about B.J. Upton and Wade Davis, but someone familiar with the trade talks tells Jon Heyman of SI.com that the Phils may attempt to obtain prospects from Tampa Bay and flip them to Houston to acquire Roy Oswalt.


  384. 393 eprisewildcat July 21, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    TennesseePaul… Happiest of Birthdays to you sir! Nice to have you around.

    Y’all know an awesome site for Braves analysis? That would be right here! Great stuff guys and girls!!!

    How about them Braves? I don’t know what else to say but… WOW!!! This certainly is fun and we certainly have a heavyweight contender. Going to be fun when the weather starts to cool.

    In my humble opine;

    * The Braves stand pat when Fredi G. comes on board. Homeboy upstairs isn’t going to allow much change. I think there is a loyalty streak running through this organization a mile wide.

    * I don’t see us making a deal by the deadline. We’ve got some valuable arms that could be available but not for the return that we’re talking. Could Wren surprise us? Maybe

    * The Braves mesh real well on and off the field without Yunel Escobar. Great talent but he was not viewed as a teammate by all. Really an uncomfortable situation to have for management and players.

    * McClouth’s swing hasn’t changed all year. Just don’t see him hitting for average with that long uppercut. Boy was I wrong about him!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  385. 394 eprisewildcat July 21, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    Year of the Bad Umpire! The Braves have been on the favorable side of some calls tonight! Cooooool!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  386. 395 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 10:24 pm

    Hello… Marlins? What were you asking for Cody Ross?


  387. 396 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 10:31 pm

    I’ve seen enough of Nate. Y’all?


  388. 397 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Nate leads off the 11th. I’m not expecting much…


  389. 398 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 10:54 pm

    Nate leads off the 11th. I’m not expecting much…

    I mean, Nate is batting 2nd in the 11th with a man on. I’m not expecting much…


  390. 399 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 10:54 pm

    I got what I expected… 😐


  391. 400 Voice of Raisins July 21, 2010 at 11:24 pm

    Well that sucks…


  392. 401 Gil in Mechanicsville July 21, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    Two hours or so ago, I would not have predicted that outcome… That said, Wags did not have his best stuff tonight.

    Okay guys, go home and sleep fat because it is a quick turn around tomorrow.

    Still, Phillies lost and are feeling the hot breath of the Nationals breathing down their necks… Well, maybe not but it’s a long season.


  393. 402 Gil in Mechanicsville July 22, 2010 at 9:23 am

    I watched as the Diamond Backs managed to sweep the Mutts last night. I guess last night ended up being a wash. Need for Huddy to put this one away today.


  394. 403 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 10:15 am


    The Mets are trying to trade Jeff Francoeur, according to Mike Puma of the New York Post. The right fielder is playing less now that Carlos Beltran is healthy, and a friend told Puma that Francoeur would welcome a trade if he were given the chance to play every day.

    I feel kinda bad for the guy. A little, anyway. I mean, I always kinda liked him, for the most part. He seemed like a nice guy. Pretty kid-friendly, anyway.

    I wish him luck… with the Royals. 😀


  395. 404 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 10:19 am

    Don’t forget: early game today. 1:00p start.


  396. 405 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 10:24 am

    2day’s lineup:

    1. Marteeen, 2B (who else?)
    2. HeyNow, RF (who else?)
    3. Chipper, 3B (who else?)
    4. Glaus, 1B
    5. MattyD, LF
    6. Gonzo, SS
    7. DRoss, C
    8. Melky, CF (so much for using all 10 days to assess Nate)
    9. Huddy, P

    Hey, I saw enough of Nate last night to last me a while also…


  397. 406 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 11:04 am

    Nate actually made me nauseous last night. Nothing has changed at all with his swing. He looks completely lost at the plate, and didn’t exactly have a stellar night in the field either. There was at least one ball that he got a late break on that went over his head, and that ball he held on to late in the game was a killer. Every OF from Pony League and up knows that you “don’t hold on to the ball”. The kid looks shell-shocked.

    I would never advocate that anyone get hurt, but if HeyHey could just run over him again, just a little bit… just enough to put him out of the lineup until September 1.

    Forget I said that. I just believe that even Blanco is a better option right now.


  398. 407 berigan2electricboogaloo July 22, 2010 at 11:24 am

    Yesterdays loss hurt. Can’t expect Wagner to be lights out, every night…still…and why oh why did Bobby have DLowe up there??? DRoss was still on the bench. I know, something might happen, you might need an outfielder, or something…might. You can’t tell me it’s because of the issue of Ross might come in, then get hurt. Bobby has McCann pitch hit a fair bit…no back up then…Even Hudson can hit. But no, gotta give up an out and bunt the runner over..sigh….I like Bobby, really I do…hope he gets to go out winning the W.S….but I sure hope whomever replaces him has a bit more faith in the hitters to get hits in key moments. I’ve seen the team fail way too many times after bunt overs…

    And folks don’t write off the Phils…I saw about a week ago that they had the same record at that point as last year….I know it was against the mutts, but they have a history of coming back…it’s just July.
    Glaus has been hitting around .235 for almost 2 months.
    JHey is no longer the front runner for the ROY. (though he has looked much better of late…didn’t like that headfirst slide at full speed into second last night! 😯 )
    We still can’t seem to score consistently.


  399. 408 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    why oh why did Bobby have DLowe up there???

    Because he leads the team in sac bunts.

    It takes 2 hits to score a runner from 1b. So you increase the odds with a sac bunt. The real failure was Nate popping up to SS with a runner on and 0 outs. That’s where the real hurt was. Nate has to move the guy over, and he failed. If Nate moves him over, then Ross surely bats, followed by Prado and possibly HeyHey.

    I’ve seen the team fail way too many times after bunt overs…

    Then the same logic applies with a runner on 1B, except he’s 90 feet farther away.

    It comes down to executing fundamentals. If Nate executes properly, advancing the runner even if by a groundout to the right side, then the Braves chances increase dramatically. That said, it is still incumbent upon the subsequent hitters to do their jobs as well.

    No, you have to get your runner in scoring position. Bobby never should have had to go to DLowe there. It should have already been done.


  400. 409 berigan2electricboogaloo July 22, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    V, sadly, I have to agree with you about Nate…I really am flummoxed as to what happened to him. Can’t catch up to fastballs…Gil knows his swing is long…but, he’s only 28, can’t have lost bat speed. How’d the guy hit 20 homers and drive in at least 70 in 2008 and 2009(remember he only played in 129 games last year) with a bad swing???
    See, this is why I think TP is a lousy hitting coach. Yeah, he was working on him to shorten his swing, it looks the same to me. Who do we know of that got better via TP???
    I sure hope he doesn’t get the Manager’s job and leaves for greener pastures.
    I had a thought…could Nate’s head still be a bit foggy, and he’s not admitting it??? I don’t know if he’s had previous concussions, but I know Justin Morneau (SP?) is still having problems from his concussion…but he’s had them in the past….


  401. 410 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    I know I sound like I’m piling on Nate, and maybe I am, but he really got under my skin last night.

    Every player goes through struggles at times. But when they do, they have to continue to play good sound fundamental baseball and work their way through it. Nate made so many fundamental mistakes last night both offensively and defensively… continued uppercut swings, failure to advance runners, bad breaks on fly balls, poor throwing decisions, NO throwing decisions…

    I can’t stand watching it.

    Hey, I sympathize with struggles. I can’t stand sloppy fundamentals.


  402. 411 berigan2electricboogaloo July 22, 2010 at 12:34 pm

    V, I guess will have to agree to disagree. A double would score Brooks….a single gets him to third(most likely)…and the Padres have to worry about pitches in the dirt…perhaps less breaking pitches are thrown.
    Expecting a two out hit…it just never seems to happen to the braves in tight games, especially come playoff time.
    All I know is teams that have won more world series of late than the braves, Red Sox, Yankees, don’t get a single and bunt the guy over. The braves have done that with a guy at 2nd, when there isnt’ the threat of a double play…and I would love to see some geek run the numbers (Hey, anyone have Shawn’s email??? 😛 ) and see how terrible the odds really are….

    Of course…you are right that Nate should have moved the guy over….


  403. 412 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    V, I guess will have to agree to disagree.

    Yep, which we can do in a very friendly way because I respect your opinion even if I don’t share it.

    Now across the street? They rip folks to shreds. Sad…


  404. 413 berigan2electricboogaloo July 22, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    V, why didn’t ya tell me about the game today??? 😛

    Actually have been watching since 1:15….Heyward does seem back, doesn’t he???

    Did wordpress censor my avatar??? Its just a white square right now….


  405. 414 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 2:51 pm

    Sadly, even though I noted a reminder about game time, I got wrapped up in some other stuff, and have not even given it a sniff.

    What will I find when I turn it on? Good or bad?


  406. 415 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    Uh, good! 😀


  407. 416 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    Well that’s one way for Nate to get on base! 😀


  408. 417 berigan2electricboogaloo July 22, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Heh! Pinch runner extraordinaire, Nate McLouth! 😉

    Nice knowing you Mr. Dunn….the bus to Gwinett leaves in half an hour…And how about Gonzo??? 4 hits, (6 in a row) and while he might not have quite the range of Yunel, I honestly think he’s a better SS!


  409. 418 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    OK… say what you will about Yunel’s play at SS, but no way he makes the play Gonzo just made. Awesome!


  410. 419 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    Nate McUppercut…


  411. 420 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    Very nice W today…


  412. 421 Gil in Mechanicsville July 22, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Hey folks… Well, the Braves certainly looked stellar today.

    Okay, except for Mike Dunn… No so stellar… and maybe Nate, yeah, Nate wasn’t very stellar either but the rest of the team looked darn good.

    Padres looked tired, too much celebrating after last night’s game I guess.

    Anyway, trying to find someone to go to the game in DC next week. Josie does not do DC… Really hates the place. Ho hum, I think I might skip the Stasburg start because just too many Washingtonians for me. And the heat… Only place where the humidity is worse than Richmond in the summertime is DC.

    Weather dude is calling for 100 degree plus the next 3 days.

    Guess where I am staying?


  413. 422 Gil in Mechanicsville July 22, 2010 at 5:44 pm

    Actually Ber, Nate’s uppercut is not as bad as it was. Gives you an idea of how bad it was doesn’t it?


  414. 423 eprisewildcat July 22, 2010 at 8:15 pm

    Nice game by our Braves today! Come back from a tough loss and play like the best team in the National League. We keep playing .660 baseball and no one is going to catch us.

    I think bunting the runner over in extra innings is the way to go. Too often Bobby plays small ball early in games when I’d like to see them swing away and not give up the out. With this club all but the centerfield position have competent batsman. Nate is really struggling and Melkey had some awful at-bats last night. I like the Cody Ross possibility but I’m not holding my breath.

    How about this shortstop we’ve got now? I like him and think he’s a real ball-player! Has anyone heard or read an interview with him yet? Too bad about the Francoeur talk. I think he’ll land on his feet somewhere. However the Mets will fall on their azz! 🙂

    GO BRAVES!!!


  415. 424 Voice of Raisins July 22, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    The Braves aren’t the only club interested in Ross as the July 31 non-waiver trade deadline nears. According to a source that has spoken with the Marlins, Ross has come up in discussions with the Red Sox, Phillies, Dodgers and Yankees.


    Yet another reason to pull the trigger now. Why not? We’re there anyway. It’d save on some travel expenses, too. He can just walk across the hall. Cody and Mike Dunn can just exchange uni’s as they pass in the walkway…


  416. 425 Gil in Mechanicsville July 22, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    The thing is… it all depends on how much payroll Liberty Media will allow Frank Wren to take on. It is really a shame that McLouth has failed to play up to expectations. If he were, the Braves wouldn’t even be considering a player like Cody Ross.

    Now they are pretty much stuck with his contract.

    One thing is pretty certain as far as I can see, the Braves are not going to be willing to give up a front line starter not named Derek Lowe. I just can’t see the Braves bringing back Kawakami unless someone else gets hurt.

    Bobby may as well bring up another position player and send down Chavez because it’s not like he is going to use him. Not sure he’s going to use Dunn much anymore either.

    Speaking of Mike Dunn… I was trying to figure out what his problem was, a real head scratcher if you ask me. I can see Hanson problem, he is overthrowing trying to get more umph on the ball rather than just letting it come out of his hand free and easy. next time he pitches, just watch his head. You will see him bobbing and jerking his head with every pitch.

    Every pitch should be with about 80 percent effort. That allows you to stay in balance. All that violent herky jerky stuff will do is cause you to be wild… DUH!!!!!


  417. 426 Gil in Mechanicsville July 22, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    One last thing, sounds to me like the Marlin rumor mill is trying to create buzz about Cody Ross. I can’t see where any of the other teams mentioned would be helped by Ross over what they already have in their system.


  418. 427 flbravesgirl July 22, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    Bless you, CL! That finally worked. Since this laptop hadn’t visited Stuffville before I had to log in. WordPress decided to spaz out & not allow the password I have used the entire time that I have been a …Stuffian? Stuffvillian? No,that looks bad. Anyway after much wrangling it has finally allowed me in.

    Now Braves… Cody Ross does not thrill me at all. I’d just as soon keep Blanco up.


  419. 428 Carolina Lady July 23, 2010 at 8:55 am

    TnPaul! I’m so glad you could stop in! Hope you’ll be able to more often.

    You’re welcome, FBG! I didn’t think about it being a new laptop. Still, wordpress shouldn’t have gone nutzo like it did. But, at least you’re in now! 🙂

    OK. Look waaaay up top. Tell me what you think. Good or bad.


  420. 429 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 9:14 am

    19-year-old Julio Teheran</b? and 20-year-old Randall Delgado</b?, 2 of the top pitching prospects in the Braves pitching rich farm system, have been promoted to AA pearl.



  421. 430 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 9:15 am

    Let me try that again…

    19-year-old Julio Teheran and 20-year-old Randall Delgado, 2 of the top pitching prospects in the Braves pitching rich farm system, have been promoted to AA pearl.



  422. 431 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 9:20 am

    Nice work, CL. Perfect… 😀


  423. 432 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 9:47 am


    The Mets designated Fernando Nieve for assignment after last night’s loss, according to Andy Martino of the New York Daily News. In need of relievers, the team flew in right-hander Manny Acosta from Triple A and he will likely replace Nieve on the roster.

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


  424. 433 TennesseePaul July 23, 2010 at 1:26 pm

    Hey guys, thanks for the wishes.

    VoR: I’m bummed on Nate, but don’t see him going anywhere. Because of that I’m really hoping that guy pulls it together. It would benefit everyone.

    Agreed on the need for a LF. I’ve felt this way for a while. The team has no minor league depth in the outfield now that Heyward is up. It’ll be interesting to see what happens this winter when more cash is available, a ring is in hand and Crawford is a FA.


