110: 2011 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,500 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

427 Responses to “110: 2011 in review”

  1. 1 Carolina Lady December 31, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    Not bad for a group as small as ours! I’m proud of y’all!!


  2. 2 berigan2electricboogaloo December 31, 2011 at 10:52 pm

    Thanks kindly, CL!!!! We try! Thanks for the update on Gil as well…


  3. 3 berigan2electricboogaloo January 1, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    V, as you mentioned before, Carlos Quintin was traded…and the White Sox didn’t get very much back, according to some. Weird. Trading away a guy making 7 Mil? Good grief! Too bad the Braves couldn’t trade for him…perfect guy, right handed, not that expensive…at least for some teams..sigh…


  4. 4 Voice of Raisins January 1, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    Salary dump for sure… but upon further review, Quentin is a guy who mashes for sure, but is a butcher in the field and can’t stay healthy. I still think that Seth Smith will end up here. That is a deal that makes sense for both teams. It’ll likely cost us a pitcher along with Martin to get Wheeler tossed in, but I think it could happen. It could even expand to a blockbuster Martin and JJ for Smith, Wheeler and who knows who? But if the Braves send both Martin and JJ, that’s a chunk of salary that can be used for something else.

    Or nothing could happen. It’s a weird hot stove season. Very cold.


  5. 5 berigan2electricboogaloo January 2, 2012 at 10:30 pm

    V, I just can’t begin to get excited about Seth Smith. 15 HR’s and 59 RBI’s in 533 ABs? Half of which were in thin air??? Perhaps he batted leadoff or something…Prado, missing 25-30 games with a staff infection, his numbers are 13 HR and 57 RBI’s. Why are we any better off with Seth, who if playing for the braves would likely mean Prado would be gone, meaning our lineup was even more left handed??? And no back up for Chipper. Or 2nd. Or ss.

    DOB via MLBTR.

    The Braves still have at least some interest in free agent outfielder Cody Ross, according to O’Brien. However, they’d want his asking price — currently in the two-year, $10MM range — to drop. The Rockies and Reds have also been linked to Ross this offseason.
    There’s a “decent chance” the Braves wait to obtain a shortstop/utility infielder and see who becomes available in Spring Training. As for rumors linking the Braves to free agent infielder Ryan Theriot, O’Brien suggests the team’s interest was “overstated” and points out that GM Frank Wren will likely look for a strong defensive shortstop.
    The Braves will likely start Tyler Pastornicky at short, partly because they’re eager to add his speed to the lineup.
    The Braves haven’t started extension talks with Michael Bourn. The Scott Boras client is set to hit free agency after the 2012 season.
    There are no indications that Liberty Media intends to sell the Braves soon.

    So, the Riot isn’t a good enough defender eh??/? Beggars can be choosers??? Or we want Ronny Cedeño, Alex Gonzalez without power??? Exciting…and he made 1.8 Mil last year, probably not looking for a pay cut…
    I don’t know…trying to find something to be positive about, but if the Nats get Prince Fielder….we will be lucky to finish 3rd….


  6. 6 Voice of Raisins January 2, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    I’ll still bet that Fielder ends up on the west coast; no way Theriot winds up here; SS comes through trade. Gut feelings. Smith only makes sense as a platoon partner… with Diaz probably. Part of moving Prado is moving salary. He’ll make about twice what Smith makes, but the real goal in SD is not Smith, but rather Wheeler. That’s who they really want.


  7. 7 berigan2electricboogaloo January 3, 2012 at 2:34 pm

    V, you think Fielder to the Giants? Don’t think the Dodgers could just yet…Read the Nats owner is the richest owner in baseball, and is going to make a ton of money off a new Tv contract…

    Have I mentioned Seth Smith being cheap isn’t the most exciting baseball news I have ever heard? 😕


  8. 8 Voice of Raisins January 3, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    I think Fielder to the Mariners.


  9. 9 Voice of Raisins January 3, 2012 at 3:09 pm

    More Adam Jones chatter, although it sees more like a Baltimore writer dredging up the old news, which was debunked. I see no real news there… except that this writer hints that the Orioles are drooling over Tommy Hanson. Given his funky delivery and injury potential, would you trade him> He’s a tremendous talent, but maybe a ticking time bomb also. Hard to say.

    That said, they reportedly want 2 TOP pitching prospects along with a front line starter and Prado. Dream on. Never in my lifetime would that deal happen.


  10. 10 berigan2electricboogaloo January 3, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    Yeah…good luck with that Orioles! If they wanted Hanson over JJ, I’d go with that. I know JJ has had the injury bug, but he’s been good for more than just a season….and has a more normal motion. Sounded like the Red Sox don’t see him as a #2, too. They are very wrong.
    But, the fact that JJ is a borass client (Is Hanson too?) can’t think of him being with the team long term…sigh….

    Oh, and forgot about the Mariners…would love to see no team going more than 6 years on him . Pay him $25+ but not for a crazy number of years. That has to stop eventually…


  11. 12 Voice of Raisins January 4, 2012 at 4:24 pm


    Again, duh. I think Rosenthal is slipping. He used to be a great source for breaking news. Now he is just a good source for breaking obvious. Success…


  12. 13 Voice of Raisins January 4, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    O’s really need a 2B badly. Prado profiles very well for them. I would trade Prado/Minor/throw-in for AdJones. Not Teheran, Delgado, Vizcaino or Beachy, though.

    I still think something will get done with the Rockies. They like both JJ and Prado and have 3 good CF prospects. More possibilities there.


  13. 14 Voice of Raisins January 4, 2012 at 4:29 pm

    Now… watch a deal get done with the O’s overnight. 🙂


  14. 15 berigan2electricboogaloo January 4, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    Hopefully something will happen! Again, when did JJ turn into a 4th starter??? I know, stay healthy one full season…


  15. 16 Carolina Lady January 4, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    I know I’ve not been in close contact with who’s who for a while, but that “A Jones” almost made me swallow my gum before realizing that I was in the right church but wrong pew. 😆

    OK , let me show a little more of what-I-don’t-know: if Prado is traded, who will replace him in all the positions he plays? If I have a really good tree shading most of my yard, why would I cut it down?


  16. 17 Voice of Raisins January 4, 2012 at 11:13 pm

    Hi, CL.

    Pure salary issue. Martin is slated for a big bump in salary arb. Big bump. So, given his trade value, he’s a trade chip. Plus, his best position is currently occupied by last off-season’s big acquisition, Braves want more than 15 HR’s out of LF, but can’t afford any players that can do that. It’s like going to Longhorn and ordering a hot dog. I don’t like Adam Jones for any big price either. He is trending downward. Do you realize that his stats were comparable to one Jeffery Francoeur last season? He’d still be better than any LF we’ve had in several years, though.

    Honestly, I don’t see a match. His salary is no better than Martin’s. If I was a betting man, I’d bet that these rumors are alot more overblown than is reality.


  17. 18 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 7:36 am

    Mr. O’B notes that among the many current and retired Braves present at Kathy Porter’s funeral, Jeff Francoeur was right among them. Nice and classy thing for him to do.

    And as much as it pains my fingertips to type this, how nice would it be to get .285 / .329 / .476, 20 HR’s & 87 RBI from a RH bat in LF? Those are Jeffrey’s numbers from last season. He just signed a 2 year extension that will pay him $13.5MM for ’12 and ’13. Not sure the breakdown for ’12, but it’ll likely be about the same $$$ that Martin will get through arb.


  18. 19 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 7:45 am

    J. Francoeur in 2011: .285 / .329 / .476, 20 HR, 87 RBI
    Adam Jones in 2011: .280 / .319 / .466, 25 HR, 83 RBI

    AdJones is arb eligible for 2 more years before FA in 2014. He made $3.75 last season; likely will double that for 2012. Who knows what in 2013, and gone in 2014. Why again are we clamoring for him?

