39:Patience, Practice and the Past

All material is copyrighted and may not be used without written permission.

by Berigan

JONESBORO, GA – Patience is a virtue we are all told…seems to be a provable fact. And it’s always in style. Just like the bell bottoms I am wearing now.

Patience is a virtue in Baseball as well. Fielders learn to not charge every single ground ball. They learn that sometimes, you should let the ball come to them, instead of getting it on the in-between hop. Some teams appear to have a system wide policy of teaching patience at the plate. Teaching players that they don’t need to try to win the game on every pitch thrown near the strike zone. That not swinging against pitchers that walk a lot, might just get you that fat pitch you desire…if you are patient. AL teams in particular get that today, more than ever, teams that don’t swing at the first pitch, that work deep counts, wear down a starting pitcher, and can get to the weak underbelly of most teams, their middle relief.

Practice is also a virtue. The best musicians in the world practice for hours a day. Frank Sinatra saw a gray haired Benny Goodman practicing before a concert and said to him, “Benny, why do you practice so much? After all, you’ve been playing for decades!!!” Benny’s answer was “Because when I am not great, I am just good.”

Another example is WC Fields. Fields was a world class juggler before he was a world class comedian. He said this about the early days: “I still carry scars on my legs from these early attempts at juggling. I’d balance a stick on my toe, toss it into the air, and try to catch it again on my toe. Hour after hour the damned thing would bang against my shinbones. I’d work until tears were streaming down my face. But I kept on practicing, and bleeding, until I perfected the trick.”

Gil in Mechanicsville said on the 2nd of April on the B&S. “Practice does not make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect.”

I don’t believe players need to leave blood on the grass at Turner Field, but…do Braves players drill as much as the best defensive teams like the Rockies or Red Sox do??? It can’t just be dumb luck or the drafting good fielders that allowed the Rockies tied the NL record for fewest errors (68), right?

Does everyone on the team spend 5-10 minutes a day in the indoor batting cages working on bunting???

Since the Braves made a lot of errors in spring training, is it wrong to spend more time working on the fundamentals after a bad game once the season starts??? Surely you can say it nicely to the players, that right now they look more than rusty, lets spend an extra hour before a game working on hitting cut the cut off man, or practicing making deep throws deep in the hole, or digging balls out of the dirt at first. Isn’t a reason we have so many coaches, is to you know….coach???

I know, everyone is expected to be a professional at this level. They should know how to do the little things, like bunt and move runners over…but…when your team has had a nearly 2 decade long problem scoring runs in big games…don’t you work extra hard on bunting, base-running, trying to move runners over, outside of the month of March???

The Past has it’s virtues as well. Nothing wrong with the past. This team has a great past! But, a team should look closely at it’s past, to see what worked, and what doesn’t work anymore. Does everyone from the GM on down look to find ways to improve the way this particular team plays between the lines??? Are we playing “modern” baseball?? Or do we chalk up the problems getting deep in the playoffs to just bad luck???

As I mentioned before, teams like the Red Sox (2 WC sweeps in the past 4 years) and Yankees (13th straight playoff berths) today take a lot of pitches, yet you don’t seem to see their players take a lot of called strike 3’s. Haven’t heard, but I do wonder if they have meetings before games and run down a few basic stats with their players. Pitcher X, 72% of the time will start with a breaking pitch away. 59% are out of the zone. They are doing something this Braves team isn’t doing.

Sure, these teams have a lot of money, more than anyone else. But, that alone won’t win the World Series for you. All I know is, when we played teams like the Red Sox or Tigers last year, we didn’t look like we belonged on the same field with them. Was that only our starting pitching????

I bet teams like the Red Sox, that seem to have a forward look in their approach to bringing up young pitchers (and how to handle older ones like Shilling) are better at finding new ways of getting an advantage over their opponents than other teams in baseball.

The Braves of 2008 are a vastly improved team over the 2007 model, at least from a pure talent perspective. If the Braves don’t win it all this year, or don’t even get into the playoffs, it won’t be because of a lack of talent.


783 Responses to “39:Patience, Practice and the Past”

  1. 1 Gil in Mechanicsville April 18, 2008 at 11:17 pm

    Great post Berigan, Thanks for another A Plus contribution to the blog…


  2. 2 jbinatl April 18, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    Hey I’m #2!!

    Very good stuff, my friend, Berigan. I’ll keep lookin ahead, Berigan.



  3. 3 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 18, 2008 at 11:24 pm

    Thanks! I had hoped it would show up after a loss… after all, I wrote it after one, but hey, when you gotta have a new blog, you GOTTA have a new blog!!!


  4. 4 Gil in Mechanicsville April 18, 2008 at 11:38 pm

    I am hoping the Braves will have fewer losses in the future, it does not change the truth of what you wrote. We all said someone needed to light a fire under this club and it appears that Bobby Cox has done just that. I suppose we will never know what was said but boy, did it ever have a positive effect.

    I don’t have high hopes for Chuck tomorrow but who knows, maybe the offense will show up again and win another one. I was a bit cynical going into tonight’s contest but Jeff Bennett pitched a heck of a game once he got out of the first inning.


  5. 5 Gil in Mechanicsville April 18, 2008 at 11:54 pm

    And one final word before I turn in for the night. I am not Carolina Lady’s replacement….. I am just her friend and I am just keeping her place warm until such time as she feels it’s right to return.

    I can only ask that all of the folks who participate continue to do so. The rules have not changed. However, people are free to do as they please and if you wish to go, I will not beg anyone to stay. I only know that the greater the number of participants, the wider the range of knowledge and the more interesting the discussion.

    Unfortunately, it also increases the possibility of disagreements and bruised egos. Well, if we all agree all the time, we would not need a blog. We could just mumble to ourselves and know we are always right.

    I will do my best to referee, umpire and arbitrate if need be but I will also contribute as much as possible and if we disagree… Well, so be it, we will agree to disagree but the rules are the same….

    Keep it clean
    No personal attacks
    Have fun…..


  6. 6 Bob, journalist April 19, 2008 at 12:10 am

    Perfect Practice is indeed what it takes and it appears that is what you’ve been doing Berigan!!

    Finding new ways of getting an advantage over your competition … that key unlocks lots of doors.

    Hopefully, if we wait until our next loss, it’ll be your turn again … but honesty compels me to take off those glasses and and posit that so quickly bringing back one so lost as appeared young Chuck, doesn’t bode well for the good guys … and should he perform poorly, could compound the felony and seriously set him back … the body heals faster than the mind.

    Good win … great starting pitching when we needed it!


  7. 7 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 7:52 am

    I was proud of Bennett last night and glad we got the win, but we had to burn the bullpen up again to do it. With Chuck going tonight we may need them another 7 innings and sooner or later SOMEBODY’s gonna have to pitch more than 5 innings. It doesn’t matter how good the starter’s are through five if everyone in the bullpen has to get TJ surgery halfway through the season.

    Good lead, Berigan.

    Gil, I can’t seem to find your e-mail. Would you mind shooting me something whenever you get a chance at voton1066@yahoo.com? I’d be obliged. Also, where do we find out who’s turn to write a lead is? I seem to remember I was coming up pretty soon.

    AND, where the heck IS everyone? I don’t mean at this gawdawful time of the morning (Paladin’s probably already flown three sorties this morning before breakfast; but I mean for normal people), but it just seems like traffic’s way down lately. Unusual, considering the season’s well under way and we’re starting to look a little better. If it’s about CL and you still don’t believe Gil’s telling the truth, at least say something on the way out.

    The Lineup Card


  8. 8 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Good morning Green one… my e-mail is elliotgm@aol.com. Feel free to write a lead anytime as I lag them for posting about every three days or so or when the blog gets to around 700 post. That is usually when it starts to slow down.


  9. 9 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 9:47 am

    And Grinch, according to CL, Berigan was pinch hitting for Salty as he is visiting the left coast. I have a lead from Braveheart and so I am hoping Chris will come through. Then according to the line up card, you’re up to bat. Unlike baseball, there are no automatic outs for hitting out of turn.

    I have four grandchildren scheduled to visit today and spend the night. I also am suppose to go see my mother today so it looks to be a fun filled day. Weekends have been a bit slow and with so many folks leaving for one reason or another, the comments will likely be a bit slow.


  10. 10 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 9:59 am

    Richmond lost last night 1-0. That is the second straight one run loss and the first time the R-Braves have been shut out this season. JoJo Reyes pitched 5 complete scoreless innings and has a string of 14 consecutive scoreless innings in three starts.

    Chuck James was scheduled to start today for Richmond so that would explain why he got the call ahead of Jo Jo to pitch for Atlanta today.

    By virtue of geography, I am pretty sure I will get the Mets vs Phillies feed on Fox today. I hope Chuck brings his A game. Guy Hansen is a great pitching coach so if Chuck’s problem is a mechanical flaw in his delivery, Guy will find it. If his shoulder is damaged, we are screwed….


  11. 11 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 10:07 am

    Alrighty then! Everyone have fun today; I probably won’t be back ’till late night myself. Hope Chuckie J. ate his Wheaties this morning (or didn’t, if that’s what he usually does)! Holla.


  12. 12 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Funny how the AAA team gets a great pitching coach and we get Rodger McDowell. Bet their manager knows when to bunt, too, huh? 🙂


  13. 13 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 10:18 am

    Yeah, I like Dave Brundage too. He is a small ball, speed and hustle guy. He knows that if you wait to hit a homer at the Richmond park, you are going to lose a lot of games. You see a lot of gappers here. I think he is a big reason the R Braves won the IL championship last year despite 134 roster moves during the season.


  14. 14 Voice of Raisins April 19, 2008 at 10:26 am

    G’morning everyone!

    I have alot on my plate this weekend, so I may not be around much. I just wanted to make clear that this is my blog HOME and that I’ll be around whenever possible. I appreciate the Dalai Mama very much, and I respect her wishes to do whatever it is that she chooses. In the mean time, I’ll still be hangin’ out, making my observations, crackin’ my jokes and talkin’ alot of stuff. You guys and gals, all of you, are my friends and I appreciate anybody who will tolerate me.

    Now, Braves. I hope they have woken from their early season malaise. Chipper’s on fire, Yuney’s Yuney, and the bulley looks like it may be coming around. I think Manny’s got the stuff to be a major league closer. He may have to be. I’ll be praying that the Ted is big enough for Chuckie J’s fly ball tendencies today.

    C-y’all, my cyber-buds, later…



  15. 15 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 10:51 am

    The following is a link that Carolina Lady sent to me for Jeff Francoeur’s web site… Give a visit if you like.



  16. 16 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Good mornin’ all! I…umm, I’m really busy too! 😕 Well, we will be going to our first car cruise-in of the year at the Tanger outlet in Locust Grove. Hopefully, all the rain has rained for the day….


  17. 17 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 11:39 am

    Thanks for the link…CL and GIL! 😉

    Thought this was interesting…

    We just haven’t been able to find it yet. Also, I think we need to pick up the intensity as a team. When we played the Mets, we were intense and focused and we won those two games. We have to take that way of playing into these other games too. When there’s 5,000 people in the stands you have to be able to keep that intensity and we haven’t been able to do that.

    He will be a team leader, someday soon….


  18. 18 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 11:43 am

    Yep. I wonder if Bobby told them they would be playing in front of a few hundred if they were sent down to Richmond? Could get real intense there….

    Berigan, are you and your dad “showing” a car or just browsing?


  19. 19 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    Gil, they judge the cars but it’s a very relaxed atmosphere. And when I say judge, it’s a loose term, pretty colors seem to help out, they ain’t looking at hose clamps saying, those are wrong for the era! 😉 Besides, we usually forget to fill in the little sheets to put in the windshields, and our cars are more or less original, a bit shopworn…not gonna win much with them.
    It’s just fun to see everyone else’s cars and talk shop, as you know!

    Gil, I enjoyed your talk here a few weeks back(can’t find it via google, though I could find some of your posts on the B&S using certain keywords)
    You were talking about how you had a 4 bolt main 350…was it the car your wife drove??? I thought you said it was a nova, but like I said, couldn’t find it using those words…

    Anyway, never thought I’d hear about 4 bolt mains on this here forum! 🙂
    My first car was a 1969 Impala Convertible , that was my Grandmothers. She shouldn’t have driven the last several years of her life, but that didn’t stop her….beat the you know what out of that poor car. We had mattresses against the wall in the garage to keep her from destroying the wall….couldn’t hear much, so forever raced the engine when she started it. Then, I got it at 16!!! Like I said, poor car! But, I couldn’t kill it…Always kept the oil level up or above full line.

    When I got more interested in what was going on inside the engine, I did some research (No web for you young whipper snappers!) and found out the low compression 4 barrel 350 was a 4 bolt main engine!!! Why??? I always heard you wanted 4 bolt mains to decrease engine flexing above 6000 RPM, car shifted at 4800 RPM. (God, non car folks are bored and have skipped right past this post at this point…just print, and read if you are having trouble sleeping! 😛 )

    What really amazed me about this was in the early to mid 80’s Corvettes had the same 350 motor, but the mags of the day said it was a 2 bolt main motor!!! Shows how overbuilt Chevy’s were “back in the day”(Came with a 12 bolt rear end as well) and by the 80’s even the expensive performance cars were getting short changed! Oh well…..


  20. 20 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    GM changed the compression on their engines in 1972 I think so they could burn the lower octane fuel. That is also was about the time they started using unleaded fuel too. Funny thing, every time the environmentalists would get involved with trying to save the earth, they would screw with the gasoline and cause greater consumption and higher prices.

    As you know, there are so many ways you can increase horse power but the Japanese were the one who figured out that increasing the number of valves as opposed to simply increasing the valve size and increasing the compression ratio worked best and allowed for better fuel mileage.

    I have owned a bunch of cars, still do. The ’72 Nova would run in the high 11s. It took a while for me to realize that just increasing horse power didn’t always improving performance. Other people could run my car with good success but I sucked…. Poor reaction time. Everybody has their forte but mine was not racing. Still loved to work on them though.

    The vehicle I was referring to in relation to my wife was a ’69 Chevy PU I inherited from my dad. I totally restored it from the ground up. The only thing I had left to do to it was replace the wheels when my oldest daughter snagged the front bumper and bent it outwards. I never did another thing to it after that and I gave it to my oldest step son. He had it about three weeks when he ran off the road, hitting a culvert and flipped it end over end and breaking the frame in half. I still don’t know how he survived that one.

    Anyway, I totally rebuilt the engine from scratch (last one I ever did as crate engines are better and cheaper. Most of the horse power was up around 6000 RPM and that truck would flat out fly. Come to think of it, I guess that’s what it did when my step son drove it…

    The wife would go through a personality change when she drove that beast. So much horsepower, so few mustangs… 🙂


  21. 21 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 1:49 pm

    Gil, I know this only after buying a few Chryslers and Lincolns(At one point my world only revolved around GM-as well it should! 😛 ) GM jumped the gun and lowered compression in 1971, Ford, Mopar and I believe AMC waited til 1972. Wish GM had waited one more year, since I had a 1971 Caddy.

    Looking back, I can understand why certain things had to change, but…it just about killed the US car industry(Not that they didn’t help with the self damage) doing it the way it happened. Cars were still huge, but then they put all this smog crap on cars before computers could more properly regulate everything. And safely regulation caused massive, ugly 5 mph bumpers, strange rooflines to protect people in the case of a rollover, and killed the convertible for many years… So, you ended up with massive cars weighting more than 5,000 pounds, with no performance even with huge engines, huge smothered motors getting 8-9 MPG, before the car makers could even downsize…. hindsite is alway 20/20, but it’s too bad businesses and government have had such adversarial viewpoints with each other, instead of thinking of what was best for this country.

    Think of the 10’s of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of jobs there would be for folks in the U.S. if we didn’t import so many cars….

    Too bad about the pickup!!! 😦 Always liked the looks of those. You still talk to him? 😉 )


  22. 22 Bob, journalist April 19, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    Thanks for the Link to Jeff’s MLB blog … time for lunch … a quick visit to target before Chucky’s shutout!


  23. 23 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 2:05 pm

    Gil, was she smokin’ ‘Stangs in the 80’s??? Man, I loved the early to mid 80’s….so many new cars were slow then! Now the V6’s would beat that car!

    That Impala was very fast all things considered! I didn’t even start driving it til it had 100,000 miles on it. My Grandma must have loosened things up, revving it when it was ice cold! 🙄 Never did a lot to it, except advance the timing, Dual exhaust(With crossover pipe) and rebuilding the Quadrajet(Secondary jets were too rich for it, swapped them for the one’s in my Dad’s 430 CI Buick, both cars were faster!) Heads were never off the engine, did have to put a cam(Stock replacement) in since the old one lost a lobe. That’s when I first hurt my back….

    I could beat most everything away from a light, except the hottest Camaros, Firebirds, 280 ZX’s and Corvettes. Heck, I even beat a no doubt sickly Corvette right after putting the cam in!!! A proud moment for me! 🙂


  24. 24 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 2:06 pm

    Bob, a shutout???? Sounds good to me!!! Not likely, but good! 😆


  25. 25 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    Oh sure Berigan… My dad went through the same thing with me. I was sad after all the work I had put into the truck was gone but I put it in prospective. I was glad he and my future son in law were not seriously hurt. I have come to view possessions as temporary and that unless you are the one who puts in all the work you have little value for it.


  26. 26 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    A good attitude to have Gil!


  27. 27 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    No one posted in the last 2 1/2 hours??? WWPS??? What would Paladin Say??? 😉

    Yea!!! Andruw went deep!!! Oh wait…..


  28. 28 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    berigan <—-goin’ to car show…


  29. 29 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    Nice inning, love to see curly numbers go up on the board for the good guys…


  30. 30 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    Got an unexpected second. Strange to see Andruw hitting one out for the other team, huh?

    Gil, I have a mechanical dilemma for you. I’ve got an ’85 Monte Carlo SS with the stock 305 HO and air conditioning. The computer stuff and smog equipment has been tossed, so no factor. The car (and motor) have 127,000 miles and the motor smokes white and blue mixed for about 10 minutes when you first crank it cold. When it warms up it’s fine, but smokes black when you stomp on it. I know it needs a new carb and fuel pump no matter what. However, the TH200-4R’s been swapped out for a freshly rebuilt TH700-4R about 30,000 miles ago. Vehilce number two is a 1982 Chevy p/u with a 350 crate motor (pre-1986 2-peice rear main seal), 4-bolt main; I added an Edelbrock Performer intake, Holley 4010 carb, Hedman Hedders and an Accel HEI super coil. The engine only has about 30,000 miles on it as well.

    If it were you, would you rebuild the 305 and install a new carb and fuel pump, or would you try to swap the two engines out? I know the 350 would have more power and would last longer (and the truck itself is a POS I have no attachment to), but I don’t know how big of a pain it is to swap over the A/C (which has been freshly redone, and I hate to fix something that isn’t broke). Would it be worth it to try and swap the carbs and intakes (I know I’d have to do both due to the whole squarebore/spreadbore thing). Also keep in mind, I have trouble zipping my own zipper so this would be something I’d have to pay to get done.


  31. 31 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 6:22 pm

    My main car is an Acura, so time is not of the essence (if it didn’t need the oil changed every now and then I’d never have raised the hood). This is purely a “refresh the ol’ muscle car sometime this year” kind of project. I can also send you photos of both vehicles and both engines.

    That was a nice double play.


  32. 32 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 6:25 pm

    Also nice to see Kotsay having a good game; he was really cool at Spring Training.


  33. 33 morpheus45 April 19, 2008 at 6:50 pm

    Sweet! I thought at first “Here goes Bobby again” pitching Acosta the third day in a row (I knew this would happen when he pitched our [closer] in that 8-0 game), but the defense kept him from having to throw too much. Sometimes those decisions can be overcome. Time for shower; off to a party shortly.


  34. 34 Bob, journalist April 19, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    Well, it wasn’t a shutout … like Berigan said, it was unlikely … send Chuck back down … at least he didn’t look as lost … pitched pretty well … Andruw looks better than expected … while Chipper lowered his average. I knew that Campillo was too good to be true … walked a guy and gave up at hit in only two innings … we’ll take it!

    Gil … my Cad … 94 STS has such a nice sound when the problem/warning alarm off … as it did today … low oil pressure whenever braking or slowing down … then “Stop Engine” light … went away when I accelerated. Shop is closed til Monday … 6 miles … should I have it towed?


  35. 35 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 19, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Wow. 34 posts in 23 hours…some kind of record! 😕

    Scribe, Hillbilly, JerseyGil, William Wallace, Salty, JJS, Chop Seal, Chris, Shane, come back! Come back Shane! Momma needs you!!! Shaaannne…..


  36. 36 Bob, journalist April 19, 2008 at 11:39 pm

    Berigan, how was the “show”?

    Leadoff batter got on 7 out of nine innings for the Dodgers … scary


  37. 37 morpheus45 April 20, 2008 at 2:19 am

    Yeeeeeeeee——haaaawwwwww!!!!! I am returned. Wow; three posts in my absence…is it my cologne? Time for breakfast food.


  38. 38 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 2:30 am

    Good morning to Gil’s car guide blog…. 🙂

    Now the second question from Bob is the easiest. Not trying to sound trite but the most likely the oil level is about 2 to 3 quarts low. The older Caddie Northstar engines are notorious in their oil consumption. The combination of low oil. warmer weather thinning out the oil you have in the car and the age of the car all will cause the oil pressure to drop.

    Older cards just have lower pressure from age. The way to counter that is to raise the viscosity of the oil. Switch to a 10w-40 motor oil when you have it changed. In the mean time just check to make sure there is oil in the car.

    Now, If that does not cure the problem, add a can (or 2) of STP and visit the dealer to look for your next car…. The one you have has given up the ghost.

    I doubt the six miles you have to drive will do anything more than what has been done but check you oil level first.


  39. 39 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 2:56 am

    Grinch, sounds like the valve seals or shot on the 305. What happens is oil seeps past them after the engine shuts off and accumulates on top of the pistons. When you fire it up cold, it smokes until the oil is gone. If it were the rings, it would smoke all the time. It is not a super tough job to do but it requires about the same amount of work as replacing the heads. In fact, that is what most people do. When you are going through all the trouble of pulling the heads, you may as well do the valve job. What I hate is after you pull the heads and you check the cylinder walls and discover they are either egged out or they scored… Uh, you can see where I am going here can’t you? Best thing to do is do a compression test before you get too deep into the project.

    BG makes some product that can help swell the seals and cause it to smoke a bit less but you are looking at a lot of dirty finger nails when you start swapping out engines.

    As for the A/C…. You did not say if the Monte Carlo had A/C or not. I am not sure of how much difference there is in the heads between the two but look at the mounting bracket on both cars. The hardest thing is making sure the belts line up.

    As for the black smoke… Well, you have figure that one out. That is one of the disadvantages to removing all the smog stuff and not having the computer to compensate the different fuel air mixtures. To be honest, I never found it to be advantages in the long run to take the stuff off.

    The last question is is it worth it? That is up to you. I have found guys who would do the swap for about $500 but I think it really depends on what kind of shape the Monte Carlo is in as well as the truck. believe it or not, major motor work tends to be cheaper than body repair.

    But the ultimate question of if they will swap out. Yes they will, but nothing ever goes a smooth as you want it to and it depends on how much sweat equity you are willing to put into the project.


  40. 40 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:11 am

    And Berigan… I have come to the conclusion that we will go for quality rather than quantity here on the B&S blog. There are only so many ways we can all agree that using your closer three days in a row might not be the brightest move but then at least we don’t have and idiots saying playing Blanco is the dumbest thing they have ever seen because he never makes contact and then have Gregor produce two hits. I would have told the guy he was and idiot but that would have been stating the obvious.

    As far as I am concerned, mission accomplished for the Braves this weekend. A sweep would be icing on the cake and arguably, Atlanta has their best pitcher going today in Jair.

    Didn’t Chuck pitch a nice game yesterday? If we can just get one or two more innings out of guys like Chuck or Jeff Bennett, I think we are going to be all right. These back of the rotation guys are not Cy Youngs but neither is the other team’s 4 and 5 guys.

    The braves do need to be careful they don’t wear out their bullpen to early.


  41. 41 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:42 am

    See… I told you folks that Guy Hansen would straighten out Chuckie…

    From the AJC….

    “They recalled James again sooner than planned, because of the Glavine injury. Though James wasn’t gone long, he said he benefited a great deal from working with Richmond pitching coach Guy Hansen. James said they worked on getting “behind the baseball” and following through on pitches.”


  42. 42 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:53 am

    One last comment before I go back to bed…. Richmond won again tonight 3-0 against Charlotte, (White Soxs farm club) Clint Sammons hit a three run homer off of Tomo Ohla in the fourth inning to account for all the scoring.

    Barring rain which is predicted, I hope to attend the game today.