  425. 434 Gil in Mechanicsville July 23, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    Crawford signing is contingent upon Chipper’s return. If Larry opts out then cash is available. Not sure otherwise. If the Braves win a World Series, does Liberty media sell while the franchise’s value is high? Do the go the way of the Marlins and dump payroll?

    Still comes down to who has the best pitching. And who stays healthy….


  426. 435 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 2:24 pm

    It also has alot to do with what some of the other teams do before July 31. If the ChiSox acquire one of either Fielder or Dunn, they will be a formidable opponent for somebody on October. If the Yankers acquire another strong bench piece, they too will be very tough to beat.

    The Braves pitching will surely win the NL East, but pitching and D is geared for the long haul. The playoffs are a different animal. Nearly every playoff team has 3 playoff caliber starters, and that’s all you need with all of the off days.

    The Bravos need one more big bat to plow their way to a championship. I really believe that…


  427. 436 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    Rosenthal via Twitter:

    Royals like Francoeur. GM Moore had him with Braves.


    It’s almost comical how predictable some things are…


  428. 437 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    Here is my daily opine of the Braves as they are today, July 23.

    I am extremely pleased with our new SS, and even more pleased at how happy his new teammates are with him. Happy, happy, joy, joy! 😀

    Watching Troy move around yesterday was almost painful to watch. The guy’s legs are betraying him right now. I would love nothing more than for the Braves to acquire another OF and let Troy go on the DL and rest those puppies. We need him more later thatn we do now. Hinske can roam that corner of the IF for a couple of weeks or so.

    CF… meh. I’d rather not spoil my day by going there…


  429. 438 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 5:02 pm

    And from the “almost, but not quite” department, Jordan Schafer was dropped to AA Pearl today.


    Ouch! 😯


  430. 439 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 5:05 pm


    The Royals have lost their best outfielder and their best trade chip. David DeJesus has a complete ligament tear in his right thumb, is out for the year and will likely undergo surgery Monday, according to Bob Dutton of the Kansas City Star (via Twitter). DeJesus crashed into the outfield wall last night and the Royals placed him on the 15-day DL this morning

    Well, that murkies up the trade waters for several teams, including the Bravos indirectly. One less morsel for the big fish to fight over…


  431. 440 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    2night’s lineup:

    1. Marteeen, 2B
    2. HeyNow, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. Mac, C
    5. Ouch, 1B
    6. Hinske, LF
    7. Gonzo, SS
    8. McOut, CF
    9. DLowe, P


  432. 441 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    Carroll Rogers from the ajc:

    Also you’ll be interested to know that Jim Fregosi is still here, Braves special asst to the GM. He’s been here this week scouting Ross…and still is. Also, I just happened to be sitting with Bobby Cox in the visiting dugout a few minutes ago when Cody Ross was taking batting practice. At one point when Ross was standing outside the cage, he looked over and waved and smiled at Bobby Cox, who waved and tipped his cap. That’s one guy everybody is keeping an eye on around here.

    He’ll be leaving on the flight to D.C. on Sunday… 😀


  433. 442 Carolina Lady July 23, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    Glad you like it, Raisins.


  434. 443 eprisewildcat July 23, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    CL… you are an artist! Looks very cool!!!

    Well… another 3-6-3 double play pulled on the good guys. We are missing lots of opportunities tonight. Marteeeen didn’t miss his opportunity after the ump gave him a break. The ball he hit, to quote Crash; “anything travels that far oughta have a stewardess on it, don’t you think?”

    GO BRAVES!!!


  435. 444 Gil in Mechanicsville July 23, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    Or the line from Major Leagues… That ball traveled so far it needed a visa.


  436. 445 eprisewildcat July 23, 2010 at 10:33 pm

    I’d prefer a nice 8-0 game, but this is kind of fun. Tied in the 9th now thanks to some great hiting by BMac. Need to get Chipper in from third to take the lead!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  437. 446 berigan2electricboogaloo July 23, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    CL, I was in the middle of a post around 11 am saying, great new banner, when I went to dig for some more info on something else…and well…mozilla decided to close up…had to leave for my bi-monthly lunch with a friend, so many hours later…very nice job! 🙂

    McCann is kinda hot right now, isn’t he??? 😯

    Sure hope that pitch that hit Diaz on the hand also hit the bat, because that sounded terrible!

    I hope for the safety of the braves hitters, they get some, you know…relief pitchers…


  438. 447 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    They do like to make it tense at times, don’t they?


  439. 448 Voice of Raisins July 23, 2010 at 11:01 pm



  440. 449 berigan2electricboogaloo July 23, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    double 😡 😡


  441. 450 eprisewildcat July 23, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    YUK!!! There may be nothing worse than a closer that can’t close. Bad memories of Dan Kolb and Bob Wickman. Feel bad for BMac on the passed ball or wild pitch because he had the timely hits for the Braves tonight. Sure would’ve liked to see Melky make a better throw to Chipper to get Bonifacio at third. Oh well… let’s get’um tomorrow!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  442. 451 berigan2electricboogaloo July 23, 2010 at 11:10 pm

    You know, McCann is GREAT hitter, seems to call a good game…but, he has way too many balls get past him…usually in the dirt, not high like that….but still…and while I really dislike Bobby Valentine, he makes a good point on plate blocking….he says you can’t grab a ball 3 feet in front of the plate, and reach back to tag a runner, faster than being behind the plate letting the ball come to you, and tagging the runner….McCann does that all the time. Is that a coaching issue??? or should he know how to do that by now???
    IF Glaus is not re-signed…I wouldn’t be aghast at McCann moving to 1st…for long term “health issues” I know we have Freddie…but nothing is a given. Or he could become a left fielder…I think I know what folks here will say. 😉
    Just sayin’


  443. 452 Gil in Mechanicsville July 24, 2010 at 10:24 am

    The ending to last night’s game was pretty disappointing wasn’t it? Think maybe Wag’s ankle is bothering him? While it is hard to say a 96 MPH fastball did not look lively, they did appear flat to me. Had trouble locating too.

    On Mac, hard to pin it on a guy who had 3 RBI but maybe P-90 workout regimen with Diaz this winter and a shift to left field might not be a bad idea.

    Anyone else thinking last night that Venter’s might have been a better option in the ninth? Just saying….


  444. 453 eprisewildcat July 24, 2010 at 1:04 pm

    Gil… I was thinking, wishing, hoping that Venters would come close out the ninth. We had the bottom of their order up and we could save Wags. Arrrrggghhh!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  445. 454 berigan2electricboogaloo July 24, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    Gil, that’s some interesting thinking outside of the box! Never thought of that for McCann…might be too far outside for some, but hey, is Henske’s body type any different than his???


  446. 455 Gil in Mechanicsville July 24, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    That’s what I’m saying Ber. I mean really, can he be any worse than Manny or Barry Bonds in left? I know he has a better arm. Would not have to be an everyday thing, just when you are giving his knees a rest or when defense is important…

    Still, even though last night’s loss was a bummer, got to put it behind us.

    Carroll Rogers gave a pretty good insight to how the Braves felt about the loss last night. Got to suck it up and strap on the old leotards again tonight. After all, the Braves are still 6 games up on Philly.


  447. 456 Voice of Raisins July 24, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    I wonder if Brooksie can play CF? 😀


  448. 457 berigan2electricboogaloo July 24, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    V, that is so funny!!! I was thinking the same thing, at just about the same time! Just didn’t kick my Dad of the computer(til his friend called)in time….still, great minds think alike! 😉


  449. 458 Voice of Raisins July 24, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    I am so tired of watching Nate flail and fail. It has become painful. If this was truly a week of assessment for Frank, he should have seen enough. I know I have…


  450. 459 Gil in Mechanicsville July 24, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    Well, I can’t see where McOut is making a very good case for himself to maintain his starting role in centerfield. Maybe that is why the Bravos sent Schafer to Pearl, to make room on the Gwinnett roster for him.

    Really, does anyone think McLought wouldn’t clear waivers?

    Okay, nothing like an eight run inning to restore the will to live for the Braves Nation. I wonder how many folks across the street were coaxed back off the ledge by Brooksie’s Grand Salami?


  451. 460 Voice of Raisins July 24, 2010 at 10:56 pm

    Yes, Gil… I think a DFA is in order. Nobody will take him, and the Braves are gonna be stuck with his salary regardless. May as well let him go through waivers and send him down to try to work on something, anything. Just away from Atlanta.

    Interesting take I read somewhere on Schafer. After making the Major League roster in ’09, he bought a condo downtown. He has continued to live in his posh condo in Major League style while struggling in Minor League ball. Many in the Braves Player Development Dept. believe that his comfortable lifestyle has hindered his progress back, so they sent him to Mississippi.

    I think Nate needs to go to Siberia.


  452. 461 Voice of Raisins July 24, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    g’night everybody…


  453. 462 Gil in Mechanicsville July 24, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    And before I forget, hasn’t Heyward’s resurgence been great? I think the kid can play a little bit. First to third a lot, makes the plays in the outfield. doing the job of a “2” hitter by getting on base… Wow, great player…. Now, if we can just get his buddy Freddie on the team.

    Interesting about Schafer, a little too comfortable eh? Okay, let’s see what the young man is made of, whine about having to go to Pearl of work his butt off to prove everyone wrong. Of course, if he turned it around, then he would be proving everyone right…. complicated isn’t it?


  454. 463 Voice of Raisins July 25, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Nate is not in 2day’s lineup – thank the good Lord.

    1. Marteeen, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF
    3. Hinske-nator, LF
    4. Mac, C
    5. Ouch, 1B
    6. Gonzo, SS
    7. Brooksie, 3B
    8. MelkMan, CF
    9. JJ, P

    Stat from across the street: Nate is 1/12 in his return from the DL, including 0/5 with RISP in Fla.

    How’s that audition going? (It sure doesn’t look like Frank is gonna pull any triggers, though. What could he be waiting for? I just don’t believe there is a good match out there.)

    I have to admit that I questioned Bobby on one move last night. In our 7 run outburst, Bobby let Nate hit, then PH for the pitcher. I’d rather have PH for Nate and taken my chances with Jesse Chavez hitting. Maybe Jesse would have at least struck out. Nate came within a gnat’s eyelash of hitting into a DP.

    OK… I’m done now…


  455. 464 berigan2electricboogaloo July 25, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    Man, can you imagine how pleasant it is on the field right now, after all that rain, now the sun is out…ugh….speaking of ugh…..Troy, that’s a bad time to hit into a DP son~!


  456. 465 berigan2electricboogaloo July 25, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    man, that stunk! Nate finally hits the ball hard, and its a double play…
    can’t believe Jorge Sosa was effective….
    Couldn’t believe Bobby walked Ross to load the bases, to get to Wes Helms…knew it was over when he came up


  457. 466 eprisewildcat July 25, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    Really feel bad for Nate McClouth. Baseball can be cruel at times. Bobby deserves credit for giving Nate an opportunity to succeed. Not to be today. Awful way to lose a ballgame but maybe it needed to happen. Wren needs to figure something out. I assume McClouth will be sent to Gwinnett and no team will claim him off waivers. Do we stand pat with Melky and Blanco or do we make a play for Ross or Byrd? Guess we’ll know soon enough. Not enough upside with Ross to me.

    Have y’all read some of the comments across the street. The AJC should be embarrassed to be hosting such a site. The comments regarding Nate go beyond being cruel they are sickening! I won’t bother to go beyond the lead stories again. Shame on them!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  458. 467 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 5:09 am

    Wildcat, I guess with the absence of Yunel, Nate has become the target of the vitriol. Yes, it is painful to watch, much like Andruw and then Frenchy fail time and time again. Sigh… I guess it keeps the heat off of Troy for now.


  459. 468 berigan2electricboogaloo July 26, 2010 at 10:21 am

    Glad I didn’t bother to go over there….


  460. 469 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 12:51 pm


    This, from the ajc’s Mark Bradley:

    Gregor Blanco is a better center fielder right now than Nate McLouth. Heck, Henry Blanco might be a better center fielder than Nate McLouth.

    OK, that’s just funny…


  461. 470 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    “It’s quiet… too quiet.” – John Wayne in The Lucky Texan

    Well, Duke, it is mighty quiet. I mean, the Braves have fallen completely off every rumor site radar. Do I remember correctly, or did Frank say that he was evaluating Nate to see if he needed to make a move?

    Uh, Frank? You need to make a move.

    But there is no doubt that Frank knows this. It’s not like he recently attended the Helen Keller School of General Management.

    As much as I like a juicy rumor, and to subsequently go zooming all over the cyber-universe chasing down every tidbit of information, I have a sneaky feeling that the quieter things get, the thicker the woods. I mean, I think something’s afoot. The clamp has been applied and applied well.

    It should be an interesting next 5 days…


  462. 471 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    And then I find this hiding in the weeds from Jason A. Churchill at ESPN:

    Latest I have is that ATL might have interest in Corey Patterson or Felix Pie in Baltimore.


  463. 472 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    You know what Raisins? That is just plain sad… Felix Pie… Next thing you know they will be trading for Dewayne’s momma…

    In the wildest stretches on one’s imagination, the words “Big Bat” and Felix Pie would not be in the same area code. Neither would Patterson. Heck, I’d rather have Paula Peden… and she’s getting pretty old.

    No, I can’t see that happening.


  464. 473 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    I would rather bring back Blanco. Oh Nate, how the mighty have fallen….


  465. 474 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    More from the “how the mighty have fallen” dept.:

    Jayson Stark:

    …the Royals have “no interest” in Francoeur or Perez.

    Ow! That stings…


  466. 475 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Sadly, at this point I would trade McLouth for Francoeur.

    Hey, think the White Sox would let us have Andruw back?

    I mean, they are not still sore about Lillibridge or anything are they?


  467. 476 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    I am now suspicious of Wonder bread. Remember when it was touted to build strong bodies 8 ways? A lot like HGH… but different…

    And speaking of HGH… Wow, a lot of guys sure have dropped off in their production from years past. Maybe baseball was better on steroids….


  468. 477 berigan2electricboogaloo July 26, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    Lillibridge is hitting .407 right now…of course, that’s after 27 ab’s…still, looks good next to a name! 😉

    As for Frenchy…I thought it was very interesting the other day, reading mutts fans comments about him(that espn article that was acting like he wasn’t even a good fielder-which is one thing we know he is, a good fielder)
    And there were many comments saying how he was a very good guy in the clubhouse, took the heat off of Wright to be the guy(one of the few that speaks English can be a problem, I’m sure) I was glad to hear that…

    It is “funny” that unlike the old days, there really aren’t teams that can plug a guy in , give him a chance…even the Royals have tons of hitting…Alex Gordon is still stuck in AAA isn’t he????