    Seriously… would not Francoeur have been a better fit had he not re-upped with KC?


  19. 21 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 9:32 am

    I’ve got a great idea. Let’s take a team that finished 2nd in the division and collapsed horribly to miss the playoffs, and stand pat while every other viable team improves drastically. (Notice I said viable. That discounts the Mets.)

    Wow. That excites me. It really makes me want to buy tickets and take my family to a crime ridden neighborhood where there is no good public transit connection. 😡

    Brother can you spare a dime? Liberty Media apparently needs every one they earn.


  20. 22 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 9:36 am

    What frustrates me so much is that they could have picked up a middle of the road LF, let Martin go back to utility, and signed a Jack Wilson type to back up SS for a piddly sum. But they won’t… or can’t as the case may be. Now I know what it feels like to live in Kansas City.


  21. 23 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 9:46 am

    And I’m really tired of trying to anticipate what they’ll do, because by all appearances it seems they are doing nothing. It’s now just about the $$$. Nothing else. They have already spent all they’ll spend, so they’ll hang out until spring and try to fill the remaining needs (which are more than they will admit) with Spring Training castoffs from the scrap heap.

    Whoop-de-flippin’-do. 🙄

    I can remember not too long ago when I would get excited about the upcoming season. I honestly could not care less about 2012. I may even cancel my Dish Network subscription. The only reason I have kept it has been to watch the Braves. No longer worth it.

    Tuning out…


  22. 24 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 9:47 am

    Days until Spring Training 2012:



  23. 25 berigan2electricboogaloo January 5, 2012 at 9:54 am

    CL, even Andruw Jones might be an improvement at this point! (He re-signed with the Yankees) 13 HR, 33 RBi, in 190 AB’s . But I think he got 2 Million, some kind of CRAZY money that a team like the Braves couldn’t afford… 🙄


  24. 26 berigan2electricboogaloo January 5, 2012 at 10:05 am

    V, wait!!! Don’t go! I’ll be all alone here!!!! 😥
    You are right about Adam Jones…doesn’t seem any better than Frenchy, and Frenchy has a bit more patience at the plate than Adam??? Yikes…
    Ok, playing Devil’s advocate here.. Lets say you trade JJ and Prado to “save” money. Now you can afford Adam Jones. Adam gives you more punch from left field than we had last year. Perhaps at 27 he turns into a 30 100 kind of guy. Ok….still no one to back up Chipper. No one to back up the 22 YO no experience in the Bigs SS. Did Jack Wilson sign with someone??? I guess he can play 3rd when Chipper misses 2-3 games the first half of the season 😕

    And one of the main reasons the bullpen wore down was starters who couldn’t go more than 6 (On a good day) and relying on 3 guys when the others got hurt, or couldn’t get the job done.
    No DLowe going 5-6 shaky innings. No JJ going 6-7 innings (for at least the first half of the season) Huddy perhaps not ready to go deep into games early on…and a bunch of kids that will likely be on inning restrictions…and who have we added to the bullpen??? Exactly no one??? What if the wear shows up with O’Flaherty, or Venters and they are down for a month or two??? Medlin is going to have the endurance to go out there 80 + games???


  25. 27 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 11:38 am

    Not going anywhere… just have lost steam.


  26. 28 berigan2electricboogaloo January 5, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    Good! 🙂
    I do understand the malaise …very odd offseason. What it must feel like to root for teams like the Padres(til this offseason) or Blue Jays. Might even be worse for the Jays fans now, because they were supposed to make a monster deal for Yu Darvish…then they found out they didn’t make an offer close to what the Rangers made. Then they thought they would go hard for a free agent, or Gio Gonzalez…neither happened. Kinda hard to feel good about the fact other teams have had their hoped dashed…
    Wonder if the Braves really “need” to cut the budget, but will not say it out loud????


  27. 29 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    OK… I am tuned out, somewhat, but check out this comment from the intrepid team beat writer. BTW – normally I would not consider grabbing and quoting this much of a guys existing text, but there is alot to digest here:

    “By the way, in a separate item, Kenny R. [Rosenthal] reports that Seth Smith talks between Braves and Rockies cooled after teams couldn’t agree on which pitching prospect the Braves would receive along with Smith in exchange for Prado.

    If this is the case, if indeed the Braves’ focus with Colorado had indeed shifted from center-field prospect to pitching prospect in package with Smith, then to me that’s an indication Atlanta was and probably still is trying to get center fielder Adam Jones from Baltimore, and would use any pitching prospect it received from Colorado either to replace the one that the Braves might lose in a deal for Jones, or actually use that pitching prospect from the Rockies as part of a package Atlanta would send to Baltimore for Jones because the Braves wouldn’t agree to part with one of their own pitching prospects that the O’s covet.

    Of course, that still would leave a gaping hole as backup third baseman if the Braves trade Prado, so I’d have to think they have another deal lined up or are at least very confident they can get a quality backup for Chipper. That is, unless they believe offseason minor-league free agent signee Drew Sutton could fill that role. He played it plenty in the minors and played eight games at third for Boston last season.”


  28. 30 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    That is indeed an interesting development. Not sure I can tune out just yet. Maybe I at least need to keep one eye open…


  29. 31 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    Just as I get ticked and head off, there are a coupe of tidbits that are at the very least intriguing, if not downright interesting. Another quote from teh beat writer:

    “This from Jon Heyman on Twitter: miguel tejada is training in miami w/ legendary workout guru pete bommarito. looking for comeback. word is, he looks great

    I only mention this because a Dominican who follows me on Twitter mentioned Tejada is playing winter ball now in D.R. and that there’s rumor he’s talking with Braves.

    I’m trying to find out if anything to it.”

    Thinking outside the box. Way outside…


  30. 32 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    Please Frank… no. Just say no. Go back inside the box.


  31. 33 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    Keep this in mind… the Rockies just made a minor league deal that acquired them 25 year old Chad Tracy, a 1B/LF who bats righty and knocked 26 HR’s in AAA last season. Perhaps the first domino to fall in the chain? He has never appeared in the majors, though.


  32. 34 Voice of Raisins January 5, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    –> Spotted that one with my one open eye… 😉


  33. 35 berigan2electricboogaloo January 6, 2012 at 10:32 am

    V, just so you know, I was chuckling at your posts and avatars yesterday! 😉

    Hopefully, Wren has something up his sleeve…something good I should add…


  34. 36 berigan2electricboogaloo January 6, 2012 at 10:59 am

    V, good news!!!!
    Alex Cora Likely To Play In 2012


  35. 37 Voice of Raisins January 6, 2012 at 11:11 am

    Shhhh! Don’t say that too loud! Frank might be listening!


  36. 38 Carolina Lady January 7, 2012 at 6:51 pm

    V. You will NOT go AWOL! Got it?? 😆 (Ber, would have to talk to himself and – well, I just leave it there.)

    P.S. Ber, I am just giving you a hard time! 🙂

    Wow. I hadn’t heard about Jeff’s wife. I’m so glad that the players rallied as you reported. I did a quick google but didn’t see that article – so thanks for posting it.


  37. 39 berigan2electricboogaloo January 7, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    CL, I was confused about Jeff Porter’s wife dying. I was confusing the story with the former Falcon player who’s wife died a month after marriage. So when I heard Frenchy came for a funeral, I stupidly thought it was for the Falcon player.


  38. 40 berigan2electricboogaloo January 7, 2012 at 7:53 pm

    V, I had to laugh when I saw this story….
    Mets To Sign Ronny Cedeno
    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [January 6 at 4:22pm CST]

    The Mets have agreed to sign free agent shortstop Ronny Cedeno to a one-year deal, tweets Adam Rubin of ESPNNewYork.com. The deal is worth $1.2MM and includes many incentives, tweets Jon Heyman of CBSSports.com. Peter E. Greenberg & Associates represents Cedeno, who figures to provide depth behind Ruben Tejada in New York.