  43. 43 Bob, journalist April 20, 2008 at 3:56 am

    Thanks Union Mechanic Man! Hopefully, that will solve the problem … if not, I’m in trouble for we have not the funds to get another.

    Quality is indeed preferred over quantity … if you want to increase sales, just charge a nickel for for what you can make for a dime.

    Methinks Manny Acosta’s a keeper … the effect of getting his first save may be far more important than the victory as may be Chuck’s rebound … but perhaps the most impressive thing about the game was Tex effectively going the other way.


  44. 44 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 4:06 am

    Bob, Manny will reel off about 5 or 6 really good games and then he will have one in which the strike zone becomes a mystery to him and he looks awful. I think we saw one of those when he first pitched this year.


  45. 45 morpheus45 April 20, 2008 at 4:30 am

    Morning, all! On my way to bed as well. Gil, I did too say it had a/c; that was/is my main concern (the a/c has recently been refurbished and I wasn’t sure if it would fit with a different carb/intake combo…didn’t want to mess it up). As for condition, the truck is worth about whatever a junkyard would take to haul it off and the Monte is quite honestly the nicest of it’s kind I’ve seen in Atlanta recently (that didn’t have 24-inch wheels and a rapper/dope dealer driving). I put that new motor and a TCI Street Fighter TH-400 tranny in the truck a few years back with the idea of making it a nice truck. Money ran out, and now it’s a nice powertrain in a crappy truck.

    Wow. Apparently we have the pitching coach, manager and some of the players we need up in Richmond and are dealing with Bobby and Roger here. How’s the hitting coach? Does he tell everyone either nothing at all or swing for the trees? If not, we could use him too. 🙂 I remember Sammons looking good in Spring Training.

    G’night; I imagine my head will hurt real bad when I getup to pee about 7:07.


  46. 46 morpheus45 April 20, 2008 at 4:37 am

    Getup was supposed to be two words. I guess I’ll getup and go now.

    Yeah, my sweat level doesn’t much matter as I’m useless mechanically; someone else is just gonna get a check. And I dang sure don’t want my lovely fenders banged up; maybe I should just have the motor that’s in there redone. If worse comes to worse, as you say, I can swap the heads.

    Night again.


  47. 47 Bob, journalist April 20, 2008 at 5:01 am

    I noticed one thing Gil, bot Tex and Brian seemed genuinely pleased for Manny … maybe it was just me imagination; but a good sign, methinks.

    Hopefully it won’t rain up there and you’ll see a good game … I’ve a good feeling about the Braves getting the sweep too … I thought we’d go 1-2, winning this game … JJ should get some run support today, and if he does, hopefully, he’ll know what to do with it … that said, he’ll probably lose 1-0.


  48. 48 Salty April 20, 2008 at 9:07 am

    that said, he’ll probably lose 1-0.

    Icky thinking…not allowed! Accentuate the positive! 🙂
    The team has shown purpose the last two games…maybe three, but I didn’t see Thursday’s game. Nice approach at the plate…go with the pitch, like Tex. Chuck looked very good…moved his pitches around very nicely, aside from the one Andruw moved for him. 😆 That ball was hit a ton…an absolute ton! Nice for him…he’ll always be a Brave! Still, give him nothing if the game’s on the line!

    What a gorgeous day! Wow…gotta get out…will help me overcome the sketchy feeling that goes with my cold/crud…whatever I have! 😦 I probably feel the same as Grinch, only different! 😛


  49. 49 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Yes Bob, that is why they make them play these games and don’t just simulate them on a computer.

    And Grinch, yes, they will swap out, just a matter of how much you want to spend. You might even find some dude to perform the trick for the 305 out of the Monty Carlo. The engine size is the same externally.

    As for the hitting coach… We have Chris Chambliss this year.


  50. 50 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 9:15 am

    Good morning Salty… It is stormy here today, started around 2 this morning and has rumbled of and on since. One must take advantage of beautiful mornings as you can just as easily get one like mine.


  51. 51 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 9:24 am


    Two 28-year-old pitchers. Two freak injuries, unrelated to arms. Two surgeries. Two comebacks.

    The Richmond Braves used extra-strength outings by Jonathon Rouwenhorst and Phil Stockman to beat Charlotte 3-1 last night before a season-high crowd of 4,079 at The Diamond. A three-run homer in the fourth inning by catcher Clint Sammons supplied the R-Braves’ punch. Four Richmond pitchers limited the Chicago White Sox Triple-A outfit to five hits.

    Jeff Ridgway and Zach Schreiber worked the last 12/3 innings for Richmond, which plugged Rouwenhorst (RAU-en-horst) into the starter’s role after scheduled starter Chuck James was called up to Atlanta on Friday night.

    Rouwenhorst, a reliever who started in previous years, gave the R-Braves five innings and allowed only three hits. The lefty in September 2006 was involved in a collision during batting practice. Then in Triple-A with the Angels (Salt Lake City), Rouwenhurst at high speed ran into a teammate, Jason Bulger, while shagging flies. Bulger sustained a concussion.

    Rouwenhorst suffered a broken jaw, broken nose, and an eye-socket injury. Surgery was required, and he returned to go 10-10 with Salt Lake City last season. Richmond manager Dave Brundage and pitching coach Guy Hansen studied Rouwenhorst during spring training and concluded “he could be the most valuable guy on the staff,” Hansen said, because of the southpaw’s ability to start and relieve.

    Stockman, a 6-8 Australian, relieved for Atlanta in Tampa Bay during June 2006. The righty delivered and felt a sharp pain behind his left knee. The next thing Stockman said he recalls “was laying on my back.” A tendon had torn off the bone, it was eventually discovered after a hamstring pull was initially diagnosed, and surgery was needed.

    “It was so puzzling. Very rare injury,” Stockman said. “Just bad luck.”

    Three disabled-list stays last year and an offseason of rehabilitation brought Stockman into this year. With his snappy breaking ball — a mixture of a slider and curve — coming from a high arm angle, he has fanned 14 in 112/3 innings. Stockman struck out three in 21/3 innings last night, when the R-Braves’ four pitchers combined to walk one.

    Stockman’s ERA dipped to 1.54, and Rouwenhorst, signed by Atlanta as a minor-league free agent, checks in at 2.08 for a staff that leads the International League in that department.

    Sammons, 24, hit his first Triple-A homer after Scott Thorman and Reggie Taylor had singled with two outs in the fourth.

    Keep bags packed: Derrick Arnold, the infielder who came to town yesterday, represents the Richmond Braves as well as anyone. Before joining Richmond’s club, he had already played this season at Class A Myrtle Beach and Double-A Mississippi.

    The R-Braves have played 17 games and made 17 player moves.

    “It’s good for the guys [getting promoted], but probably not for the major-league level,” said Brundage. “They’ve had a slew of injuries up there.”

    Four times already this season, Richmond’s scheduled starter has been called up to Atlanta the day before he was to pitch for the R-Braves. That was the case yesterday, when scheduled Richmond starter Chuck James pitched for Atlanta.

    Tight times: Richmond began a homestand last night having played five consecutive one-run games, all vs. Rochester. In a related stat, Richmond and Rochester rank first and second among International League pitching staffs in ERA.

    The R-Braves and Red Wings, Minnesota’s top farm club, have played eight games, with six decided by one run. Richmond is 4-3 in one-run games, including one involving Buffalo.

    First at first: R-Braves first baseman Barbaro Canizares headed into last night’s activity as the IL batting leader. He was hitting .436, and nobody else in the league was hitting better than .383.

    “Doesn’t surprise me,” Brundage said of Canizares, 28. “He can flat-out hit. It’s been fun to watch.”

    On the R-Braves’ recent nine-game road trip, Canizares batted .467 (14 for 30). He defected from Cuba in 2004.

    Today: Charlotte and Richmond are scheduled to get together at The Diamond for a 2 p.m. game. R-Braves right-hander Charlie Morton (1-0, 1.69 ERA ) will oppose Charlotte righty Charlie Haeger (1-2, 7.11 ERA ), a knuckleballer.

    Contact John O’Connor at (804) 649-6233 or joconnor@timesdispatch.com.

    a r h bi a r h bi
    Owens cf 3 1 2 0 Andrsn cf 4 0 1 0
    Borgeois lf 4 0 0 1 Lillbrdge ss 4 0 2 0
    Fields 3b 4 0 0 0 Canizrs 1b 4 0 0 0
    Eldred 1b 4 0 0 0 Borchard rf 2 0 0 0
    Wise rf 4 0 1 0 Thrmn dh 3 1 1 0
    Huffman dh 3 0 1 0 Taylor lf 3 1 2 0
    Getz 2b 3 0 0 0 Sammns c 3 1 2 3
    Phillips c 3 0 1 0 Holt 2b 3 0 0 0
    Cortez ss 3 0 0 0 Tmmns 3b 3 0 0 0
    Totals 27 1 5 1 Totals 29 3 8 3

    Charlotte ————————- 000 100 000 — 1 5 1
    Richmond ————————- 000 300 00x — 3 8 1

    E — Eldred (3), Lillibridge (3). DP — Charlotte 2. LOB — Charlotte 4, Richmond 3. 2B — Owens (1), Huffman (1), Phillips (3), Anderson (2). HR — Sammons (1). SB — Owens (4). CS — Owens (1), Anderson (2).

    Charlotte IP H R ER BB SO
    Ohka L 0-3 8 8 3 3 1 3
    Rouwenhorst W 3-0 5 3 1 1 1 1
    Stockman 2.1 0 0 0 0 3
    Ridgway .2 2 0 0 0 1
    Schreiber S 4 1 0 0 0 0 1

    WP — Schreiber.

    Time — 2:15. A — 4,886 paid.


  52. 52 Carolina Lady April 20, 2008 at 11:27 am

    I have apologized privately to williamwallace for going off the deep end the other day and I want to apologize publicly, as well. ww, I’m sorry. No excuses. CL


  53. 53 Paladin April 20, 2008 at 11:53 am

    Let’s have a vote. All in favor of accepting CL’s “apology” and even forgetting that one was necessary say AYE. That’s what I thought. It is unanimous. Now, let’s forget it and wish our Dalai Moma a Great Day! Done!


  54. 55 Paladin April 20, 2008 at 11:58 am

    Now, Sancho Panza and I will continue our quest for windmills to conquer. Adios.


  55. 56 Savannah Guy April 20, 2008 at 11:58 am


    The Lady never ceases to impress me with her dignity and forthrightness.

    All favor… motion accepted. Thanks Pal.


  56. 58 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    Game on TBS today… No need for play by play…


  57. 59 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:25 pm

    Good afternoon everyone!!! SG, CL, Paladin….just like the old days! 🙂
    Bob, thanks for asking about the car show! It was decent….usually you see more cars folks want to show off with in April, cuz they fixed it up during the winter, or just bought a new one…not too many of those at the show yesterday…
    Gil, Guy Hansen sounds like a keeper!
    Gil, I still think you should do play by play for the game today…just because!


  58. 60 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    forgot the 😛 after the last line ! 😳


  59. 61 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    Funny seeing Yankee stadium chuck full of Religious folk! And the set up for the Pope…looking to be right over the infield! Looks like some foreign land’s funky intro to the season! No disrespect intended, just interesting to see for sure!


  60. 62 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    panicked for a second, game blocked out on TBS…its on sports south here…


  61. 63 Bob, journalist April 20, 2008 at 2:39 pm

    Tex got me off the hook, went the other way too!


  62. 64 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    Did use guys know that Frank Thomas was released??? 😯 very strange situation. Don’t like a guy not shaking hands with his fellow teammates, but you can’t say a guy has lost it, this early in the season…sounds like they didn’t want him to get 379 AB’s this year….



  63. 65 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    Frenchy still doesn’t know how they will pitch him???? Don’t pull outside pitches kid!!!

    Did FLB say anything about going away for the week-end??? Just a-wonderin’


  64. 66 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    Wow, Boog just said something amazing…that home run by Russell Martin was only the 4th homer allowed by braves pitching this year!!! That doesn’t seem possible!


  65. 67 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    It was good to have a plan B today as the Richmond club likely will be rained out. The weather folks are calling for rain here for the next two days.

    Good game today, I am not too worried about the homer by Martin. As long as Jair does not walk folks ahead of the dingers, he’ll be okay.


  66. 68 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    TBS just showed Adam Dunn trying to score from second on a fly to left. Talk about slow…. Funny stuff… He would make McCann look like the Flash. 🙂


  67. 69 Salty April 20, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    I think Boog’s point underscores how well the Braves pitchers have performed this season…to date…starters and relievers alike. The ‘O’ has struggled coming around a bit, but the team’s been in almost every game.

    Missed on the vote this AM, but mine is ‘Aye’, for no apology necessary! 🙂


  68. 70 Salty April 20, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    Gil…don’t exaggerate! Dunn’s not fast, but NOBODY can make McCann look like the Flash! 😆


  69. 71 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    If you get a chance to see the replay, you will change your mind… he was out by 10 feet and then tripped over the bat… down in a heap…


  70. 72 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    Okay Kelly… The error is forgiven….


  71. 73 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    And it looks like Chipper’s quad is barking at him… Time for Prado yet?


  72. 74 Salty April 20, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    OK, Gil…tell you what. The difference between Dunn and McCann: McCann won’t trip over a bat! 😛


  73. 75 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    Man… Got to love the Detroit connection for pitchers. Think they have anyone else they would like to trade???


  74. 76 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    That was a ball to Kelly, not even close!!! Caught about 4 inches off the ground…now instead of a walk, a groundout…if we lose this one, that call will be a big reason why….


  75. 77 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    And has Gotay played an inning of defense this year??? He could have, I have missed a few games, and late in games in particular…


  76. 78 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    great play by Kelly!!!


  77. 79 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 4:07 pm

    Watching the Braves try to bunt is like watching Memphis State trying to shoot free throws….


  78. 80 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 4:24 pm

    Gil, what’s a good analogy for either of our catchers throwing abilities??? Dodged a bullet there….and why did Bobby have Brian get into the game, anywho??? Corky could have softly lined to left just as easily…now Brian has to catch 2-3 innings…I just don’t get it…a full Day off Bobby!


  79. 81 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 4:33 pm

    Alright Prado!!!!! Triple batting right handed….


  80. 82 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 4:34 pm



  81. 83 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 4:56 pm

    Braves win!!!! Fun, bloggin’ by myself! 😛


  82. 84 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 5:09 pm

    Nice game…. Berigan, at least you are blogging with someone intelligent when talking to yourself. You could always go next door with the and idiots…. 🙂


  83. 85 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    True Dat Gil! I find when I talk, I date myself a fair bit, but I am a great date as well! 😉


  84. 86 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 5:23 pm

    … 🙂 …


  85. 87 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    A couple of photos from Tanger car show yesterday. A 1961 Studebaker

    A 1953 Mercury


  86. 88 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    Did the Cubs throw the 1918 World Series??? :blink:


  87. 89 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    My taste in Studebakers ran to the mid fifties. Awesome cars though. The Avanti was years before its time. Between the Studebaker and a Rambler, One could by one car that would last forever. They were not much on design though.

    One of my first cousins had a 54 merc convertible that I thought was beautiful. White on white. Much prettier lines than the ’55 Ford Sunliner I owned.

    Thanks for sharing those B.


  88. 90 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 7:12 pm

    I do hope the Richmond club gets to play tomorrow although the weather forecast makes doubtful. Charlie Morton is suppose to pitch for Richmond in the fist game and Lance Broadway, a hot shot prospect for the White Soxs is scheduled for the second game. This is a strange weather pattern as it is suppose to rain (hard I might add) for the next two days but as scattered storms. Currently we are having a bit of a frog strangler. At least all the pollen from the pine trees is getting washed away.


  89. 91 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    And now a comment about today’s game….

    What in the world has happened to one of my favorite players, Matt Diaz? Is he so anxious to hit the ball that he is swinging at everything? I just don’t understand. Have pitcher’s figured out they do not have to throw strikes to get him out?

    While I was glad to see Blanco get a chance to play this weekend. Matt seems to have taken several steps backwards in his hitting approach. If Matt is not careful, he may find himself as part of a package for relief pitching instead of Bryan Pena. Josh Anderson could easily become part of the outfield.

    The only advantage I see Matt having over Gregor Blanco and Anderson right now is Matt has more pop in his bat than either of the other two mentioned but pushing Anderson or Blanco to the top of the order really negates the need for a power bat as you have a bunch of guys with the ability to hit the long ball.

    And didn’t the Braves get some really outstanding pitching in this series with the Dodgers? There might not be a train producing the light at the end of that tunnel after all.


  90. 92 williamwallace April 20, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Hey, CL, there was absolutely no need for you to apologize. I had it coming and it is I who owes you an apology. I told some bad jokes the other morning in really bad taste and with really bad timing. I completely understood why you were upset. I’m sorry about what I said and that it upset you and made you feel the need to apologize to me. I just tried to bring back some irreverent normalcy back to the blog and the timing was all wrong and the way I spoke of you was not the way a gentleman should speak of a lady. Please trust me that I meant no harm and I am sorry that it did in fact harm.


  91. 93 Paladin April 20, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    ww; I’m proud of you nephew! You must get your manners from the other side of the family. 😛


  92. 94 Paladin April 20, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    Off to bed. To dream of vulnerable windmills.


  93. 95 williamwallace April 20, 2008 at 7:54 pm

    Gil, I’ve been wondering about Diaz myself. If it was just his hitting, I would say that he will pull through. But something seems really wrong with his fielding as well this year as compared to the last two seasons. Perhaps his eyesight has regressed. I know he had LASIK type surgery a few years back that he credits to fixing his depth perception problems in the field. Perhaps he needs to get his eyes tested again. He had actually become a pretty darn good fielder over the last two years. But he now looks clueless both at the plate and in the field. Very strange. But if I recall correctly, he looked pretty awful at the plate and in the field in 2006 in April as well. People’s perceptions of him as a bad fielder were really formed during that stretch two years ago. Ever since he has actually been quite good in a Magellan kind of way. I dunno. Maybe he’ll get better in the next few weeks. He’s too darn good of a hitter to be striking out the way he is right now. Kinda bizarre.


  94. 96 williamwallace April 20, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    G’nite Uncle Paladin.


  95. 97 williamwallace April 20, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    Here’s something to consider: The Braves are 3-3 so far when their fifth starters Chuck James and Jeff Bennett start.

    Last year, the Braves were 9-26 when their fifth starters started.

    The Braves did not win their fourth game started by a fifth starter until they won a Lance Cormier start on August 11th of last season.

    Until that August 11th start by Cormier, the Braves had been 3-20 in games started by their fifth starters.

    THey were 1-4 with Redman, 1-2 with Larew, 0-1 with Buddy, 1-6 with Davies, 0-2 with Cormier, and 0-5 with JoJo starting as the fifth starters until August 11.

    In figuring that number, I considered Davies to be the fifth starter after Buddy’s June 5th start last year which made Buddy the fourth starter.


  96. 98 williamwallace April 20, 2008 at 8:22 pm

    Oh, dammit, I messed that up. They are only 2-2 when Bennett and Chuck start so far and not 3-3 like I said. Regardless, you get my point that things are a whole lot better at the bottom end than they were last season.


  97. 99 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    At least the Braves are not the only club being bit by the injury bug. Jimmy Rollins is out for the Phillies. I think it just reinforces how important it is to have depth in your line up.

    Kotsay had one of those bloopers fall in today. That is the difference in hitting into bad luck and just plain being clueless at the plate. The average might look the same on paper but the guy hitting the ball at people will eventually hit it where they ain’t. The guy striking out can only hope for a passed ball.


  98. 100 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    I think it is why we were so disappointed with the poor start by the Braves this year. They have such a deep rotation, it was frustrating that the offense was not helping out.


  99. 101 williamwallace April 20, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    The bullpen was at fault as well but they seemed to have turned it around quite well. Boyer has been superb outside of 2 bad pitches this season. I doubted him but he is making a believer out of me. Ohman can be scary at time but he is getting the job done as well. Gil, I suspect you are right about Acosta – he will be good for long stretches but then out of the blue make you want to rip your hair out of your head.

    One thing I wish people would study is if it is better for a reliever to pitch 2 innings per appearance and make 50 or 60 appearances and pitcher 100-120 innings during those appearances rather than making 80 appearances for 90 innings like Moylan did last season. I think it is preferable to use relievers the way Goose Gossage and Sparky Lyle were once used by the Yanks instead of making tons of appearances that are taxing on the arm. I think it is the number of appearances and how often you are asked to needlessly warm up each season that kills relievers more than the actual number of innings pitched.

    Speaking of which, what was Joe Torre doing with Proctor today? Torre goes to that Proctor well too often. He killed Proctor when he was with the Yanks because he used him so much. Now that he is with the Dodgers, it seems like Torre is hellbent on destroying Proctor again. Torre is really bad about the way he abuses relievers. That’s why they had to invent the silly Joba rules in order to protect Joba from Torre.

    Has Roger McDowell made anyone better?


  100. 102 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    Remember Smoltz saying that relieving was harder on him than starting? In keeping with our automotive theme, maybe it’s like racking up miles on the highway vs the abuse of city start and go traffic.

    Middle relievers don’t seem to have as much trouble as those end of the game types. As much money as teams have invested in pitchers, you would think they would take better care of them.

    I was glad to see Jair go 120 pitches today, that should be about right for a pitcher. If only the Braves could get that kind of performance out of Chuck. I think Bennett could go seven innings if he was not used in relief too.


  101. 103 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 10:50 pm

    Gil in Mechanicsville Says:
    April 20, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    My taste in Studebakers ran to the mid fifties. Awesome cars though. The Avanti was years before its time. Between the Studebaker and a Rambler, One could by one car that would last forever. They were not much on design though.

    One of my first cousins had a 54 merc convertible that I thought was beautiful. White on white. Much prettier lines than the ‘55 Ford Sunliner I owned.

    Thanks for sharing those B.

    Glad you liked them Gil! I’ve got lots of car photos…I’ll not lay them on too thick though! 😉

    Gil, do you get Hemmings classic car Magazine? Not the formerly tan classified mag, the one that used to be Special Interest Autos??? As big a car guy as you are, you’d enjoy it I imagine. If not that one, then the Hemmings Muscle Car mag…
    Anyway, The Classic car one, one of their writers thinks Studebaker, Packard, Hudson, Nash group of makers could have been saved, if they had all joined forces. He said they were going to become like GM and join forces, but I believe the president of Packard died, and the new prez was against it…I think that’s what happened. Would have been an interesting auto world today if they had joined forces….


  102. 104 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 11:08 pm

    Gil, I worry a bit about Jurrjens pitching too much. I hope they keep an eye on him. I wasn’t sure how much he pitched last year, just looked up his stats ….only 142 innings. And he just turned 22 this year.
    It’s a tough situation for Bobby, that his best pitcher, from a consistency standpoint, and durability standpoint, is by far the youngest one. Hopefully, Hudson will get his velocity back Monday night….the thought that a 22 year old must be the workhorse, yikes!!!!



  103. 105 flbravesgirl April 20, 2008 at 11:14 pm

    Good evening y’all. I’m glad to see sanity has prevailed on the blog. How else can we make this work if people keep taking their ball & going home? We’ve got to stick together. OK, I’m done with that subject, hopefully once and for all.

    Smoochie to Berigan for actually missing me.

    Now, Braves… This is much more fun. I’m impressed with Jair. Too bad Maddux isn’t still here, I bet he’d enjoy working with this kid.


  104. 106 flbravesgirl April 20, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    Good evening y’all. I’m glad to see sanity has prevailed on the blog. We’ve got to stick together to make this work.

    Smoochie to Berigan for actually missing me.

    Now, Braves… This is much more fun. I’m very impressed by Jair. Too bad Maddux isn’t still here, I bet he’d enjoy working with this kid.


  105. 107 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 20, 2008 at 11:24 pm

    williamwallace Says:
    April 20, 2008 at 8:45 pm
    One thing I wish people would study is if it is better for a reliever to pitch 2 innings per appearance and make 50 or 60 appearances and pitcher 100-120 innings during those appearances rather than making 80 appearances for 90 innings like Moylan did last season. I think it is preferable to use relievers the way Goose Gossage and Sparky Lyle were once used by the Yanks instead of making tons of appearances that are taxing on the arm. I think it is the number of appearances and how often you are asked to needlessly warm up each season that kills relievers more than the actual number of innings pitched.

    Excellent points, WW!!!

    I think managers forget that Joe Blow got up late yesterday, but didn’t get into the game…so, he then pitches an inning the next 2-3 days…and the manager thinks he’s not overusing him.