  469. 478 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 5:29 pm


    Braves may now attempt to acquire a reliever

    With Kenshin Kawakami and Jesse Chavez crowding the back end of the bullpen mix and left-hander Eric O’Flaherty still trying to regain the strength he lost because of a viral infection, the Braves may attempt to acquire a reliever before Saturday’s 4 p.m. ET trade deadline.

    Nate McLouth’s extended struggles have forced Braves GM Frank Wren to continue evaluating options to improve his outfield mix. Eric Hinske and Matt Diaz have shown enough recently to create the belief that they could prove productive while platooning at the left field position.

    But McLouth has left the Braves with no other choice but to determine whether they should add a center fielder or simply allow Melky Cabrera and possibly Gregor Blanco to primarily fill the position for the remainder of the season.

    As mentioned late last week, the Braves have minimal interest in Marlins center fielder Cody Ross, who could be deemed a non-tender candidate before having the chance to gain a salary of approximately $6 million via arbitration this winter.

    If Wren opts to improve his bullpen internally, he could promote highly-regarded prospect Craig Kimbrel. But the better option might be Stephen Marek, who has combined to post a 0.60 ERA and limit opponents to a .215 batting average in 45 combined innings with Double-A Mississippi and Triple-A Gwinnett this year.

    The Braves could also opt to promote left-hander Mike Minor to their big league rotation and give Kris Medlen a chance to return to the bullpen. Minor has gone 3-1 with a 2.55 ERA in the four starts he’s made since being promoted to Gwinnett.


  470. 479 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    Now, normally, I would not post a guy’s whole article on this blog. But in this case, there is a whole lot to discuss.


  471. 480 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    The Braves could also opt to promote left-hander Mike Minor to their big league rotation and give Kris Medlen a chance to return to the bullpen. Minor has gone 3-1 with a 2.55 ERA in the four starts he’s made since being promoted to Gwinnett.

    You know what, I kinda like this idea…

    I am well on record as saying the Braves need at least 1 LHP in their rotation, and this is one way to facilitate it. By all appearances and accounts, Minor is ready. Jesse has to go; KK… well he’s already MIA and drawing his paycheck. We might as well DFA him and get some productivity from the roster spot.

    Medlen’s reassignment would go a long way toward restoring order in the ‘pen.


  472. 481 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 5:41 pm

    But McLouth has left the Braves with no other choice but to determine whether they should add a center fielder or simply allow Melky Cabrera and possibly Gregor Blanco to primarily fill the position for the remainder of the season.

    I think Frank will bring Gregor back and wait until August and see who slips through waivers. Just my humble opinion.


  473. 482 Voice of Raisins July 26, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Last thing… I think there are enough in house options for the ‘pen to preclude Frank dealing for a reliever, especially when the need in CF is much greater.

    Later taters!


  474. 483 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 6:34 pm

    Well, I guess I will get my answer soon enough on how Marek looks. I can’t see Wren going outside of the organization to get a reliever either.

    I’m still of a mind that Freddie Freeman can help this club right now. Troy needs some R&R desperately.


  475. 484 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 7:16 pm

    You know it’s been pretty hot when the high temperature for the day was 15 degrees cooler than the day before and it was still 91.


  476. 485 Gil in Mechanicsville July 26, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    And I am afraid I can’t take a guy seriously (across the street) when they still think Richmond is the triple A club for the Braves…


  477. 486 berigan2electricboogaloo July 26, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    I’m not sure I like the idea of taking Medlin out of the rotation…can’t find the stats to back it up, but I bet his ERA has been lower in the rotation, than out of it.

    His stuff, while good, isn’t what I would call the kind of hard stuff you expect in the 7th or 8th…Would Glavine or Maddux made good bullpen men? Perhaps just because of their competitiveness, but if they aren’t going to trade some of those guys in AAA, why not bring them up???DFA KK and Chevez and get some arms of use.


  478. 488 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 9:12 am

    Medlen doesn’t have to have heat to be a top bullpen guy. Trevor Hoffman built his whole record setting HOF career with a great changeup. Medlen has one of the best changeups around. I’m not saying he’s Hoffman, but his change is good enough to get guys out even when they know it’s coming.

    At this point, he might can help this team more coming out in relief. And that’s the real goal isn’t it? To maximize your effectiveness for the team? Long-term, he’s probably best suited as a starter. But then again, long-term, names like Minor, Delgado, Teheran and Vizcaino are gonna be knocking.

    It’s a great position to be in to have multiple pitching choices. The more and more I think about it, I like the idea of Minor taking the #5 rotation slot, and utilizing Medlen’s talents more often than ever 5th day.


  479. 489 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    Venters’ hearing on his suspension appeal is scheduled for 2:00p today…


  480. 490 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    Good news from Ken Rosenthal via Twitter:

    Source: C David Ross agrees to 2-year extension with Braves through 2012.

    Awesome. Didn’t see it coming, but glad it got done. Now… on to other things, eh, Frank?


  481. 491 Gil in Mechanicsville July 27, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    So, who represents Venters? Union? Braves management? Himself?

    Good news on Ross, evidently he like his current arrangement.


  482. 492 Gil in Mechanicsville July 27, 2010 at 1:42 pm

    Uh, don’t look now Mutts fans but the Marlins just tied you…


  483. 493 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    I a pretty sure that Venters is rep’d by the union.

    Likely he’ll get it knocked down to 3 games, maybe 2. He won’t outright win, but that really wasn’t the intent. My money lays on 3 games to start tonight.


  484. 494 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    Jayson Stark via Twitter:

    Braves looking for OF who can play CF. Chances of getting Cody Ross slim. Telling teams they’re set “unless somebody knocks us over”


  485. 495 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    ESPN.com’s Chris Sprow:

    Lots of questions on the Braves. Asked a lot of people, and still just seeing a few themes: 1. Yes, they’d consider an OF who can do more than hit 8th if the price was right, but so far, no takers. 2. This is a first place team in a division where the others aren’t getting any better thus far leading up to the deadline, and 3. The Braves have very, very high-end prospects that the don’t want to move. They just don’t have that pile of B-level upside guys that can grease these deals for mid-level players. And remember, you’re still in first…


  486. 496 Gil in Mechanicsville July 27, 2010 at 6:57 pm

    Sigh, I am stuck with the Nationals broadcast tonight… Everything I wanted to know about the Nationals but didn’t really want to ask.

    Her’s hoping that Tommy keeps his head on straight, no excessive head bobbing that indicates he is overthrowing. Of course the home plate umpire will let us know too.


  487. 497 berigan2electricboogaloo July 27, 2010 at 7:19 pm

    with Coghlan injured, I don’t think there is a a chance of Cody Ross…plus, the Marlins aren’t out of it, why would they help us, unless we gave them a great arm???


  488. 498 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    No chance on Ross. I figured that boat had sailed when we left Miami without him.

    No, I don’t think a deal is forthcoming. Maybe in August if someone interesting slips through waivers, but I doubt it.

    I had read a couple of days ago that Nate had minor league options left; I’m glad he was sent down… for his sake.


  489. 499 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    Oh, and Jayson Stark says the Braves are sniffing around Josh Willingham. Well, they’re in a good place to sniff, I suppose.


  490. 500 eprisewildcat July 27, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Braves bats are absent tonight. Especially Troy Glaus! Looks like we’re cruising for a shutout. Maybe the letdown of not having to face Strasburg.

    Phillies and Mets winning. I want some runs!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  491. 501 Voice of Raisins July 27, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Well… that sucked. 😐


  492. 502 berigan2electricboogaloo July 27, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    Phils 3.5 games back…It’s not a done deal at all we will win the division….Willingham doesn’t/can’t play center, right??? Really, what’s the point then??? Is he going to produce more than Diaz/Henske??? Somehow I don’t think so….


  493. 503 flbravesgirl July 28, 2010 at 1:10 am

    Back from a few days at Grinch Manor. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that Nate’s in Gwinnett, both because he’s driving me crazy & because on another level I feel sorry for him. He has to be totally frustrated.

    Willingham doesn’t float my boat anymore than Ross. I don’t see the point of giving up talent (probably young pitching) for someone who isn’t really what we need.


  494. 504 Gil in Mechanicsville July 28, 2010 at 8:19 am

    That was an ugly game last night without it looking like it. Braves again looked flat.

    Maybe they don’t travel well. Of course there is the possibility they are all suffering from jet lag because they had to fly uphill to get from Miami to Washington…. Yes, I know that’s crazy but it makes about as much sense as any other lame excuse they could come up with.

    I think the real key is Marteen not getting on base. Those hard hit balls that were falling in earlier in the season are now getting caught.


  495. 505 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 10:38 am

    There are alot of reasons… eerily similar to the reasons being floated in April: leadoff guy not getting on, too many men left in scoring position, sudden power outage, etc.

    The guys are simply in a slump. It happens over the course of 162 games. We all know they aren’t as bad as they’ve looked since the roadie started. That said, there are problems.

    The lack of power was somewhat muted when Troy started on his tear. But now that he has come back to reality, the team has also come back to the reality that it lacks a power bat.

    Melky is not an everyday CF. He’s no Nate of 2010, but he isn’t an everyday guy either.

    And the simple fact remains that there is not a true CF out there that also possesses a power bat.

    Given his track record, if there is a guy out there that the Braves can match up with, and that will significantly help this team, Frank will deal. I just don’t think that guy is out there…


  496. 506 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    Interesting contrast:

    Nate McLouth in 2010: “Of course nobody wants to get sent down. But I’m going to use it what it’s meant to be for and that’s to go down and work and get my swing back to where it needs to be and not feel sorry for myself or be disappointed or mad or anything like that.”

    Jeff Francoeur in 2008: “I felt betrayed.”

    That is why I will root for Nate to reclaim that which he once had, and to come back and help propel this team to and through October. And also why I could have cared less if I ever saw Francoeur back in ATL.


  497. 507 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Remember talking about Brandon Beachy recently after he K’d 13 over 5 innings in a recent game in AA Pearl, and then was stellar in the AA All-Star game? Well, he made his AAA debut last night in relief, going 4 innings and racking up 7 K’s, earning his 1st save.

    Oh, that was after Chris Resop made his 1st start in rehab, giving up 0 (yep, that is a “zero”) hits in innings 1 thru 5 of that same game.

    Man, the Braves certainly have some pitching depth from which to do something.


  498. 508 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    Speaking of AAA Gwinnett, Freddie Freeman has a slash line of .290/.351/.494 with 14 HR’s, 23 2B’s and 59 RBI in 92 games.

    By comparison, Troy Glaus sports .249/.362/.423 with 14 HR’s, 16 2B’s and 61 RBI in 96 games.

    I know, I know… it AAA vs. the Bigs. But FreddieFree is getting close…


  499. 509 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    Hmmm… interesting.

    Marlon Byrd is not in today’s lineup for the Cubs. He isn’t hurt or anything. Just a day off? Maybe.

    Maybe not.



  500. 510 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    And apparently Frank is not limiting his choices to CF alone. “Jason could go there. No (reservations). There are fewer walls to run into.” 😀 Great line…

    Did you know that HeyHey played 20 games in CF last season in Pearl?

    And if gangly Dale Murphy can win 2 Gold Gloves as a CF, HeyHey can certainly handle it… at least for the time being.


  501. 511 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 1:17 pm


    I made my Freeman/Glaus comparison at 12:28p. Carroll Rogers made hers across the street at 12:46p.

    They need to keep up… 😀


  502. 512 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 2:02 pm


  503. 513 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    According to Jayson Stark, the Dodgers are close to acquiring Scott Podsednik.

    According to MLBTR:

    Podsednik, 34, has a .309/.353/.399 line with 29 steals in 41 attempts. It’s a carbon copy of the season he put together last year, when he batted .304/.353/.412 with 30 steals in 43 attempts. Teams know what they’re getting in Podsednik: a speedy left fielder who can play center and get on base.

    The Royals signed Podsednik to a team-friendly deal that guarantees the outfielder $1.65MM this season (about $580K remains). The team has an option for 2011 worth $2MM, but Podsednik will likely be able to void it. He had 421 plate appearances entering today’s action and needs just 525 to neutralize the option.

    Should we be in in this? Would it be a significant upgrade? Just askin’…


  504. 514 berigan2electricboogaloo July 28, 2010 at 2:51 pm

    V, very good point about how Nate handled the send down, verses Frenchy….
    I would LOVE Marlon Byrd to be on this team! A lot of folks thought last year was a fluke, doesn’t look like it now…
    Why didn’t Blanco get called back up??? he provides a bit of a spark when he plays….
    Podsednik??? That would solve the leadoff problem, wouldn’t it??? Move Martin to 2nd, JHey to, well anywhere but 8th, and he will hit….A guy who could steal, less one out bunts to move a guy over, I would like that! 😛


  505. 515 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    Blanco cannot be called up for another 3 days; per MLB rules, a player must remain for 10 days after being sent down.

    That said, Frank is on record as saying that Blanco may not be called up Saturday and that he is considering a number of options.


  506. 516 Gil in Mechanicsville July 28, 2010 at 4:14 pm

    Ber, Blanco has to stay on the AAA roster for 10 days before he can be recalled


  507. 517 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    2night’s lineup:

    1. Marteeen, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. Mac, C
    5. Hinskinator, LF
    6. Ouch, 1B (dude needs a few days off)
    7. Gonzo, SS
    8. Melky, CF (ew…)
    9. Huddy, P


  508. 518 Voice of Raisins July 28, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    Official B&S poll;

    If it would take a guy like Julio Teheran plus a B-prospect to acquire Jose Bautista – 30 HR, 75 RBI, plays OF and 3B – would you do it?

    ESPN’s Chris Sprow on Bautista:

    Bautista is having such an outlier year for HRs that it looks downright flukey. But he’s also made noticeable changes to his approach — he quite literally starts his swing earlier — and thinks he’s found the secret to his talent. I think it would take the Braves one of those top arms, maybe Teheran, something they don’t want to do. And the thing with Bautista is Toronto can likley retain him at a low arbi number of roughly $6-7 million. Even if he “dips” to 30 HRs next year, that’s a bargain.

    So I ask again, would you do it?


  509. 519 berigan2electricboogaloo July 28, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    V, Gil, thanks for the 411 about Blanco….