    Granted, I didn’t really want him since again I couldn’t see the point of a weaker Alex Gonzalez….but as DOB dutifully mentions, the braves INSIST on having STRONG defense in the infield. Really??? If they really cared “they” would have re-signed AGon ( I know, he wanted two years)and given the 22 YO a chance to win or lose it in Spring training…. but as just about every SS has signed now, and the basic badmouthing of The Riot, who is left now?? Say, didn’t we have this discussion a week or two ago?? Sigh….really is hard to get excited about this team, isn’t it??


  39. 41 berigan2electricboogaloo January 9, 2012 at 11:26 am

    Uh-oh…V closed the one eye still paying attention! 😦
    I see the Rockies are acting all cheap, like they can’t afford Kevin Millwood at 3Mil. How could they afford JJ and Prado then, unless they are being nice, or are they keeping some money aside for a deal with the braves down the road??? Hey, isn’t that almost interesting to think about, anyone still reading??? 🙄


  40. 42 Voice of Raisins January 9, 2012 at 11:57 am

    Still here…

    I think the Rox were playing footsie with the Braves over Prado, but not so much over JJ. They need pitching, so the names were naturally linked. But it would seem that their real desire from the Braves is Prado, and I think that Frank has about decided that even though Martin is likely to make between $4-5MM in arb, there is no better LF option at even a slightly higher price that is currently available. I predict Martin to be here in 2012. I do think, however, that Frank will trade JJ in a heartbeat if he can get the coveted SS/3B that thus far has eluded him. Probably won’t happen until well into Spring Training when JJ has proven his health and teams have realized their pitching needs. DOB mentioned a name to remember: Maicer Izturis… veteran backup SS/3B/2B for the Angels. Could be a perfect match for JJ if they also throw in one of their surplus OF and a prospect. Remember it. Write this one down. It makes more sense than alot of things tossed about.

    In other words, we won’t deal with the Rox this winter. I can’t see it.


  41. 43 Carolina Lady January 9, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    It sure will be interesting to see who comes to ATL after ST. I hope somebody has his ear close the ground in baseball inner circles! I keep hoping that they announce something that will make all of us jump up and down for joy. Or at least smile.


  42. 44 Voice of Raisins January 10, 2012 at 7:04 am

    Well, we’ve still got roughly 6 weeks between not and ST. My gut tells me we stand pat into spring. Too many questions surrounding JJ right now. But once he shows he’s healthy… well, then we may not want to let him go!

    The truth is, Frank wants to maximize his return on JJ… I get that. Frank wants a good 4 player return with at least 2 bona fide prospects. I get that, too. But he won’t get it while there are questions present.

    Maybe he signs a really cheap alternative as a backup IF just in case, or maybe he already has, but I really don’t look for any movement until spring.


  43. 46 berigan2electricboogaloo January 11, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    V, I like your idea better, about the California Angels(thats what I will always think of them) giving us one of their very fast outfielders…then picking up scrap from teams that don’t want them….


  44. 47 Gil in Mechanicsville January 14, 2012 at 8:09 am

    Howdy folks, only been home for a couple of hours and the Braves already sign Wilson and Prado…..

    I see a pattern taking place…..

    That said, I feel loopy as heck this morning.


  45. 48 berigan2electricboogaloo January 14, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    Gil!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back buddy! 🙂 We really missed you!
    🙂 🙂 🙂


  46. 49 berigan2electricboogaloo January 15, 2012 at 8:18 am

    and V, have no idea why I didn’t say so before, but thanks for the article on Chipper! Gives me a little more hope, just like hearing they finally signed Jack Wilson…Was nice of the braves to do nothing til Gil was back here! 😉


  47. 50 Voice of Raisins January 16, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    I’ve been out of town for a few days on a retreat to Gatlinburg with the College/Career group from my church. It was an awesome weekend…

    Glad to see that Frank took care of bringing Jack Wilson back, and even more glad to see that Martin has been take care of for 2012.

    But most of all, I am glad to see our old pal Gil back in the ‘hood. It’s been a little cold and dreary without you, my friend. Just so you know, I’ve been praying for you. Great to see you back in the saddle, so to speak.


  48. 51 Voice of Raisins January 17, 2012 at 7:28 am

    Braves and EOF have come to terms on a contract for 2012 avoiding arb.

    Only 2 arb eligible players are left… JJ and Michael Bourn. Bourn’s situation bears watching. I think it’ll go a long way towards setting the tone for any possibility of signing him past this season.


  49. 52 Carolina Lady January 17, 2012 at 12:10 pm

    GIL!!! What a joy to see you back! Hope you feel better every day.

    V, my favorite part of Chipper’s interview: “Nobody was dogging it, I made sure of that,”. Chipper is really invaluable to the team in so many ways. I love his honesty and realistic perspective. Was it Bobby who said when leaving, “It’s Chipper’s team now.” I recall the quote but not who made it.

    And I’m really glad that Martin was resigned.


  50. 53 Voice of Raisins January 17, 2012 at 1:21 pm

    Well, Braves TCOB and get JJ and Bourn inked to 1 year deals.

    IMO, Bourn will not be re-signed at season’s end, and Boras will take him into FA and get $10MM+ / yr long term. Happy trails.

    I also don’t see JJ back next season, but am not so sure we’ll have him this season. I still think he gets dealt in spring after showing his knee is healthy. Frank has to find next season’s CF somewhere…


  51. 54 Voice of Raisins January 17, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    How about JJ and Bourn for a young, talented leadoff hitting CF under team control for a few more years?


    Why not? Bourn won’t be dealt as long as the Braves are contending, and we should be contending for at least the WIld Card well past the trade deadline. And he’ll just walk at season’s end. Hate to get zero return.

    I’ll have to examine those possibilities more closely when I have time to scour lineups and rosters.


  52. 56 Gil in Mechanicsville January 18, 2012 at 7:30 am

    Good morning folks, feeling more “normal” everyday now. I’m not sure if that is good or bad but at least the aches and pains differ from pre surgery. Slept all night last night for the first time from since I can remember.

    Caught up on all my personal financial stuff yesterday. Today I will try and get back into baseball.

    Still deals being made. To early to get into serious speculation. One does have to assume however a right handed bat will be seriously sought after before the end of spring training.


  53. 57 Voice of Raisins January 18, 2012 at 7:39 am

    Yep, Gil…

    Frank says they are pretty much done, but I still feel they’ll swap JJ during Spring Training if he proves himself healthy.

    That said, I believe Martin will be back in full swing, and we’ll have Bourn for a full season. So much hangs on young Mr. Heyward. If he’s back, then we have a stout squad. If he’s a bust, then that hurts us very deeply…


  54. 58 Gil in Mechanicsville January 18, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    So many players suddenly hurt. Detroit will be looking for a bopper to protect Miguel now that Victor Martinez is hurt.

    Fielder sign with anyone yet?

    I have no idea of what Frank Wren is thinking other than he likely wishes he had about 20 extra million or so to work with as far as payroll.

    Tough making chicken salad out of chicken s***.
    Just saying….


  55. 59 berigan2electricboogaloo January 18, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    Gil IS back! 😉
    I have seen so many folks get checked off..Ryan Ludwick signed with the reds. We better not trade Prado, unless a right handed left fielder is in the deal…granted, it doesn’t sound likely now, but usually once someone is mentioned as trade bait, they do eventually trade him…
    as for JJ. I just wonder if S.T. was long enough…can’t recall too many S.T. trades lately…but my memory isn’t something something…


  56. 60 Gil in Mechanicsville January 19, 2012 at 9:11 am

    Ber, I too, thought Ludwick going to the Reds for little money was an opportunity missed for the Braves. Honestly, one has to wonder if the Braves are not just playing a waiting game of the Philles just getting old and too expensive before getting serious about being contenders.