    I have my own theory that guys throw hard trying to get ready quickly…a big mistake, IMHO. Just like a car engine(Man, I am one dimensional, ain’t I? 😉 ) you don’t go full throttle before the motor is up to temperature, you’ve check fluid levels, etc…and that’s a stupid motor that can be much more easily repaired!
    I knew Mark Wohlers would not be the next Gossage when I heard Bobby and Mazzone marvel how he could get warmed up so quickly! 🙄
    IF I ran a team, I’d have a team to deal with my million dollar arms. I’d have people giving the guys available to pitch that night massages, heating pads to warm up muscles and tendons…along with gentle stretching before tossing the ball. Overdoing it??? Well, how many guys have TJ these days??? Not work the time???
    I bet WW is right, and guys pitching 2 innings every 2-3 days as well, would give you less injuries as well….but, what do we know???? Lets just carry 14 pitchers! 😛


  106. 108 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    No Berigan, I do not subscribe to any magazines as my eyesight is not what it use to be and most of the info I want is available on the internet now. That does not mean I would not like to learn more but that is why we have a blog… 🙂

    It does not surprise me to learn that failure of those companies could have been averted. Usually the problem lay in the fact that owners by their nature tend to be egotistical and dread the thought of admitting failure until it is too late to do something about it.

    On Jair, it is interesting that he has averaged 142 innings pitched in each of the last 3 years. I would think 160 innings to be a realistic and 200 innings to be detrimental to him at such a young age.

    I have no statistics upon which to state that assumption other than my own observations over the years in that pitchers generally do not reach the physical maturity to pitch 200 innings or more until they are at least 26 years old. Perhaps someone would like to do a thesis on that one to prove me wrong…


  107. 109 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    You know Berigan, you make an excellent point of using heat packs and such to help prep a pitcher prior to warming up. Pre heating the fluids in a machine never cause it to be damaged. perhaps you should write and suggest it to the Braves athletic trainer. It sure does seem to make sense to me….


  108. 110 morpheus45 April 21, 2008 at 12:07 am

    Agreed on the heat packs, and agreed on the letting pitchers pitch more per outing and fewer outings. In fact, when you factor in all the warm-up pitches I think it goes under common sense. I really, really wonder who McDowell slept with to get this job, and why Bobby hasn’t picked up on these things with so many years experience.


  109. 111 Bob, journalist April 21, 2008 at 12:12 am

    Well, during the war, bootleggers and revenuers alike all drove ’41 fords in and around Atlanta … or so it seemed … after the war, the choice of bootleggers appeared to be the Studebaker up through the early fifties, though some had Frazier engines, methinks.

    Were Andruw to have 31 straight hits, his average would still be less than Chipper’s current.

    I like the notion of preconditioning like heatpacks and I don’t really disagree with the direction of any the comments i saw on pitcher use … but I wish there were some way to evaluate the level of associated stress … one batter, pitched under heavy stress, may well equate to two innings sans stress … or there may be little difference … I don’t know, but since I’m just a fan, that really doesn’t matter. However, methinks there are those who do have a need to know such things … I wonder if they do.


  110. 112 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 12:13 am

    Testing… I keep trying to post & it’s not working.


  111. 113 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 12:15 am



  112. 114 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 12:19 am

    Bob. You have a point about needing to factor in stress. The release of adrenalin could trigger a lot of things. Don’t we read and hear all the time about guys saying it’s tougher to close than to pitch middle innings? Why should it be so? An out is an out, or so it would seem. Of course, I have missed my share of 2 foot putts because of stress so I can see it being a factor.

    What seems odd to me is that a bunch of guys hammering away on a blog can grasp the concept but the folks in charge miss it completely….


  113. 115 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 12:22 am

    Okay folks, I am turning things over to the night shift, catch ya’ll in the morning…


  114. 116 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 12:26 am

    Hello? Is this thing on?


  115. 117 Bob, journalist April 21, 2008 at 12:49 am

    Oh the enigma of trees and woods and Hitler not knowing his Bonaparte …

    Of course, I have missed my share of 2 foot putts because of stress” everybody misses those long ones … what about the short ones?

    I think I commented after the Masters that one beet righter said that Tiger made a run in the final round but the lead was too great … yeah, he made a run alright, … final round 72. I guess most everything is just a matter of perspective.

    Poloinus invented golf … taught it to Laertes … oops, me must not trifle with such things … lest I offend the gods … oh the humanity!


  116. 118 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 8:28 am




  117. 120 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 9:24 am

    OK, get ready for some AM domination… 😎


  118. 121 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Good Morning Raisins….


  119. 122 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Nick Nolte… right?


  120. 123 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 9:30 am

    I stopped by next door for a while but found the drivel to be so inane that I could not force myself to stay.


  121. 124 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 9:37 am

    Now, Braves…

    I missed alot of last 4 games, and of course, our beloved home team appears to have righted the ship. (Not to be confused with righting the beets.) Is it me? I can definitively say, NO. I think it is becoming clearer by the day that both Bobby Cox and Frank Wren are devoted readers here at the Braves and Stuff colossus. I think it is also quite evident that they recognize sound reason when they read it.

    To that end, allow me to re-emphasize my personal 3 point turnaround plan:

    1) Fire must be lit. done

    2) Tex must forget the calendar and find his stroke. in progress

    3) Anderson should be recalled; Diaz and Kotsay should have at least one day off per week each. Well… Bobby seems to have modified my plan to a certain degree by using Gregor Blanco and sitting Matty for a few games. OK, I can live with that, but I still contend that Kotsay needs at least one day off per week. For health reasons? Partially, but I also believe that it’s a long season, and an outfield rotation that keeps everybody sharp, and keeps everybody relatively fresh, under specific circumstances, is a good thing.


  122. 125 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 9:39 am

    Howdy, Gil… I walk across the street every now and then, but only to look for news tidbits from Dave or Carroll. I really don’t look at any of the commentary, but let’s face it, the guy, or gal, in the clubhouse is gonna have the most up to date, and most inside info. That part is still a good news resource.


  123. 126 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Now, pitching.

    Huddy needs to find his missing 5 mph. He should check under the sofa cushions. I lose alot of stuff there… We need him effective for 7+ innings consistently. Smoltz, my favorite Brave ever, is a warrior. He gives everything he has every start. Unfortunately, right now, he only has 5-6 innings. Jair is a God-send. He and Huddy oughtta eat some innings. I gotta give Chuckie and Bennett some credit for their weekend performances, but I’m a little nervous about them on any long term basis.

    As for the ‘pen, they are now performing like we thought they should, even without Soriano and Moylan. I really like Campillo… I hope he stays.


  124. 127 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Now, bench.

    Blanco had some nice games this weekend. He has earned a spot on my bench for now, but he needs to be able to make a couple of effective starts per week. (See my above statements…)

    Now, this is where I’ll take my slings and arrows… Right now, we have no real power threat off the bench. We have no hitter that is gonna make the opposing manager nervous knowing he’s lurking in our dugout. Now, granted, there aren’t too many of those around, but we need to make a litle progress here. BPena, while a nice player, ain’t that. Now, NYY needs a catcher in a bad way, and has Morgan Ensberg languishing on their bench. He has some pop, and plays 1B and 3B. Hmmm… we could use that. Why would they part with him, they also have Wilson Betemit coming off the DL soon. He also has some pop, and plays 1B and 3B. I believe we could have a match in needs and resources here.

    Thoughts? Comments?


  125. 128 williamwallace April 21, 2008 at 9:54 am

    That was a cool analogy you made Gil about comparing relievers to the wear and tear cars experience on the highway as opposed to the stop and star wear and tear cars experience in city traffic


  126. 129 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 10:00 am

    I must agree that Campillo was a real find. He does not throw hard but he does a real good job of keeping hitters off balance and off the bases. I thoght Blaine has looked much better the past few outings. I no longer feel my stomach knot up when he come in to pitch. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Will Ohman yet.

    Yes, I too seek the inside information that only access can provide. If only the seal chap would be a bit more forthcoming with information….


  127. 130 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 10:03 am

    Blaine was outstanding yesterday.

    So, Gil, who is this Derrick Arnold kid that appears to making a quick rise in the system?


  128. 131 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 10:03 am

    Chap Seal? Needs moisturizer on his flippers? 🙂


  129. 132 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 10:11 am

    I think it comes down to a matter philosophy as to what type of player you really need off the bench. Are you looking for a guy who can get on base or an RBI guy? Maybe Diaz is a better bench player than he his an everyday guy. Like I said, Anderson or Blanco might be better suited to the top of the order than the bottom. Kelly is not the kind of speed guy one might prefer in the lead off spot.


  130. 133 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 10:16 am

    Don’t know anything about him Raisins, I had hoped to go to the games yesterday and today but with the continued rain, it looks doubtful they will play. I will let you folks know something as soon as I can evaluate him myself. I am reluctant to pass along information from other sources as to a player’s ability.


  131. 134 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 10:22 am

    Lessee… according to baseball-cube:


    He moves around alot between 2B, SS and 3B… more 2B than anything. Decent glove, so-so bat. I don’t see anything really outstanding in his stats, but then again, you all know how I feel about relying on numbers.


  132. 135 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 10:23 am

    By the way, I am getting absolutely no work done this morning… 😐


  133. 136 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 10:26 am

    Why is this thing working for everyone but me?


  134. 137 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Trying one more time…


  135. 138 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 11:21 am

    I am now getting work done…


  136. 139 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:24 am

    Well, I have an errand I am suppose to do but I don’t feel much like doing anything either.

    Looks like he has been converted into a relief pitcher and is no longer a position player Raisins…


  137. 140 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 11:28 am



  138. 141 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 11:29 am

    Not your typical rise through the ranks… 🙂


  139. 142 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Well, I guess there is not much future in being a good fielding, hard throwing third baseman who hits .217 in A ball….


  140. 143 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 11:32 am

    … unless you’re the Royals… 😆


  141. 144 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:33 am

    > 🙂 <


  142. 145 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:35 am

    He must have impressed somebody with his arm to make the jump from A ball to AAA in such a short time.


  143. 146 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:36 am

    I wonder if he can bunt?


  144. 147 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:46 am

    One bit of information for you folks. The International League allows for the DH to be used anytime one of the teams playing has an American League affiliation. The only time pitchers have an opportunity to hit is when two National League affiliates play each other and there are not too many of those in the IL.


  145. 148 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Alright folks, I have to drive across town, catch up with you guys this afternoon…


  146. 149 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 11:50 am

    Later, Gil…


  147. 150 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 11:50 am

    I suppose this means I have to go back to work myself… 😐


  148. 151 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    Good morning, back when it was mornin’!


  149. 152 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    Finally! All my posts since yesterday evening were stuck in the twilight zone or something. Thanks for fixing it, CL! ( Of course now it looks like I was repeating myself & rambling like a loon.)


  150. 153 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    FLB, you posts do show up now, by the by…I swear I didn’t see your 12:13 and 12:15 AM posts last night..


  151. 154 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    Finally! All my posts since yesterday were stuck in the twilight zone or something. Thanks for fixing it, CL! ( Of course now it looks like I kept repeating myself & going on like a loon.)


  152. 155 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    I didn’t see FLB when I was catching up on the weekend/overnights… 😕


  153. 156 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    And whither Royce Ring??? I just checked his stats…5 games, 2 2/3’s innings this year. Honestly, his stuff seems better than Ohman’s, IMHO. As beat up as our bullpen is, it wouldn’t hurt to have him pitch in games where the team is up or down by several runs…or have him try to pitch the 6th in a game Smoltz, or Bennett is in…I mean, you have a guy on team and all, might as well use him, or trade him….


  154. 157 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    OK, let’s try this again. My posts keep getting “stuck”. CL unstuck all the earlier ones but I was still getting blocked on new ones. Crossing my fingers that this one actually shows up.


  155. 158 Carolina Lady April 21, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    GIL the filter keeps trapping FBG. I’ve cleared it twice and she’s rebooting her machine to see if that works. I have to take Mother to another appt so we may need to contact Support if it keeps doing it. Thanks! CL


  156. 159 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Brogan, my first impulse about Ring is that he is the “lefty specialist” to come in and face a lefty in a crucial situation. However, a glance at his split stats would indicate that he is not that much more effective against lefties than righties. That was a long-winded way to say, “I dunno.”


  157. 160 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    Howdy Dalai Mama! 😀


  158. 161 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    Is FBG using all of that “colorful” language, again? (Just kidding!!!)


  159. 162 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 12:54 pm

    Well FLB, since we already know you are a loon, it didn’t seem out of the ordinary at all! 😆


  160. 163 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    It’s the pick on FLB hour, everyone feel free to join in, plenty of room! 😉


  161. 164 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    Greetings CL!!!! 🙂
    VOR, (Or is it SM for Super Mario?)I understand the I dunno comment, but like Gil said of Ohman, he doesn’t engender($3 word) a ton of confidence either!


  162. 165 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    I could be convinced to lay off for, say, a half-dozen strawberry creme cupcakes… 😀


  163. 166 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 1:02 pm

    Mug shot——————————————————–>


  164. 167 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 1:02 pm



  165. 168 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    Must be hard to type with only 3 fingers on each hand! 😯


  166. 169 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    Nah, but the mushrooms sometimes get in the way… 😀


  167. 170 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    Oh sure, pick on me when I can’t reply.


  168. 171 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    why you… 👿 Can I calls ya Muggsy now? ; 0


  169. 172 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 1:33 pm

    Coukd the Mets DFA Delgado???? Couldn’t happen to a better guy…also read the sad story underneath delgado talk… http://blogs.nypost.com/sports/st/archives/2008/04/3_up_a-rodposad.html


  170. 173 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    We’ve all known people that needed this program! 😆


  171. 174 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    I enjoyed the NY twisting… such agony… thanks, brogan! 😀


  172. 175 willy wikipedia April 21, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Raisins and Grinch “get together”.



  173. 176 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 2:17 pm

    One of my all-time faves… Watch it through to the end, you have to hear the studio comments…


  174. 177 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 2:20 pm

    Grinch and I did get together:


  175. 178 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    Which one of you is the “strange one”??? 😉


  176. 179 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 2:25 pm



  177. 180 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    Back later… I have a little raisin to pick up from pre-K. 🙂


  178. 181 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    I see, said the blind man….


  179. 182 Bob, journalist April 21, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Berigen … engender, a $3 word? Lew may have been write … brick! Of course, with inflation, it won’t be too long, methinks.

    Living in Florida, I can believe that FGB likes fish but that she has webbed feet? that I don’t believe!

    Though he has always liked to swing at the first pitch and the second and the third … Matt does seem less patient than in the past … still not worried about him … anyone know what he did in April 2007?

    Tonight is key … or at least I so think … will Hudson change or overthrow in an effort to regain that which he may have lost? Hopefully. we’ll find that last time was but a byproduct of his illness … and of no lasting consequence.

    When are we going to buy one of them fancy MRI machines like that fella in NY has?


  180. 183 Bob, journalist April 21, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    Deliverance … outside looking in … an interesting movie to make … and certainly wide differences in the way it was received … but “dueling banjos” was definitely an achievement of the first order.


  181. 184 Bob, journalist April 21, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Can’t run, must walk but before I go … “I gotta give Chuckie and Bennett some credit for their weekend performances, but I’m a little nervous about them on any long term basis” … unless VOR has nerves of tempered blued steel, methinks that qualifies as blogger understatement of the year, to date.

    Given the circumstances, methinks they deserve more than a modicum of credit and any reasonably prudent person would be more than just a little nervous too.


  182. 185 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    Bob: Given that I am the eternal optimist, a glass 1/4 full kinda guy, being a little nervous is quite the step-out for me. However, no blue tempered steel. More like galvanized sheet metal… 24 guage. Slightly wobbly but relatively sturdy if used in the correct application.


  183. 186 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    Trying yet again…


  184. 187 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    It worked!!! It worked!!! Somebody strike up the Hallelujah Chorus!


  185. 188 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    Hey! FLB… you were successful! 😀


  186. 190 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    You can always count on the voice of….of, Jimmy Hendryx???? to find just the right clip!


  187. 191 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    So how many avatars have you had today? ( And you & Berigan aren’t in the running for cupcakes anytime soon.)


  188. 192 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    Bob, not only are my feet not webbed (don’t get jimmy started) but I don’t care for fish either.


  189. 193 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 3:51 pm

    I am just a tad bit uncertain when it comes to avatars. I’ve probably run through at least 10. I went through about 5 or 6 in a 2 minute span this morning when nobody was around… 🙂

    Wait… no cupcakes!!! 😦


  190. 194 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    Well, what do you expect to happen when you pick on the baker? ( Made banana bread with white choc. chips this weekend. Excellent combination.)


  191. 195 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Banana bread with white chocolate chips… mmm…

    In the immortal words of that great 21st century thinker Napoleon Dynamite, “Dang!”


  192. 196 willy wikipedia April 21, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    Berigan’s “show car” and obligatory self-shot and animals.



  193. 197 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 4:27 pm

    Willy wikipedia, thanks! Always good to see a “new” member here, or should I say hear??? Could be someone else though….one never knows, does one????


  194. 198 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    I have to ask for y’all’s support again. Mom just called to tell me that Dad is being admitted to the hospital with chest pain. My sister, being closest, is with him & Mom’s going directly there from work. So I’m at home trying to not freak out before I know what’s happening.


  195. 199 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    I’m praying for him, you and your family right now, FBG.


  196. 200 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    I’ll say a prayer FLB!!! The good news is they can do so much these days, and even E.R’s make heart issues their top priority! Hopefully, it’s something minor, often it’s something else that mimics a heart issue….


  197. 201 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 4:50 pm

    On a much less important note…..I read that Ryan Klesko made it official, and retired at 36….Thanks for all the memories Ryan!!!!
    I wonder why no one thought of signing him this spring??? Not much power these days, but certainly better than Scott Thorman, at least right now…
    Saw that Klesko was considered by the Red Sox this year before signing Sean Casey…which got me to wondering…If/when Tex leaves, I wonder if signing Casey would be a decent idea? Laugh if you want, he has no power, but he does have a .302 lifetime average…perhaps he could platoon with a right handed hitter??? Just a thought…


  198. 202 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    Thanks, guys. Sis just called back, they were registering. Looks like he’ll stay overnight & possibly have a heart catheterization in the morning.


  199. 203 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    Well, brogan, at the risk of being tossed overboard, I will tell you what I think should happen at 1B next year. If I want continued high-level productivity out of Chipper, I move him. His legs are already balky, and very important to his swing. You can’t shoot a cannon from a canoe, right? I realize his pride wants to stay at 3B, and please, no O’Brien type scolding for even mentioning the idea. You and I both know that if the organization were to think it best, it could happen. I’d sign him to an extension through 2013, ensuring both sides that he’ll retire a Brave, and tell him to start talking to Mizuno about a 1B mitt.


  200. 204 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    Still praying, FBG…


  201. 205 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    FLB, that doesn’t sound too bad…has he had any heart issues in the past??? Does he smoke????


  202. 206 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    VOR, no scolding, at least from me. I like the idea! DH would be the best position for Chipper, but I’d much rather he retire a brave!
    We can sign Wilson Betemit for 2009!


  203. 207 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 5:09 pm

    That last line I wrote would cheese off DOB for sure!


  204. 208 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 5:10 pm

    I mentioned Casey a few years ago when he was still with the Reds and got run off by the crowd. I always have liked him. He may not be a home run guy but he will come up with the big hit when you need it.

    FBG… I pray your dad will be fine. Let’s hope for the best that it is just indigestion from all that cake you have been preparing.


  205. 209 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    He hasn’t smoked in about 30 years. He’s diabetic & his blood pressure tends to get a little high at times. Ironically, he just had his regular checkups with the primary DR., cardiologist, etc. last week & was starting a diet & exercise regimen today.


  206. 210 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 5:15 pm

    I don’t know guys… First base requires a lot of stretching. I am not sure he could play the position all that well either. Let’s just hope he can get through this year.


  207. 211 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    Well that explains it FBG…. All that dieting and exercise will get you every time….


  208. 212 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    Gil! That’s not nice. Besides I haven’t baked for my family much lately, they keep dieting.

    He got on the phone for a moment & said he’s fine. His cardiologist wants him to stay overnight (One advantage to Mom being a nurse is that she knows who the best doctors are in each specialty, so we’re trusting him here).


  209. 213 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 5:23 pm

    Well, I’m glad it is not too serious and he recognized that there was a problem early. We do all hope for the best outcome…


  210. 214 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    FLB, that’s great he quit smoking so long ago! My Mom was a diabetic, and as your Mom likely knows, Diabetics have more heart issues…..It seems to be easier to stick to exercising when it’s more than one person. Have you guys looked into joining a gym as a family???? Got a real good excuse know…or at least as soon as he’s ok’ed to exercise!


  211. 215 willy wikipedia April 21, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    Savannah Guy is always there for a friend.


  212. 216 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    OK, trying to distract myself. I always liked Casey. Wouldn’t mind him being a Brave at all.

    Now I’m with Gil on being a little concerned about Chipper possibly moving to first. I get where y’all are coming from, wanting to move him from 3rd but there’s a lot of wear & tear at 1st too.


  213. 217 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Well, pre DH, 1st base was where you sent the slow old guys, so it just seems if the John Mayberry’s, the George(Boomer) Scott’s of the world could do it, so could a still slim and trim Chipper!
    Went old school there!


  214. 218 willy wikipedia April 21, 2008 at 5:42 pm

    Paladin’s first trial as an attorney.



  215. 219 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 21, 2008 at 5:43 pm

    All the guitarists, and non guitarists here…ever heard of Davey Graham??? I never have, but apparently, a big influence on a lot of people….including Led Zepplin. This 1959 tune sounds just a bit like Stairway to Heaven, no????(And it’s a pop tune I always associate with the late great Julie London!)


  216. 220 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 5:57 pm

    He wouldn’t do a gym, B. We have a good treadmill that I use pretty regularly. We’ll have to get him on it. My mom has been urging him to try the Medifast program that she & my sister are doing. Sis lost about 50 pounds & is now maintaining & Mom has lost 40 since she started.


  217. 221 willy wikipedia April 21, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) – Police say a man accidentally shot himself in the stomach after waving his gun in anger at a fellow motorist in Tempe, Ariz.

    Tempe police spokesman Brandon Banks says David Lopez is expected to survive and could face charges including disorderly conduct, reckless display of a firearm and felony flight from police.


  218. 222 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    Washington is wearing the look of a down and out team… A lot like the Braves looked last week before turning things around…


  219. 223 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 8:26 pm

    I see Bobby read the blog again today and decided to rest Kotsay in favor of Blanco. 😀


  220. 224 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    Why did Lopez try to score there?


  221. 225 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    Outstanding pitch by Huddy!!!


  222. 226 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    Because the third base coach sent him… When things are going right, all the plays go your way… When they are going bad, you look like the Nats…


  223. 227 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    Hanrahan acts like Cy Young when it comes to pitching against the Braves


  224. 228 Bob, journalist April 21, 2008 at 9:11 pm

    Skip just said that Hudson is having a ridiculously easy time of it tonight … it sure doesn’t sound like it … how’s his speed?


  225. 229 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    His first pitch was 90, his second 90, his third 91… and so went his night. He also mixed in a nice variety of breaking pitches. It is safe to say he found his missing 5 mph.


  226. 230 Voice of Raisins April 21, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    I’m growing quite fond of Manny! 😀

    With that, I bid you all goodnight.


  227. 231 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    I would say his last pitch was his best with that cutter…


  228. 232 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2008 at 10:05 pm

    Good night fine folks… Braves on a roll with 5 in a row…


  229. 233 flbravesgirl April 21, 2008 at 10:18 pm

    Did I miss everyone? Good night, Gil & VOR.

    Dad is settled in at the hospital. We’ll know more tomorrow after tests. The Dr. is being cautious with him in case it actually was a heart attack.


  230. 234 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 12:10 am

    FLB, it was a heart attack???? Wow! A “minor” one???


  231. 235 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 12:16 am

    Oh, I read too quickly, in case it actually was a heart attack…I somehow just saw it actually was a heart attack. 😳


  232. 236 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 12:36 am

    We don’t know yet, B. The MD has him on IV blood-thinners just in case of clotting. Dad says he’s fine but he would say that no matter what.


  233. 237 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 12:49 am

    FLB, it’s just a good thing they are keeping him overnight, for sure….so, don’t worry too much, and get a good night’s sleep, he’s in good hands!


  234. 238 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 12:50 am

    OK, time to attempt to sleep. Thanks for the support, y’all. Good night.


  235. 239 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 12:54 am

    They’re going to run tests in the morning & probably a cardiac cath. We’ll know more after that. And he is in good hands, Mom made sure of it.


  236. 240 Voice of Raisins April 22, 2008 at 8:15 am

    G’morning everybody…

    FBG… still prayin’…


  237. 241 Gil in Mechanicsville April 22, 2008 at 8:59 am

    Good morning everyone, especially to you FBG… I hope your dad slept well and he passes his test with flying colors.


  238. 242 Voice of Raisins April 22, 2008 at 10:01 am

    Coffee is GOOD!!! 😀


  239. 243 Voice of Raisins April 22, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Now, Braves.