    V, short answer…it’s above my pay grade! 😆
    Julio Teheran has been a name for so long, and he’s still so young…I’d rather give up a Mike Minor or one of the other names. Teheran sounds to be truly special.
    Actually, whomever the braves give up, I would hope we could get a guy who could hit for a higher average.
    Though a 30 home run guy behind or in front of McCann sure sounds nice, doesn’t it???
    And yeah, Glaus needs a few days off, he can’t do much right now…


  510. 520 berigan2electricboogaloo July 28, 2010 at 8:04 pm

    Then Glaus gets a single, and has run on a 3-2 count twice! 😯


  511. 521 Gil in Mechanicsville July 28, 2010 at 8:36 pm

    I think if the Braves want to close the deal this year then they need to make a trade. This team is just too streaky


  512. 522 Gil in Mechanicsville July 28, 2010 at 8:43 pm

    So, you want to be a pitcher???? Looks like a pretty dangerous place to be to me.

    Thank goodness they don’t allow aluminum bats


  513. 523 berigan2electricboogaloo July 28, 2010 at 10:07 pm

    Gil, I think you are right….we are good enough to either win the division, or the W.C., but we would be beaten by the Yankees or the Rangers. Or the White Sox…they didn’t seem that impressed by us when we played them.
    Might not get past the Phils in a 5 game series with Roy and Cole going 1-2….

    Good win tonight though…hoped for a bit more offense…was I the only one??? 😕


  514. 524 eprisewildcat July 28, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    ber… this offense is so streaky it’s offensive, isn’t it? Prado on base a bunch tonight, but alas only three runs. A guy with Bautista’s numbers (this year) would be a welcome addition. Having Alex Gonzalez available to assess his abilities should help. You wanna win in Bobby’s last year I think F.Wren needs to make something happen.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  515. 525 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 12:16 am

    Well, I asked the question, so I suppose I have to answer it.

    We have a pretty dang good assembly of 5 starters in the rotation now, 3 of whom are still pretty young and under team control for a while – those being JJ, TommyH, and Meds. Then there’s Huddy, the Ace, who is under contract for a few more years and worth every stinkin’ penny. We have Derek for 2 more years unless we can figure out a way to shed it, which I am sure Frank will be continuously trying to do for the next 2 years.

    Now, we have a couple of guys at AAA – Mike Minor & Chris Resop – who need a place to land. Behind them are Brandon Beachy (recently promoted to AAA) and at AA, Teheran, Randall Delgado & the currently injured Arvodis Vizcaino.

    Does anybody else see the logjam?

    So as many times as people want to invoke the “Adam Wainright” argument against trading top pitching prospects, you can’t have a 7 0r 8 man rotation. There’s a surplus there, and a need elsewhere.

    Player development supplies 2 needs: promotion to fill a need and trade to fill a need.

    I’d give up 1 for the right bat. I think Bautista would fit that description if there weren’t too much else going that direction. For the current ML leader in HR’s, it’d likely take one of those top shelf pitching prospects and a replacement OF, maybe a Diaz or Blanco. They wouldn’t take Melky because he makes more $$$ than Bautista.

    The simple fact is, you have to give up quality to get quality. If the Braves want to make a serious run this year, they have to acquire an impact bat. Period.

    I’d do it.


  516. 526 Gil in Mechanicsville July 29, 2010 at 2:23 am

    Well, that was a tidy little ballgame by the Braves tonight. See what a difference no errors make? Prado returning to be Prado awakens an otherwise anemic offense and of course Heyward’s heady base running.

    I am driving up for the game Thursday. Everyone has an excuse as to why they are not sure why they want to go so heck with them. I will go by myself. I had really wanted to go to Wednesday’s game but trying to please other people I got pushed back to today.

    I will try to get a few pictures but no promises… I think I’ll wear my “Rockies” hat just to mess with people…


  517. 527 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 7:44 am

    So apparently the Phils and ‘stros have reached agreement on a deal sending Oswalt to The City of Brotherly Shove.


    He’s good, but he’s no Cliff Lee. He may give ’em a bump every 5th day, but he won’t dominate like Lee did.

    And it probably precludes them from picking up another hitter, which suits me just fine. It also probably precludes them from fixing their horrid late relief corp. That suits me just fine, too.

    And I’m sure they have given away a part of their future.

    That suits me just fine, too…


  518. 528 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 7:45 am

    And you do realize that for his career, Oswalt is 0-3 with a 7.58 ERA vs. the Braves, right?


  519. 529 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 7:47 am

    I would rather he land in Philthadelphia than St. Louie. My money says he still doesn’t get the Philthies to the playoffs… and that’s where’d he be most valuable.


  520. 531 berigan2electricboogaloo July 29, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    PHils are 3 1/2 behind us, and 2 1/2 out in the wildcard. They have won 7 straight.
    A 1-2-3 rotation of Roy Halladay, Roy Oswalt, and Cole Hamels, is a really good grouping. 3 guys you do NOT want to run into to in a 5 game series. Or a 7 game series.
    So….lets hope we hold them off, and some other team gets into the wildcard. Otherwise, they are our biggest threat to advancing.


  521. 532 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    Oswalt is very good, but not great. He’s also prone to back issues. Phillie gave up alot – LHP J.A. Happ, speedy outfield prospect Anthony Gose, and shortstop prospect Jonathan Villar.

    Plus, their payroll commitment for 2011 now stands at about $140MM.

    In other words, they swapped alot of their future for this year. Still don’t think they have enough. If Frank fills a hole, I know they still don’t have enough.


  522. 533 berigan2electricboogaloo July 29, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    And I see the Orioles have hired Buck Showalter. I didn’t like him at first, but have grown to like him on Baseball tonight. He really does bring up things I have never thought of. Bobby Valentine does as well…but not as often. And I really dislike Valentine. So, naturally he’s still there….sigh….


  523. 534 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Ms. Rogers from across the street noted that there are scouts from the Jays at today’s game. Read into it what you will…


  524. 535 berigan2electricboogaloo July 29, 2010 at 3:50 pm

    V, I hope you are right that he isn’t a great pitcher. that is a bandbox….they draw a lot better than the Braves do, so I assume they have more money to spend. Plus Houston is tossing in….11 Million! Wonder if MLB will sign off on that.
    And Wolverine is coming off their books next year.


  525. 536 berigan2electricboogaloo July 29, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    And I was going to warn Gil to stay hydrated today, but its raining so I am sure he is very hydrated! 😛


  526. 537 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    its raining so I am sure he is very hydrated

    Why is it I picture Spongebob?


  527. 538 berigan2electricboogaloo July 29, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    Well, the Nationals are a very good last place team. 🙄
    Hello, Blue Jays???? We have some prospects you may find interesting.


  528. 539 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    Very interesting… immediately after obtaining this speedster Gose, the ‘stros flipped him to Toronto for a 1B.

    That means that Houston is probably now shopping Lance Berkman since they acquired the heir apparent.

    It also means the Jays just acquired a new OF. Does that mean they may be dealing one? Hmmm?


  529. 540 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    And I was just reminded that Berkman did play RF for quite a while. Wonder if he still can?


  530. 541 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    Did you know that for his career, Berkman has played in 488 games as a LF, and 252 as a RF? Interesting…


  531. 542 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    He’s even played in 164 as a CF, but I am sure that boat sailed a few years ago.


  532. 543 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    And a flurry of activity seems to have broken out. Jorge Cantu is going to Texas and Miguel Tejada has just been scratched from his game. Likely to SD.


  533. 544 Voice of Raisins July 29, 2010 at 5:41 pm



    The Padres will acquire Miguel Tejada from the Orioles, if the league approves of the deal, according to MLB.com’s Corey Brock (on Twitter). Connolly hears the O’s get a pitcher and salary relief.


  534. 545 berigan2electricboogaloo July 29, 2010 at 6:12 pm

    V,Gose is only 19…Interesting about Berkman, forgot he played the outfield…even remember him in Center, now that you brought it up….
    Hadn’t heard anything about Miguel Tejada going to the Fathers.


  535. 546 Gil in Mechanicsville July 30, 2010 at 4:06 am

    Good morning friends, Well… An excellent adventure yesterday, rain and all. Yep, for a last place club the Nationals are a pretty good looking ball club. Let’s hope they can take it to the Phillies as well this weekend.

    Dereck Lowe labored yesterday, that is about all I can say about his performance. I think he had thrown around 90 pitches by the fourth inning but it seemed as if it were more like 120. He did not appear sharp at all.

    The Braves continued their anemic hitting yesterday as well. Anyone not named Matt Diaz just did not have any pop. It was sad really. The All-Star break did not do the Braves any favors.

    The Nationals continued to feat off of Braves pitching. There were a couple of no doubters hit as well.

    Let’s hope the Bravos can find their mojo before they are over taken by the Phillies. The Reds can be a tough customer and I am pretty sure they would like to exact a measure of revenge for the sweep the Braves put on them last month.


  536. 547 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 7:47 am

    “Derek Lowe labored” has been said often over the last season and a half. I am trying to remember a time when “Derek Lowe breezes” was said. Sadly, I can’t…


  537. 548 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 10:47 am

    Have you noticed of late this here blog has turned into a boys only blog??? Where are the ladies??? 😉


  538. 549 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 10:51 am

    And have you noticed the Phils are 2 1/2 behind us???
    See that Edwin Jackson is possibly on the move again. Never hear anything about him being a bad teammate, but this would be his 4th team, and he’s a hard throwing 26 year old…weird.
    Latest on MLB traderumors(can we think of a way to shorten that? MLBTR? Is that what they call it???)is that deal to the Whitesox may be off since Kenny Williams is cooking a really big deal. Dunn??? Prince, after they said he wasn’t going to be traded???


  539. 550 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    V, I feel the need to borrow your youtube clip from yesterday, would ya mind??? 😉


  540. 551 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    Andy Marte, is he finally living up to the hype??? 😛


  541. 552 Gil in Mechanicsville July 30, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    Like old Satchel Page use to say, don’t look back, something might be gaining on you

    The Braves have seemed flat ever since the All-star break. No zip, no hop in their step. Like Troy Glaus, only different….

    The Braves need an infusion of some new blood. Someone to shake things up who can carry the team on their back until the rest of the guys can regroup.

    I know, let’s trade Chipper for Ryan Zimmermann…

    I still think Chipper is nursing an injury, he is not taking full cuts at the ball. he is taking a lot of Tony Gwynn type strokes. Good for batting average but not for a bopper.


  542. 553 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    Gil, I am sure you are right. Should have DL’ed him at one point this year. Really don’t get the fear of DL’ing him or Glaus. Hinske/Prado can cover 1st fine, and hit as well as he has of late. Infante/Conrad can cover 3rd for 2 weeks. Would have been a great time over the Allstar break to do that with at least one of them….too late now, unless they just tear something…


  543. 554 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Incredibly, Jonny Venters won his appeal and his entire suspension was rescinded. I have never heard of that happening before! It truly goes to show you what an idiot umpire Angel Hernandez is…


  544. 555 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    Not sure if this has any cred whatsoever, and it likely does not, but it’s at least something to talk about:

    Jacoby Ellsbury?



  545. 556 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    By the way, Jason Churchill at ESPN.com says that if the Braves were to acquire Ellsbury for CF, they could still look for a corner OF bat. Isn’t that interesting?


  546. 557 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    I am finding alot of chatter, but nothing of substance.

    Names to remember:

    Jacoby Ellsbury
    Cody Ross

    Looks like Frank is trying to make a final push for a CF.

    I would not mind Ellsbury at all. True leadoff hitter with high OBP and exceptional base stealing ability.

    One more thing. More than one place I have perused hints that a trade for either of the 2 CF’s would not necessarily be the only move. One place in particular cited 3 trams and alot of moving parts that would yield both Ellsbury and Josh Willingham.

    Again, none of this has enough credibility to say it’s anything more than pure speculation. It sure is interesting, though.


  547. 558 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    Looks like the Yanks are close on Berkman, and he’s not in the ‘stros lineup for 2night…


  548. 559 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    If it were up to me, which it isn’t, I go for a big bat (Jose Guillen, for instance) and bring Gregor back for CF.

    Then I’ve got real pop in the middle of the order and a decent OBP in the 8 hole.

    I think we can win with that…


  549. 560 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    V, I don’t know why Jose Guillen isn’t on more radars…I know a few years ago, he wasn’t the best clubhouse guy…have we heard anything that way???


  550. 561 Voice of Raisins July 30, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    Berkman to Yankees done…


  551. 562 berigan2electricboogaloo July 30, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    Scott Rolen truly is the best baserunner in the game.
    Brooks Conrad was truly robbed of a homer!
    Jesse Chavez is in the game…a tie game….umm…


  552. 563 Gil in Mechanicsville July 30, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Wow, what a ballgame, I am exhausted, I hope Prado is okay, can’t afford to lose him,


  553. 564 flbravesgirl July 30, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    Whew! Crossing my fingers that Martin’s fingers are OK.

    Ber, I’m here. Dad & I drove home from Tiger today ( my aching back, hips & tailbone can attest to all 9+ hours). I wasn’t on the ‘puter much this trip because I was at Grinch’s for a few days.


  554. 565 eprisewildcat July 30, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    Nice win for our Bravos tonight! Marteeeeen… we’re praying for ya! Nothing broken or torn I hope! Awesome that this team has such talented bench players that can cover for you.

    Can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for our Braves. Have no idea what F.Wren will do but I really like this team. We need bat but I don’t want to see the chemistry of this team messed with too much. Jacoby Ellsbury… interesting, very interesting!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  555. 566 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 12:24 am

    I like the chemistry too but if Troy Glaus doesn’t turn things around pretty soon I’m going to dread August and September.

    Can’t blame it on Yunel anymore. Got to have production out of the middle of the line up.

    We’ve all seen this before, Andruw, Frenchy… At some point you have to fish or cut bait.

    Still, truth be told, Glaus has been a real plus defensively but that can only carry you so far.

    A hint… he has a very sloooooowwww bat right now.


  556. 567 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:03 am

    The Braves have DFA’d Brent Clevlen. If they only needed to make a spot on the 25 for Blanco, they could have just sent him down. Nope. This clears a spot on the 40. Interesting…


  557. 568 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:14 am

    Oswalt’s line in his Philly debut: 6 IP, 7 H, 5 R, 4 ER, 2 BB, 4 K, 86 pitches – Nats 8, Phils 1


    That just warms the cockles of my heart. Maybe all of the people who handed the WS trophy (Jerry Crasnick?) to them after the Oswalt trade will shut up and realize the games still have to be played and that he’s Roy Oswalt, not Cy Young.


  558. 569 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:22 am

    Mike Minor’s line last night: 7 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 0 ER, 2 BB, 8 K – G-Braves 10, Rochester Red Wings 0

    Freddie Freeman was 2 for 4 with a walk, 1 RBI and 3 runs scored.

    Nate was 1 for 4 with 1 RBI, 1 run scored and 1 K.


  559. 570 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:24 am

    6 hours, 37 minutes to the deadline. I think something’s on the cooker…


  560. 571 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:33 am

    Blanco is slated to be in Cincy for today’s day game.