    Every team in the EAST save the Mets are making themselves better. The Braves don’t need a lot but they do still need that bopper in left field.


  57. 61 Carolina Lady January 20, 2012 at 1:19 am

    Glad you had a good night’s sleep, Gil! Your body can really work on healing itself when you do that. Are you eating good? I bet Josie is a fantastic cook! It is SOOOO good to see you back!! 😀


  58. 62 Voice of Raisins January 20, 2012 at 8:23 am

    Good food, good sleep… that is a formula for success. Hear that, Gil?


  59. 63 Gil in Mechanicsville January 20, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Good food, good sleep….. Uh oh. I’m in big trouble then…. My back is screaming at me this morning, must have been something I didn’t do. Still, no appetite at all, the hospital bed I had to rent is akin to sleeping on a pile of bricks, very hard bricks at that.

    Waiting for the pain killers to take effect this AM. Worst 30 minutes of the day one would think.


  60. 64 Carolina Lady January 20, 2012 at 11:54 am

    It’s a tough row to how, Gil. I’m so sorry you are having to deal with all of that. You don’t take the pain pills through the night? A lot of people are sure praying for you and Miss Josie! About the bed – call the people you rented from and tell them you want a different mattress. I did that for Mother’s bed and it made all the difference in the world to her. Is the bed adjustable? Once we got it at JUST the right angle for her, I unplugged it so none of the aides would mess with it.

    Almost time for ST!!! :-)))


  61. 65 Voice of Raisins January 20, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    Almost time for ST!!!

    As a matter of fact, exactly one month away. P’s & C’s report on February 20.


  62. 66 Carolina Lady January 21, 2012 at 1:06 am

    And I don’t think our intrepid ST reporter is gonna be off the DL in time this year. (Memo to self: get press credentials. Or a close facsimile)

    How are ya doing, Gil?


  63. 67 Gil in Mechanicsville January 21, 2012 at 9:24 am

    Hi folks, whew… okay, no need to complain, I’m pretty sure I am not going to notice any real difference until summer. Still, I am looking forward to being able to ride in the SUV. Still trying to figure out exactly how to get up into the front seat but I’m pretty sure getting out will be a cinch.

    Not much on the Braves baseball front, I’m hoping Hudson will be able to make a speedy return if only to give me hope.

    Reading between the lines on the Chipper interview. Don’t expect more than about 100 games out of the old man this year. Lots of time in the training room for Chipper this year I predict. Unless you are Latino, you just cannot hid the ravages of time.


  64. 68 berigan2electricboogaloo January 21, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    Gil, my Mom had a hospital bed at home that also was air filled. Can you get one like that? Being able to adjust the air was HUGE!


  65. 69 berigan2electricboogaloo January 21, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    Ol Frank doesn’t exactly assuage(blog first) my fears here…Not quite sure how bullpen will be better than last year(except no proctor and the other fire starter) especially if they are used every day because offense isn’t there and young arms not going too deep in games.
    Come on JHey, no pressure, but save the season please!



  66. 70 Voice of Raisins January 23, 2012 at 7:29 am

    Well, since there is virtually n news to discuss, and likely not to be in the next 4 weeks. I’ll start the week with an opinion:

    Frank has expended alot of energy this offseason trying to squeeze a CF prospect out of somebody for JJ and/or Prado. What was he looking at? Adam Jones (past his prime), and prospects (unproven potential prime). For me personally, I’d prefer someone in his prime.

    I think the Braves need to extend Michael Bourn. Yes, I know he’s a Boras Client; yes, I know they’ll want a ton. But the guy is one of the premier CF’s defensively and one of the best leadoff hitters in the game. MLBTR speculates that it will take a $50MM commitment over 5 years to get it done. And they are probably right. But with a ton of $$ coming off the books next year, they can do it. Who else are they gonna spend it on?

    Look at it this way… what is their biggest need going to be in 2013? Let’s break it down this way: The pitching is set. The infield, save 3B, is set. And if Prado moves to 3B, then it only underscores OF need. If he stays in LF, it underscores the need for a premier defensive CF. The Braves are going to be scrambling for a CF, and trying to fill the leadoff void AGAIN. Frank, you can fill 2 needs with one signing. You got one of the best in the game at both areas of need wearing a tomahawk already. Let’s just keep this one, OK?


  67. 71 Gil in Mechanicsville January 23, 2012 at 9:40 am

    $10 million a year for a centerfielder/lead off man. Not really that much more than was committed to McLouth. Just longer. One has to be realistic in being aware of what the market rate is.

    One thing for sure, I hate being in the same market for players as Pittsburgh.


  68. 72 berigan2electricboogaloo January 23, 2012 at 11:49 am

    V, good point…even if it takes a bit more, 5 years, 60, 65 Mil(shoot, can’t you see Bore asking for 100 Mil just to see if some team is insane?)…otherwise you will have two holes to fill like you said..we have enough trouble filling one hole most years….I think Gil (or you ) mentioned it before, Prado moving to 2nd, Uggla to 3rd. I don’t really recall throws from way behind 2nd, or when he was way behind 1st and runners going to third…does Uggla have a decent arm?? His arm would likely be the reason he could, or couldn’t move to 3rd…Not a worry for another year, unless something blows out on Chipper..and since I mentioned it , now it can’t happen and catch us by surprise! 🙂


  69. 73 Gil in Mechanicsville January 23, 2012 at 4:49 pm

    For a lot of seasons, the Atlanta model was to rely heavily on home grown talent and fill the holes with free agents. Nothing has changed other than how much the Braves are willing to shell out for the free agents.

    Still see the Braves needing a good right hand bat. I’m hoping Heyward can return to form (whatever that is) and be a force.

    Best help the team can give to the pitching corps is to supply some offense so the arms are not always trying to prevent a mistake pitch.


  70. 74 berigan2electricboogaloo January 24, 2012 at 10:11 am

    Cody Ross signed with the Red Sox, one less right handed bat….


  71. 75 Voice of Raisins January 24, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    Price gets 9 years/$214MM from the Tiggers. Didn’t see that one coming. 😯

    Glad he’s not going to the Nats, though.

    B, Ross gives you nothing more than Prado. Look at last year’s numbers. Even with Prado hurt and hurting, he had a better year. I’m OK with staying the course and not making a move just for the sake of making a move. Braves are really in the driver’s seat in spring due to their abundance of pitching. That’s when teams will be desperate.

    For me, I’d like to see them trade JJ for a LF bopper, return Martin to his super sub role, and extend Bourn after this season. That would bode well for 2012 and beyond. Not gonna get anything for JJ, though, until he proves himself to be healthy.


  72. 76 Voice of Raisins January 24, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    Uh… make that “Pri<b.nce gets 9 years/$214MM from the Tiggers.”



  73. 77 Voice of Raisins January 24, 2012 at 3:35 pm


    I give up…


  74. 78 berigan2electricboogaloo January 24, 2012 at 11:58 pm

    Ha! V, I thought that David Price had been traded to the Tigers and they signed him for 9 years. Never would have guessed the Tigers were in on Prince..Heh, I just typed Price.
    Yep, very glad the Nats didn’t get him! Yay, we have a shot at 2nd place now! 😕

    V, not saying Cody Ross would be a savior, or even a fit…but going to Boston, he will get about 40 Doubles and drive in about 90. Just being out of San Fran will add 30 points to his B.A.


  75. 79 Gil in Mechanicsville January 25, 2012 at 7:13 am

    So many players suddenly hurt. Detroit will be looking for a bopper to protect Miguel now that Victor Martinez is hurt.