    When this team is clicking on all cylinders, it is something to watch. I was in and out on last night’s game, but what I did see was just pure fun. Huddy was sharp, the D was stingy, the bats were poppin’ (I’m glad I caught that extra “o” and edited it out before I posted this), the ‘pen was pretty good and the baserunning was even opportunistic. This is the team we were all looking forward to seeing right out of spring. Perhaps they have already gone through their doldrums for the year… 😀


  240. 244 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Giant sigh of relief. The cardiac cath showed no heart damage or artery blockage. In fact, the cardiologist said his heart looked good for a 55-year old, diabetic or not. He ruled out any cardiac cause. They’re trying to figure what else could have caused the pain. He can probably come home this afternoon.

    Thank y’all so much for your support & good wishes. (((Hugs))) all around.


  241. 245 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 12:23 pm

    Great news FLB!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


  242. 246 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Weird stat of the week….Heard this on espn last night. Adam Dunn is hitting .196…guess what is OBP is???? .418!!! I just checked, 11 hits this year, 22 walks!!!! How do you do that???? Seems if you walk that much, you can wait to get the good pitch…of course, you don’t want to give Dunn a good pitch…still, weird!


  243. 247 Bob, journalist April 22, 2008 at 12:54 pm


    The news about FBG’s father … not my car … though the verdict there is still out … strange Gil, but the oil level was full with the low oil pressure alarm going off.

    Reports are that Tim looked sharp last night … didn’t sound that way listening to WGST … so now I’m going to watch the MLB replay/archive of the game … nice thing about that is that I can so do without the stress.

    Holidays … Christians have Christmas and Easter; Jews have
    Chanukah and Passover: Muslims have Mawlid al Nabi and Ramadan; Atheists have April 1st.


  244. 248 Gil in Mechanicsville April 22, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    Berigan… It’s called being pitched around…


  245. 249 Gil in Mechanicsville April 22, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Uh Oh Bob…. Could be the oil viscosity is too thin. Older cars lose pressure, could be the sending unit (sensor). Could be the oil pump…. And of course, could be time to trade it in…


  246. 250 Gil in Mechanicsville April 22, 2008 at 1:02 pm

    FBG… Great news on your dad. Could be anxiety, could be GERD, could be a bunch of stuff but at least it is not the worse case….


  247. 251 Voice of Raisins April 22, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    FBG: Woo-hoo!!! 😀 Great news. Prayer works darlin’, this I know personally.


  248. 252 Voice of Raisins April 22, 2008 at 3:37 pm

    Hey! Where the heck is everybody?!? 😡


  249. 254 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    Here, VOR!

    Now they’re doing some kind of kidney scan. Of course he just wants the heck out of there but they take their time in the hospital.


  250. 255 Bay Area Steve April 22, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    I think willy wikipedia should be called yunel youtube.

    Glad all’s well Miss Velvet.


  251. 256 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Thanks, Steve.

    Now that things have settled down I’m looking forward to watching Smoltzie hopefully reach 3000 Ks tonight. I’d better record it for Dad. With any luck he’ll be home in time to watch it tonight.


  252. 257 Bay Area Steve April 22, 2008 at 6:03 pm

    And thanks for the response the other night about the Extra Innings package. I’m finally getting all the games out here (and hopefully Jersey Gil is too). It’s been great watching the games everyday; it really reminds of growing up watching TBS.

    And how great is the DVR? I don’t know how I survived without one.


  253. 258 Bob, journalist April 22, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    Gil, I try to keep them 15 years and this one’s a ’94 … ain’t yet time to trade … they’re keeping it overnight to run some more tests but there’s no leak and the oil pressure checks out okay.

    After viewing last night’s game, Hudson did look a better than it sounded on radio … they’re still not clicking on all cylinders but look pretty good … what’s the skinny on our DL’d closer?

    Good Luck John S!


  254. 259 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    I love the DVR (and I’m very technology-challenged but even I can use it). We added a second one before this season on the master bedroom TV, we were recording so much stuff.


  255. 260 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Bob, I thought I heard them say that Soriano would long-toss today.


  256. 261 Bob, journalist April 22, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    Thanks … what does that usually mean … 10 days or less if all goes well?


  257. 262 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 6:51 pm

    If I’m not mistaken, there was a mention of him throwing from the mound by the weekend. Not sure how long it would take for him to get back after that or if he would need minor-league rehab. Just waiting to see how his arm responds.


  258. 263 willy wikipedia April 22, 2008 at 6:56 pm

    BAS: Kiss my patootie.


  259. 264 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 6:58 pm

    Now,now, Willy. Be nice. I don’t think BAS meant it as an insult.


  260. 265 willy wikipedia April 22, 2008 at 6:59 pm

    Nor did I , FBG. It’s a guy thing. 😛


  261. 266 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 6:59 pm

    Time to go watch the game. See y’all tonight. Go Smoltzie!!!


  262. 267 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    Boo!!! 😯


  263. 269 williamwallace April 22, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    Smoltz goes 7 and Cox still burns 4 relievers. Unbelievable. Should have just let Boyer take the last 2 innings. Instead, we burn 4 relievers and get results that are far worse than if he had just left Boyer in for the last 2 innings. And burning those 4 relievers in a game in April will have devastating consequences like they did last July and August for our relievers – and next April like it did this April when Moylan and Soriano have to go on the DL.


  264. 270 Bob, journalist April 22, 2008 at 10:50 pm

    John deserved a better fate … time for another meetin’ methinks. Hudson talked yesterday about the good game plan the Nats had against him … what was ours tonight? Do we ever have a dynamic game plan? Okay, so our pitchers can pitch, … can any of them bunt or throw to a base?

    burning those 4 relievers in a game in April will have devastating consequences” … goodness WW, … hopefully, your posit is but an opine and Nostradamus II you aren’t … hopefully. Having turned it off at the end of seven, I’m not in a position to comment … but, at least I was spared the ninth … so I’m chicken.

    Take care!


  265. 271 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Bleh. Well, Smoltz did his part. Don’t know what happened to the offense & bullpen tonight. On the other hand, Idol was outstanding tonight. What’d you think, Gil?


  266. 272 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 11:02 pm

    Thanks for the link, WW. Wonderful article.


  267. 273 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 11:09 pm

    Did y’all know more guys have 3000 hits, than 3000 strikeouts???? Seems to be less heralded than 3000 hits, that’s for sure. ESPN sure didn’t want to take away from images of basketball, or Hockey playoffs….even on the baseball part of their site…the main photo is still of their Gotcha on Tejada’s age….sigh…

    Anyway, congrats to Smoltz!!!!! 🙂


  268. 274 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 22, 2008 at 11:16 pm

    I haven’t watched baseball tonight yet, I am sure they will do more than their website did….


  269. 275 Gil in Mechanicsville April 22, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    Hey gang… I thought the first eight innings was a well played, well pitched game… Then the wheels came off. Now, the error will be charged to Capprillo but for the second time this season, Yunel Escobar “short armed” the ball because he did not want to get hit by the guy coming into 2nd. The guy can do a lot of things but he lacks courage.


  270. 277 flbravesgirl April 22, 2008 at 11:54 pm

    That is amazing, Bob.


  271. 278 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 12:23 am

    Who is this amazing Bob??? 😕


  272. 279 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 12:24 am

    I shall now watch baseball tonight, so feel free to come out of the woodwork, post like crazy, then go back in hiding! double 😕


  273. 280 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 12:36 am

    I don’t know about posting like crazy, B. We seem to be short-staffed at night right now.


  274. 281 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 1:04 am

    See? Nothing.

    Good night y’all.


  275. 282 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 1:17 am

    We’ve been watching Toler’s last … “The Trap” … must be up early as they’re supposed to pick me up before 7 … to get my car.

    Goodnight All!


  276. 283 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:27 am

    FLB, how about this story!!! Do you follow ice dancers much, or just the “regular” ones?


  277. 284 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 1:30 am

    Amazing Bob … Berigan … methinks he’s just some crazy with the formula for Coke … or so it would appear … less amazing than just nice, methinks.


  278. 285 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:57 am

    Bob, what are you still doing up??? Go to bed young man, they are coming by at 7 AM!


  279. 287 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 10:19 am

    Morning, all. Let me begin by congratulating Smoltz; not a person I’ve ever liked very much as a person but who’s sheer greatness as a player has more than won me over otherwise. Kudos to him, and it was a proud moment indeed to watch him last night. I was also proud of the crowd response.

    Now, things I’m not proud of…

    ESPN. Their website had a little link off to the side (in the middle of a bunch of other inconsequential links) noting the achievement, right next to another link that said “Braves Bashed” which stood out much louder. Can you IMAGINE how big of a photo and how many links would be taken up if a pitcher from the Yankees/Sox/Dodgers had hit that milestone? Or even someone from one of those teams getting 3,000 hits? Just remember back when Pedro got his 3,000; there wasn’t anything else on the site (they had interviews with his agent, people he grew up around, his freakin’ mechanic, etc.). Pathetic.

    Also, I expect after the last three years Smoltz is getting a might tired of leaving games after 6-8 innings behind 1-0, especially to crappy teams. I wonder when he’s gonna snap and say something in public about the ineptitude of the manager and the front office, who with this payroll (which is still quite high despite everyone’s bitching) can’t seem to put together a team that can either score one freakin’ run for him or a bullpen that can hold a freakin’ one run lead if he’s lucky enough to get it? He’s lost two consecutive Cy Young awards because of it now, and got embarrassed on his 3,000k night by Bobby making a fool of himself and wrecking the bullpen again (while the hitters made…[who? I don’t even remember who pitched for the Nats?] look like John Smoltz). Pathetic vol. 2.

    Off to school.


  280. 288 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Never mind; it’s earlier than I thought.

    You know, if I were Nick Cage in “National Treasure,” I wouldn’t be trying to steal the Constitution. I’d try and steal that %^$#&^% righty/lefty/reliever/platoon book out of Bobby’s office and blow it up like the Bartman ball. Assuming he doesn’t have multiple copies.

    Bob, going back to a comment I noticed you make yesterday about Atheists being fools. Perhaps, but consider this for a moment (and I’m neither a Christian nor an Atheist, so this is an impartial observation): Atheists have guts. Imagine going through life and facing all the crappy things people normally face (public ridicule, bad relationships/marriages/, custody battles, drug/alcohol problems, death of loved ones, one’s own eventual death, etc.). Now, imagine not being able to face any of those problems by leaning on Jesus, Allah, Buddha and/or a smiling throng of churchgoers so you can lean back with a smile and say “God will provide.” Imagine facing all those problems with the certain knowledge (at least to yourself) that it’s your problem and you’re absolutely alone, and facing it anyway. That takes intestinal fortitude.

    As Drill Sgt. Hartman (no relation to Lew) said to the platoon in Full Metal Jacket: “Private Joker is stupid and silly, but he’s got guts. And guts is enough.”

    NOW I’m off to school.

    FBG, glad to hear about your dad. Probably just a little stressed from living with three women. 🙂


  281. 289 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 10:53 am

    “The guy can do a lot of things but he lacks courage.”

    ” not a person I’ve ever liked very much as a person ”

    The negativity on this site has begun to rival what you will find across the street. First, Yunel. Coming from the background that he has, I don’t think anyone on a computer keyboard can question his “courage”. For one thing, he and Chipper are carrying this team and he can’t afford to be hurt. Avoiding getting taken out of the game(s) is not lack of courage, it is good sense.

    As for Smoltz: He has stood tall as a man and a player. If you don’t like him as a man, the problem might be yours.

    As for Bobby and his continual, and useless, burning of the bullpen: Right on!


  282. 290 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 11:01 am

    One last comment: WW, I met John in ’92 at a gas station (I’ve already posted this about a half dozen times) and he was an ass to me and my friends who did nothing but offer our sincere gratitude for him being John Smoltz in a suble and tasteful fashion. When you’ve only met someone once and they were a dick, that’s really all you have to go by, isn’t it? Pretty sure it’s not my fault. But I enjoy the self-righteousness; it’s amusing this time of day. Not everyone with a great slider is also the Dalai Lama, even if they donate to charity. Ever occur to you he does that to avoid questions about his personality?


  283. 291 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 11:03 am

    And I think Escobar’s a stud, and I love this year’s team. I was the one down there giving glowing reports from Spring training camp, remember? I was also the fourth person to leave the other site. Go drink some coffee and try again.


  284. 292 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 11:14 am

    Oh,,did I commit the ultimate sin of disagreeing with the GRINCH? Shame on me! And if you want to continue this, you know where to reach me. Does LMH ring a bell? And hang THIS is your ear. 👿


  285. 293 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 11:20 am

    LAKE WORTH, Fla. (AP) – A Florida teenager faces a charge of elder abuse alleging he made his senile grandmother wear a black mask and hold a handgun for a video he made.

    Police in Lake Worth, Fla., say the 85-year-old woman is seen and heard on the video threatening to shoot “all the pigs.”

    Authorities say 18-year-old Michael Alfinez was arrested Monday and charged with abusing an elderly person, discharging a firearm in public and improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon.

    Palm Beach County sheriff’s detectives seized the video during a traffic stop in January.

    The teen’s mother says it’s all just a misunderstanding.

    The “misunderstanding” was when the elder woman didn’t exercise proper birth control.


  286. 294 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 11:24 am

    WASHINGTON (AP) – The upper Midwest has the worst drunken driving rates in the country, according to a government report that says 15 percent of adult drivers nationally report driving under the influence of alcohol in the previous year.

    Wisconsin leads the way. The federal government estimates more than a quarter of the state’s adult drivers had driven under the influence. Rounding out the worst five are North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota

    Most of them were arrested while they were trying to head south.


  287. 295 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 11:26 am

    Well, that filled some space, anyway.


  288. 296 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    Done and done; said mail has been forwarded to the old intermediary.


  289. 297 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    not a person I’ve ever liked very much as a person” … methinks I understand but I do wonder how closely his greatness as a player is related to the person that is he … for were he different as a person would he not also be different as a player?

    While it’s indeed frustrating, I wouldn’t think that John was embarrassed last night. It’s still a team game and he knows, as do we, that his teammates are trying to score runs when he pitches … as are those of the opposing pitchers … and so too is the manager trying to do his part … though it doesn’t always so seem, or make it any less frustrating … for him, the team or us.

    Well, at least it wasn’t another one run loss … though that’s a matter of perspective … for I do it so consider. It seems to me that Terry or whoever is responsible for the offensive game plan is the one who should be embarrassed and held accountable. Due consideration should have been given possibility that the opposing pitcher, having been soundly bested in his last outing against the Braves, would change his attack … considered, if not anticipated, so that when that possibility was realized, the team could confidently and dynamically adjust it’s plan … instead it appears that we confidently rode into the valley of death, content to do that which we had done before.

    Perhaps more frustrating is the level of influence that the won-loss record has on the Cy Young award.

    It may seem that Grinch and I have differing perspectives … I’m not so sure … methinks I directionally agree with him, all down the line … but while his passion remains high, mine seems to have dulled as I see more of the same, albeit outside looking in.

    I too questioned last night’s use of relievers, not because of the outcome but because Bennett is scheduled to pitch tonight which portends heavy use of the bullpen.

    Well, after selling my first born so as to pay for the repairs and filling the tank … repairs were reasonable … now it’s off to Public’s and unfortunately Robbie’s an only child.


  290. 298 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    Odd times here at the colossus lately, which is not so colossal at the moment. Not only are there many notable absences, but there are folks that pop in not to bring insight, but to perhaps incite. Very strange indeed. Grinch, it appears to me as though you were baited. I don’t believe that “willy wikipedia” is the more familiar WW, but I could be wrong.

    Strange days indeed…


  291. 299 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    I want to apologize if what I said earlier sounded as if I was questioning Grinch’s intelligence. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know on this or any other blog.


  292. 300 Salty April 23, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    VOR…it’s not WW…just the ‘Hall Monitor’!

    The colossus will resume…other duties beckon at the time…plus overcoming a nasty ‘bug’! Yech!!! 😦 Probably the same one you had…one must always wash hands after blogging!! 😆


  293. 301 willy wikipedia April 23, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    Salty; Why not try washing your hands BEFORE you blog? Best, “The Hall Monitor”. 😛


  294. 302 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 1:01 pm

    Thank you, sir; a public apology (or a private one for that matter) wasn’t necessary. Much appreciated, though. Drinks tomorrow night (when I get done with this damn paper) are on me. Also, apologies to WillyWally for the mistaken identity.


  295. 303 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    I really don’t care if folks here don’t post everyday….it will happen with me as well during the year…it’s just when you don’t see people even every week, I wonder about…but, everyone gets busy….tax time and all….HEY!!!! Where’s Jersey Gil???? Did that many folks file extensions??? :X


  296. 304 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    My apologies to all. It’s just that I see they blog becoming a bulletin board, a repository for music that only YOU like, and a boring discussion of cars. In my spare time I was trying to “light a fire”, or two.

    I won’t be around that much but I thank Salty for the probably appropriate moniker which will at least not get ww blamed for what I do, or don’t do.


  297. 305 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    I had a “Grinch” moment with a Cards player back in the day(1981 in fact) I am sure I have mentioned this before, but that won’t stop me from talking about it again! 😕 Dane Iorg was the Matt Diaz of the Cards. Could hit .300, but seemed tagged as a 4th outfielder for life.

    Met him at spring training that year on the field for picture day, wanted his autograph, said I was a big fan, and he said, no autographs today kid, it’s just picture day! 😡 Who the bleep was asking for his autograph anyway????
    So, I disliked him(Not as much as my Mom did!) after that….He wasn’t in a bad mood, just was more wanting to talk to other players….other players had more class and gladly signed for us….

    The only thing I can say in defense of Smoltz, was it was a long time ago, he was what, only 24??? Perhaps if the Grinch saw him today, he’d be more gracious of praise….


  298. 306 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    “they blog”. A typo or a try at dialect? Only the Shadow knows.


  299. 307 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:16 pm

    Pallyboy, you can post music you like as well you know!!! 😛 Or are you afraid it will get trashed as you have trashed others taste in music? 😉
    Or talk baseball….theres always that….


  300. 308 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:20 pm

    and there is no such thing as a boring discussion of cars, just boring bloggers who don’t add to the discussion of cars! 😈


  301. 309 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    It’s “Mr” Pallyboy to you, Pimpleface. And your taste in music mirrors your taste in cars: Old and washed up. As for baseball: That’s what I WAS talking when the Schlitz hit the fan. Try doing something new for you: Read the other posts. 😛


  302. 310 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    I’m leaving if Berigan-the-bump-on-the-log is all that is available to “talk” to. That, also, may be a problem here on the ole blog. Bye


  303. 311 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    Yeah, BG; it was a long time ago and his wife and kids were in an SUV outside. She might have been giving him the business before he came in, for all I know (and as we all know, they’re split now). We all have bad days. It’s just the only experience I had, so it kind of stuck with me. As I said in the first place though, his performance has more than won me over with respect if nothing else. The guy is not just a unique athlete, but has some sand as well.

    Personalities among greats are funny; my favorite living author is Cormac McCarthy. The guy is such an ass he has to live in a cabin by himself next to a stream somewhere in New Mexico. Can’t keep a wife more than a few days and won’t do interviews. Multi-millionaire who just sits there and types on an old typewriter all day every day but turns out some of the best stuff I’ve ever read. Conversely, my previous favorite living writer who died a couple of years ago (Larry Brown, and not the basketball coach) was one of the coolest, most unassuming people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and every bit as good a writer. He actually had a beer with me at a bookstore in Oxford, Mississippi (only in Oxford do they have bars inside bookstores).


  304. 312 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 1:33 pm



  305. 313 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    Everyone’s just impatient for the NFL draft. 🙂


  306. 314 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:55 pm

    Pally, I can dig up some newer music….but, I don’t think you’d like that either! All your taste is in your mouth! 😉

    Grinch, we have company here, I wasted hours at a hospital yesterday…I saw the first round pick was signing a contract, and I was thinking, they already had the draft???? 😯


  307. 315 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 23, 2008 at 1:56 pm

    Number one pick I meant to say…. 😳


  308. 316 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Yep, Jake Long’s off the board, and St. Louis is likely to take an edge rusher. Glen Dorsey will be sitting pretty when the Birds’ turn comes up. I’d take him in a heartbeat over Ryan. More certainty, more immediate impact, fills a HUGE need. Plus, you could draft Joe Montana and he’d look like Joey behind the current o-line. Hopefully they can find some beef in the draft as well…


  309. 317 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 2:10 pm

    Received in this morning’s email …

    “Just caught up on the blog and have to say…very impressive. The insight and the writing is hands down and heads above other local media baseball blog venues. Most sports blogs are filled to the brim with self-appointed experts that engage in all manner of stat parsing, insults, home-team bashing, manager second-guessing and such, but not this one…nope.”

    “Nicely done.”

    Savannah Guy … 9:15 A.M … David O’B’s Beat Blog


  310. 318 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 2:18 pm

    Don’t accept any theater tickets Mr. Lincoln!


  311. 319 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 2:24 pm

    It would appear as though SG got knocked around a bit over there, though…


  312. 320 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 2:25 pm

    VOR, both the Rams and the Falcons dished out big money to DE’s last year; not nearly so sure they won’t draft Dorsey (which would really screw us up if they did). If they don’t, I agree he’s the obvious choice. If they do, our best hope is to trade back if we can and pick up an extra 2nd rounder. e-mail me at voton1066@yahoo.com and I’ll go further into my philosophy; I gotta run now.

    Bob, I’ve met Savannah Guy and he’s a stand up person. I’d take that with a grain of salt if I were you.

    Later, all.


  313. 321 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    I am only stating what I see HM… The truth is the truth, like I said, he (Escobar) does a lot of things well, he is just not willing to rough it up. It is why he did not want to play second base. Now, that is all I need to say about that.

    And remember, the door swings both ways….


  314. 322 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    Reasonable Voice, I doubt it not … that is to say, nothing much surprises me anymore … lunchtime!


  315. 323 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    Funny, SG must be getting a different blog from the one I see posted over there. But, as a self serving and self appointed expert… what would I know?


  316. 324 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 2:35 pm

    Now… where did I put that stat sheet???


  317. 325 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    Bob, I’ve met Savannah Guy and he’s a stand up person. I’d take that with a grain of salt if I were you” … we all are responsible for the perception others have of ourselves, at least in part … and though our perceptions are uniquely ours; mine relative to Sir Guy’s post, is somewhat different … but I take most things with a grain or two of salt, including it, lemons and grapefruit.


  318. 326 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    Y’all, that wasn’t Savannah Guy; I just checked. Looks like we have a rabble-rouser in our midst.

    I’ll be back after class around 8:30 or so.


  319. 327 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 3:02 pm

    Ok Gil, I’ll keep your comment about the door swinging both ways in mind. However, I think the Lady of the House still controls the key to the front door.

    And since you brought it (back)up: Questioning a man’s “courage” on the basis of a couple of plays you have seen on TV is the type of “and idiot” commentary you would expect across the street. I’ll say that to you on here as I would be happy to do so to your face.

    I have other things to do but I will be back to “react” to your comment(s), if required.


  320. 328 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    Before someone starts a fight with me by intimating that it was I, posing as SG. SG and I are good friends and e-mail each other, almost daily. I would do nothing to hurt him or make him look bad and I’ll be all over the imposter if we happen to be “on” at the same time.


  321. 329 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    Grinch, I don’t doubt that it’s not Sir Guy but, if it wasn’t, then who would it be? … I always look at the “why” … but in this case, if it’s not Sir Guy, then knowing the “who” would most probably suggest the “why” … Identity Theft is bad news and should never be tolerated, regardless of motivation.


  322. 330 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    Yes, it would appear as though there is someone in our midst who gets his jollies by trying to start some kind of junk. Rather juvenile if you ask me, which nobody did.

    Now, FBG… where are you and how is your Dad? Still prayin’…


  323. 331 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    Raisins; I know your remarks were without rancor but I do want to say this. If I start any “junk” I will, as I did with Grinch, take responsibility. I am posting under an assumed moniker for “fun”, not to hurt anyone. I was, however, a little rough on my buddy Berigan, earlier, and I apologize. How about it, Bearman, are we still buds?


  324. 332 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Palomino, I was actually referring to the “imposter” across the street, posting crap under SG and bravesandstuff.


  325. 333 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    Speaking of bears: Have y’all been following the story on the bear that killed his trainer? In that light, have you ever had days when somebody says or does something that normally you would laugh about or ignore? But, on this particular day, you jump in their schlitz. Well, maybe bears have days like that, too.

    All I know is if I were going to have a play “fight” with something 7 feet tall, 735 lbs, with big fangs and claws, I’d make damn sure he was in a good mood. Like bring him a 20 lb salmon and give him a lite nudge in the ribs and say, “you ok today, Big Guy?” If he growled I’d be making the tee sign all over the lot!!