  561. 572 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:35 am

    Update on Prado:

    Jammed a finger on his right hand on the slide, x-rays were inconclusive. He’s seeing a doctor today.


  562. 573 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:41 am

    And that is it for your morning update.

    I’ll be checking in periodically between now and 3:00p.


  563. 574 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 9:33 am

    I hate inconclusive X-rays….. Big question however is, how does it feel? Likely he cannot bend it at all.

    Could get by with it if on his glove hand, throwing hand, not so much…

    Clevlan did not have any options left, only way to send him down was to DFA him. I expect he will clear waivers.

    We might see Minor if Medlen has to miss any time.

    I’m pretty sure Frank can’t make a trade because no one will take his word that Kawakami is a front line pitcher and worth the 7 million the Braves are paying him.

    Yep, I am a big Nats fan this weekend. How sweet is it that Oswalt got rocked and Happ pitched 6 shutout innings for the Stros?

    When you still have guys like Joe Blanton and Jamie Moyer in your rotation, adding guys like Oswalt and Holladay don’t really make all that much difference. Especially when you have Mr Excitement (Brad Lidge) closing games for you.

    I say put Trot Glaus on the 15 day DL for sore knees and bring up Freddie for a look.


  564. 575 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 11:13 am

    By the way… the aforementioned hit by McLouth was a HR. He’s homered in each of his 1st 2 games with Gwinnett. Unbelievable.


  565. 576 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 11:24 am

    2day’s lineup:

    1. Omar, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. Mac, C
    5. Ow, my knees hurt, 1B
    6. Hinskinator, LF
    7. Gonzo, SS
    8. Melkshake, CF (ew… I’d rather see Gregor)
    9. JJ, P


  566. 577 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Westbrook to the Cards (99% done) is a better pickup than Oswalt to Philly. Cards are in great shape for October…


  567. 578 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 12:11 pm

    Yea… I actually get to see a Braves’ Saturday day game. Local Fox affiliate is showing the Braves / Reds game today instead of the Yankees….

    On October.. between the Braves, Reds, Phillies, Cardinals, Padres and Giants. There is going to be a couple of really good teams staying home.


  568. 579 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    My brother and I were talking about they type of ballplayer Bobby Cox was when he was in the minors. He was exactly like Brooks Conrad or Mark Lempke. Always scrappy, always had a dirty uniform and always gave 100%. He was not the most gifted athlete on the team like a Jason Heyward but he always left everything he had on the field. Explains a lot of why he will play certain players and trade others, one thing he never did was loaf or give up.


  569. 580 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    The Padres get Ludwick, the Cardinals get Westbrook and a pitching prospect from the Pads, and the Indians get a pitching prospect from the Pads and $$$.



  570. 581 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Buster Posey needs some sleep. His Twitter says:

    The Padres are sending P Nick Greenwood to St. Louis in this deal, P Nick Greenwood to Cleveland.



  571. 582 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    Mr. O’B’s update on Prado:

    Prado has “stable avulsion fracture” in second joint of his right pinky. This is pretty good news, considering how bad it could have been. Braves think he might be back in 7-10 days, but it’ll obviously be at least 15 if they decide to put him on DL.

    Bobby Cox said they’ll wait until Sunday or Monday to make DL decision.

    Gonzalez is feeling a little better, but Cox said won’t know till BP whether he can play today.

    Not great, but could have been much worse. Here’s the question…

    Gonzo obviously in the lineup because Prado is definitely out. If he was as sick as they reported, is he truly ready? I don’t like this… not a bit…

    And if he’s a scratch, Brooksie at 2B?

    This could be a bad week. 😐


  572. 583 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 1:31 pm


    Diamondbacks interim GM Jerry Dipoto further dismantled his team today, sending catcher Chris Snyder, Triple A shortstop Pedro Ciriaco, and $3MM to the Pirates for reliever D.J. Carrasco, infielder Bobby Crosby, and outfielder Ryan Church.


    But it does seem that deals are everywhere, except in Atlanta…


  573. 584 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    FBG,spent some time at Grinch Manor eh??? Do you have some unusual, closely spaced puncture marks on your juggler??? 😛
    JK 😀

    I have never seen a slide like Prado’s…has anyone else??? I was saying at first, to the broadcasters, dopes, he was spiked when the catcher came down! Clearly it wasn’t and I thought, how did his arm do that?? Yuck!!! Thought I would read that he broke his wrist, and was out for the year. That it’s just his pinky, is a minor miracle! But for goodness sake, put him on the DL, and don’t leave us short for several games!

    And man espn _____s me off! X games, which just promotes kids paralyzing themselves is on the main channel.
    Then I flip up to espn news which supposedly has a special on up to the 4 pm trade deadline…you would assume it would be all baseball, but nooooooooooo, gotta hear about football practice…sigh…..


  574. 585 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    and that Ryan Ludwick trade annoys me. Couldn’t we have traded say Chris Medlen and Mike Dunn for him???
    V, I was thinking about the Wainwright trade. He’s been so good, that if we had had him since the trade, those years where we were so desperate for starting pitching, would we have snuck in to the playoffs????
    that being said, you can’t be paralyzed and not trade someone!!!
    THIS JUST IN…OMG….espn supposedly traded for Rick Ankiel, and….Kyle Farnsworth!!!!! 😯


  575. 586 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    umm, a bit excited, epsn says the braves traded for them…. 😳


  576. 587 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    dang…sent the flame throwing midget to the royals…oh well….no more Jesse!!! 🙂

    Braves Acquire Ankiel, Farnsworth
    By Tim Dierkes [July 31 at 3:10pm CST]

    The Braves acquired Rick Ankiel and Kyle Farnsworth from the Royals, reports CBS’ Danny Knobler. The Braves are sending Jesse Chavez, Gregor Blanco, and Tim Collins to Kansas City, tweets Ed Price of AOL FanHouse.


  577. 588 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 4:25 pm

    With McCaan, Glaus and Hinske on base, collectively they might just possibly have been the slowest set of base runners in baseball history…


  578. 589 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    Well, we didn’t have Collins around long enough to get attached to him. Will miss Blanco, great little player, good luck to him. Jesse.. not so much.


  579. 590 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Nice assist by Heyward and good positioning by McCann to get the out at home.


  580. 591 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    Gil, you are quite right, a slow trio…I could outrun them, and that’s saying something! 😛

    Funny comment on MLBTR….
    Farnsworth could be the right handed power bat and Ankiel could start pitching again. It could work.

    Ankiel is better than Nate is right now, and Farnsworth is better than Jesse, so it’s decent trade…right??? Just not a blockbuster…


  581. 592 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 4:55 pm

    Sometimes the best trades are the ones not made.

    What if the Braves had not traded away Brett Butler and Brook Jacoby to the Indians for Len Barker?

    Wren made a decent trade. Maybe someone in the Royals organization can straighten out Chavez.


  582. 593 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    this possiblity makes no sense….

    Braves Inquired On Chone Figgins
    By Tim Dierkes [July 31 at 3:38pm CST]

    3:38pm: The Braves asked the Mariners about the availability of Figgins, tweets Geoff Baker of the Seattle Times, and were denied. It seems odd to me that Figgins would be unavailable – would he even be claimed on waivers next month?


  583. 594 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 5:02 pm

    Gil, his fastball is quite straight right now! 😉

    Oh, meant to mention this…anyone notice that JHey slid feet first yesterday???? After Prado’s injury, I really wouldn’t mind seeing the organization teach feet first only….so many guys hurt their hands going into bases, it’s not even funny!


  584. 595 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    I would have Jair bean somebody but now is not the time. That’s okay, Tommy will plunk a few tomorrow.


  585. 596 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    No question Jesse had a flat fastball. Got to have movement for it to be effective.


  586. 597 berigan2electricboogaloo July 31, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    man…this Reds team is pretty good! 😯 JJ was on a roll…was…


  587. 598 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    The way the general population (not everybody, but alot of them) across the street react after a loss, it’s no wonder an administration like the one currently shoving this country down the pooper can come to power.

    So flippin’ reactionary with zero forethought or reason.

    It’s embarrassing that they affiliate with my team. Well, most will bail if the Braves lose the division lead.


  588. 599 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    Now… I had to leave suddenly early this afternoon to go to a funeral that I was not expectING to attend, but found out I was expetED to attend, so I did.

    I came home to find the news of the Royals deal and the Tigers deal.

    My reaction?

    Tigers deal: Meh. Minor league power bat “5 tool” guy. Low AVG and OBP, though. Low investment, low risk. Wait and see.

    Now, Royals: Many across the way are panning it in so many ways, but honestly, I like the deal. We needed something more than nothing in CF, and we got it. We needed another arm in the ‘pen, we got it. In straight comparison, Farnsworth is a big improvement over Chavez, and Ankiel is a marginal improvement over Melky/Blanco. But, Ankiel hs the potential to be better, Melky has the potential to be Melky. And Gregor has long since fallen out of the Braves long term plans. The new young lefty is tossed in and we get some cash back.

    Are we better today than we were yesterday at this time? Yes. Alot better? Well, from a strict bullpen perspective, I’d say definitely yes. And honestly, we’re better with Ankiel over Melky.

    Maybe it wasn’t a big name acquisition with alot of marquee appeal, but he did address some specific needs, didn’t give up a whole lot.

    So, while it didn’t make big headlines with a big name and a big bat, it was a pretty decent pickup to address multiple needs.

    I say it’s solid even if not sexy.


  589. 600 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Now… the waiver period with playoff eligibility deadline is just 31 days away. 😀


  590. 601 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    Yep, nothing like dealing with a bunch of zealots. No use to try to reason with them because they are not reasonable.


  591. 602 flbravesgirl July 31, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    It’s not a flashy trade but it’s an upgrade. I am a little sorry to lose Gregor, he seemed to have really figured out what he could do best to help the team.

    No punctures, Ber. We went to the Shakespeare Festival, the Carlos Museum & the History Center. Plus I got to hang with Frieda the Grinch pup, who is now a fierce-looking large dog (& despite that, a total marshmallow).


  592. 603 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Yeehaw… Watched the ninth inning of the Phillies/Nationals game. After allowing the Phillies to go ahead 5-4 in the top of the inning, the Nats came back with a three run walk off homer by Ryan Zimmerman off of Brad Lidge. Phillies can trade all they want but they still have a leaky bull pen.

    Nats have a good chance at sweeping the fillies.


  593. 604 Gil in Mechanicsville July 31, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    Actually it might be a better opportunity for Gregor to play on a regular basis. Not like he doesn’t already know a bunch of guys on the Royals team.

    As for the Braves, I don’t think reinforcements can get there soon enough.


  594. 605 Voice of Raisins July 31, 2010 at 11:31 pm

    Baseball America on the kid we got from El Tigres:

    Background: Signed out of the Dominican Republic as a third baseman in 2003, Ramirez moved to left field in 2007 and made his way to the majors last season. He homered off Matt Harrison in his first big league game, but for the most part came back to earth bit after having the best minor league season of his career in 2008.

    Strengths: Ramirez continues to show off tantalizing if raw five-tool ability. Both his power and speed grade as above-average and he could be a 25-25 man in the majors. He has the bat speed to catch up with major league fastballs and the swing to hit .280-.300. He’s capable of playing all three outfield positions and has a strong arm.

    Weaknesses: Ramirez has a swing-hard-in-case-you-hit-it approach, so his power comes with a lot of strikeouts. His stroke can get a bit long at times and he’s pull-oriented, leaving him vulnerable to breaking balls off the plate. He fits best in left field because he’s still learning to play the outfield. He needs to take better routes on flyballs and get better jumps on the bases.

    The Future: Detroit doesn’t have an established left fielder, but Ramirez could use some more seasoning at Triple-A Toledo. He could push for a regular job in the majors by the end of 2010.

    Uh, maybe in 2011…


  595. 606 Gil in Mechanicsville August 1, 2010 at 4:46 am

    Yep, sounds like a project type guy to me too. I noticed where the Red Sox had DFA Jeremy Hermida. I thought he was a pretty decent outfielder while at Florida.


  596. 607 eprisewildcat August 1, 2010 at 7:27 am

    Raisins… I agree with you completely! The Braves may not have made an eye-popping, bowl ya’over trade, but I think we got better as a team. A little less mediocre Melky and straight throwing Jesse is fine by me. Losing Gregor is kinda tough but I wish him well.

    I’ve always liked Rick Ankiel and have always admired his athletic ability. Not to many former pitchers are able to resurrect their career as a position player. If he can stay healthy (which seems a problem) I think he can really contribute down the stretch.

    Kyle Farnsworth is a huge improvement over Jesse Chavez. I think he can make batters miss and might get some big strikeouts for us. I sure remember the rants of “Farn-Worthless” back in 2005 but he may found something that is really working this year.

    Did we have to give up the new guy Tim Collins? I was really looking forrward to seeing him pitch. 5’7 and 155 and a strikeout pitcher. I wanted to see that!

    What’s the deal with Ryan Ludwig? Were the Padres wanting too much or did we feel that Ankiel was the better option? Things that make ya wanna say, “hmmmmm.”

    May have been the hottest day that I’ve ever played golf in today. A sweltering 102 with an index of 110! What was I thinking?

    GO BRAVES!!!


  597. 608 eprisewildcat August 1, 2010 at 7:40 am

    Oopso… meant to say the Cards may have wanted too much from us for Ryan LUDWICK. May still be suffering adverse effects from the heat. He seems like a nice pick-up by the Padres.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  598. 609 berigan2electricboogaloo August 1, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    Wildcat, you can always play golf when if cools off ya know! 😉

    I just KNEW how they would react across the street, without bothering to look. I was laughing to myself a bit, because like most of us, we wanted that Corey Hart/Jose Bautisa kind of guy, and got Ankiel instead. But, like I said we are better(and most everyone here agrees with me! 🙂 ) than we were before. Ankiel has more pop than Melky. Ankiel instantly has the best arm in the outfield. Remember those throws a few years ago to 3rd, from deep, deep center against the Rockies????
    Put him in left a few days, and my oh my would that be fun watching him nail runners at home!
    And Chevez downright scared me! Farnsworth working the 7th or 8th, instead of closing??? Should do much better.


  599. 610 berigan2electricboogaloo August 1, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    GAME AT 1!!!
    I thought I heard it started at 12:30 yesterday, but still, an early start in the midwest….


  600. 611 berigan2electricboogaloo August 1, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    We are going to regret leaving all these runners on against Volquez….