    Fielder sign with anyone yet? GIM 1/18/11 4PM

    I did not think the Tiger had the money to pull it off but then, what do I know?

    So, now the question becomes, what to do with Detroit’s leftovers?


  76. 80 Gil in Mechanicsville January 25, 2012 at 7:16 am

    All that said, it’s going to be tough pitching in the American League this year.


  77. 81 Voice of Raisins January 25, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    Here is a pretty cool organizational chart with salaries and 3 year projections:



  78. 82 berigan2electricboogaloo January 25, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Gil, the Tigers have pizza man(Mike Ilitch, owner of Little Caesars) behind them…must be nice to have an owner that really wants to win, and profits be damned. Of course, they will sell more tickets this year, more people will watch, and listen to the Tigers so they may not really “lose” that much money. Plus, I guess you make more moola if you go to the playoffs…


  79. 83 berigan2electricboogaloo January 25, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    V, thanks for the link! Do you think “key” should be at the top next to Terry McGuirk’s name, and not Wren? Is this Wren’s last year of his contract???

    Good news! I see David Ross is only 24, he can replace McCann when he gets too old to catch! 😉


  80. 84 Gil in Mechanicsville January 26, 2012 at 8:46 am

    Good morning folks, waiting for all the pain killers to kick in… I did take my first field trip yesterday to go watch Josie bowl. I feel beat up from it this morning. I can tell I am still a long way from being ready for longer trips…

    I read DOB interview with Pasternicky. Seem like a good kid, I did not realize he came from the Blue Jays as part of the Escobar deal. Yunell may have some long term value for the Braves yet.

    Let’s hope he doesn’t have to steal first base too often to show off his speed.


  81. 85 Voice of Raisins January 26, 2012 at 9:54 am

    Terry McGuirk says we still have another $4MM or so to spend. He says alot of other things, too: http://www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-braves/terry-mcguirk-discusses-braves-1317388.html


  82. 86 Voice of Raisins January 26, 2012 at 10:03 am

    Gil, I love this part of the Pastor interview:

    Q: “Talk a little bit about your plan of going to California to work out with Jack Wilson next month before camp starts. How did that come about?”

    A: “At the end of last year when I got called up the last day of the season, I was talking to him, picking his brain, asking him some questions. He’s a great guy who’s had a great career. He mentioned something about coming out there to work out with him. I didn’t know how serious he was, but we stayed in touch and when he signed [with the Braves] he said ‘Come out, you’ve got a job to win.’ I said let’s do it; can’t turn that down. It just goes to show what type of guy he really is…. I’m going out there Feb. 15, then I’ll go straight to spring training from there.”

    Man… that speaks volumes on both student and teacher. I love that…


  83. 87 Voice of Raisins January 26, 2012 at 10:06 am

    Kid’s gotta have a good nickname, though. Pastor? Pasto? Pasta? Nicky? PNicky? Can’t go with TP… Terry Pendleton is still in the house.


  84. 88 berigan2electricboogaloo January 26, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Gil, if he can steal 1st, I say let him! 😉

    Did use guys notice the Terry McGuirk story had no place to leave a comment afterwards??? Gee, I wonder why??? I’m sure having no profit running the team doesn’t in some way help the Liberty guy with more money and land then Turner…sigh…

    V, he sounds like a good kid! Lets hope he’s ready!


  85. 89 berigan2electricboogaloo January 26, 2012 at 10:43 am

    P-Nicky??? Pastrami?


  86. 90 berigan2electricboogaloo January 26, 2012 at 10:45 am

    P-Nick, there ya go, you are quite welcome! :p
    I want credit for this one…never got the credit I deserved for JHey! I was first I tells ya, I was first! 😥


  87. 91 Voice of Raisins January 26, 2012 at 11:38 am

    What I found most interesting about the McGuirk interview was the statement about the TV contracts. Time Warner negotiated 25 year contracts with subsidiaries, then dumped the team. Who negotiates 25 year business deals? There is no doubt in my mind that it was done for TW’s benefit with no regard to the adverse effect it would have on the Atlanta Braves franchise. It is well documented how TW pared millions off the payroll in the early 2000’s in order to begin earning yearly profit from the property. Then they negotiated TV contracts with subsidiaries that favored the subsidiaries but handcuffed the team for 25 years. That part is almost infuriating.

    Now, we cannot even dream of reaping the huge benefits that teams such as the Angels, Bosox and Yankees get from their TV mega-deals. Not for many, many more years.

    Ticks me off…


  88. 92 Gil in Mechanicsville January 26, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    I don’t think Ted Turner thought he would be tossed out on his ear either. Would likely have shoveled money back into the organization from somewhere if he had still owned the team. Just no honor among thieves or mergers…..

    For sure, it would be a deterrent for any prospective buyer knowing the TV revenue source in a dead end. Not sure how much it is going to be worth in the future.


  89. 93 Voice of Raisins January 28, 2012 at 11:05 am


    Multiple reports out of Japan say Kenshin Kawakami is close to signing a one-year deal with the Chunichi Dragons (passed on by NPB Tracker’s Patrick Newman). Kawakami starred for Chunichi in the first 11 years of his pro career before signing a three-year, $23MM deal with the Braves before the 2009 season. Kawakami posted a 4.32 ERA in 50 games for Atlanta (41 of them starts) and spent all of last season in the minors.

    Well… bless his heart…


  90. 94 Gil in Mechanicsville January 28, 2012 at 5:09 pm



  91. 95 Carolina Lady January 28, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    I love that the Braves sent him down to Minors and KEPT him there! Wonder if it ever changed his attitude?


  92. 96 berigan2electricboogaloo January 29, 2012 at 10:01 am

    I wonder if that contract could be broken next time the team is for sale…man, still just such a cold article about ownership , IMHO. Why would baseball want faceless ownership, besides to keep passion out of the picture????

    I feel sorry for mets fans..well, their fans that aren’t obnoxious , both of them! 😉



  93. 97 Voice of Raisins January 30, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    Camp Roger commences today at Turner Field. To me, it always signals the early start to the upcoming season. It’ll give us a little something to talk about for a couple of weeks up to the beginning of Spring Training, anyway.

    Today’s attendees are: Julio Teheran, Brandon Beachy, Randall Delgado, JJ Hoover and old pal Buddy Carlyle who just signed a minor league contract.


  94. 98 Voice of Raisins January 30, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    Oops… Ieft Cory Gearrin out of that list, and some kid named Jaye Chapman. Never heard of him…


  95. 99 Gil in Mechanicsville January 30, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    Never heard of him… Something Jaye hopes to change… 🙂


  96. 100 berigan2electricboogaloo January 30, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Jaye…that’s a weird spelling of Jay!


  97. 101 Voice of Raisins January 30, 2012 at 10:33 pm

    I feel sorry for mets fans

    NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  98. 102 Carolina Lady January 31, 2012 at 2:18 am

    Me neither. Neither one of them.