    That may sound as if I’m lacking in courage, but Momma raised a lawyer and a slight retard(I know! That sounds like an oxymoron)but she sure didn’t raise no fools.


  326. 334 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 4:00 pm

    I know Raisins. As I posted on here a week or so ago, I have NEVER known you to say anything bad about anyone. I also said I admire you for that, and I still do.


  327. 335 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    Leaving early in the morning for Chattanooga, assuming Carol feels up to the trip … need to install a new operating system on this computer before it crashes … now having to type elsewhere … move it to this computer and paste … hopefully back tonight as this is the one with the Broadband Internet connection.

    Thankfully, the game is on TV tonight … the idea is to think before, not after … or so I keep telling myself.


  328. 336 Savannah Guy April 23, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    Good afternoon denizens. Recently I announced that I was taking a break from Braves and Stuff but must return momentarily to respond to some ‘pot stirring’ that includes yours truly. A friend just sent an email alerting me of some ‘stuff’ that I may need to acknowledge and/or rebut. I appreciate that heads up.

    Anyhow, as you know (small town, small world), and as if you cared, lately my blogging (reading and writing combined) has been significantly reduced to about 30 minutes a day on any and all blogs, so bear with me if I seem to be out of a few loops. It’s been good… missed you guys but busy just workin’ and livin’ and lovin’.

    Oh, before I forget… Berigan, I did read your lead and enjoyed it thoroughly. Good stuff. Thank you to Grinch for your post above. The feeling is mutual. You sir, are a standup guy your own self and we all know it.

    Now, on to the issue being roundly discussed here that involves me: I see that some of you don’t believe that I would post what Bob reprinted here. Well, I’ll clear it up right now… I did post that on the AJC BraveBlog this very morning. But I didn’t post what Bob copied and pasted. The meaning there was an exact opposite of my meaning, when read in it’s unadulterated entirety.

    Now, Bob, Journalist… you sir, seem to have broken an old an honored code of ‘journalism’ by posting only a portion of my AJC post here, a portion that could very easily be taken the wrong way. You attributed my comment to DOB when it was directed at Carroll Rogers. You separated in quotes, “nicely done”, but left off the punch line to the whole post. Without it, the post made no sense.

    Perhaps that was the purpose of the ‘sender’ of your email. I’m not really sure of your ‘purpose’ in reprinting it here, but I would hope to at least receive the benefit of doubt from friends that supposedly know me. Oh, one other thing: it’s also important to read a post carefully before jumping to conclusions. A little qualifying word here or there (like “local media blog”) can change the intent, the meaning and other such important journalistic considerations.

    As a reminder, journalists must consider the source of information, particularly when motivations may be suspect… especially when the information is so readily available with a simple click of a mouse. This little “received in this morning’s email” bit is disappointing. Then again, as it turns out, many a truth may be revealed in this incident.

    The unfortunate scenario of ‘defending’ myself for what I said (or didn’t say or intend) on another blog is actually a good thing I suppose. For the record, I’ll stand by every word I write there and here. Truth is always a good thing in my book. Clarification is good too, when and if necessary. That said, I won’t abide being misquoted, particularly if the misquote casts a negative light on my intentions or my meaning.

    Let me draw a picture here of the mindset and the context:

    While scanning several blogs this morning, I came across my friend Chris being insulted by a boorish fellow named Coach. Chris can certainly defend himself, but I was taken by how many armchair ‘experts’ there were spouting their know-it-all blather and ridiculing others with opposing or different opinions. I didn’t want to ‘jump into’ the nonsense directly, but I was inspired to write something that would serve as a passive ‘mirror’ to certain behaviors of some, such as the self-appointed Coach fellow. Additionally, I wanted to do it in a clever way that require the reader to actually see the irony in the juxtaposed ‘mirror’ alongside a compliment to Carroll Rogers (who I like and admire). Carroll was then serving as blog host. I was sure that my post would go over the heads of some there, but you guys will get it. Perhaps I need an attorney?

    So, allow me to present my AJC post in its entirety here, to be known as “Exhibit A” (note: Bob, pay special attention to the bolded descriptors and qualifiers, as some folks who send and receive emails don’t seem to see or read very well):

    By Savannah Guy
    April 23, 2008 9:15 AM | Link to this
    Just caught up on the blog and have to say… very impressive. The insight and the writing is hands down and heads above other local media baseball blog venues. Most sports blogs are filled to the brim with self-appointed experts that engage in all manner of stat parsing, insults, home-team bashing, manager second-guessing and such, but not this one…nope.

    Nicely done. Now that I’m finished reading Carroll’s lead I’ll proceed to the comments section and see what the denizens have to say…

    (end of AJC post)

    There, I trust that my meaning and my intentions were clear there, as the entire post… including the punch line to Carroll, was included. Hopefully that clears up any misconceptions or erroneous notions that I was in any way disparaging this blog (as Bob’s unfortunate post inferred through omission) or comparing this blog to that one in any way. Note that the part about complimenting Carroll was left out of Bob’s post and no doubt was omitted from the email to him.

    Whoever sent the email to Bob did him a disservice and has wasted my time in having to explain. But it is important to explain because this is my blog home and most my blog friends are here, or so I thought and hoped…

    Hopefully this incident will illustrate the dangers of assuming the worst in folks and reveal the true character, if not motivations, of all involved in bringing this silliness to your attention. In all things, the truth will set you free, as will the whole, unedited story. Have a blessed day.

    Be careful what you read in second hand news.


  329. 337 Savannah Guy April 23, 2008 at 4:21 pm

    further note: “local media baseball blog” is not what Braves and Stuff is.

    Now, since I’m being ‘monitored’ by lurking admirers, I’ll go ahead and clip another of my AJC posts from this morning. I thought it was brilliant, clever and oh so funny. I’m sure you will too. 😉 No telling how it might wind up being edited in an email though. I could wind up accused of voting for Obama.

    By Savannah Guy
    April 23, 2008 9:39 AM | Link to this
    A brief word about last night’s pathetic spectacle: Washington deserves to fail this year… the whole lousy bunch. We complain about Braves games that hop around from channel to channel and get arbitrarily blacked out, but in my opinion, Washington should not even be allowed on TV. Here’s why:
    The things that go on behind closed doors in their ‘clubhouse’ would spin your head. Oh, some of those guys can pitch all right; just witness last night’s mixed hardballs and spinning curveballs galore. The thing that will get Washington is not pitching; it’s the systemic corruption. Yep, steroids aren’t the only stupid, misguided issue that Washington is screwing around with. Oh, I could tell you stories.

    Savvy observers of the ‘game’ and casual spectators alike have just about had it with the greed, scandal, gross mismanagement, self-interest, cheating, lying… you get the picture. Washington should not even be considered “National”. What do they even bring to this country of baseball, hot dogs and apple pie?
    Whether they throw a righty or lefty on the stage, their organization is horrid. Almost all of them need to be replaced. Disgusting, the whole bunch.

    Now, enough about politics and election returns… what about the Washington Nationals baseball team? Tip o’ the cap to Lannan, eh? Smoltz pitched a beauty and baseball history was made. What a warrior. HOF kinda’ guy. Glad I saw it happen… much better than election returns and spin doctors.


  330. 338 Savannah Guy April 23, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    A little trompe-l’oeil here and there ain’t never hurt nuthin’ y’all. :mrgreen:

    Must away. Have fun.


  331. 339 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    I remember one time when SG and ww got into a food fight. They stopped up the blog with their opening arguments. 😛


  332. 340 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    Later…MUCH later.


  333. 341 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Howdy, all; only got a sec (I’m in a computer lab). Guess you don’t need backup…huh, SG? I stand on my earlier assessment; his character should not come into question. I’ve learned to be a suspicious person by nature and few things surprise me anymore. If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t say so.

    Paladin, was that WillyWally or Willy Wikipedia? And you and Gil please be nice; this sort of compunded bickering and subterfuge is likely what keeps our beloved blogmistress engaged in another hobby.

    Now, class… 😦


  334. 342 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    Compounded, not compunded…need school more than I thought. 🙂


  335. 343 Carolina Lady April 23, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    There is a person who hates this blog with a fury. He reads with his radar on full intensity, looking for any tiny little hint of something that he can latch onto to try to stir up trouble between people here.

    He then sends anonymous emails, preferably to Bob, who then posts it on the blog. Don’t know why. To either.

    Take anything that anyone of us have EVER written, a little editing, a little copy/paste and it becomes a twisted false version of the original.

    One purpose: to cause trouble. Just plain hateful meanness.

    Then my mailbox gets flooded. So fire extinguisher in hand, this is your explanation.

    My heartiest recommendation when anyone receives one of these missives is to just DELETE the evil thing. When it is taken seriously and posted, the trouble-maker becomes the puppet master pulling your strings and enjoying watching his control of you.

    I read SG’s post on the other blog this morning and thought it was great. AS WRITTEN. Edited, it looks like a smear on our blog and that is simply not what he wrote. Read it for yourselves and kindly ignore anonymous email writers. If somebody hasn’t got the guts to sign his own name to his letter, his letter doesn’t deserve to be read, much less acted upon.


  336. 344 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 5:33 pm

    In honor of Dalai Moma’s appearance, and Grinch’s peace-making(since he himself is not presently in a tiff 😛 ) Gil, I’m sorry for my words. Let’s forget it, shall we?


  337. 345 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 5:36 pm

    I am really P-A-L-I-D-I-N in case anyone was still in doubt!


  338. 346 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 5:58 pm

    Sir Guy, I have no interest in the Beat Blog and never visit it …

    Indeed, in response to Grinch stating that it was not you … I emailed him that while I had no idea who it was who so posted but that it would have to be a very complex scenario indeed, for it to make good sense for you to so do.

    I also said that the same could be said of anyone pretending to be you … unless it was for instant gratification, as such things are usually quickly exposed for what they are … short lived, without lasting effect … benefiting the besmirched party.

    And that, regardless of who may have so done, I thought it was unfortunate and inane behavior.

    The intent of the person sending it to me was most certainly not to start anything … just sharing something interesting and surprising, given the circumstances, methinks … and she certainly had no idea that I would post it.

    It wasn’t being reported here as a journalist, but I had no idea it was in any way edited or taken out of context … you have my sincere apologies.


  339. 347 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    CL pretty much said it all…. I’ll leave it at that.


  340. 348 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    My brother forwarded this to me. I had planned to attend the game anyway but this would be a bonus….

    “The R-Braves are anticipating that left-handed pitcher Mike Hampton may start Friday as he takes the hill in a rehab assignment against Norfolk at The Diamond at 7 PM. Hampton is trying to make it back to the big leagues for the first time since 2005. He enjoyed an outstanding spring (1-0 2.16 in five outings) but suffered a pectoral injury while warming up for his first regular season start of 2008 on April 3. Hampton won 32 games in two and a half years with Atlanta but has not appeared in a big league game since August 19, 2005 due to a pair of elbow surgeries. Hampton has won 10 or more games in eight different big league seasons in a career that began with Seattle in 1993. He appeared once previously with Richmond on a rehab assignment in 2005.”


  341. 349 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    Very magnanimous, Gil. I’ll keep that in mind. In the meantime, good day and for the foreseeable future, sir.


  342. 350 Savannah Guy April 23, 2008 at 7:29 pm

    Well, my work is done for the day and yet I’m still scratching my head over the earlier weird blog stuff. So, figgered I’d just drop in to see what condition my condition was in. Seems OK… no tar and feathers. That’s cool. FBG, so glad to hear that your dad doesn’t have heart problems. Very good news… the best.

    Thanks again Grinch for takin’ up for me like that and thanks to Carolina Lady for your perspective and support. Thanks Pal and Raisins too. Means a lot.

    It would appear as though SG got knocked around a bit over there, though…

    Raisins, thing is… when I get “knocked around” over there, I don’t much feel anything. Maybe it’s like getting knocked around by a gnat or something… dunno. I did see a post from a coward that called himself “bravesandstuff”. He said, “I hear your other blog calling you, oh that’s right, you destroyed it too.”

    That just caused a mere chuckle at the thought that I myself, or any other individual could “destroy” a blog. The troll was giving me way to much credit and yet he seemed somehow invested in both blogs. Momentarily made me wonder who it was. Also made me consider the positive effect that a mention of Braves and Stuff might have on the good folks over there. Good guys like TexasBrave and Pete H. and a few others would enjoy visiting here.

    Anyhoo, the anonymous one obviously was someone very familiar with Braves and Stuff. Makes you go, hmmm…

    Here’s the thing… if I get knocked around here, it tends to hurt a bit or bother me much more. Over there it’s expected, here it’s not. Almost all friends here, just a few there. Thing is, I don’t dislike someone or hold grudges because they disagree with me, even if they do it passionately and in an argumentative way… even if they step across the line… it’s somehow understandable how when folks get passionate they can inadvertently get personal, but if it’s within reason it’s always, always forgivable.

    On the other hand, when I’m purposefully misquoted or taken out of context for a dubious purpose, or if someone attempts to besmirch my character or if I’m attacked by a coward behind a curtain, well, I don’t hold kindly to that.

    Thanks for letting me vent that here on Braves and Stuff. It does make for interesting social studies though, eh?


  343. 351 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 7:34 pm

    SG: That is the most gigantic arse kiss I have ever witnessed. I hope you have plenty of lip gloss. 😛


  344. 352 Savannah Guy April 23, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Aww, c’mon Pal… give us a big fat smootch right here… :mrgreen:

    Remember back in the day when I called you the “Hall Monitor” on the other blog last year and you got all mad and stuff? Not only did you forgive me… you now wear the moniker proudly. 😀


  345. 353 The Hall Monitor April 23, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    SG; :mrgreen:


  346. 354 Savannah Guy April 23, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    Gotta go watch this pitching duel. 😯


  347. 355 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 8:24 pm

    This is what I love… one big happy family. 😀

    Group hug!!!


  348. 356 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    Morning, all! Now that’s what I like to see; people playing together nicely (for the most part). Now, baseball…


  349. 357 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 9:55 pm

    *@@&^*&*##!!!! This team is frustrating the heck out of me…..


  350. 358 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 10:00 pm

    What’s the matter, Gil? 12 men left on base and pitchers throwing 20 warmup pitches to be used a third of an inning…what’s different about today? 🙂


  351. 359 morpheus45 April 23, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    Nothing like a two run triple to calm things down, though. Oops; that was them, wasn’t it? Maybe Bobby will get tomorrow night’s starter up to get out the next batter. 🙂 Ok, I’ll shut up now. Law & Order reruns on Bravo.


  352. 360 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 10:23 pm

    I’ve seen this picture before, decent starting pitching, bullpen blows it.

    Men on base, nobody getting the big hit….

    I just hope we are not too far out of it by the time this team gets it together.


  353. 361 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrr………….. 😐


  354. 362 Voice of Raisins April 23, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    G’night everybody.


  355. 363 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    Blech. I didn’t really need to see a rerun of last night.

    Sorry for my absence today but Dad controlled the computer. He’s fine, just has to be careful of the incision from the cardiac cath. He can’t lift anything & has to go easy sitting down or standing up.


  356. 364 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 10:45 pm

    And going aallll the way back to last night, yes, Berigan, I saw that about Pasha Grishuk. Scary. She’s lucky she realized something was wrong before it went really bad. And, BTW that’s a terrible pic of her. She’s a beautiful lady.


  357. 365 Gil in Mechanicsville April 23, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    Hummm… I thought you were suppose to feel better after a hospital stay… Well, I’m glad your dad is doing better FBG… Now you are going to have to come up with a whole new line of fat free baked goods…. No easy feat…


  358. 366 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    I’ve made him sugar-free stuff before, Gil. A diet is in his immediate future. And you’d be sore too if someone poked a hole in your femoral artery at the groin & ran a wire through it up into your heart.


  359. 367 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 10:57 pm

    And of course the day I’m not on the blog is when bunches of people I haven’t talked to lately show up. 😦 Oh well, good to see y’all drop in. Glad the misunderstandings/miscommunications were cleared up.


  360. 368 ssiscribe April 23, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    Top of the evening, denizens. Gotta make this a short one as sleep calls, then duty calls, but I wanted to break the radio silence from my end of things for a bit and check in, say hello and all that.

    I read the blog every single day, often several times a day. So, why the radio silence? I was blessed with a really really big promotion last week, so I’ve spent a lot of my free time thinking about work and the ramifications of what this move means for my professionally and personally.

    As most of you know, I consider myself extremely blessed, and in regards to my work situation, I am honored and humbled to have this opportunity. I still get to do what I do, but at a higher level, and some of my long-term goals and dreams and hopes are in a sharper focus now than they were a week and a half ago (and 10 days ago, that outlook was pretty good too … like I said, I’m very blessed and fortunate).

    Things here have been busy, but I am reading the blog, even if I go several days at a time without posting. There also is the freelance work, the BigLeagueBlog, family, friends, church, T-ball … life is busy, but grand it is! I also am working on launching a Braves-only blog, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time. That may be coming into focus soon, too, which is cool. If interested, I’ll keep y’all posted. Mainly, it’ll be a forum for postgame recaps posted the morning after games, and some columns/analysis.

    I’m hopeful some of the other regulars who have slipped off the posting slate here will check in and say hello. It is my belief that heads will bang from time to time; they do in any family, any company, any gathering. But this community is a special place, one I hope can continue to grow and prosper.

    Wishing all of you the very best. Talk with ya soon.

    The Scribe abides.



  361. 369 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 11:31 pm

    Well, when I started this in the top of the eighth, I was bemoaning another one run game … requiring a rewrite … we sure looked deflated at the end. I’ve been busy and didn’t see that much of the game but I suppose leaving 13 on base shows just how good they were … to get them on. I guess we had a good plan for getting them on … hopefully tonight’s failure is otherwise explained, but expect much can be laid at the door of trying to pull outside pitches and hit home runs … an ill fated ego trip.

    Stuff … from CL’s earlier post … “There is a person who hates this blog with a fury. He reads with his radar on full intensity, looking for any tiny little hint of something that he can latch onto to try to stir up trouble between people here.

    He then sends anonymous emails, preferably to Bob, who then posts it on the blog. Don’t know why. To either” … she has indicated to me that she gets many I get many anonymous emails and I do get a few where I can’t identify the sender or recognize the IP address … some of which relate to the Blog and most of which seem inane.

    Though it is not my usual practice to so do, I did indeed recently share one such email with jimmy smith, John (sja), MyLady, Sir Guy, and one or two others regarding “The Lineup Card” … it doesn’t overly concern me that I might have posted something received anonymously, but while memory is admittedly suspect, I don’t recall having ever so done, much less have a penchant for so doing … indeed I don’t recall having ever posted the contents of any anonymous email received by me, on either of the two blogs.

    The email featured in my ill fated post wasn’t anonymous … nor was it intended to cause strife … the sender found it to be both surprising and interesting … as did I … and I thought somewhat humorous, given some of the recent posts of William Wallace, Willy Wikipedia, Grinch, myself and others.

    It’s of no real consequence, but it wouldn’t surprise me that my memory is flawed and if anyone has reason to believe that I have posted material received anonymously; refreshing my memory would be sincerely appreciated, truly.


  362. 370 flbravesgirl April 23, 2008 at 11:39 pm

    Congratulations, Scribe! It is well-deserved. I am certainly interested in your Braves blog since it will come from a different direction than what we do here. Not that we never get analytical but mostly we’re like a bunch of fans watching together from a really big couch, WooHooing when things go well & griping & throwing things at the TV when they don’t.


  363. 371 Bob, journalist April 23, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    apologies … “she has indicated to me that she gets many I get many anonymous emails and I do get a few where I can’t identify the sender or recognize the IP address” … seems unclear … a period was intended after “she gets many”.

    Perhaps it would have read better as “she has indicated to me that she gets many anonymous emails … and I do get a few where I can’t identify the sender or recognize the IP address”


  364. 372 jbinatl April 23, 2008 at 11:59 pm

    hey my peeps. Sorry i hadn’t been around lately. How’s it going?

    I was at the game tonight and didn’t really care for another night of no hitting.


  365. 373 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:05 am

    Hi, JB. Wear the rally cap next time, will ya? 😉


  366. 374 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:06 am

    Jb, what are you saying? There was plenty of hitting! Most teams would give their eye-teeth for 13 hits in a game. Of course, most teams would get more that two runs out of 13 hits, as well. Hmmm. “Weaponology” re-runs on the Military channel. 🙂


  367. 375 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:08 am

    Green One, re: your comment this morning about my dad being “stressed by living with 3 women”, I’ll have you know he’s spoiled rotten.


  368. 376 jbinatl April 24, 2008 at 12:08 am

    You KNOW I was wearing it, FBG!

    Morpheus, we didn’t get the kind of hitting that gets more than two runs is all I mean. Of course if we hadn’t had given up 7 runs….


  369. 377 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:09 am

    Hey, FBG; glad Dad is doing better. Feel like writing this paper for me? I’m trying to find an alternate; no takers so far. 5 pages on Mycenean/Minoan and Geometric/Proto-Geometric art due in the morning. I’m already drunk. eeek! What to do?

    I think I’ll B.S. 🙂


  370. 378 jbinatl April 24, 2008 at 12:10 am

    Sorry I couldn’t stay longer. Gotta go get in bed. Just got home from the ballgame half an hour ago.



  371. 379 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:12 am

    😆 Oh, Grinch. You are a mess. I’d help if possible but must confess my ignorance on the subject.


  372. 380 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:16 am

    I know what you meant, my brotha; you will find as you get to know me that for better or worse my calling card is sarcasm and irony. I’m still basically happy though, and I love my team. As much as I rain my nasty comments down on them I have and will beat the $%#@ out of anyone verbally or physically who does it out of a different fan base.

    FBG, I assure you that’s only one point of view. Any man who is waited on hand and foot by a parcel of women who isn’t royalty or a pimp is paying a heavy price somewhere. 🙂 I’m sure it’s worth it for y’all, though. 😛


  373. 381 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:18 am

    And I promise that despite the fact that I’ve had the benefit of a textbook and several lectures, your knowledge on the subject probably isn’t much different than mine…I am the King of procrastination!


  374. 382 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:19 am

    Not to mention I couldn’t bake my way out of a paper bag…


  375. 383 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:20 am

    You barbecue. I bake. We’ve got the picnic covered.


  376. 384 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:23 am

    “I’ll start walkin’ your way, you start walkin’ mine/we’ll meet in the middle, ‘neath that old Georgia PIIINE….”


  377. 385 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:24 am

    😆 Sorta like that, yes.


  378. 386 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:25 am

    Have I mentioned lately that you amuse the heck out of me?


  379. 387 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 12:31 am

    Just got done watching a 2 hour 17 minute long movie from Japan, on the Yamato, the largest battleship ever built….


  380. 388 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:32 am

    No, but I have a long memory (makes up for shortcomings in other areas). And now, before we get the obligatory “Get a room already!” from the rest of the blog, here’s some more songwriting and acoustical genius:


  381. 389 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:34 am

    They had to keep the movie length in proportion to the size of the ship?


  382. 390 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:37 am

    Oh, man…that’s annoying; I’ll try to reproduce the comment I posted five minutes ago that got deleted for some reason. In the meantime, this shows how much of a geek I am for military history; Yamato had 18.1 inch guns. Arguments rage amongst historians as to whether it would have beat the Iowa class BS in a duel (it was bombed and never had a chance)…I think that despite thinner armor and smaller guns (16 inch) that the Iowa’s superior fire control would have made the difference.


  383. 391 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:39 am

    You know, that’s impressive that you can recall that on a moment’s notice.


  384. 392 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:39 am

    Never mind; I know why it didn’t post. I made what amounts to a disparaging and humerus comment about a certain part of my body and did a change of subject…even though it was tasteful and funny it evidently wasn’t enough for wordpress which lets far worse (in content and intent) through on an hourly basis. Whatever.


  385. 393 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:41 am

    Don’t worry about it. I was completely blocked by the filter from posting anything the other day for no reason.


  386. 394 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:41 am

    FBG, that makes you and two other people worldwide (that also are destitute history buffs) that are impressed; I live for that. Now if only I could turn it into a living wage…


  387. 395 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:43 am

    Now, James Taylor…


  388. 396 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 12:47 am

    I see now; this is even weirder. It wasn’t the wee-wee joke, it was me trying to link to a James Taylor video. Go wordpress!


  389. 397 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:50 am

    I’ve talked to you enough to know that you’re carrying around an enormous & diverse amount of info in that brain. That does impress me. I’m becoming more & more convinced that most people aren’t very bright so I value intelligence & knowledge in my friends.


  390. 398 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 1:01 am

    I compliment him & he leaves. 🙄

    Good night y’all.