  601. 612 Voice of Raisins August 1, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    We did… 😐


  602. 613 eprisewildcat August 1, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    Well I guess this road trip could have been worse. I hate having to pull for the Phils, Mets, and Marlins to lose (which I do anyway), but that’s what we’re left with. I don’t understand why teams go through hitting slumps but the Braves are mired in a big one. I’m sure the plane ride home won’t be very much fun. A big home-stand this week should really be interesting. On the bright side the Mets are playing worse than we are.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  603. 614 Gil in Mechanicsville August 1, 2010 at 7:03 pm

    two things…. If I were Tommy, I would be filing suit against the offense for lack of support first thing in the morning.

    Perhaps the Braves need to put Kawakami back into the rotation, then all the poor run support is compacted into one game rather than being spread across the board to everyone.

    Wow, is this offense futile or what? So many people left on base. Earlier in the season, the Braves were getting those guys in, now they are leaving all those base runners stranded and it’s killing us.

    Folks, the Braves are just not getting the big hit when they need them, plain and simple.


  604. 615 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 10:27 am

    Now, on to Plan B.

    1) Scour the waiver wire and see what interesting pieces show up.2) Place a few interesting pieces of our own. 3) Work out a deal.

    Seriously, a guy like Jose Guillen will easily slip through, as will others with moderately high salaries. I will predict that this will be the busiest and most productive MLB August trading period in memory.


  605. 616 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 10:39 am

    August trade rules:

    1. Teams have to pass players through revocable waivers to trade them after the July 31st deadline.

    2. Players acquired after August 31st can’t play in the postseason.

    3. Teams will often put most of their players on waivers to determine interest, since they don’t have to give up every player who’s claimed.

    4. Unclaimed players can be traded to any club in August.

    5. Claimed players can be kept, traded or handed over to the claiming team, who would then pay the player’s salary.

    6. If only 1 team claims a player, he can only be dealt to that team.

    7. If more than 1 team claims a player, he can only be traded to the team in his league with the worst record among the claiming teams.

    8. If a player’s only claimed by teams in the other league, he can only be dealt to the team with the worst record among the claiming teams in that league.


  606. 617 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 10:44 am

    I looked out my window and noticed that all of the trees were leaning hard to the south. Then I realized that the Obamination arrived in the ATL about 10:30a, so the city sucks alot more than usual this morning.


  607. 618 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 10:50 am

    On a similar note, look for the ball to really carry in LF tonight at the Ted. Everything in Atlanta will be leaning very hard to the left today…


  608. 619 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 12:49 pm

    Who is Willie Cabrera?

    Well, maybe we ought to explore this topic, because the guy could be in Atlanta soon.

    Willie Cabrera is a 22-year-old OF from Chatsworth, CA taken by the Braves out of Los Angeles Pierce Junior College in the 14th round of the 2005 MLB Draft. He bats righty, throws righty. He’s not a big guy, only 5’11”, 195 lbs.

    He has been making a steady if unnoticed rise through the Braves farm system since 2005, including his recent promotion to Gwinnett where he made his AAA debut yesterday in RF against the Toledo Mud Hens.

    Let’s see… for this season, in AA Pearl, he hit a team leading .325/.387/.477 with 5 HR’s, 33 2B’s and 53 RBI in 88 games. He has 13 SB’s in 19 attempts. He was a Southern League All-Star. Although he has spent a majority of this season in RF, he has logged more innings in LF than the other 2 spots over his 5-year professional career. Almost all of his offensive numbers have shown a steady improvement from season to season, which would hint that the kid is maturing and learning how to make adjustments.

    Anyway, there really is no good reason to arbitrarily promote him to AAA given the glut of OF currently there already, unless they are giving him a hard look against better pitching. This means he’s a legitimate prospect. He is the new Gregor Blanco, except from the right side. Or perhaps he’s the new Nate McLouth, except from the right side. I suppose we’ll see.

    Just thought you’d like to know…


  609. 620 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 2:59 pm

    MLBTR’s on NL East waiver trade candidates with respect to the Braves:

    The Braves would have to consider letting Derek Lowe’s contract go if he’s claimed. [Uh, ya think?] Kenshin Kawakami is more likely, as he has a more modest $6.667MM salary for 2011 and is currently in the bullpen. [Good luck with that one.] Nate McLouth’s stock is way down, as he’s trying to rebuild value in Triple A. He’s getting $6.25MM next year, plus another $1.25MM for a 2012 buyout.


  610. 621 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    Wow, we actually had some rain today. See, Obama heads south a the drought is over….

    Sigh… The Braves club house might just be a little too loose. At some point, somebody has to be the daddy and jerk a knot in their butt. Get re-focused on hitting with guys in scoring position. Too many times a strike out or a GDP has taken the Braves out of games.

    I noticed Rick Ankiel’s swing was a little long yesterday. He is holding his bat too close to his head in his stance. He needs to hold his bat a little higher so it will not take him so long to get through the strike zone…

    As soon as I can figure out Glaus’s problem I will send a telegram to Bobby Cox. Nothing a little HGH or Steroids wouldn’t cure but , well, you know….


  611. 622 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Three quickest bats on the team have to be Heyward, Diaz and Prado in that order. McCann is not bad but tends to get a little long at times.


  612. 623 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    T’was funny yesterday that an article posted on Fox News site spoke of the possibility of an asteroid striking Washington DC in about 172 years. The comments nearly all pointed out the fact that it would not come soon enough. One poster asked if it might be possible to put booster rockets on it to speed it up.


  613. 624 Gil in Mechanicsville August 2, 2010 at 3:32 pm
  614. 625 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 3:34 pm


    .457 OBP in July…

    Incredible indeed!


  615. 626 Hillbilly August 2, 2010 at 4:21 pm

    Good stuff on Willie Cabrera, VOR, but he’s not 22. He actually turns 24 tomorrow. My, how time flies. 🙂


  616. 627 Voice of Raisins August 2, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    22… 24… that’s what I get for using the same calculator the gov’t uses…


  617. 628 berigan2electricboogaloo August 2, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    Nothing feels quite as good as beating the mutts! 🙂
    Can I call him Rich Ankle??? Good..Ankle had a very good game, good for him!
    And even Chipper hit a homer….
    And Gil, saying Glaus’s name and Steroids in the same sentence…terrible…terribly funny! 😛 As beat up as he looks, he should petition MLB to allow him to use them! Actually, I am a bit surprised that they don’t allow for the use when someone is on the DL…they try all sorts of things to get folks to heal quicker, unnaturally if you want…but I guess folks would go on the DL a few times a year to get stronger….just a thought on my part…not a good one, but a thought, you can’t take that away from me….


  618. 629 flbravesgirl August 2, 2010 at 11:17 pm

    Hillbilly sighting!

    I agree, Ber. There is a special sweetness in beating the Mets that doesn’t happen with any other team, even the Phillies.


  619. 630 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 12:47 am

    All kidding aside, it’s my view that Glaus would benefit greatly from a couple of well placed cortisone shots to both knees. Hey, that is what the stuff was for in the first place. Give him the shots, let him take a couple of days off and ta da… better than new, at least for a month or so.

    The Braves were lucky tonight they did not need those runs they left stranded on base. The Bravos have got to get it together and get those guys in after getting to second with no outs… Pitiful. yes, I know we won tonight but it is a glaring weakness in this team right now.

    Big game tomorrow night, got to drive a stake through the heart of the Mutts while we have the chance. You can’t let these guys hang around thinking they’ve got a chance to get back in this thing.


  620. 631 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 1:47 am

    Hey, I’m all for a guy being a gamer and all but at what point does a guy trying to play through and illness or injury hurt you more than having a new guy in the line up for a while?

    I realize it can get complicated but there comes a time when everyone in the stadium knows you just don’t cut it any longer.

    So let it be with Troy. He has become a composite of Nate, Frenchy and Andruw…. Do the right thing Glausy and report to sick bay for a few days, it might just help the whole team to get well.


  621. 632 eprisewildcat August 3, 2010 at 7:44 am

    The nasty black, blue, and orange Mutts. You’re right Ber… it always, always feels good to beat the Mutts. Gil is also right, this team needs to start knocking in some runs. Really tired of seeing good efforts by our starters go unrewarded.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  622. 633 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 8:59 am

    It’s a shame the Braves don’t have a bit more wiggle room on their payroll. Adam Dunn could really be a force at first base for the Braves right now.

    A comment about the trades made by Philadelphia:

    Does is not seem as if they are only adding payroll while not really improving the overall quality of their pitching staff? Trading away Cliff Lee to get Holladay. Trading away Happ to get Oswalt. To me Oswalt is much like Lowe in that he is past his prime and is living off his reputation. Not that he can’t still have a great game, just not all that often and not for as many innings.

    Cliff Lee to me is/was just as good a pitcher as Holladay. If they really wanted to improve their pitching corps you would think they would be replacing guys like Moyer, Blanton and Lidge.

    So, how long do the Braves keep Kawakami on the roster? He’s pitched what, once in thirty days? Is he not the final weak link in the pen? It seems to me they the Braves will need to send him to rehab just to have the rust descaled from his arm.


  623. 634 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 9:13 am

    Very interesting article by Bowman on the KK situation and its effect on the roster for this year and next:



  624. 635 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Very telling quote from Mr. O’B this morning:

    I have a feeling Cox isn’t going to keep playing Glaus every day, not unless there’s a sudden and significant change in performance. He’s given him every opportunity (and then some) to get this turned around, and it hasn’t worked. I could see him giving some playing time to Hinske and someone else at 1B if he has to, maybe even Prado when he gets back.



  625. 636 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 9:20 am

    Also very interesting that I posted that link to Bowman’s article before I saw Gil’s query on KK. Great minds… right, Gil?



  626. 637 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 9:35 am

    The 1B situation is a strange one. Glaus was awful for the first 4 weeks, then single-handedly propelled the Braves into the division lead for the next 6. Now, he just looks tired, as if he spent all he had left in May and June.

    It makes him almost impossible to read. To the average eye, he looks finished, But then again, he looked finished in April, so who knows?

    And I know the Braves better than to think they’d bring up a rookie to play a key offensive position in August during a tight playoff race. It simply won’t happen.

    So, who plays? Hinske? If you do that, you compromise the bench. Prado? That’d put Omar at 2B every day. See previous comment and insert “Omar” for “Hinske”. Diaz? He can handle it, but who gets most of the LF starts? Hinske? Omar? See both previous comments. Melky? Cringe… 😐

    No, the Braves are in a bit of a precarious position (no pun intended) in this regard. This may be a time to scour the waiver wire hard to find either a LF or a 1B… with power. Yep, Glaus is the only true power source, and his power has been shut off.

    The only saving grace at the moment is that half of Philly’s roster is on the DL. And the Mets already had their brief moment in the sun before the real Muts stood up. The Nats certainly have the offense, but no pitching aside from the currently DL’d Strasburg. Florida is making a push, but I don’t believe they have the guns to mount a real threat.

    The Braves are given a very convenient temporary respite for now, but they better get their own guns in order soon. Very soon.


  627. 638 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 9:40 am

    How about Adam LaRoche part 3? 😀


  628. 639 berigan2electricboogaloo August 3, 2010 at 11:08 am

    V, I don’t know what the braves should do…well, one thing would be rest Glaus for several games in a row(not one game), or even DL him when it really isn’t THAT important to have him in(Just about anyone can hit .190, right???) That would make sense, but we know it will never happen.
    Having Hinske playing every day hurts the bench, but I would rather have a guy hitting .270 everyday and a guy on the bench hitting .190, than the other way around.

    But beyond that??? Too bad Infante doesn’t have a bit more pop, cuz he’s proving himself like Prado did last year.
    In 230 AB’s he’s hitting .343 in the year of the pitcher. 5 straight multi hit games. He’s 28, not 38.

    Too bad he doesn’t have more pop…did I mention that before??? 🙄


  629. 640 berigan2electricboogaloo August 3, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Adam LaRoche part 3 in 3D, the final Chapter/A New Beginning! 😀


  630. 641 berigan2electricboogaloo August 3, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Can Nate play some 1st??? 😳


  631. 642 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    B, I’m not so sure that even a stint on the DL can bring Glaus back. He truly looks done.

    Maybe Infante at 2B and Prado at 1B is our best option at the moment, but it could be that Diaz in LF and Hinske at 1B might work as well. I just like the Diaz/Hinske platoon alot. They truly compliment each other.

    As much as I like Freddie’s progress, I absolutely do NOT want him thrust in there at this point. No, I’d rather toss a retread vet out there before that. Hmmm… wonder how much Carlos Delgado would cost?


  632. 643 flbravesgirl August 3, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    Happy Birthday to the MIA Savannah Guy! Anybody heard from SG?


  633. 644 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Thanks for the link to Bowman’s blog Raisins. It is really so evident right now that Bobby has absolutely no confidence in Kershin. As for the ramifications from Japan… I guess it is another diversity trap. Don’t you just hate it when people hold you hostage because you might hurt their feelings?

    Well, no such restrictions on Troy. I still say get the cortisone shots in the knees and take a week off. Will do everybody a world of good.

    I am afraid however that as long as the Braves can hold onto first place, the Bravos are not going to change a thing.

    Ah yes, our old friend SG…. Happy Birthday wherever you are….


  634. 645 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Just read Mr. O’B across the street saying that while there is no specific contractual stipulation preventing the Braves from demoting KK, there is a “gentlemen’s agreement” to the same.

    Might as well be in writing.

    And the thought strikes me, if you are carrying the guy on your roster while not playing him, you are still paying his contract and playing with 24. Why not eat some of the contract to move him, and play with 25? You’re gonna pay the money one way or another. Might as well give your team the best chance to win…


  635. 646 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    If the Braves simply released him, about 2 dozen teams would jump on him. Seriously… I think other clubs see that the Braves haven’t used him at all so they are just waiting Atlanta out. Why by the cow when you can get the milk free? Kawakami is better than 2 of Philadelphia’s starting five right now. Same could be said of the Mets. It’s just they don’t want to take a chance on eating 6 million dollars but they sure would jump on $400,000…

    I would venture to say the Braves have had offers from other clubs but likely it left the Braves holding the bag for a lot of salary. As in sure, we’ll take him but it’s going to cost you


  636. 647 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    And of course you are right in that the Braves are playing handicapped right now. GM’s can be hard headed that way sometimes.


  637. 648 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    From the “Yeah, so?” Dept.:

    The Braves have released Willie Taveras from AAA Gwinnett.


  638. 649 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    NY Daily News:

    What to do with Oliver Perez.

    The problem has hovered over the Mets all season, and intensified again with the lefthander’s struggles since returning from the disabled list.

    Two sources said Monday that the team had totally given up attempting to convince Perez to accept a minor league assignment. “That’s done,” one source said. “He’s not going to agree to go down.”