  99. 103 Voice of Raisins January 31, 2012 at 7:10 am



  100. 105 berigan2electricboogaloo February 2, 2012 at 5:58 am

    Thanks for some positive news V! Gives me some hope…
    I saw something about the Braves on the MLB channel , how they stood pat (We all know that) but even though I know it, seeing the possible rotation…just got me mad. 1 to 4 is JJ, Hanson, Beachy, and Hudson. Battling for the 5th spot(and we all know you don’t even use a 5th starter the first month, except 1 or 2 times) are Minor, Delgado and Teheran. Yeah, I know, better to have too much than not enough starting pitching..we have that in our very recent past. But, 2 of those guys will have to go to the minors, and it won’t be based on spring training performance. And players do get stunted going back to the minors when they really don’t have anything to prove there…but the bean counters will be tickled to slow down the arb clocks of the pitchers…ok, lost a paragraph, luckily I had just thought I should copy what I had written a few minutes ago, or I would be crying…pt 2 in a sec


  101. 106 berigan2electricboogaloo February 2, 2012 at 6:12 am

    It’s just that it’s like having a high performance car , and the only time you get to drive that 450 HP beast…is in rush hour traffic. What is the point??? Right now, the team has an embarrassment of starting pitchers, but really, what good does it do “us”? Sure, it will be nice to have one of the kids fill in if Hudson needs a few extra weeks of rest, or if JJ or Hanson get hurt again…but..we really know the reason we still have all those arms. No money to spend. We could have Hunter Pence and Bourne in the outfield and we would have made the Phillies a lesser team..but, we couldn’t . Could have given up one of the 4 guys, but how would we pay Pence? Or sign him long term? So, the Phillies are stronger, and we are weaker, all because the Billionaire corp that owns the team only cares to have the team because it will be worth more, down the road…I wish we were down the road now….

    Anyway, guess I am just a gloomy Gus right now…we could finish 2nd, or 3rd this year , with a great rotation. Thats swell…meanwhile, the Phils will be battling for another shot at the W.S. Braves fans will have a great shot at watching the W.S. on their big screens 😕


  102. 107 Gil in Mechanicsville February 2, 2012 at 9:43 am

    To be honest, sometimes you pass a point where you can make a good trade in the off season. Only thing to do then is wait for spring training to begin and see which players pull a hammy or trash an elbow.

    From where I see it, the big money is spent, now it’s time for the bargain hunters and teams with real needs to show up. Who knows, maybe the Pastonicky will be the next Derrek Jeter…. HAHAHAHAHAHA.. Okay, maybe not Jeter but every kid has to start sometime and I can remember Fucal getting his chance and what a game changer he was for the Braves. Nobody outside of Richmond even had a clue as to how good he was at the time….

    I would not be surprised to see him slide over to third if he can hit for a little more power and Simmons becomes ready for the bigs.

    Things have been awful quiet coming out of Camp Roger by the way.

    Prediction, Hudson will begin the season on the 15 day DL. Lots of torque is put on your back pitching off the mound. I don’t know how extensive his surgery was but with the noises being made by the Braves and Hudson, sounds to me it was a big deal. Have to read between the lines sometimes.


  103. 108 Voice of Raisins February 2, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    Ya know… Pastornicky doesn’t have to be Derek Jeter or even Rafael Furcal. But if he can be a Jeff Blauser type, which is not a stretch, he’ll contribute. And the kid has speed. Can’t teach speed.

    Braves were smart not to make a deal just for the sake of making a deal. It’s gotta make sense, and it’s gotta help the team. The rival GM’s wanted to rape the team of its youngsters because they felt Frank was over a barrel. Frank kicked the barrel and told ’em to go pound sand.

    Yes, they have an abundance of pitching, but when the 2 Boras clients Jurjjens and Hanson get another couple of years under their respective belts, the chances of the Braves keeping both (or even one) are not favorable. That’s when you have to have Teheran, Delgado, Minor, etc. still in the system.

    With the health of JJ’s knee, Hanson’s shoulder and Huddy’s back still somewhat up in the air, you gotta keep all the youngsters anyway. Once the health of those guys is defined, then you can work the market as necessary… whether it be during Spring Training, or after the season starts. I still maintain that JJ will be traded. If past performance is any indicator, he’ll have another strong April and May (assuming the positive reports regarding his knee are accurate) and be traded while his value is high. That is the smart approach. It also gives Frank a little time to define the real needs of his team.


  104. 110 Voice of Raisins February 2, 2012 at 1:14 pm

    Gotta love that…


  105. 111 berigan2electricboogaloo February 3, 2012 at 6:18 am

    V, that sounds like Hanson last year! Except for the shoulder feeling great! 😉

    Catchers are wusses today!


  106. 112 Voice of Raisins February 3, 2012 at 11:56 am

    Note from our intrepid local beat writer:

    Two or three times a week since the beginning of January, Heyward has been working in the batting cage at Turner Field with new hitting coach Greg Walker and assistant hitting coach Scott Fletcher. There has been a third instructor of sorts taking part in many of those sessions: Chipper Jones.

    That is great news.


  107. 113 Voice of Raisins February 3, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    Greater news:

    [Tommy] Hanson worked out on the fourth day of the Braves’ early pitching camp at Turner Field. He has no restrictions on his workouts.


  108. 114 Gil in Mechanicsville February 3, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    With all the comments on Hanson, Hudson and JJ and the uncertainty surrounding their ability to return to form, their is no wonder Frank Wren has been reluctant to trade any of the Braves’ young prospect pitchers.

    I also find it somewhat unsettling that Chipper Jones had an MRI done on his knee and did not say anything until the results came back positive.

    There is always something going on that we don’t know about isn’t there?

    One more thing to think about. BMac is such a vital cog to the Braves offense, you have to wonder why the Braves haven’t at least tried him out in left field. After all, if Manny could play in left, you gotta believe McCann could play a passable left field. A lot of games the Braves are deprived of Brian’s bat, not only because he is out of the line up but because he is worn out in September and October, right when the Braves need him the most.

    I am hoping Uggla dose not use the excuse he is a slow starter this season. I don’t think the Braves can afford it this year with all the improvements that have been made in the East.


  109. 115 berigan2electricboogaloo February 5, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    Gil, I am sure B-Mac could play a better left that Garrett Anderson did!

    from MLBTR…
    There is a lot of speculation that the Nationals will deal John Lannan to the Angels for Peter Bourjos, with the Halos putting Mike Trout in center field. The Nats beat Lannan in arbitration last week and were said to be aggressively shopping the left-hander.

    Bourjos is a true speed merchant…and isn’t making much yet…the braves ought to at least look into getting him if he’s available.


  110. 116 Gil in Mechanicsville February 6, 2012 at 9:30 am

    As a Brave’s fan, I have no problem with Lannan going to the west coast. Good riddance to a guy who has had the Braves number. As a National’s fan, aren’t they still looking for a center fielder? Could be what they are looking for in return.

    It is sad when you get the message that their is just not but so much money to spend and no more is going to be coming your way. Still, the Braves are not going to draw much better than they are right now. Too many forces against them. Perhaps the two biggest improvements they could make would be a parking deck and extending the Metro to the ballpark and to the other to sports venues in Atlanta as well. Neither will happen in my lifetime. Much like a new ballpark in Richmond.


  111. 117 berigan2electricboogaloo February 7, 2012 at 10:00 am

    I guess I feel about the Braves the way I feel about the choices in the Republican field for Prez…really??? This is the best out there???

    Of course there is at least hope with the braves that things can improve, that we can get lucky in a few areas…in the political world, things can only get worse….


  112. 118 Voice of Raisins February 7, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    I got nuthin’…


  113. 120 Gil in Mechanicsville February 8, 2012 at 7:58 am

    Good luck on getting the City Fathers to approve the expense of a new ballpark. They are still squabbling over building a new park here in Richmond. The River City miss their opportunity when the turned down the Braves’ offer to build the park for free in lieu of paying property taxes to the city for 25 years.

    Sigh, so many folks clamoring for a new ball park, how did that work out for Gwennett? Two of the oldest stadiums in the majors are still packing them in. Those being Fenway and Wriggly.

    Note to baseball folks, it is not the ball park that packs them in…..


  114. 121 Voice of Raisins February 8, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    MLBTR went through its entire chat session today without even the slightest whisper regarding the Braves or any Braves player. Nuthin’. Is that a big deal? Maybe not, but you’d like to think that 2 weeks from Spring Training you’d have a little buzz. But alas, nuthin’. An entire hour with a worldwide audience. Nuthin’. 😐


  115. 122 Carolina Lady February 8, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    I can hardly believe it. Wrenn, Cox, and Fredi have all been here looking around, meeting with city officials.