  391. 399 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:02 am

    See, if it had posted my last self-deprecating comment I could riff off the “carrying around an enormous” part of that and blow it off (no, don’t go there…pun not intended). However, I’m now just forced to say “Awwww, shucks.” Now, before everyone tells us to go get a room, here’s some Dream Theatre…


  392. 400 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:02 am

    See, if it had posted my last self-deprecating comment I could riff off the “carrying around an enormous” part of that and blow it off (no, don’t go there…pun not intended). However, I’m now just forced to say “Awwww, shucks.” Now, before everyone tells us to go get a room, here’s some Dream Theatre…

    See, I have to cut the link off for it to go through! WTF?


  393. 401 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:04 am

    Is this a youtube thing now? Can we no longer link to music? Sad, sad day…


  394. 402 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:05 am

    I bet Paladin’s freakin’ Lawrence Welk still goes through…


  395. 403 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:07 am

    Grinch, a very interesting film for sure….interesting to see things from a Japanese point of view….a flawed film, but they tried very hard. Even at that length, it seemed to me that big chunks were missing….and they didn’t use peoples names often enough, so when they flashed from today, back to 1945….we were all saying, who’s that???
    But, they reproduced the front and a few other parts of the massive ship….very impressive! Film was quite gory as well…to the point it seemed like pornographic violence…..
    My Dad’s best friend is down from Louisville, and he brought this film down…it’s on DVD, with Japanese all over the box… but it’s clearly a bootleg copy his son found somewhere on the web….box looks funny, and it’s a DVDr disc….but, the Japanese film has English subtitles!
    Heres the cast that no one will know! 😉


  396. 404 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:09 am

    Oh Bleep!!!! I posted a long thing about this film….it better not be lost! 😡


  397. 406 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:12 am

    Grinch, NO links seem to be allowed it seems! Post a link, no post!!!!! 👿 😡

    I’m about to beat the ____ out of someone at WordPress!!!! ____ = love of course, no violence intended! 🙄


  398. 407 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:16 am

    This really PO’s me if it’s not a glitch of some sort….


  399. 408 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:18 am

    And Paladin, from earlier….No problem…..I do feel sometimes you like to dish it out a bit more than taking it though!!!! 😛


  400. 409 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:21 am

    I LOVE MOZILLLA!!!! 🙂 backed up several posts, and was able to find…..this!!!!! Sans IMDB link to the film this time…..

    Grinch, a very interesting film for sure….interesting to see things from a Japanese point of view….a flawed film, but they tried very hard. Even at that length, it seemed to me that big chunks were missing….and they didn’t use peoples names often enough, so when they flashed from today, back to 1945….we were all saying, who’s that???
    But, they reproduced the front and a few other parts of the massive ship….very impressive! Film was quite gory as well…to the point it seemed like pornographic violence…..
    My Dad’s best friend is down from Louisville, and he brought this film down…it’s on DVD, with Japanese all over the box… but it’s clearly a bootleg copy his son found somewhere on the web….box looks funny, and it’s a DVDr disc….but, the Japanese film has English subtitles!
    Heres the cast that no one will know! 😉


  401. 410 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:21 am

    It’s got to be a glitch. Bad ju-ju. Berigan, shoot me an e-mail about the Yamato if you wish; I’ve written two papers on it in the distant past. Be happy to shoot the breeze and also watch that movie.

    G’night, all.


  402. 411 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:23 am

    That was posted before your last post; I’d REALLY like to see that movie. I’ve got a DVD burner… 🙂


  403. 412 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:24 am

    Grinch, get back here!!!! 😡 Oh well….if everyone else has turned in…I’ll just watch baseball tonight, as see what a swell game I missed…..


  404. 413 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:28 am

    Don’t watch baseball tonight!!!!!!!!!!


  405. 414 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 1:31 am

    Crap. Here’s a beer and a handkerchief; best I can do. 🙂


  406. 415 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 8:15 am

    BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn Says:

    April 24, 2008 at 1:18 am
    And Paladin, from earlier….No problem…..I do feel sometimes you like to dish it out a bit more than taking it though!!!!

    Bearman; you are right. That is why my report cards often said, “This child does not always play well with other children.” Since I can’t have a sign over my cage that says “Keep fingers and hands away from the bars. He bites!” Keep that in mind if you want to trade barbs with me.

    In the meantime, I offer you a double-apology(the first I have ever given). I WAS too rough, yesterday.


  407. 416 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 8:33 am


    Pally: You ever consider that he might like it rough? 😀

    OK, you’re right. That was uncalled for. Oh, well…


  408. 417 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 8:51 am

    Now, Braves…

    Mike Gonzalez may be back alot earlier than expected. According to the Atlanta Urinal-Constipation, Gonzo could be back as early as mid-May. He was scheduled to pitch 1 simulated inning yesterday, and he need so few pitches to get 3 outs, that he threw 3 more innings. He’s supposed to pitch in some extended spring games later this week, and could begin a minor-league rehab assignment afterwards.

    Now, Glavine… (How ’bout these noted journalistic transitions, huh?) Glav threw a side session yesterday and had no problems. He should be ready to make his scheduled start Tuesday in Wash’ton.

    Now, Soriano… I got nuthin’…


  409. 418 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Grinch; The Yamato and Bismark were both built to fight stand-off sea battles with other battleships and heavy cruisers. In such battles they would have been practically invincible. BUT, crank in pesky torpedo planes coming at them in waves, and dive bombers coming almost straight down(where armament and defense was minimal)and they were vulnerable. ‘Course they could, and did, take a big toll on the aircraft, but in terms of combat losses you could give up a squadron–maybe even an air group–to sink one of those. The latter is how Admirals and Generals weigh things, not that slob in the plane, but they never promised us a rose garden.


  410. 419 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 9:47 am

    Bismarck. It’s early.


  411. 421 Hillbilly April 24, 2008 at 10:00 am

    Are they making gold quarters these days? I got one from a convein….convien….. gas station yesterday. I’ve seen the gold dollar coins, but never a quarter. Anybody?


  412. 422 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Hillbilly!!! Howdy, my friend. After a quick glance at the US Mint web-site, I saw Nothing regarding a gold quarter… 😕


  413. 423 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 10:10 am

    Hillbilly; Those are gold dollars corrected for inflation. 😛


  414. 424 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2008 at 10:15 am

    Hillbilly… Could be either someone has broken into their parents coin collection (HSN) offered them as collectibles in the state coins for about $20 each or someone may have plated one as a hobby. I have a friend who did that for a while and then gave them away as mementos.


  415. 425 Hillbilly April 24, 2008 at 10:18 am

    It’s a California Quarter, made in 2005.

    Hall Monitor, ain’t that the damned truth.


  416. 426 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 10:19 am

    Those are gold dollars corrected for inflation



  417. 427 Hillbilly April 24, 2008 at 10:22 am

    Gil, I was kind of thinking some crackhead in town has done tapped into Grandpa’s coin drawer, because in the past week, I’ve received a gold quarter, a 1949 nickel, and a 1939 nickel as change at various stores around town.


  418. 429 Salty April 24, 2008 at 10:38 am

    VOR…I really like the avatars of all your personalities! 😆


  419. 430 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 10:41 am

    As you say that, I have loaded another… they seem to be taking a little time to appear, though… 😀


  420. 431 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 10:42 am

    … and it is really sad how much fun I am having finding and changing them…


  421. 432 Salty April 24, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Now…if they could only be animated! I can envision your current one wiggling its’ ears! Or…burping!


  422. 433 Salty April 24, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Or….dropping his teeth! 😆


  423. 434 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 10:48 am

    I actually tried to load an animated .gif image last week of Matt Foley (Chris Farley) but it came out as a kinda smeared single image.


  424. 435 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 11:01 am

    “as a kinda smeared single image.” Kind of appropriate. 😛


  425. 436 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    That is quite an avatar, VOR. I vote for ear-wiggling. Promising news on Gonzalez & Glavine.

    Hi, Hillbilly!

    I probably won’t be on much again today. Dad’s at a follow-up appt. so I pounced on the computer. He hogs it when he’s home.


  426. 437 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    Looks to me like he already dropped his teeth, Salty.


  427. 438 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:17 pm

    Those guys are good. It’s like the fountains of Versailles … from soda bottles. Very impressive choreographing.


  428. 439 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    VOR, that Mentos and Diet Coke… 😯 CL, you paying attention??? Coke can clean battery connections on a car, clean toilet bowls…..not the best stuff in the world to consume…..


  429. 440 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Brazil Oil Finds May End Reliance on Middle East….Down the road of course.


  430. 441 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    Berigan is one sick berigan today…..no joke, came home last night, sneezed, and felt sick the second after sneezing! Kept hoping it was allergies….not with this sore throat today….only slept 3 hours as well…. 😦
    Anyone ever try Zicam, or know of any other quick “cures?” The once a Year BOP and C show(Buick, Olds, Pontiac, and Cadillac) is this weekend….one reason my Dad’s best friend came to town as well….don’t want to miss it!


  431. 442 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    DETROIT (AP) – Detroit police say they’ve found the partially mummified body of a woman in her 80s on the kitchen floor of a house where her mentally troubled sister was living.

    Police say they believe the surviving sister had been living with the body for one to three years.

    Ideal “significant other”. Very low maintenance. 👿


  432. 443 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    Interesting. Of course the fact that the technology does not yet exist to reach the one oil-field doesn’t fill me with confidence.


  433. 444 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    B, try the Zicam swabs. They seem to really help. And take extra vitamin C.


  434. 445 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    Presumably that attitude is why you live alone, THM?


  435. 446 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    Bearman; Sounds as if you have a c-o-l-d. If you take medicines it will be over in about a week. If you do nothing, it will be over in about 7 days. Good luck.


  436. 447 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    Now, now fbg. It was a JOKE. You remember those, don’t you?


  437. 448 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    Thanks HM! 😛 I seem to have some sort of issue with my lungs, in that just about every little cold settles in there, and won’t leave! And I am quite good at getting rid of stuff in there, but for naught it always seems.
    To bore folks even more, late last year, I caught something, and I finally had to go to the doctor a month after I got it, since I was getting worse!
    And I just feel weak today…taking out the trash made me feel like a 5 pack a day smoker….sigh…..


  438. 449 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    FBG… Every time I fill up now, I get the urge to punch an environmentalist in the nose….. On the other hand, blood sucking capitalist are not so high on my list either.

    The upside to cutting back the number of airline flights will be a reduction in demand for oil and a decrease in the amount of hydrocarbons released. The down side is the number of people currently employed by the airline industry putting pressure on the low end of the labor market thus displacing migrant workers. Hummmm well maybe not…


  439. 450 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Berigan…. Sounds like an old fashion case of the flu… Do you have a fever?


  440. 451 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    Bearman; When I had my last cold a “friend” told me to take a double-dose of Viagra and just…well you get my point.


  441. 452 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    I want to thank the King of Avatars for helping me out. Now, if I could just get some help in uploading and cropping. Oh well…


  442. 453 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    G man, a slight fever…but, I am below normal normally(Shuddup Pallyboy! 😉 ) I am pretty hot right now…got the air on, but it feels like it does inside when it’s 100 outside….just ain’t cool..


  443. 454 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    Gil, I hear ya on gas prices! Of course, enviromentalists don’t want more refineries, but….neither do the oil companies! Just wait til the tropical storms show up in the gulf, or God Forbid, one of those huge, honkin’ Hurricanes we get every 2-3 years….Then we will see $4.00.
    I thought for sure, there was no way we would see $4 a gallon. The “experts” have been wrong every single time it’s predicted….but, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Can you imagine what it must cost in Europe right now??? I heard $8 a gallon from a Italian on my jazz board a month ago! 😯


  444. 455 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:20 pm

    Was curious to see what Salty was doing in the minors for Texas, and came across this on his Wiki page….

    Saltalamacchia is married to a former teacher from his high school, Ashley Saltalamacchia (14 years his senior), though he was never directly her student. He has a daughter named Sidney, who was born on December 27, 2006.[5] Jarrod & Ashley welcomed second daughter Bunter in December 2007

    Gotta love the older woman thing! 😆 and a daughter named….Bunter???? 😆 😆 😆


  445. 456 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    came home last night, sneezed, and felt sick the second after sneezing! Kept hoping it was allergies….not with this sore throat today….

    Exactly how mine started… On Thursday (2 weeks ago), I thought it was allergies. By Sunday, I not only felt like crap, I felt like I had been stepped in as well. I was a little better by Tuesday, but the sore throat and cough was getting NO better. I finally called the Doc on Thursday for some old fashioned anti-biotics and felt much better by Saturday. I still have a lingering cough; however, last night Mrs. Raisins suggested I take some Mucinex, and miraculously the cough has all but subsided.


  446. 457 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    Sure seems like a weird time of year to get sick, eh VOR???
    Might get some Mucinex…..and the stuff FLB mentioned…don’t feel too bad right now…just really tired….will see if body will let me rest….zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  447. 458 williamwallace April 24, 2008 at 1:40 pm

    Teen arrested over video posing senile grandma as gangster

    LAKE WORTH, Fla. — A Florida teenager faces a charge of elder abuse alleging he made his senile grandmother wear a black mask and hold a handgun for a video he made.

    Police in Lake Worth, Fla., say the 85-year-old woman is seen and heard on the video threatening to shoot “all the pigs.”

    Authorities say 18-year-old Michael Alfinez was arrested Monday and charged with abusing an elderly person, discharging a firearm in public and improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon.

    Palm Beach County sheriff’s detectives seized the video during a traffic stop in January.

    The teen’s mother says it’s all just a misunderstanding.

    Her son is not 18 years old but 81 years old and his name is Paladin.


  448. 459 williamwallace April 24, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    Those darn zebras are having a tough time lately. One got lost on the highway last week. Another one is used in a prank by some Emory geeks. I wonder if there is any possible connection between the lost zebra on the highway and this Emory zebra? Have they ever figured out who lost that highway zebra? I imagine it can’t be too hard to track down who has been ordering zebras. It’s not like that is all that common. I would hate to hear that these Emory geeks had anything to do with that zebra that was left on the side of the road to die.


  449. 460 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 1:49 pm

    The teen’s mother says it’s all just a misunderstanding.

    Uh… yeah. 🙄


  450. 461 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Is that zebra a black one with white stripes or a white one with black stripes?


  451. 462 williamwallace April 24, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    Is that zebra a black one with white stripes or a white one with black stripes?

    It depends where he is. Like Obama, he’s different things to different people depending upon the company he is keeping at that particular moment.


  452. 463 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    Off to the gym… still working on BSOML… 😀


  453. 464 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    ww; I posted that story on the senile woman 2 days ago. You were probably chasing ambulances. 😆


  454. 465 williamwallace April 24, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    Should be chasing skirts.


  455. 466 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    That’s my nephew.


  456. 467 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 3:30 pm

    Better start chasing zebras. I had no idea there were so many of them loose in Georgia. Hope the little one is healing up well.


  457. 468 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    Last time I had a cough that wouldn’t go away, Delsym cough syrup really helped. Worked better (& tasted better) than Robitussin. I guess different things work for different people.


  458. 469 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Uh-oh. I just checked the birthday list. 😳

    Happy Birthday belatedly, Salty!!!


  459. 470 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    Said Matt Diaz:

    ….I don’t know who it was who asked me about my individual goals. I have a lot of individual goals, but none of them take place on that field. I’ve made it to the big leagues. I’m playing in a great organization. Those were my baseball goals. The next one is make it to the playoffs. So whatever way we get there is fine. All my individual goals are about my family and my faith. Individually, baseball-wise, I’m done. Now it’s just total team thing.”

    He just became “my” man on the Braves.


  460. 471 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    Salty.. A very Happy belated birthday…. Sorry we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we let important dates slip by us. I hope you had a wonderful and joyous day.


  461. 472 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    Salty, let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday….in ’09!!!! 😆
    Sorry we missed yours this year, hope it was a great one! 🙂


  462. 473 Salty April 24, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    Wow! 😳 I’m moved! Thanks for the b’day well-wishes! Much appreciated. Berigan…I spent it in bed with the very bug VOR gave us! 😯 Remember, wash hands before and after blogging! 😆


  463. 474 williamwallace April 24, 2008 at 6:51 pm

    Happy birthday Salty!!!!!

    Man, who ticked off the Cooch today? You eff with the Klobber, man, the hounds from hell (so called by the Most Honorable Southern) will take a momentary break from eating each other to death to defend their own…


  464. 475 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 7:01 pm

    Does anyone know what ww is blabbing about? I certainly don’t.
    BTW, Happy birthday, Salty. Don’t wish me one in a couple of days. Please!


  465. 476 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    I think we need someone new in the leadoff spot. Being selective does not mean watching two strikes down the middle and then hitting one back to the pitcher.


  466. 477 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    This blog is about as lively as my church’s vestibule. And other than Sundays, excluding an occasional church mouse, it is quiet!


  467. 478 The Hall Monitor April 24, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    G’night. Without Dalai Moma and SG it is extremely slim pickings, anyway.


  468. 479 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    6 to 4 in the bottom of the 5th, braves winning???? Man, wish I wasn’t so sick, I could care a bit… 😕 Go braves…


  469. 480 jbinatl April 24, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    Hey friends what’s going on? JB is here after his softball game.


  470. 481 jbinatl April 24, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    did everyone disappear?


  471. 482 williamwallace April 24, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    JB, I dunno. I came home here tonight and all I found was this video:


  472. 483 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 10:09 pm

    Hello? Where is everybody? No comments about Mac’s triple even?


  473. 484 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 10:45 pm

    Ummm… Braves win! Woohoo! Hello???


  474. 485 Carolina Lady April 24, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Mac got a triple??? Holy cow! 😆


  475. 486 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 10:57 pm

    Watchin’ Dean Martin roasts….old folks in the house!


  476. 487 Carolina Lady April 24, 2008 at 11:09 pm

    Being way behind –

    FBG, it’s GREAT news about your Dad! Please keep everyone updated! We’ll be waiting.

    SALTY, dear friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! (50 lashes of a wet noodle for me for not being here to check on the Birthday List!)


  477. 488 Carolina Lady April 24, 2008 at 11:10 pm

    Next Birthday:
    Paladin: Apr 28


  478. 489 morpheus45 April 24, 2008 at 11:30 pm

    CL, can I hold the noodle? 🙂

    It is beyond strange that Paladin and my Mom have the same birthday.


  479. 490 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    CL, you’ll have to find video of it. Chipper was bent double laughing at my poor little Brian’s slide.

    Dad got his results today. Everything’s fine. No idea what caused the chest pain but he’s good.

    So how’d the paper turn out, Grinch?


  480. 491 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2008 at 11:43 pm

    Evening all…. I have to give BMac a 3 on technique for that (slide) into third and a 2 for style but it was a 10 as far as giving me a hearty laugh… OMG it was ugly but the boy has heart… Must have been the yoga classes this winter.

    I will post a new lead tomorrow… I was kind of waiting for Klobber to forward his but I guess he is having too much fun with cooch…


  481. 492 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 24, 2008 at 11:44 pm

    Grinch, just started copying that movie, no problems, no copy guard issues!!!!
    Shoot me your address via email, I’ll mail it to you…


  482. 493 flbravesgirl April 24, 2008 at 11:49 pm

    Gil, my dad laughed so hard I had to rewind to hear what they were saying.


  483. 494 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 12:09 am

    Grinch, no, you may not!

    FBG, GREAT, GREAT news! Thank you, dear Lord!

    This forwarded by a friend that some may care about:



    Sorry to send this sad note that Marine PFC. Jack Lucas, USMC is in the hospital with cancer. He is 80 years old.
    PFC Lucas is the youngest ever recipient of the Medal of Honor. At 17 years old, he earned the Medal on Iwo Jima in February 1945. Imagine what a Marine had to do, amongst all those many heroes, to earn “The Medal.”
    There is a web site, http://www.forrestgeneral.com go to “e-mail a patient” and they ask for your name, phone number, and e-mail address. It also requires his room number. It is room 4421 This is probably to weed out the whackos. It would be great and very easy easy to send the Marine Corps hero a note.
    Semper Fidelis,
    Frank Kovacs, Retired Marine”


  484. 495 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:16 am

    He’s off work this week to heal from having the cath, of course. But the cardiologist, internal med., urologist, etc. all gave him a clean bill of health.


  485. 496 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:19 am

    Think about what your average 17-year-old boy is like. Can you imagine him being heroic? Me neither. Amazing what being in extraordinary circumstances can bring out in some people.


  486. 497 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 12:27 am

    Wow. Go read that article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacklyn_H._Lucas

    He joined the Marines at age 14!


  487. 498 morpheus45 April 25, 2008 at 12:35 am

    FBG, your average 17 year old now is about as different an animal from a 17 year old then as it can possibly be. Paper came out fine; though I’m now in desperate need of a nap. Good news on dad.

    Berigan, you are the man! I don’t have your e-mail, though; shoot it to me at voton1066@yahoo.com and I’ll gladly forward my adress.


  488. 499 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:35 am

    Forget average. This gentleman has clearly never been average . Wow.


  489. 500 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:42 am

    I hope you get to catch up on your sleep this summer (or would that mess up Grinchly hibernation patterns?). Did you see Mac’s triple? That’s probably what my attempt at a slide would look like. I thought Chipper was gonna cry from laughing.


  490. 501 morpheus45 April 25, 2008 at 12:55 am

    No Summer sleep; school then too. And god knows how fat I’d get if I actually hibernated.

    I missed the game, unfortunately; wish I’d thought to DVR it.

    G’night, all.


  491. 502 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 1:02 am

    Time to put the computer to bed. Good night y’all.


  492. 504 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2008 at 6:08 am

    Thanks for the link CL… Funny thing though, I never laughed at his name…. Having been blessed with the chance to see Steve Avery, Tom Glavin, John Smoltz. Kevin Milwood, Pete Smith, Kent Merker and Mike Stanton to name but a few as they made their way through Richmond.

    Maybe that is why I am looking forward to tonight’s game with Mike Hampton toeing the rubber. He is one of the few pitchers now with Atlanta I have never seen pitch “live”…

    Grinch… You don’t have to hibernate, just don’t let anybody take you ability to exercise away from you. The key to losing (keeping off) weight has always been “reduce intake, increase output” pretty simple as long as you are able to do both.


  493. 505 Salty April 25, 2008 at 6:45 am

    Chipper was bent double laughing at my poor little Brian’s slide.
    ‘Twas many things, but not a slide! 😯 😆 More like a ‘wheels up’ landing in a mud pit! Funny as…very funny…the shot of Chipper was perfect…he was torn up…even commented about it in the post-game interview.


  494. 506 Salty April 25, 2008 at 6:51 am

    CL, can I hold the noodle? I have this vision of a ‘Grinch’ in leather, in a dank basement! 😯 Yech!

    Funny…he’s still miffed over ‘Right, Said Fred’…not sure I can blame him, though! Sorry, ‘Green One’! :mrgreen:

    CL…b’day sentiments appreciated…thank you! You, too, WW! I think I acknowledged everyone else…if not, thanks, again! 🙂


  495. 507 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2008 at 7:33 am

    Nice piece by TIM PEARRELL of the Times Dispatch concerning Jo Jo Reyes… Looks like Guy Hanson is at it again.



  496. 508 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2008 at 7:35 am

    Okay folks, I am going back to bed for a couple of more hours…. Later


  497. 509 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 8:23 am

    Good morning!

    Man! Salty: a belated 😦 but sincere belated Happy Birthday!!! 😀

    Good to see the CL in the house yesterday!

    Mac’s slide measured on the Richter scale, but Chipper’s reaction still has me chuckling. 😆


  498. 510 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 8:24 am

    Hmmm… wordpress ate my good morning post… 😐


  499. 511 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 8:26 am

    In case it doesn’t reappear, let me restate:

    Salty: A belated but sincere Happy Birthday!

    CL: Great to see you in the house.

    Brian McCann: 😆


  500. 512 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 8:43 am

    BigMac’s triple: The ground crew is installing a waterslide at 3b.

    Me sharing a birthdate with Grinch’s Molther: I’m sure she is a lovely and gracious Lady. As for being Grinch’s mom. Unfortunate accidents happen to everyone. 👿


  501. 513 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 8:44 am

    Grinch’s MOTHER.


  502. 514 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Great headline on ajc.com regarding the Hawks: “Woodson looks to adjust”

    Uh, ya think?

    Charles Barkley, during the Hawks-Celtics broadcast after Paul Pierce injured his back: “If he’s got a back strain, hamstring, hemorrhoids, migraines, it doesn’t matter. The Hawks still can’t beat the Celtics.”

    Sir Charles, again: “Atlanta’s got a bright future, but we live in the present.”

    Charles is awesome!!! 😀


  503. 516 Salty April 25, 2008 at 8:58 am

    Looks like the days of music are gone! That stinks! 😡


  504. 517 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:06 am

    Is that why my early post was eaten? It had a link attached, although it wasn’t YouTube…


  505. 518 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 9:11 am

    George Carlin says:

    I’ve never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn’t wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven’t burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut-the-#$%!-up already.