    With Perez showing no hint that he will improve – one scout who saw him pitch in Los Angeles recently said he looked “worse than before” he went on the disabled list June 4 with knee tendinitis – the team is left with just two options: continue to waste a roster spot, or release the pitcher.

    For months, the team offered a flat “no” to the possibility that it would cut Perez and swallow the remainder of a three-year, $36 million contract awarded him before the 2009 season. Monday, sources said that stance had not changed.

    Man, I’m glad the Braves don’t have a guy like that on their squad.

    Oh, wait… 😯


  639. 650 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    Bowman’s doing some really good work these days, and gives a great summary of all of the ramifications surrounding Troy Glaus/Freddie Freeman:



  640. 651 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    In reponse to Bowman’s assessment, one wonders the trade off to exposing Freeman to the pressures of a pennant race verses the very real probability of missing the post season altogether because the GM refused to believe his own eyes.

    I am not saying ditch Glaus, I am saying he is hurting the team right now with his lack of production and obviously he is not going to be the one to pull the plug.

    The same might be said for Chipper although he did hit a hanging breaking ball for a homerun last night.

    If the team is really all about the “TEAM” then they need to step up and do what is best for the team.


  641. 652 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    It would seem that the incentives that Troy got written into his deal may have seemed like a great idea at the time, but they will most certainly work against him if he doesn’t suddenly look like the Troy of May.


  642. 653 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    Just to let everyone know when looking at stats for AAA players.

    Keep in mind that the International League has always been known as a pitcher’s league while the Pacific Coast League is known as a hitter’s league. ERAs and batting averages should be taken into consideration with those facts in mind.
    It has also been my experience that batting averages for rookies coming out of the minors is generally about 50 points lower than what they were in the minors. Of course there will always be aberrations but for the most part I have found then to hold pretty true.

    I can understand the Braves reluctance to bring up Freddie Freeman at this point and as long as they stay in first I don’t see the Braves making a move. keep in mind that even though the playoff rosters are set at the end of August, the Braves would be allow to make changes due to injuries.

    Adam Dunn is going to return the Nationals a real bounty of talent. They will not shed him just for the sake of payroll. They are starting to play good baseball and it is causing attendance to rise. Dunn has said he likes it in DC and I don’t think it would be all that difficult for the Nationals to re-sing him next year when they will have even better pitching.

    In the past the Nationals have had trouble convincing top flight pitching to come play in DC but I think that is getting turned around when they see the difference Stausburg has made. Folks will come to see a first class product. Even if it is in the guise of Miss Iowa.

    Still, Adam Dunn would be a huge upgrade for the Braves at first. Just not going to happen because he would never make it to the Bravos before someone else picked him up. if it were just salary that was the consideration I think the Braves jump on him…. It’s not.

    Now, what would it take to get the other Adam back for two months?


  643. 654 berigan2electricboogaloo August 3, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    Carlos Delgado did something I can’t forgive…he wouldn’t stand for the National Anthem of the U.S. back in his Toronto days…had to when he came to the U.S.
    bleep him. 😡

    As V pointed out, the Phils are our only competition right now….don’t panic like a rookie manager…Joe Giardi rested player in Tampa when thier grasp of first danger…did it anyway.
    What could it possibly hurt to tell Troy, hey I know you are a gamer, but you really aren’t helping us now, sit this series, maybe even the first game of the next one, and lets see how you feel then?


  644. 655 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    2night’s lineup:

    1. Omar, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. Mac, C
    5. Not Troy, 1B (Hinske)
    6. Gonzo, SS
    7. Ankle, CF (Thanks for that name, B. I like it.)
    8. MelkDud, LF (Ugh…. 😡 )
    9. DLowe, P (Uh, well I suppose he’s gotta pitch sometime. Then again, ask KK about that.)


  645. 656 Voice of Raisins August 3, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    Schafer is back on the DL with inflammation in the infamous hand. You know, I hope that’s the underlying reason for his troubles this year. I like the kid and would like to see him make it back. I was beginning to have my doubts…


  646. 657 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 6:14 pm

    An opine on Schafer, I say just start from zero and get ready for next season. This one is already shot. I think he should focus on rehab of the wrist and then work on his baseball skills, probably playing winter ball. He is what, 22? Lots of time for him to develop, why is it we all want instant results, TV?

    Question, would a slow bat be a better weapon to use against a knuckle ball pitcher?

    Yes, Phillies are meeting the Fish on fairly equal terms, except the Marlins have better pitching.


  647. 658 berigan2electricboogaloo August 3, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    Glad to see Bobby is listening to us, and sitting Troy! 😛


  648. 659 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    I’m thinking, Troy Glaus may be the only guy who can ground into a double play with nobody on base…


  649. 660 Gil in Mechanicsville August 3, 2010 at 10:09 pm



  650. 661 berigan2electricboogaloo August 3, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    Went out with the brave tied 1-1 in the 3rd I think….forgot it wasn’t on 96.1 and was wondering why it wasn’t on.seemed like there might have been a rain delay as I was leaving…nothing like changing the station 3 years straight to really get large audiences! 🙄

    Sounds like I really missed a good one…to miss.
    Farnsworth gave up a run??? Frenchy hit one off of Wags???
    Braves scored only 2??? Glaus still played???

    Yep, a real shame I didn’t get to watch this one. Phils won. 2 games back.


  651. 662 eprisewildcat August 3, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    I hate games like tonights. I enjoy a good, tight, well pitched game. That is not what I saw tonight. What I saw was missed opportunity after missed opportunity by the Braves. I feel like I just wasted a couple of hours. Our offense is offensive. Yuk!

    I wish Jeff Francoeur well but not against the Braves. Watching Jeff and Manny Acosta bonding as exiled former Braves kinda ticked me off. Oh well, small victory for Jeff and Manny I guess.

    Hey… lets put Freddie Freeman at first and tell him the job is his. I’m not sure Troy the Diesel, the Beast, the Zombie, has anything left in the tank. Just our luck! Thought he was the steal of the off season.

    Breaking news… Brett Favre is retiring! Hahahahahahaha!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  652. 663 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2010 at 6:35 am

    I can’t really blame this one on the pitching tonight. The braves lack of offense offends me….


  653. 664 berigan2electricboogaloo August 4, 2010 at 9:03 am

    yep, nothing offensive about this group…except for being offensive in there lack of…wait, am I going somewhere with this? 😯
    Anywho….I saw the “highlights” of the game and hats off to Frenchy going the other way. I figured it was a big ol’ meatball Wagner gave him, but it really wasn’t. You can tell Frenchy is well liked on that team, they about beat him to death in the dugout!
    There…said something positive about the Mutts. Knight me or somethin’! 😉


  654. 665 berigan2electricboogaloo August 4, 2010 at 9:34 am

    You know, one thing we may have forgotten about Glaus. He only played in 14 games in the majors last year. Even after sitting yesterday(Well, he still had to pinch hit) he’s still on pace for playing in 159 games. Since 2002, he hasn’t played more than 153 games in a season.
    Bobby doesn’t seem to know how to pace guys sometimes…I hear him say all of the time about guys, he’ll never ask out of the lineup…ok Bobby, then it’s your job to rest them!


  655. 666 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I got home very late last night (this morning), sat down at the ol’ laptop and opened up a page of sad.

    I am still sad.

    I don’t even feel like commenting… 😦


  656. 667 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    I will say one thing, then I am going back to my sad.

    Before Troy started on his torrid pace in May and June, the Braves were not even in any playoff conversation and floundering below .500 – including the ghastly 9 game losing streak. But when it kicked in, baby, the Braves were an offensive machine. They outscored every other team in the NL on their way to taking a commanding lead in the division, and seemingly not looking back.

    Then Troy burned out and his bat disappeared from our lineup. Since that point – June 19, I think – the Braves have been a .500 team.

    I think that dichotomy (FOB?) speaks for itself.


  657. 668 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    2night’s lineup:

    1. Omar, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. Mac, C
    5. Not Troy, 1B (Hinske… again)
    6. MattyD, LF
    7. Ankle, CF
    8. Gonzo, SS
    9. Meds, P


  658. 669 Voice of Raisins August 4, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    Waiver news:

    Chris Resop was claimed off waivers today by the Pirates.

    Brent Clevlen passed unclaimed and was outrighted to AAA Gwinnett.


  659. 670 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Good for Resop…


  660. 671 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    This has been one sloppy game….


  661. 672 Gil in Mechanicsville August 4, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Okay guys, it’s safe to come out now…

    I hope the Mets don’t give in to the Phillies. Need for them to take a couple from the City of Brotherly Love.

    Speaking of which… A thought struck me as I watch the Mutts fumble around in the dark. The Mets have become the Nationals…. Seriously, only with a much larger payroll…

    I think the reality has set in for the Marlins. Tough to maintain a positive outlook when management has thrown in the towel and has started selling off assets.


  662. 673 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 8:49 am

    Yep, it’s pretty much a 2 horse race in the NL East, and one of the horses is limping.

    We need to be pulling away while we can. When the Philthies get Utley, Victorino and Howard back, it’ll feel like the best mid-season trade in history from their perspective.

    We need to put some distance in the race now. We need one more piece. Just one more piece. Just one.

    Oh, I think we can still win the division as is, but it’ll be a dogfight ’til the end, and our oldsters need a blow now and then. Then you face the elite in October.

    IMO, as currently constituted, we are a playoff team, but not a playoff winning team. We need one more piece. Just one more piece. Just one.


  663. 674 berigan2electricboogaloo August 5, 2010 at 11:17 am

    V, another horse is limping…

    Medlen headed for MRI Thursday on elbow – updated

    9:14 pm August 4, 2010, by Carroll Rogers

    Braves right-hander Kris Medlen left Wednesday’s game against the Mets with a strained ulnar collateral ligament in his pitching elbow and could be facing season-ending surgery.

    The 24-year-old starter is scheduled to undergo an MRI on Thursday and is headed for the disabled list.

    Just the designation “ulnar collateral ligament” is a scary proposition for Medlen and the Braves because that’s the elbow ligament for which pitchers require “Tommy John” ligament transplant surgery and typically need 12-18 months to recover. Medlen said he felt a burning sensation on one pitch to Jose Reyes.

    “No pop or anything, it just started burning, really tight,” Medlen said. “I don’t know. I’ve never felt it before, so it was reason for some kind of concern.”

    If Medlen needs surgery, the Braves would lose him for the rest of the season and likely at least half of next.

    The Braves have Kenshin Kawakami in the bullpen whom they could put back in the rotation. But he has pitched just once in the past six weeks – in relief against the Brewers on July 16 – since losing his starting job to Medlen. And Kawakami is 1-9 with a 4.48 ERA in 15 starts this season.

    “I don’t know,” Cox said when asked if he’d turn to Kawakami. “He hasn’t pitched in so long.”
    Gee Bobby, might have made some sense to get Kawakami some work of late, eh chief??? 🙄
    Will they bring up Minor, or do they fear adding him to the 40 man roster???


  664. 675 berigan2electricboogaloo August 5, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Had company over, so missed the game. Was amazed to see Chipper turn on an inside, waist high 95 MPH pitch for a homer! I thought only Mac could do that! Man, if only that could keep happening.

    John Kruk had an interesting thought…don’t know if there is any real possibility of it, but he thinks getting hit on his right forearm might have caused the injury. Says it breaks capillaries, etc.. Sounds far fetched, I know….but seeing the slow mo replay and seeing what a shock he got to that arm…he really should have skipped a start…hopefully he doesn’t need T.J. and it’s just a strain, but how often does that happen??? 😦


  665. 677 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 11:59 am

    That my friends was some fine catch…. Still have to like Otis Nixon’s amazing leap though….

    Who knows if the plunk of Medlen in Cincinnati was related or not, we will possible never really know.

    As for Kawakami not being stretched out? Who’s fault is that Bobby? I doubt Kershin has a sing hanging around his neck saying “out of order” although is was in a way….

    Kawakami was so far into Bobby’s dog house that when company came to dinner he didn’t know whether to shake their hand or bite ’em.

    When you look back at Bobby’s career you will notice he will never publicly dis a player, no, they are simply exiled to the land of misfit toys to rust and decay until they are tossed to another team.


  666. 678 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 12:59 pm

    Kenshin is that deep in Bobby’s doghouse for a reason. I personally don’t want him stretched out to pitch.

    Bobby knows exactly what he’s going to do, and that’s insert Minor into the rotation as the #5. All of the “Gee, I don’t know” and the “We’ll have to see” and all of that is just for the media. Minor will be the guy, and KK will continue to sit until such time as they find a bad contract to swap him for.

    By the way… it’s not like he isn’t pitching at all. He’s still on his same throwing schedule, and he’s tossing in the ‘pen to keep stretched out. Now, does that translate into game ready? Of course not. But was he exactly game ready when he was still in the rotation? Uh, that’d be NO.

    I don’t get why everyone wants KK to be “able to” pitch. The guy sucked when he was “able to” pitch. He started 0-9 before he got his first win, which was his only win this season.

    I’ll take my chances with the young southpaw, thankyouverymuch.


  667. 679 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    BTW: Even if the make an announcement as to who makes that start in Houston, in all likelihood they won’t call Minor up until Monday anyway. They will call up an additional bat or ‘pen arm for the Giants series. My bet is that they’ll add another reliever for the next 4 days.


  668. 680 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Like I said, catch 22 on Kawakami. Of course, just as soon as the Braves release Kawakami, someone will give him a flyer. Eight million dollars allows for a lot of face saving….

    So, who do they call up, Kimbrel?


  669. 681 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    Okay, I have the solution, trade KK for Guillen stright up, problem solved…


  670. 682 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    Cristhian Martinez has been called up.


  671. 683 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Jose Guillen DFA’d by KC. Interesting…


  672. 684 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    Let’s see, Guillen still owed about $4 million, Kawaikami still owed $8 million, KK not be used, Jose is a power bat… DUH!!!!! Uh, can he play first base?


  673. 685 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    Uh, no but MattyD and Hinske can. 😀


  674. 686 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    And the news is:

    Meds has a partial tear of the UCL. Meds will be re-evaluated after a few days.

    Not good, folks. Not good. 😐


  675. 687 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Mark Bowman via Twitter:

    Minor will start Monday vs. Astros. Kawakami will go to Gwinnett after tonight’s game

    Huge news.