    City Council just had a unanimous vote FOR bringing them here. Said they estimate the cost to build a 6,000 seat stadium as $35million. That doesn’t sound high enough to me, but that’s what the article said. Since the city has annexed most of the county, I’m trying to think where they might build it. Everything here is crowded now.

    At the meeting I just mentioned, the room was packed with people, many wearing Braves gear. A couple carried signs protesting the use of tax dollars to build the stadium. The Braves co-own the “High A” team with somebody else and the two of them have signed their mutual agreements to bring the team here.

    Kelly is just jumping with happy anticipation! Somehow we’ll find a way to pay for tickets. I don’t have Gil’s “eye” when watching players, but I can at least tell you what’s going on.


  116. 123 Gil in Mechanicsville February 9, 2012 at 8:16 am

    Almost congratulation are in order CL. I say that because until the final vote is taken, no telling what obstacles will pop up.

    And I am not so sure of my “eye” anymore either… Dope will do that to you ya know.

    For some reason, I keep thinking I should be well…. My physical therapist keeps telling me it will be at least a year. I don’t want to wait a year!!!!!


  117. 124 berigan2electricboogaloo February 9, 2012 at 5:11 pm

    Congrats CL!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I bet tickets won’t be too bad, pricewise….


  118. 125 Voice of Raisins February 9, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    10 days to P&C’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  119. 126 Voice of Raisins February 9, 2012 at 9:26 pm

    Not that I’m countin’….


  120. 127 Voice of Raisins February 9, 2012 at 9:26 pm



  121. 128 Gil in Mechanicsville February 10, 2012 at 8:16 am

    Not much news coming out of camp Roger.


  122. 129 berigan2electricboogaloo February 10, 2012 at 10:12 am

    Gil, being impatient has it’s good points too! As long as you don’t go overboard, and suffer setbacks, I bet you will be a lot better in less than a year! 🙂


  123. 131 Gil in Mechanicsville February 12, 2012 at 8:45 am

    I will be able to tell if Hanson has fixed his problem simply by watching his head during his delivery.

    It’s funny how some fans will rail against some players for bad habits they have picked up and they are still kids. It is why “seasoning” in the minors is not a bad thing. How much better would Fancouer have been if the Braves could have left him in AAA a few years to work out his “pull” issues?

    Does anyone still really think Furcal was only 19 when he broke into the majors. It is amazing what a couple of extra years of learning will do for your game.


  124. 132 Gil in Mechanicsville February 12, 2012 at 8:50 am

    Prediction…. Pasternicky will slide over to play 3rd base if Simmons is all he is purported to be by 2014. By that time, the Braves will have acquired a left fielder who can hit. Not all that unlikely at the expense of trading McCann for a handful of prospects who can play the outfield.


  125. 133 Carolina Lady February 12, 2012 at 2:10 pm

    Braves Minor League + ILM update: (originally sent to Gil in email, just my perspective right now. Got my fingers crossed!)

    As for the Braves coming to ILM, I don’t know if that will go through or not. The City had some meetings with the County Commissioners to see if there was interest in making it a joint venture, and that ended early with the CIty guys insulting the County guys who then walked out. The City guys are trying to make a deal with a “developer” and other underhanded things going on in the background. When they met with the County people, it was more or less a “this is what we want you to do” situation.

    Also, the stupid city council wants the stadium built downtown. NOBODY goes downtown after dark unless they are going to one of the many bars. Then, when all the bars close, there are drunken brawls, people throwing up, urinating, etc etc etc so that extra police are required every night. That’s the mid- and southern end of town. The other end is public housing (you get the picture) drug haunts, etc. Just the sort of place to put a fancy new family-friendly stadium, right?? It will require additional law enforcement. So many things.

    As well as in the city are the majority of those who pay no taxes. To have any chance of success, it will have to be built in the county – and there are some nice locations available but the price of open land is in the stratosphere! I don’t know how they are going to pay for it because nobody wants taxes raised to pay for it.

    I’d so dearly love to be able to see them on a regular basis, but – I just don’t know if they can work it all out or not. I would suggest floating a bond. That would seem feasible at this point. I read in the paper today that with the “rent” that Mandalay (Braves’ partner) would pay, over the 20 year lease, that rent would return 12% of the original cost. Huh??

    Let’s see. I’ll come and grace you with my presence if you’ll build a huge mansion to my specification, and in return, I’ll pay a token rent every year for 20 years. Over the 20 years, you will get 12% of your cost back. Deal? Oh, and you have to build my mansion in a location that I approve.


  126. 134 Gil in Mechanicsville February 13, 2012 at 10:46 am

    Ah ha, sharing our super secret double probation e-mails again I see… 🙂

    Boy, I sure will be glad when I can walk again, dragging that dang walker around is making me feel old…. I have been taking a few baby steps with my cane but feel pretty unsure about it. Kind of like facing a rookie with a 97mph fastball but no control… but different. My real problem is once I go down, I am not sure as to how to get back up….

    Well, it my mom’s birthday today. Happy birthday mom…


  127. 135 Carolina Lady February 13, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    Sorry about that, Chief! I decided that I wanted to say about the same thing but didn’t want to rewrite it – so 😳 😆

    uh – what is a probation email? 😉

    Wow, be careful, my friend! Better a walker for now than back to square one or thereabouts from using a cane too early. I’m so uncertain about my own balance now, the thought of using Mother’s walker has crossed my mind. Sure wish the docs could decide on something.

    Is it time to play ball yet??


  128. 136 Voice of Raisins February 14, 2012 at 8:24 am

    Baseball Prospectus has listed its top 101 prospects in MLB. The Braves have 3 in that group that should come as no surprise to anyone: Julio Teheran at no. 5, Randall Delgado at no. 41 and Arodys Vizcaino at no. 62.


    Arodys has spent the last season or so in the ‘pen, and he’ll be in ATL’s ‘pen this season. He’s a stud… would be some team’s 7th, 8th, or 9th inning guy, that is if he wasn’t in their rotation as at least a #3 starter. But on the Braves, he’s likely #8 in line to the rotation, and we have these 3 guys named O’Flaherty, Venters and Kimbrell. Maybe you’ve heard of them?

    I think this could be the year we trade one, though. We’ve stockpiled them under the auspices (FOB?) that you can never have too much pitching. Well, I’ll dispute that statement. You cannot have 8 starters. Holding everyone back looking for injuries is fatalistic. You cannot have 4 late inning stoppers. Bullpen arms need roles. It’s been proven over and over. And you cannot win games 0-0. Ask the Braves last season in late September how necessary a timely hit is.

    I don’t believe there is any way the Braves re-sign Bourn, and their pursuit of the one of the Rockies CF prospects, and their flirtation with Baltimore over Adam Jones is proof positive that they don’t believe it either.

    Candidates for trade:
    Julio: No way. Period.
    Delgado: Maybe. Probably our most valuable trade chip.
    Viz: In my opinion, there is no way Frank trades him. He’ll be right behind Julio in the rotation one day.
    Medlen: I think he’ll be traded. He’s so valuable to the Braves, but would be even more valuable to pitching starved teams. He’ll bring a nice return.
    Surprise name… EOF: I think it could happen. LHRP’s with great stuff are extremely valuable trade chips. He could be a final piece in a big deal to make it happen.

    Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary…


  129. 137 Voice of Raisins February 14, 2012 at 8:25 am

    … oh, and JJ is an obvious candidate. I just figured that was a given…


  130. 138 Gil in Mechanicsville February 14, 2012 at 12:41 pm

    Happy Valentine’s Day CL and Kelly, hugs and kisses… to you guys Raisins and Ber.. well, you know… a firm handshake maybe…

    Yep, sure seems as Kris Medlin is not getting much love out of the Braves or anyone else right now. Guess he will have to really impress folks during spring training. My personal thoughts are that he is already a number 3 guy. I guess if you can’t throw 98 mph you are not worth the ink for the AJC or anyone else for that matter. For sure, I would ask for a ton back for him in a trade.