  506. 519 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:17 am

    A test shall follow:


  507. 520 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:18 am


  508. 521 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:18 am

    OK, that posted… 😕


  509. 522 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:29 am

    Good morning Braves and Stuffville residents. Just saw where we had a nice visit last night. Dalai Mama? Hello Dalai?It’s so good to see you out and about.


  510. 523 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Love that, SG! 😆

    Just checked stats and our readership is climbing again. It had dropped dramatically but is now on the upswing. Glad to see that.

    Y’all have a good one! (If anybody can find a clip of ‘The Slide’, PLEASE post a link!)


  511. 524 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Well Hello Dalai, well hello Dalai
    It’s so nice to have you back where you belong.


  512. 525 chrisklob April 25, 2008 at 9:37 am

    CL, here you go. Calling this a “slide” is generous though! That was the most unathletic play I’ve seen in a long time in a baseball game.


  513. 527 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Watching McCann hit that triple and the belly flop… uh, slide was priceless. Watching Chipper almost wet his pants laughing in the dugout was too. It would be great to have that clip.

    In the half-hour it seemed to take Brian to round the bases I had plenty of time to wonder… if Sid Bream was running behind him would Sid have passed him? I think he would’ve.

    A coupl’a thundering herds. 😆


  514. 528 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 9:44 am

    CL; Your clip features one of my favorite songs and lovely video. Thanks for a great day starter.


  515. 529 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Thanks, Chris!!! Now that is a keeper!!!! I don’t know which was funnier: Mac or Chipper!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


  516. 530 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:47 am

    Mac’s slide was priceless, but Chipper’s’ reaction almost made me wet my pants. 😯


  517. 531 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:48 am

    Klobber, THAT clip is a keeper. 😆


  518. 532 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:49 am

    CL: Your current avatar… close-up of a sheet of printer paper?


  519. 533 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:50 am

    klobber keeper clipper


  520. 534 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:51 am

    CL, that “Wonderful World” song is an all-time favorite of mine. Mr. Armstrong was (and still is) an American treasure.


  521. 535 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Raisins, she does look a bit pale doesn’t she. Need more sun? Vitamins? Toner?


  522. 536 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:53 am

    Wow… wordpress is repressing my right to free speech. I’m being repressed!!!


  523. 537 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 9:54 am

    Raisins; Your current avatar…did you back up to the camera? 😛


  524. 538 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:57 am

    I haven’t gone avatar fishing yet today… hmmm… let’s see what I can find…


  525. 539 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 10:00 am

    The Dalai Moma wears a veil when out amongst us unanointed monk(ees).


  526. 540 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 10:06 am

    This one’s interesting ———————————————————->

    (Of course, it probably hasn’t loaded yet…)


  527. 541 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 10:16 am

    That clip was so good I’ve added it to our archives: Baseball Videos & Photos

    We’re slowly making our way to 40,000 hits; currently at 39,088. The last few weeks really took a toll on our rate of climb.


  528. 542 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 10:19 am

    40K. Diet Coke and Mentos for everybody!!! 😀


  529. 543 Salty April 25, 2008 at 10:39 am

    Gil, CL…who ever is responsible for freeing my music post from the ‘trap’, thank you…again!!!

    Diet Coke and Mentos! 😯 GAS! Can it deliver 40 mpg?

    Avatar fishing…what kind of bait, Raisins? 😕 Cast, troll…shallow…deep? Salt or fresh…streams? Fly…cane? So many questions? Cast net?


  530. 544 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 10:40 am

    MAY DAY1 MAY DAY! I have 2 engines out. Need vectors to the nearest suitable landing area. Over!!


  531. 545 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Must away… duty calls (it’s been screaming for an hour now).

    Back later to climb the 40,000 foot (hits) Braves and Stuff mountain. At this rate, I’ll show up and see the flag planted on the peak already. Hope so.

    Have a good day and a good climb!


  532. 546 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 10:47 am

    I’m going in. Tell SAR to listen for my ELB. And bury me up side down so y’all can kiss my patootie. Out.


  533. 547 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Paladin, if you remove the chocks you won’t have to use full power to taxi.
    😆 Saves AvGas, too.


  534. 548 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 11:11 am

    Chocks? Chocks? Where? Oh… 😳


  535. 549 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 11:14 am

    But really CL, isn’t this thing AWFULLY slow this morning?


  536. 550 Salty April 25, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Safari, safari, safari. Blog’s never slow! Trust me…or not!


  537. 551 The Hall Monitor April 25, 2008 at 11:26 am

    Those are my only choices? 😛


  538. 552 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:31 am

    HM, is your avatar of a hamburger on a 45 degree angle??? The moon sliced in half????


  539. 553 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Posting under another name when everyone knows who it is does not make much sense, or is it any fun. So….


  540. 554 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 11:33 am

    It was a Don’t Pee on the Toilet Seat sign. Jeez Bearman, take some more meds. 😛


  541. 555 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Paladin, my choices make more sense, where are there round toilet seats ❓


  542. 556 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:37 am

    Thank goodness the ❓ ended up on the 2nd line, looks great there 😕


  543. 557 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:39 am

    And did they stop making Contact cold medicine???? I don’t think I have seen that in years…I stupidly thought the big BOP&C car show was this week-end, and wanted to be half human for it…but, it’s next week-end, thank God.
    Got the Zicam swabs…still sick….of course it says it doesn’t work on the Flu….


  544. 558 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 11:40 am

    Hmmm… hasn’t changed my avatar yet. Maybe I broke it! 😯


  545. 559 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:42 am

    Oh…Contac…still around apparently…I sure don’t recall seeing it at the CVS store last night, or any other time of late….
    No one here??? Well, nuts to you, I’ll just go back to bed!


  546. 560 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:43 am

    Thats a face to break one, if ever there was one…to break one…I need sleep….NNNNNNN


  547. 561 ssiscribe April 25, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Top of the morning, good inhabitants of the neighborhood. I’m emerging — albeit briefly — from the swirling world around me to check in.

    Good effort by the ballclub last night. EXACTLY the type of game needed to conclude the homestand and leave for another road trip (gosh, this team has been on the road a lot the first month of the season). The offense really needed to come through after the debacle that was Wednesday night’s effort with runners on base. Great to see the bats come alive.

    McCann’s triple? Priceless. Chipper’s reaction? Hilarious!

    Chuck grinded his way through five, and then how about that bully? FOUR shutout innings. Acosta was running out of gas a bit in the ninth, but I’m glad Bobby went with him for the two innings, to try and rest the other guys for the Mets’ series.

    Now, the Mets (noted transition by the Scribe; it’s been a while): This weekend is pretty important, even though it’s only late April. A good message was sent at Turner Field the first weekend of the season. Time to follow that up with a good showing at Shea this weekend. You all know the Marlins won’t keep this up for long. A good weekend puts the Braves in a good position as we close the first month of the season.

    Now, first month (more transition): This team could be a lot worse off than it really is, and that’s encouraging to me. The top two arms in the bullpen get hurt. Two projected starters go to the DL. Two games totally handled by the bullpen. And still, here are the Braves, a scant two games out of first place. Nobody in the East has run away with things; be thankful the Diamondbacks play in the West. The Braves are right there on the cusp of the top spot, and I believe they will be a better ballclub as April turns to May.

    Now, new blog (final transition): I have launched the Braves-only blog I mentioned the other night. It’s still kinda rough around the edges, but it’s out there on the Information Superhighway, with daily game recaps, and off-day commentary and so forth. If you’re so inclined, check it out:


    I put a link in the blogroll to our little corner of the ‘Net, so maybe some folks who wander over there will take a stroll and check us out here, and vice versa.

    Great news on the approach to 40,000 hits. Hopefully some of the other regulars will start checking in again.

    And speaking of checking in, time to check out. Duty calls, fish to fry and all that.

    Enjoy your day.

    The Scribe abides.



  548. 562 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:59 am

    Gee, someone doesn’t like Edgar Renteria!!!!



  549. 563 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 12:16 pm

    Sounds like a good ol’ fashioned feud to me!


  550. 564 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    Hello y’all! VOR, the current avatar disturbs me. He looks like he should be breathing heavily & carrying brains in jars around a dungeon.

    Good work, CL. That clip has to be preserved for all time. 😆

    Going to check out Scribe’s place.


  551. 565 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    Uh, waddaya sayin’?


  552. 566 morpheus45 April 25, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    Hey, Y’all; I’ve only got a sec. I just wanted to say that the best thing BY FAR about last night’s game was that Bobby finally used the bullpen correctly; hopefully this will become a trend and be the biggest positive development of the season. We’ll know for sure if it was an accident if he uses the same two guys every night for the next month. 🙂


  553. 567 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    OK,I suppose I could change it. Of course, it’s taking wordpress about an hour to actually make the change…


  554. 568 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    OW!!! Dang paper cut!!! 😡


  555. 569 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    Thankyaverymuch ————————————————————>


  556. 571 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    Raisins; You need to quit getting your avatars out of your technical manuals. 😛


  557. 572 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    I didn’t say you had to change it. Just that he should be named Igor.


  558. 573 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    Throw the switch, you cretin!!


  559. 574 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 12:52 pm

    Hopefully this time SG will not come out half man and half fly.


  560. 575 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    Dr. Paladin-stein?


  561. 576 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 1:04 pm

    No, my Dear. I’m Dr. Dracula-stein and I’d like to bite your neck. 👿


  562. 577 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    If your neck is not available, how about your avatar? 😀


  563. 578 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 1:15 pm

    From Igor to Elvis?

    Ummm… have the cake, Paladin.


  564. 579 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 1:20 pm

    Yaneverknow what I’m gonna look like… It’s kinda confusing to the kids, but they’re used to it… 😀


  565. 580 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    This one is worth repeating… I know I shouldn’t revel in someone else’s pain, but this is just FUNNY! Stay in it until the end… listen to the studio talking heads. (“Yeowch…”) 😆


  566. 581 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    Raisins; I hope the and idiot that decided they should do that on a platform gets his or her assets sued off!


  567. 582 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    Fbg; Don’t take this personally, but at my age I think I would rather have the cake. Can I have some milk with it? 😀


  568. 583 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Now, Braves. ChuckieJ sent back down; Phil Stockman called up for the ‘pen.


  569. 584 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    Considering that I estimate your age to be “old enough to be my grandfather”, cake & milk it is.


  570. 585 Salty April 25, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    Raisins: Just for you! 😆


  571. 586 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    Or I could just make Tres Leches cake with the milk right in it.


  572. 587 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:27 pm

    Just so I can gum it.


  573. 588 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:28 pm

    The cake that is. 👿


  574. 589 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    VOR, that hurt to much to laugh at! 😯 Damn! Why’d they put them up several feet in the air like that????


  575. 590 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    It was I that told you I was old enough to be your Grandfather, remember? My oldest son is 3 years younger than your Dad. So, here’s a card, call me when you grow up. 😀


  576. 591 Salty April 25, 2008 at 4:33 pm

    VOR…for you…again, if it isn’t eaten!


  577. 592 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:34 pm

    Here Berigan I don’t want you to start a trend, for you, reading other posts:

    Paladin Says:

    April 25, 2008 at 2:43 pm
    Raisins; I hope the and idiot that decided they should do that on a platform gets his or her assets sued off!


  578. 593 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    I suppose because they were collecting grape juice down below… 😐

    (That’s gotta sound weird to anyone who doesn’t know what we’re talking about.)

    Don’t ya love the studio geeks? “Yeowch”


  579. 594 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    Oh, and I forgot to mention. My oldest son is a Grandfather, making me…


  580. 595 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    And for our grape stomper: I would say she, at least, has a broken collar bone and since she was saying that she couldn’t breathe, it could be a broken neck. Having been there and done that(while not stomping grapes)I find it hard to laugh.
    Wish I had my law license. That is an ambulance that I would chase in a heart beat!


  581. 596 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    The real “and idiot” is the woman who tries to scam and ends up with a serious face-plant.

    I take it that y’all failed to find the same humor in it that I found… Oh, well, to each his own. By the way, the Grape Lady has become somewhat a legend. Check out the music video.


  582. 597 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    Oh, yeah… it was a cracked rib. I read her bio and so forth. She knocked around a couple of other news jobs before giving it up. I think her Grape Lady legend followed her around.


  583. 598 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    OK then, Ha Ha.


  584. 599 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    The “music” video has to be more painful than the fall.


  585. 600 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    I’ll be back during Blue Light special. I have to get on my walker and hurry down for the early-bird special.


  586. 601 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    I understand if you don’t find it funny, but the first few times I watched it, it absolutely owned me.


  587. 602 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    VOR, if you find that funny, I can dig up some clips of battles from WW2 that will really crack you up! 😛

    And Pallyboy, I can’t basically say the same thing you did??? There’s an unwritten rule somewheres about that??? I’ll remember that…great grandpa! 😆


  588. 603 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 5:08 pm


    Voice of Raisins Says:
    April 25, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Now, Braves. ChuckieJ sent back down; Phil Stockman called up for the ‘pen.


  589. 604 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 5:09 pm

    Gotta run. Goin’ to pick up some ‘q and stew from The Iron Pig here in J-town. Good stuff, folks… really good stuff. 😀


  590. 605 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    A rack of baby back ribs, honey bbq sauce, onion rings, baked potato. Sweet tea. ahhhhhhhh! 😀 😀 😀

    A couple of new videos on the Video & Pictures page.


  591. 606 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    Oy… Someone for Moylan to converse with?

    Heading out to the Richmond Braves game in about 15 mins. I will post a report on Mike Hampton.


  592. 607 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    A sampling of Gerbers Baby foods with a luke warm glass of water and metamuscil. AAhhh. 😛


  593. 608 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    Bearman; It’s just that it scares me when you say the same thing I do. I’m afraid that dementia is setting in. 😛


  594. 609 Bay Area Steve April 25, 2008 at 5:53 pm

    I suspect that particular ship has already sailed, 008.


  595. 610 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 6:07 pm

    Paladin 5:44 –
    😆 😆 😆


  596. 612 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    “McCann’s triple was his first since he had two for Double-A Mississippi in 2005.

    “There’s no cameras?” he said after arriving at his locker. “I may never get another triple in my life, so I’m excited.”

    Is your base-running underrated?

    “No,” McCann replied. “I’m as slow as it looks.””


  597. 613 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    I love that kid. 😆


  598. 614 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Nice work on the vids & pics, CL.

    Is your base-running underrated?
    “No,” McCann replied. “I’m as slow as it looks.”
    Priceless 😆

    Gonna eat now… 😀 😀 😀


  599. 615 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:06 pm

    I want to apologize to Raisins. I did not mean to infer because I don’t think something is funny, that it isn’t funny. Or that if I don’t like certain music that he shouldn’t love it! There are a billion Chinese and a number on this blog that don’t care what I think. Raisins you go man, any way you want to.


  600. 616 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    Alright, who turned over the rock? BAS is slithering around in here again. Do not feed him and he may go away. Seriously Steve, nice to have you back. 😀


  601. 617 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    Mr. Raisin or Mr. Bean? Raisins and beans? Good for the heart. The more you eat the ore you… like’em. 😉 So, Raisins… I can’t resist asking you about this comment you made earlier:

    klobber keeper clipper

    Amish carriage horse with a limp?


  602. 618 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    I’m not getting the feed and I won’t ruin your enjoyment of the game. But, I don’t care if Matt Ryan wins 8 MVPs and Super Bowls for other teams(except TB, Carolina or N.O.)he IS NOT the pick for the Falcons in the 3rd spot. They need linemen. And I emphasize, MEN.


  603. 619 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    ??? I await with “baited” breath.


  604. 620 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    My “baited” breath is abating. Please don’t keep me this way too long. 😛


  605. 621 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Sneaky!! You delete it and make the old man look bad. Shame on you. 😆


  606. 622 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    Did we scale the 40k mountain yet?

    CL has just set the all-time record for shortest post of the blog.

    Further observations: CL is still way pale… needs to get outside in the sun more. Grinch is still green, Velvet is still red, Paladin finally has his real moniker back and his horse head knight thing, Bay Area Steve is still a mere shadow of himself, WW’s head is still bigger than JB’s, Salty still has whiskers, Berigan is a soft top (what is that car?) but needs a bear avatar, Gil is still bald (say eagle, eagle!!!), Klobber is still a Knobber, Bob’s still Abner, Fly is in NY… wouldn’t miss those Mets games, Scribe and his boys are still fryin’ and looks like a nice crowd hangin’ on the streets of Stuffville.

    Now, Paladin has even conceded to music from those who “don’t care what he thinks”. Rock out!


  607. 623 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Upcoming Braves Milestones:

    Bobby Cox needs 34 wins to reach 2,300; 89 for 2,000 with the Braves.

    Tom Glavine needs 6 strikeouts to pass B Feller for 2,582 (25th all-time)
    Tom Glavine needs 8 strikeouts to pass W Spahn for 2,584 (24th all-time)

    Tim Hudson needs 94.0 innings to reach 2,000
    Tim Hudson needs 14 games to reach 300
    Tim Hudson needs 12 wins to reach 150

    Chipper Jones needs 7 Home runs to reach 400

    Mark Teixeira needs 166 hits to reach 1,000
    Mark Teixeira needs 26 Home runs to reach 200


  608. 624 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    What happened to CL’s 3 dots? Maybe I’m seeing spots in front of my eyes.


  609. 625 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    Good list CL. The way Chipper’s going he’ll get to 400 in 3 days.


  610. 626 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    SG; That went for Raisins. Your choices are still nauseatingly noxious.


  611. 628 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    Most people, other than retards, call them periods, CL. 😛


  612. 629 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:55 pm

    But what about the Chinese?


  613. 630 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    CL, between posts I saw a post from you that just has three dots.

    Is my leg being pulled? 😆


  614. 631 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:57 pm

    I love Chinese. One from column a. One from column b. And egg rolls.


  615. 632 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 7:57 pm

    sigh – ok, same ol’ avatar uploaded. 🙂


  616. 633 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 7:58 pm

    CL; DO NOT pull SG’s leg. He will do that guy thing.


  617. 634 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    😆 SG, I was trying something that failed. Thought if I had a post of some sort I could edit it in, but that didn’t work either. Deleted but not defeated.


  618. 635 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    Pal, a period ends a sentence. Three in a row makes them dots. More than that is just a nervous tick.


  619. 636 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    Nervous ticks b-b-b-b-bite several t-t-t-t-t-times.


  620. 637 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:02 pm

    Ticks! Ticks! Stay away from me. I don’t want Rocky Mountain Dotted fever.


  621. 638 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 8:03 pm

    whoopsie daisy… the avatars are all gone (replaced with question marks) and downloading a post takes minutes.

    Either that or everyone here is asking a question at the same time.


  622. 639 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    I’m going and get another glass of chianti. This is gettin’ fun.


  623. 640 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    CL 😆


  624. 641 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    Uh, oh… Paladin is breakin’ the neck offa that wine bottle agin.


  625. 642 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:08 pm

    I’m a gyrene. I bite ’em off.


  626. 643 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 8:11 pm

    Another idiot umpire behind the plate tonight.


  627. 644 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    SG; I hope you read back where I said all those bad things about you. If not, Berigan(who reads every word of the blog)can bring you up to date. 😛


  628. 645 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    Bobby is tossed.


  629. 646 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    Now there’s a novelty.


  630. 647 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    This ump has it in for the Braves. I’m going to dinner. On the way, I’ll scream at the ump.


  631. 648 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    You nine o’clock eaters peeved me off. I bet you stick out your little pinky when you hold your demitasse, too.


  632. 649 Paladin April 25, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    I’ve never been so insulted. I’m going to bed. By whom was I insulted? I have no idea, but it must have been someone. Besides, my bud has gone off to eat frog legs frappe and I’m lonely. Nite.


  633. 650 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:01 pm

    Attaboy, KJ. He ripped it! 😀


  634. 651 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    JJJ has the first pitcher hit of the year and John Olerud, I mean Kelly Johnson crushed a home run!!!! Love it when that happens.

    Braves 5-3 over Mutts.


  635. 652 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:07 pm

    gone off to eat frog legs frappe and I’m lonely. Nite.

    But don’t you have to frappe a frog first, before you eat it? Otherwise it would be cruel. Pal is now trying to talk Nurse Rached into a wee little glass of chianti.


  636. 653 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:11 pm

    SO, SG, you got a frog frappe-er?


  637. 654 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:11 pm

    Raisins, how was the que?


  638. 655 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:12 pm


    So, SG, have you got a frog frappe-er?



  639. 656 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    The ‘q was the bomb as always. And the stew was off the chizzain!!!


  640. 657 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    I had grilled salmon… didn’t even have to question it thoroughly or frappe it… it had already kicked the bucket and was just layin’ there waitin’ on me in the seafood market. Mmmm…


  641. 658 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    Hampton: 3 innings, 3 hits, 0 runs. Feelin’ good. 🙂


  642. 659 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    So… you shot first, asked questions later?


  643. 660 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    What are the top three BBQ spots in Atlanta? It’s my second home, and I’ve been there almost every week for ten years but have not yet found a BBQ place that is that great.


  644. 661 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    When in a grocery store or a seafood market, it’s ready… fire… aim.

    And pull out the trusty credit card.


  645. 662 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    SG: You could ask that question to 50 different people and get 50 different answers. So, in my ever present quest to bring the most comprehensive info to the table, hre is the most recent poll:


    I, myself, am partial to The Iron Pig here in Jefferson. But then again, there’s a certain advantage to it being just a couple of miles from home…


  646. 663 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    Gotta run my son’s friend home… back in a bit…


  647. 664 Carolina Lady April 25, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    According to the Mets announcers, JUNNEL Escobar has been taken to the hospital for xrays of his finger which was hit when he was attempting a bunt.

    Any relation to Yunnel? 😕


  648. 665 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 9:56 pm

    😆 x-rays are jegative; Junel’s jay-to-jay…


  649. 666 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Do not bunt with fingers. Makes you cry and go to doctors.

    Now… Braves will tie the bow on this one.


  650. 667 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 10:12 pm

    Manny! Manny! Manny! Manny!


  651. 668 Savannah Guy April 25, 2008 at 10:14 pm

    For the first time in two years our Braves look stronger and better than the Mutts.


  652. 669 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 10:16 pm

    I, if you couldn’t tell, am a Manny fan. (Which is MUCH better than being a Fanny man.)


  653. 670 Voice of Raisins April 25, 2008 at 10:18 pm

    Game over. Braves win. Raisins out.


  654. 671 Mr. Fly, sleuth reporter April 25, 2008 at 10:18 pm

    Since that mean old Paladin is in bed can I play a music song too?

    I like this one. Not sure why.


  655. 673 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    Good evening y’all. Wasn’t that fun? There’s just something about beating the Mets.

    VOR, I noticed they listed Oinkers in Clayton on that “Best BBQ” list. (It’s not really in Clayton; it’s practically across the road from our house.) We were not that impressed. Tomlin’s BBQ is much better. They’re in a little red trailer up 441 at Osage Farms’ produce market. Weekends, May through Oct. I don’t know why they don’t have a place full-time.


  656. 674 flbravesgirl April 25, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    OK, guess I’ll go watch TV.


  657. 675 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2008 at 11:47 pm

    The good… the bad… the ugly… movie title or wrap on Mike Hampton’s outing tonight? The good… 3 hits, 0 runs in 3 innings….

    The bad… Hampton reporting some discomfort after throwing around 50 pitches in 3 innings.

    The ugly…. Loading the bases in 2nd inning by committing one error that was scored an error by the official scorer and one that was ruled a hit.

    In all three innings it seemed Mike would quickly get ahead of batters and then give up a hit. he did bear down when he had the bases loaded and struck out two batters for the final outs. I would suspect that was when he may have overdone it a bit.

    Brent Lillibridge continues to impress me with two clutch hit tonight and one absolutely spectacular play in the third when he stole a hit by laying out full extension to snare a line drive and preserve a scoreless debut for Hampton.

    Quick summary… I think Mike needs to make another rehab start before pitching at the major league level. Also… let’s see how he feels in the morning.


  658. 676 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:52 pm

    You do that! 😉

    Missed the whole game…..nothing beats being sick…except being dead I guess! 😆


  659. 677 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:53 pm

    Gil, thanks for the 411….


  660. 678 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 25, 2008 at 11:56 pm

    Gotta try to go to Micky D’s….ate some broccoli , some OJ, some Oreo’s that my Dad’s friend bought(Man is 71, and consumes more sugar than any human I have ever seen!) but, still need something close to dinner, and McDonald’s is close to dinner, isn’t it???


  661. 679 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 12:01 am

    Thanks, Gil. That does sound a bit shaky.

    McDonalds at midnight, B? Now you’ll really be sick.

    Back to my recording.


  662. 680 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 12:35 am

    Got Zantac, B? Tums?


  663. 681 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 1:01 am

    Now I know just as soon as I leave someone will show up to chat… sigh.

    Good night y’all.