    KK needs to pitch. MM gets his Major League debut on the road against a doormat. He won’t face much less pressure than that for a debut. Well, except that it’s a small park, but I say that as if it’s the exception. Actually, these days, it’s the “pitcher’s park” that is the exception…


  676. 688 berigan2electricboogaloo August 5, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    V, people forget since it was soooo very long ago since KK pitched, but his last start??? 7 innings, 2 hits, one run.
    His ERA in june??? 4.10 May??? 4.15 ERA. He had a 4.48 ERA as a starter. DLowe, after a very good start is now at 4.45 ERA.
    He didn’t deserve being banished to the bullpen after a very good start…that would have been the time to trade him, so I blame Wren for not finding some way to trade him (though I imagine J.S. was telling him, we don’t eat contract) and I blame Bobby for bringing him in in one game in the last 6 weeks, like he had set fire to games like Chevez had dozens of times…
    Like Gil so aptly said….When you look back at Bobby’s career you will notice he will never publicly dis a player, no, they are simply exiled to the land of misfit toys to rust and decay until they are tossed to another team….
    Funny how it’s almost always a pitcher and not a guy swinging at pitches 2 feet outside day after day.
    But, KK will go to Gwinnett, get some work,(couldn’t even use him last night after Medlen hurt himself) and we will get to see Minor, which is a good thing.


  677. 689 berigan2electricboogaloo August 5, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    Did you hear about the citizens of Missiouri (My home state) voted 3 to 1 against Obamacare??? Well, you didn’t if you watched the “big” 3 last night…sigh….



  678. 690 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    Ya gotta love Jonny Venters, what a gem he turned into


  679. 691 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 9:29 pm

    KK will go to Gwinnett, get some work I wonder if his interpreter likes bus rides?


  680. 692 eprisewildcat August 5, 2010 at 9:55 pm

    Nice, very nice!!! We beat the freak! Wags closed them out for the save! No one got hurt!

    To top it off the Fish are leading the Philthies late.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  681. 693 Voice of Raisins August 5, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    I blame Wren for not finding some way to trade him

    If Frank Wren could find a taker for the remaining $8MM on the contract of a pitcher who is 1-9, then he needs to retire from baseball and start working on peace in the Middle East, ’cause he must be some more salesman.

    Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand what you’re saying. But you can’t for a minute think that he hasn’t tried, can you?

    Who would take it? That contract is an albatross. If he was a productive #3 or 4 starter, then it’s reasonable. But he’s not. And why did he get sent to the ‘pen after finally earning a win? Because the guy that replaced him outpitched him. The Braves are 12-1 in games that Meds started. That is a startling record. I’m happy to get Minor into the rotation, but this is a HUGE loss for the Braves.

    It appears that this is a subject where we will not see eye to eye, Ber. And that’s OK. It’s what makes blogs like this fun to be on. You’re still my favorite Braves fan in Jonesboro. 😀


  682. 694 berigan2electricboogaloo August 5, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    Well, only 3 runs, but with all runs scoring via the long ball, thats ok then! 😉
    Was playing trivia in fayetteville, but missed some of the game…man, didn’t look like Jair was at all happy with the ump! Heard driving in the radio guys saying both teams were likely to not be happy with whoever it was behind the plate. One replay I saw looked like the ump missed one on the corner.
    Phils have tied it up, go Marlins!


  683. 695 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    Looks like the Marlins are going to lose on a blown call by our old friend Bob Davidson. Really poor umpiring these days. They must have one heck of a union because I can’t think of any time I screwed up like that and did not pay the price for it.

    So, the Braves let a chance to pick up LaRoache go by the wayside eh? I have much to say about that one but will refrain until I can work the invective out of my prose.

    We lost power tonight for about 2 hours, came back right at game time though.. Well, almost game time, picked up at the 3rd inning.


  684. 696 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    Ever think Bobby just put Kershin in timeout? Let him know that he had a front row seat to every game until he relented to being sent to Gwennette.

    Good for Resop, goes from AAA Gwennette to AAAA Pittsburgh and closes out his first game. Like picking low hanging fruit for the Pirates.

    Did ya’ll notice the White Sox score the winning runs this afternoon with hits by Lillibridge, Andruw Jones and Mark Kotsay. Makes you wonder sometimes doesn’t it?


  685. 697 eprisewildcat August 5, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Well the year of the blown call or the bad umpire continues with another beauty down in Florida. Bob “Balk-a-day” Davidson missed an obvious call down the third base line and it cost the Marlins a walk-off win against the Philthies. The Braves should be three up in the division but, and it’s a big but, he missed the call. He blew it!

    C.B. Bucknor didn’t give JJ a couple of close pitches. I really don’t have a problem with that. I have a problem with umpires that have poor technique and don’t follow the ball down the line. It will be interesting to see if he makes a statement. It will sound something like this, “I blew it!”

    GO BRAVES!!!


  686. 698 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Yep, Phillies stay Phatt while the Fish flounder….


  687. 699 Gil in Mechanicsville August 5, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    Of course if Hanly had made the play on a routine grounder, the Marlins likely would have gotten out of the top of the ninth unscathed.

    Showing pictures on the local news of trees into houses around the area. Heck of a boomer we had.


  688. 700 berigan2electricboogaloo August 6, 2010 at 12:16 am

    Don’t think we will be getting Guillen…

    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [August 5 at 5:38pm CST]

    5:38PM: Good news and bad news for Guillen. San Francisco may still have an interest in him, as Andrew Baggarly of the San Jose Mercury News reports that the Giants are “discussing” making a move for the outfielder. The bad news comes from an anonymous executive who told Sports Illustrated’s Jon Heyman (Twitter link) that “no contender” should go after Guillen since only Milton Bradley is considered to have a worse “personality/clubhouse rep.”


  689. 701 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2010 at 6:47 am

    Wow, that’s some pretty harsh words…. Sound a bit like the rep Gary Sheffield had. That’s okay, I would rather have Roachy back…


  690. 702 eprisewildcat August 6, 2010 at 7:11 am

    Given a chance to watch the replay, Davidson did not have a “come-to-Jim-Joyce moment.” He was unrepentant.

    “I was right on top of it, and it was wide of the bag,” Davidson said. “What the ball did when it went past me is irrelevant. … I understand that’s the winning run, but in my opinion it was foul.”

    Can you believe it? I can! You have to have a certain amount of arrogance to be an umpire but this is over the top. So, if I hit a ball over the third base coaches box and the wind pushes it inside the foul pole into the tenth row of seats is that a foul ball? Come on Bob! You blew it!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  691. 703 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 9:27 am

    Great quote from Bobby about Hinske:

    Hinske’s been great all year. We started winning when he started playing left field.

    Uh, yup…


  692. 704 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Hinske talking about Gonzo:

    He’s been a great addition, having great at-bats, playing solid defense, just doing things the right way.

    Man, you get the sense that Yunel was a real turd, don’tcha?


  693. 705 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 9:31 am

    One more quote (all courtesy of ajc)…

    From JJ about the Braves:

    Something clicked for us after April. Everybody is really close. We’re like brothers, and everybody pulls for everybody. We just have fun. That’s the main thing, we have fun and try to do the small things to help the team win.

    And this is why the Braves will win the division.


  694. 706 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 9:49 am

    So, the Braves let a chance to pick up LaRoche go by the wayside eh?

    Huh? I have missed this. Please fill in the blanks.

    Adam could be the difference maker. Seriously. He was the difference maker in the second half last season, he just didn’t have this team around him. He’d be awful pretty hitting 4th or 5th in this lineup. In what is generally considered a “disappointing” season, he has 71 RBI. That would be 10 more than the Braves leader – slumping Troy Glaus and 15 ahead of the Braves most consistent run producer Brain McCann. I would bat him 4th and virtually guarantee that Chipper sees more fastballs.

    I don’t care that he’s left handed, either. He’d be my #1 choice (reasonable choice) to man the 1st sack of all the “available” 1B options. There really aren’t any other difference making choices out there, but Adam is available. Now he’d cost you something, but I’d bet you could get it done without one of the prized starters. Actually, I wouldn’t do any deal that involved one of the prized starters. But I’d part with Mike Dunn or Stephen Marek. And I think you could get it done with one of those.

    And as to the issue of the $$$ you take on and it’s effect on the payroll… How much more $$$ do you think Liberty will make from getting deep into the playoffs? Easily enough to offset the addition.

    Gotta do that deal if you don’t have to overpay in prospects. Gotta.


  695. 707 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2010 at 10:36 am

    I can’t find where I saw that little blurb on Adam LaRoache but basically said the Braves passed on Adam out of loyalty to Glaus. Misplaced loyalty if you ask me.


  696. 708 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 11:04 am

    the Braves passed on Adam out of loyalty to Glaus


    Uh, how about loyalty to the adoring fan base that wants to send Bobby out with a winner?

    It’s evident that they are addressing the 1b problem now, in some fashion or another. Glaus hasn’t manned it in what… 3 days, 4 days? Now, he may be back in there tonight against the lefty Zito, against whom I think he has a pretty good track record. We’ll see. It’d be as good a night as any, I guess, to see if he shows any improvement with a few days rest. I just don’t think a few days is gonna cut it.

    How about this…

    If you want to show him some loyalty, include him with Stephen Marek and send him back out west where he’s from and let him ride out the rest of the season under less scrutiny and maybe he’ll get another deal from another west coast team next season. The Braves are not doing him any favors by showcasing his declining skills in the middle of a high profile pennant race. He’s only under contract for this season, and for less $$$ than Adam, so the Snakes might take him.


  697. 709 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    Snake would do that trade if you included an arm or two… Still, I am reminded of what I was told by a company official during one of our negotiations. That was “the company is not a social program, if the determine they don’t need someone any longer they are not going to keep them.”

    Well DUH!!!! Makes one realize there are no entitlement in private industry. So let it be with baseball…. Besides, the Braves owed a lot more loyalty to Smoltz and Glavin but they were gone too. Just saying…


  698. 710 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    Your Smoltz and Glav examples are dead on. I have a hard time believing the “loyalty” line. No, if there is a deal that will help the organization, Frank will take it. Your examples are sure proof of that…


  699. 711 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    2night’s lineup, on Tom Glavine Night. Congrats TommyG!!!

    Facing left Barry Zito will be:

    1. Omar, 2B
    2. HeyHey, RF
    3. Chipper, 3B
    4. MattyD, LF
    5. Mac, C
    6. Glaus, 1B (He’s back!)
    7. Gonzo, SS
    8. Ankle, CF
    9. Big Red, P


  700. 712 Gil in Mechanicsville August 6, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    bah, rain…..


  701. 713 Voice of Raisins August 6, 2010 at 10:00 pm

    Bahrain? Isn’t that a country?


  702. 714 eprisewildcat August 6, 2010 at 11:54 pm

    You bring Venters in for the eighth inning and he rolls through on nine pitches. Can’t you bring him back for the ninth and use Wags if he gets in trouble. I don’t know. I’ve really lost some confidence with Wagner. Of course our defense really let him down tonight.

    GO BRAVES!!! (I can’t stay up late tonight)


  703. 715 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2010 at 10:30 am

    Last night’s game had that feel didn’t it? Perhaps the future is now… Struggling players not admitting they have issues with various body parts, all the while hurting the team in the process.

    I am reminded of when I played high school football, two a days with no water allowed during practice because the coaches wanted to see if you were “tough”. It’s a wonder we didn’t have more kids die on the field during August.

    Let the staff know if you are having “issues” and let the coach decide if he is willing to take a chance. Of course maybe he already has.. Then the blame is on him.

    It’s nice to see Chipper getting his stroke back, too bad his glove is deserting him.


  704. 716 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2010 at 10:33 am

    An observation from 1000 miles away. Venters is the best reliever in the pen right now. I wonder how long it’s going to take for everyone else to see that?


  705. 717 berigan2electricboogaloo August 7, 2010 at 10:56 am

    Wildcat, Joe Simpson said Venters has pitched in 18 of the last 26 games! I think he also said 12 of the last 17, but not sure of that…Joe also mentioned that’s not including times he warmed up and didn’t come into the game…This is Joe’s way of saying he’s overworked.

    Will Ohman was in 83 games(career high) for the braves in 2008, then in only 21 in 2009 for the Dodgers.
    Mike Gonzalez never pitched in more than 54 games(or 54 innings) til last year, 80 games, 74 innings. Shoulder problems this year, only in 11 games.

    Venters is the best arm in the bullpen right now, but will he be next year??? Bobby just doesn’t know how to pace a bullpen, and I don’t get that.

    I was glad to see Mike Dunn given a chance in a close game. He may walk a bunch of folks, but hasn’t given up a run yet.

    Instead of Cristhian Martinez, who is no doubt only going to come in in blowouts or extra inning games, why not have Kimbrel back up??? Bobby can’t really find work for him??? 🙄

    And the voice of doom ends with this cheery fact. Phils are one game behind us…without Utley, Victorino, or Howard on the team….


  706. 718 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    Yeah… Kinda scary ain’t it?


  707. 719 eprisewildcat August 7, 2010 at 6:42 pm

    Ber… not using Venters has to be just like eating only one Lay’s Potato Chip. The temptation to use him every night has to be tremendous. Bobby has a habit of really going to the well too often. This years hot hand in the bullpen is definitely Venters. Let’s hope tonight that Hudson can pitch a complete game to give our pen a break.

    GO BRAVES!!!


  708. 720 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    Rowan is Ron Cey’s love child methinks


  709. 721 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    Okay Huddy, do not take the bat off your shoulder


  710. 722 flbravesgirl August 7, 2010 at 9:43 pm

    Now that was a great game. I love to see good pitching. Anyone else think Wags was still mad about last night?


  711. 723 eprisewildcat August 7, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    Not a complete game but just what the doctor ordered. To top it off the Mets beat the Phils. Oh yeah!

    Folks I think we’ve got a pennant race. Cool beans!!!

    GO BRAVES!!!


  712. 724 Gil in Mechanicsville August 7, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    Great game for a Braves fan, watched the last inning and a half of the Mets game too. WTG Frenchy….


  713. 725 berigan2electricboogaloo August 8, 2010 at 10:19 am

    Missed the game(darned company comes over, and not baseball fans! What is wrong with people? 😉 )
    but sounds like a good one! A bit more breathing room. It was starting to look inevitable that the Phils would overtake us…they still might, but at least a fight is being put up!


  714. 726 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Game is at 1PM Ber, on TBS for one.


  715. 727 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    Well, that was fun. I do like it when the Braves take a bit of the suspense out of it early. Nice to see the “B” team produce.

    Lowe looked like he was in trouble early but Omar’s great play seemed to settle him down.


  716. 728 berigan2electricboogaloo August 8, 2010 at 9:22 pm

    Thanks for the info Gil! Slept right thru it! 😳 Some fan I am!
    Glad they won, and scored more than 3 runs in a game!


  717. 729 Gil in Mechanicsville August 8, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    Ber, at least you are able to keep your blood pressure under control because you are not hanging on every pitch. Trust me, it’s a lot easier rooting for the Nationals, low expectations….


  718. 730 Carolina Lady August 8, 2010 at 9:59 pm


    Ber, that means “go to the next page.” 😛


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