  664. 682 morpheus45 April 26, 2008 at 2:43 am

    VOR, if you like Manny better than fannies…um, I’ll still be your friend I guess. I mean, if you like Manny better than female fannies there’s nothing WRONG with that…I guess. I hope you’re talking about male fannies; I really do. ‘Cause…I mean…even if you’re not, that’s still pretty gay…yeah. Well. NFL draft tomorrow! 🙂

    SG, there is no BBQ in ATL better than average. Really. There is mind-bogglingly good BBQ in Georgia, but you gotta hit the funky little out-of-the-way towns. Most towns that have a red brick building with the windows bricked in at a later point (darker brick), a couple of gas stations with soft drink/gas/oil signs that if they weren’t burned out you’d kill for and a caution light…there’s usually a place open on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from noon ’till 4 and you can get the best BBQ you’ve ever had with Brunswick stew, ‘tater salad and a couple of slices of light bread for about 5 bucks minus the sweet tea. “Atlanta’s best” for three times the price doesn’t come much closer than Cleveland would.

    Berigan, that was voton1066@yahoo.com.


  665. 683 morpheus45 April 26, 2008 at 2:49 am

    And I don’t mean Cleveland Ga (which is just a few miles from where I was born). Atlanta doesn’t have a single damn thing to do with the rest of the state…it really doesn’t. And I’m fine with that (and yes, I’m outside the perimeter).


  666. 684 williamwallace April 26, 2008 at 6:07 am

    Dreamland BBQ in Tuscaloosa is to die for. The more commercial versions in Birmingham and in the Atlanta area are nowhere near as good. It might not even be the fault of the food. Good BBQ has to have an atmospheric feel to me. The Dreamland in Tuscaloosa is so far off the beaten path (and hard to find unless you know where you are going). The Dreamland in Birimingham is right smack in the middle of their Five Points area and the ones here in Atlanta are like in the middle of highly commercialized strip mall areas. Not quite the same feeling. The lack of atmosphere makes the food taste worse


  667. 685 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 7:59 am

    SG, there is no BBQ in ATL better than average.

    Grinch, that’s pretty much what I’ve found, but I was hoping to learn of a few great little out of the way joints that only the locals know about. It’s not like I’ve been on a BBQ mission every time I’m in Atlanta, but the half dozen I’ve tried would be a stretch to even call average. Then again, average ‘que can be very good, depending on how close to home they are, the atmosphere and how many days you’ve gone without eating. Hunger does make the best sauce of all.

    WW, I’ve not been to Dreamland in either town, but I’ve heard from ‘foodie’ friends that I trust who agree with your Tuscaloosa opinion. Maybe it’s like Emeril’s. The original restaurant is great (at least it was last time I was there several years ago), but the one in Buckhead was terrible.

    Now I’m hungry. Steak and eggs with Tabasco.


  668. 686 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:51 am

    Have y’all seen the catch by Reid Johnson(?)? This is not sticking out your hand and then falling down, this is “laying it” on the line. Brillant!


  669. 687 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:57 am

    My prediction for the Falcon’s draft. If Dorsey is there, they take him. If St.L takes him the Falcon’s trade down with Baltimore and then take the Troy CB and returner. Then with the 2d round pick(they get)they pick a QB or O lineman. That way they fill 3 holes with one pick. They DO NOT pick Ryan.


  670. 688 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 9:24 am

    After my Gerbers and metamuscil 😛 I had b cue last night. I find that to make it eatable I have to bring it home and “doctor” it up. There are very few sites for “real” barbecue anymore. I know one in Enterprise Ala, but that’s about it. It’s like curing real country ham; the ones that can do it are a dying breed. Finally, country ham and barbecue vary so much by State and what constitues “good” is in the palate of the be-eater.


  671. 689 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 9:43 am

    BBQ is like art, music, fashion, cars, boats, liquor and beer. Different strokes and all. I’m still partial to NC vinegar slaw. I like to hot mustard based too but don’t get anywhere near my sauce with sugar or honey or anything sweet.

    Now, good country ham is tough to find around these parts. Cracker Barrel is about as close as we get. Not bad but not like the old country diner either. Nothin’ like good ol’ country ham, redeye gravy and biscuits for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    Now I’m really hungry… no ham, so must have eggs and pancakes with blueberries and pecans (no peecans).


  672. 690 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 9:45 am

    BBQ is like art, music, fashion, cars, boats, liquor and beer. Different strokes and all. I’m still partial to NC vinegar slaw. I like to hot mustard based too but don’t get anywhere near my sauce with sugar or honey or anything sweet.

    Now, good country ham is tough to find around these parts. Cracker Barrel is about as close as we get. Not bad but not like the old country diner either. Nothin’ like good ol’ country ham, redeye gravy and biscuits for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    Now I’m really hungry… no ham, so must have eggs and pancakes with blueberries and pecans (no peecans).


  673. 691 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 9:47 am

    Gerbers and metamuscil 😆


  674. 692 Salty April 26, 2008 at 9:49 am

    (no peecans)

    Co-rrect!!! 🙂

    Southern for dummies! 😆


  675. 693 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 9:59 am

    SG; I may send you and the Missus a TN salt-cured ham next fall. It is to die for!


  676. 694 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 10:06 am

    People who pronounce it “peecans” put sugar on their grits. 😦


  677. 695 Carolina Lady April 26, 2008 at 10:17 am

    Sugar on GRITS????? Absolutely, totally, 100% revolting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Y’all say ‘pecahns’?


  678. 696 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Why sho I do, Ma’am. Don’t y’all(plural)? 😛


  679. 698 chrisklob April 26, 2008 at 10:23 am

    A pee-can can be found in the bathroom.

    A pe-cahn can be found in pies.


  680. 699 Carolina Lady April 26, 2008 at 10:26 am

    Now I have a complex. 😳


  681. 700 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 10:26 am

    I started to make that “point”, Klobber. But, I am on my good behavior. 😛


  682. 701 Carolina Lady April 26, 2008 at 10:29 am

    Chris, aren’t you about due up in the Line Up?


  683. 702 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 10:32 am

    See Klobber, talk in class and you get “assignments”. 😀


  684. 703 Carolina Lady April 26, 2008 at 10:33 am

    LINE UP:
    Bob, J

    Not sure what Gil has lined up since he’s taking care of things for me. I think ww has his in already. (Way to go, ww!!)


  685. 704 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 10:38 am

    I’ve got to go get my errands done so I can be in the “war room” for the 1st two rounds of the draft. Later.


  686. 705 Salty April 26, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Draft….B O R I N G…nnnn////zzzzz Oh, well…just like the game! 😛

    Klobber…unhappy Mets’ fans today, huh? It’s a really good day, then! 🙂

    CL..yes, P’cahns! It’s the only time I sound aristocatic! P’cahns…y’all! 😆


  687. 706 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 26, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Grits suck, life sucks….still sick…slept maybe two hours last night…waking up every 20-30 minutes since I couldn’t breathe thru my nose, or my mouth….just once I wish I’d not get deathly ill from a “cold” almost 3 days later, still have a very sore throat, lungs starting to hurt, terrible sinus pressure….no one wants to hear this….

    Grinch, I did email ya…I’ll try again….


  688. 707 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 10:43 am

    tomato, tamahto, potato, patahto, pecan, peecan… let’s call the whole thing off.


  689. 708 Salty April 26, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Berigan…only a couple more days and you’ll be through it. And…hey, what’s with blaming lack of sleep on being ill…you never sleep! 😕


  690. 709 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 10:45 am

    or should that be, layut’s cawl tha hole thang awwf? Oh, well…


  691. 710 Salty April 26, 2008 at 10:47 am

    I’m southern, but my one syllable words sound like one syllable. Of course, I tend to use three words when one will do, so it’s not like I save time!


  692. 711 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 26, 2008 at 10:48 am

    My Best friend was born in a small town near Savannah…Pembroke…SG knows of it, no doubt! 😉
    I think he says he eats Pee-cans, but eats P’cahns pie….


  693. 712 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 11:05 am

    I tend to use three words when one will do, so it’s not like I save time!

    Sounds like my typical post. 🙂

    Berigan, that’s P’cahn Pah.


  694. 713 Salty April 26, 2008 at 11:08 am

    SG…I knew you’d relate! 😆


  695. 714 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 11:09 am

    Yea, Bear… but out there they pronounce in ‘Pembrook’. Ain’t no noise in Illinois and can’t go broke in Pembroke. It don’t Metter how ya say it tho, as long as ya don’t Rome around Macon trouble after midnight.


  696. 715 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 11:11 am

    Now, Salty… don’t be gettin’ mean and all. Besides, I represent that. 😆


  697. 718 Salty April 26, 2008 at 11:19 am

    Alright…what’s up with music/video links? Not allowed…stuck in the lint trap? Grrr….:?


  698. 719 jbinatl April 26, 2008 at 11:22 am

    hey Carolina,

    Did I get sat on the bench? I’d still love to be in the lineup if you have room for me. If not (sniff sniff) it’s cool.

    Anyway, y’all ready for another day of baseball? big win last night and we got keep it going with Hudson on the mound.

    Also, thanks for clearing up the pronunciation of “Pecans”. As one who lives in the city I hear all the different butcherings and it’s like nails on a chalkboard.


  699. 721 jbinatl April 26, 2008 at 11:26 am

    That’s the best music video ever.

    It reminds of my days as a child…watching the phonograph for hours.

    Good song, SG!


  700. 722 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 11:30 am

    Hey JB… I’m sure you weren’t benched. Just a lineup card snafu or something. We need all the good lumber we can get around here.

    It’s always a big win with the Mutts. Klobber said they’re jumpin’ off of tall buildings throughout New York. Most were saved before they hit the ground though… by a caped crusader with DW on his jersey. Or so the ESPN legend goes.

    Huddy will be up for this game. A win would send a huge message even in this early season.


  701. 723 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 11:33 am

    Maybe Salty’s music was banned?

    Speakin’ of music, where’s Raisins and Hillbilly?


  702. 724 Salty April 26, 2008 at 11:34 am

    Obviously not your’s, SG. Hmm…I’m going to try something…different.


  703. 725 jbinatl April 26, 2008 at 11:34 am

    Ha! Good stuff, SG.

    Yeah I checked around on some Mets blogs and you’d think it’s the last half of ’07 all over again. And the way they’re hammerin’ on Delgado is merciless.

    As Butch Cassidy said “I just sit around and eat this up with a spoon.”

    If we can get just one more of these two I’d feel ecstatic. I like our chances with both Huddy and Smoltz and we haven’t seen Chipper do his thing at Shea yet.


  704. 727 Salty April 26, 2008 at 11:39 am

    Different’s no better than ‘reality’…dislike both at the moment. I do not like being discriminated…or black-balled! I blame Paladin! 😈


  705. 728 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 11:53 am

    Salty; I assure you that I have NOTHING to do with your balls being black. 😛


  706. 729 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 11:57 am

    Baseball: I am one that thinks Bobby gets himself tossed too often, and at times, unnecessarily. But, I admire him when he gets tossed as he did last night, to save one of his players. Bravo, BC!


  707. 730 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    Salty still can’t post? Maybe it’s just your music selection? 😆

    Maybe try some good ol’ rock n roll.

    (caution: not recommended for old jet fighters and small children).


  708. 731 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    Gotta get packin’. Maybe back late in game. Go Bravos!


  709. 732 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    SG has terrible manners. Drops a Led Zeplin in a crowd and then leaves. Air freshner, anyone?


  710. 733 Salty April 26, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    Sheesh is there no justice? My music tastes being challenged? Ouch! 😦

    And along comes Paladin with his witty double entendre…and gets away with it! 😯

    And my purely decent efforts get stuck in the trap? I am thoroughly disgusted. Yes, I am! 😡


  711. 734 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    Let’s start a sympathy fund for Salty. Here’s my .01. 🙄


  712. 735 jbinatl April 26, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    What you don’t like to get the Led out, Paladin?


  713. 737 Carolina Lady April 26, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    Salty, don’t know why the filter is picking on you – anyhow, it’s cleaned out. Again.

    JB, you’re in the Lineup! And you can’t get out of it, either! 😆

    Here is the current roster, as found on The Line Up Card page:
    Salty – pinch hit for by Berigan (current lead)
    Chrisklob ON DECK
    Bob, J
    williamwallace (already submitted and waiting)


  714. 738 jbinatl April 26, 2008 at 2:52 pm


    Thanks, CL I don’t want out anyway.


  715. 739 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 3:02 pm

    Howdy JB. One thing you will learn is that this bunch will not blog during a game. Now, I’m off to the draft.


  716. 740 jbinatl April 26, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    We still watching the game?


  717. 741 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Before I start getting the razz, start I say, I want to say I love Matt Ryan. And I did before. It’s just that I think the Falcons have too many holes. But, now that he is aboard I expect greatness. I guess my main problem is that at my age I want quick fixes. I’m not sure Ryan is a quick fix. But, we shall see. Go Falcons.


  718. 742 Voice of Raisins April 26, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    Hey, everybody…

    I’ve been gone since early this morning. My son had a taekwondo competition today. (He won 1st place in Form in his division, and won 3rd in free-sparring. Pretty good since it’s his first sparring competition!) Yeah… I’m a littl eproud. 😀

    Afterward, we took my daughter over to a strawberry patch and picked strawberries. Now I’m home in time to catch up on the B&S, get a shower, and head out to sit in with a friend’s band tonight. I am getting tired! 😐

    Pally: I, too, wanted the Falcons to go with Dorsey in round 1 and pick up a QB in the 2nd… Oh, well… I think Ryan will be a good one, I just wanted a little more immediate impact. I’ll defer to Dimitroff and see how the rest of the picks go.

    Gotta go —> Later, taters!


  719. 743 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    Chipper got back spasms while CHANGING CLOTHES??!!


  720. 744 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 5:19 pm

    Got back home just in time to see the top of the 9th and Wagner blow us away. Man… what a bizarre game that must’ve been. Watching the post-game show was equally bizarre. Something is not being told about Huddy.

    For him to come out in the 3rd inning twice in 3 games is troubling. There has to be a problem. The Cox interview was weird… said, “Huddy felt good, just couldn’t locate”. What? Since when do you take a team ace out for one three run inning… especially against the Mets? Makes no sense.

    Then Hudson was interviewed. Equally strange. Seemed a little edgy and holding cards close to vest. At one point he said, “I felt physically good, just had trouble locating”. Huh? When asked why he came out he said something vague and repeated the story line. So, he felt physically fine yet came out and let the bullpen get worn out? That’s not taking one for the team.

    Of all the announcers, Brian Jordan was the only one honest enough (or aware enough) to say that he thought something was up and that the interviews were “hard to believe”. He added something like, “we’ll just have to wait this week to see if there’s an injury”. Everybody else was just repeated the Company line and not seeming to question anything. And I doubt we’ll get the inside story from anyone associated with the Braves or AJC. Injury? Trouble in the clubhouse?

    So, to speculate, (A) Huddy was frustrated and said something to Cox that Cox didn’t like and got pulled, or (B) Hudson is injured or has a dead arm, or (C) we read between Huddy’s lines and consider it mental, because it wasn’t ‘physical”, or (D) Tim or Cox screwed the pooch… and the bullpen… and Smoltzy’s backup pen for tomorrows game. Or (E) maybe it was like one announcer said, “it’s a long season and Cox just wanted to play it safe” and get Huddy some rest.

    Don’t know about you guys and I’m not usually one to gripe about such things or speculate, but this thing was just too weird. Not expected from a staff ace or a manager that wanted to win a crucial game. Aren’t they all?


  721. 745 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    Good update, SG, and it is indeed puzzling. He stayed with Jurgens one night and pulls Huddy the next day? I’ll admit that I am engrossed in the Falcon’s draft right now but would appreciate any thing further that you learn.


  722. 746 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    One thing further. The Braves are a good team but playing without Chipper, Yunel, our closer and our ace is too much.

    The Falcons finally moved up to get an O lineman, but did they wait too late?


  723. 747 Bob, journalist April 26, 2008 at 5:49 pm

    Hudson’s short day handcuffs Braves” … or so says Bowman … actually, it was too long, methinks … so make that “Hudson’s long day handcuffs Braves”.

    My first impression of his last game against Washington was that it sounded as if he wasn’t really right … and that seemed to be supported by his giving up 10 hits in 6 2/3 … but, after reading the glowing reports from those who saw the game, I watched the MLB replay of the game and convinced myself that he pitched okay … at least for the most part … perhaps because that was what I wanted to see.

    Actually, I thought Huddy pitched great until he got a little tired in the third after running the bases … that’s hard on a pitcher. The boys really played great … remember, we only lost by one run … that’s baseball.


  724. 748 Bob, journalist April 26, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    Hudson’s short day handcuffs Braves” … or so says Bowman … actually, it was too long, methinks … so make that “Hudson’s long day handcuffs Braves”.

    My first impression of his last game against Washington was that it sounded as if he wasn’t really right … and that seemed to be supported by his giving up 10 hits in 6 2/3 … but, after reading the glowing reports from those who saw the game, I watched the MLB replay of the game and convinced myself that he pitched okay … at least for the most part … perhaps because that was what I wanted to see.

    Actually, I thought Huddy pitched great until he got a little tired in the third after running the bases … that’s hard on a pitcher. The boys really played great … remember, we only lost by one run … that’s baseball.


  725. 749 Gil in Mechanicsville April 26, 2008 at 6:59 pm

    A bit of speculation, with the ineffectiveness of Hudson, don’t be surprised if he is put on the DL when Hampton is ready to return. We might see a defacto 6 man rotation yet… The Braves are famous for keeping injuries under wraps or perhaps Huddy is not being up front about playing through pain. It would not be the first time that happened.

    The good news is the emergence of Jo Jo and Morton at Richmond. These two guys are pitching great, especially Jo Jo…. He is a projected number two guy in the bigs and I think barring injury that is a likely scenario.

    I was disappointed with Schieber’s effort last night in relief. There was another kid who I will expound on later that did impress me however.


  726. 750 Gil in Mechanicsville April 26, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    And to my surprise but not my dismay, I learn that Scheiber has been designated for assignment. I am a bit disappointed because I thought the kid looked good the several times I saw him pitch last year.


  727. 751 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 26, 2008 at 7:58 pm

    No Lillibridge talk? He was called up I read…..


  728. 752 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:11 pm

    Yeah, I’ll talk about Lillibridge. He stunk up the place.


  729. 753 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    Baker better be good. I think the Falcons gave up WAY to much to get him.


  730. 754 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    I had a bacon-wrapped filet, a Fla rock lobster, baked potato with chives, sour cream and bacon bits, a salad with ranch dressing, a loaf of french bread and chianti. I don’t care WHAT you had, or are having, I wouldn’t trade with you. This is my favorite meal.


  731. 755 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    Correction: Bacon-wrapped filet(medium rare), a Fla rock lobster tail(moist)and copious quanties of chianti.


  732. 756 Paladin April 26, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    You people don’t want to talk about football, baseball or food. Since women and politics are discouraged subjects, what does that leave? “Music”? Thanks, but I’ll pass. G’night.


  733. 757 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 26, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Slept thru everything….just catching up…Lillibridge struck out 3 times…Meanwhile, Ruben Gotay, who hit .295 last year has yet to make one single, solitary play on the field, and April is almost over! He can play 3rd and SS, but hasn’t much experience there….But, if we ain’t gonna play him, why keep him??? He’s 25, so clearly he’s washed up……

    And Bennett was in for an inning???? we do have other guys in the bullpen, right????


  734. 758 morpheus45 April 26, 2008 at 8:58 pm

    P-man, agreed. Baker could’ve been had at #34; we essentially threw a 2nd round pick in the trash. With the same trade up we could’ve had Cherilus or Otay a few spots sooner. Like that linebacker at #37, though.

    And I’m having rib eyes, baked potato, salad and Shiraz myself. Good call (didn’t happen to have any lobster in the fridge).

    Hudson has now had a start where he was obviously injured, followed by one where he wasn’t, followed by one where he was. This whole situation is starting to smell real funny.


  735. 760 chrisklob April 26, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    Oh right. Like there are any jukeboxes that still work for one quarter!! 😀


  736. 762 Savannah Guy April 26, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    Klobber! How’s it goin’?

    Man, hate to leave just when you show but gotta go. Am flat bushed. G’nite and keep the home fires burnin’.


  737. 763 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    Good evening y’all. I take the game did not have a pleasing result ( no TV here & I was out all afternoon & evening).


  738. 764 chrisklob April 26, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    FBG, I didn’t see the game either. Seems that Huddy imploded again. And yes, the Braves took another one-run loss. 😦


  739. 765 chrisklob April 26, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    SG, sorry to miss you. But seriously? TWO quarters? You’re showing your age! 😀


  740. 766 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    Think Chipper was borrowing Hampton’s shirt?


  741. 767 chrisklob April 26, 2008 at 11:16 pm

    FBG, I’m sorry but I think I missed something with your last post. You talking about the injury issue?


  742. 768 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 11:19 pm

    Sorry. The article said Chipper leaned into his locker for a shirt when the back spasms hit.


  743. 769 Bob, journalist April 26, 2008 at 11:19 pm

    No young lady, the game did not have a pleasing result though all but one of our pitchers did well … Tim went three innings, should have gone two … if that, he just didn’t seem right.

    Berigan … surely there must be a reason for Gotay not seeing any action … it’s certainly not Bobby like … though he has to have one such player at all times, methinks … last year, it was Diaz.

    That’s tongue in cheek but, he may have brought an attitude after being released by the Mets … certainly his inactivity hasn’t helped him … .188 with 7 strikeouts in 18 plate appearances … which might be why Lilly the Kid got a chance.


  744. 770 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    “Lilly the Kid” 🙂 I like it. Sorry I missed his debut. I always really enjoy seeing those ’cause you never know in that first appearance who’s going to turn out to be a great one.


  745. 771 Voice of Raisins April 26, 2008 at 11:54 pm

    Think Chipper was borrowing Hampton’s shirt?



  746. 772 flbravesgirl April 26, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    Well I’m glad someone was amused.


  747. 773 Voice of Raisins April 26, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    I am SOOOOOOOO tired………………



  748. 774 flbravesgirl April 27, 2008 at 12:00 am

    Or maybe during Stockman’s brief call-up, he gave Chipper …um, the same taxidermied kangaroo parts that he gave Hampton & Hudson for luck. Hasn’t worked for them ( well, Hudson is either brilliant or awful).


  749. 775 Gil in Mechanicsville April 27, 2008 at 1:21 am

    I don’t think Lillibridge was the only player to stink up the place 008.. Yes, it was a shame he couldn’t throw the team on his back and carry the Braves to victory…..

    Bob, what did they discover wrong with your car?


  750. 776 Bob, journalist April 27, 2008 at 2:29 am

    Gill … evidently, engine sludge caused sensors to misread engine oil pressure … oil was not low and pressure was fine … trip to Chattanooga was uneventful … though expensive … a tank of gas was over $60.


  751. 777 BeRiGaN 5 tHe ReTuRn April 27, 2008 at 6:05 am

    OH man Berigan is sick today! 😦 Got this Wednesday night, here it is Sunday morning, can’t sleep, throat is still very sore…sore throat has left me a few times, only to roar back…Ever get a feeling when you are sick like you swallowed pepper, and your eyes tear up??? That’s happening to me now….
    taken Zinc, Zicam swabs, Sinex, Alca Seltzer Cold med…vitamins….sort of like Paladin said, 7 days no matter what you do!

    Sorry to whine so…just very frustrating….I gripe about not sleeping, but I’d love to lay down right now and sleep 5-6 hours…I lay down and sleep 30 minutes, wake up feeling like I am drowning…fun! 😕
    I feel like I could sleep standing up…never been more tired…but…I will lay down and start choking….need to trade lungs on some new models…these 41 year old ones don’t work right


  752. 779 Paladin April 27, 2008 at 8:25 am

    Berigan didn’t say anything abouit the rest of the team; he asked about Lilliridge. I told him.


  753. 780 Paladin April 27, 2008 at 8:28 am

    “about”. And 777 sounded, and looked, like something that should be taken off the board.


  754. 781 Savannah Guy April 27, 2008 at 8:51 am

    Just a song Pal… just an innocent good ol’ song about the seventh son of the seventh son…

    SG, sorry to miss you. But seriously? TWO quarters? You’re showing your age!

    Klobber, what can I say… just an old juke box. 🙂

    Just a few quarters left.


  755. 782 Paladin April 27, 2008 at 9:58 am

    I like the Ryan selection even more after learning that Teri Bore(Surprise!)doesn’t like it. I wonder if Ryan’s color, or lack of, has anything to do with it. Nah!


  756. 783 Carolina Lady April 27, 2008 at 10:52 am

    Good Sunday morning!

    Chris has sent a great lead which I’m working on (no aides again so I haven’t had a lot of free time), so I’m switching the batting order temporarily and am posting ww’s super lead to get us out of this quagmire! 😆



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