    Medlen, Minor and Beachy might be three of the most underrated pitchers on any staff but I could build a heck of a team around them. Not sure about Gil Martin yet but we’ll see.


  131. 139 Gil in Mechanicsville February 14, 2012 at 12:54 pm

    CL, if I told you it would no longer be super secret… 🙂


  132. 140 Gil in Mechanicsville February 14, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    The thing I love about each new season is there is always some kid who seemingly comes out of no where and becomes a superstar. Then everyone clamorous to give away the farm to get him for their team.

    Only thing you can do is hope you have enough gas in the tank to make it through the entire 162 game season. The Braves went from one of the sure things to a bust in one month, Just like the 2010 Padres. Let’s hope history is not repeated in 2012 as far as the Braves are concerned.


  133. 141 Carolina Lady February 14, 2012 at 3:44 pm

    “Happy Valentine’s Day CL and Kelly, hugs and kisses…” Thank you!!! And the same back to you and Miss Josie!

    “to you guys Raisins and Ber.. well, you know… a firm handshake maybe…”
    😆 😆

    Nice analysis of the pitching, V. “Your mileage may vary…” 😆 😆


  134. 143 berigan2electricboogaloo February 15, 2012 at 2:33 am

    Did you all know that JJ might be a potential trade chip? 😯 🙄
    V, I agree…sounds crazy, especially where the braves starters were a few years ago(and remember, Hanson is really the first home grown starter of any worth the braves had produced in what, a decade?) but in a way they were too successful, in developing pitching in the last few years! I think a few guys developed faster than anything thought they would…and I kid, its a good thing to have “too many” quality arms.
    Gil’s right, Medlin would be a 3 on many teams, and instead he’s going to be…what, our long guy? Or the guy who fills in for one of the big 3 relievers on a night they need off? Don’t know that’s getting the most out of his ability…
    But, as constructed, this is not a team that can really hope to beat the Phils, unless Halliday and Hamels run into each other shagging flies and miss half the season (and it is possible that one of their big arms can get hurt this season, though I sure wouldn’t want it to happen)
    And the Marlins or Nats might beat us in 2013 if there isn’t some improvement in the offense. Chipper retiring and Bourne leaving won’t make us better….


  135. 144 Gil in Mechanicsville February 15, 2012 at 8:00 am

    The tell tale heart, or in JJ’s case, the tell tale radar gun. Yes, everyon can tell us how healthy Jair’s knee is but the real give away will be the speeds he puts up on the scoreboard. If the knee is still giving him trouble, look for the mid to high 80s, if well, look for the low to mid 90s. JJ is a pitcher who needs that extra few MPH to get his breaking stuff to move properly.


  136. 145 Gil in Mechanicsville February 15, 2012 at 8:06 am

    And on Hudson… Anytime you have back surgery it’s a crap shoot from what I have read. Does not make any difference if it is a major reconstruction like I had or a single bulging disc. You cannot predict as to how a body will react. Some people never get rid of the pain and one or two never have anymore problems. Again, spring training will reveal a lot.

    For sure, the Braves will not get back a pitcher nearly as good as they will give up for the kind of money they have to spend.


  137. 146 Voice of Raisins February 17, 2012 at 8:04 am

    2 days.


  138. 147 Voice of Raisins February 17, 2012 at 1:15 pm

    AJ Burnett is taking his talents to Pittsburgh from New York. Going from the AL East to the NL Central is a great break for Burnett. He should be on his knees thanking the Great Commissioner in the sky for that one…


  139. 148 Gil in Mechanicsville February 18, 2012 at 8:38 am

    Morning folks, it will be 82 degrees in Orlando today, Dang, wish I was there….

    The weather folks are calling for snow here on Sunday, just as I predicted to my wife over 2 months ago. Actually, I will be off by about 6 hours but still, pretty good predictions. Based it on the time we normally get snow here because Josie loves snow and it would usually snow here while we were on vacation in Florida or the Caribbean.

    Hey, you have got to have a gimmick…

    Talked on the phone with my youngest son last night and he was at the park with his family and a balmy 71 degrees in Sarasota. The Orioles have completely renovated the ballpark there which was formally used by the Reds.

    I think the Braves play a game there in late March. Lots of good tickets to be had I would expect.

    Pitchers and catchers report tomorrow…. YEA!!!!!!!!


  140. 149 Voice of Raisins February 18, 2012 at 8:49 pm



  141. 150 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 12:01 am



  142. 151 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 12:01 am



  143. 152 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 12:01 am



  144. 153 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 12:01 am



  145. 154 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 12:01 am



  146. 155 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 12:02 am



  147. 156 Gil in Mechanicsville February 19, 2012 at 8:43 am

    And the area golf courses were immediately besieged by pitchers with lots of free time on their hands


  148. 157 Voice of Raisins February 19, 2012 at 4:11 pm

    Lots of great pics being shared by the Braves’ beat writer. I recommend checking out his twitter. The link is here: http://twitter.com/#!/ajcbraves/ajcbraves


  149. 158 Gil in Mechanicsville February 19, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    Yep, nice to see the guys showing up early.

    I guess Shea is going to be the one of Chipper’s boys who will go into the family business.

    Heyward looks chiseled…


  150. 159 Gil in Mechanicsville February 19, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    “Hudson only named one young pitcher by name, and it wasn’t one of the top prospects. He nodded across the clubhouse to Kris Medlen and said the versatile starter-reliever was as good as anyone the Braves had.” From the AJC article by DOB. See, I’m not the only one who sees how good Medlen is.

    By the way, I did not have my surgery via the abdominal route but laid open my back like a gutted mackerel. Good news, I walked about 15 steps today unaided. A gold star for me for sure…. .


  151. 160 Voice of Raisins February 20, 2012 at 7:07 am

    G’morning, Gil.

    How’s the snow up there?


  152. 161 Gil in Mechanicsville February 20, 2012 at 8:16 am

    White…very, very white… Changed over to a coating of freezing rain at some point after mid-night and left the trees heavy. Now just waiting for the sun to warm things up and melt the ice off the ski ramp outside my backdoor.


  153. 162 Gil in Mechanicsville February 20, 2012 at 9:21 am

    Lots of comments across the street on Chipper’s less than chiseled form. If it were pro wrestling I might be worried but remembering the line by Madden, “you can’t pull fat” and knowing this is baseball, I am not too worried. Looks to be in better shape than most 40 year olds and knowing it is really more about timing than brute strength in baseball, I’ll just let that slide….


  154. 163 Voice of Raisins February 20, 2012 at 10:02 am

    Chipper has been hitting and getting ready to be productive at the plate. He can look like Terry Forster for all I care as long as he drives in 85+ runs.


  155. 164 Voice of Raisins February 20, 2012 at 10:07 am

    Terry Forster, for those who have forgotten, described himself on David Letterman as a “fat tub of goo”. 😆


  156. 165 Voice of Raisins February 20, 2012 at 10:24 am

    By the way, Chipper’s best production of 2012 may be the time he spent with Jason Heyward. If JHey reaches his awesome potential in year 3, I give Chipper a lion’s share of the credit for it.


  157. 166 Voice of Raisins February 20, 2012 at 11:16 am

    Somehow this just makes my workday a little bit better…



  158. 167 Salty February 20, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    Uhm…I’m more than a bit out of touch with the happenings in these parts. So…will just cut to the chase! How’s everybody doing?


  159. 168 Gil in Mechanicsville February 20, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    Yo Salty, How you be?

    I’m currently on the 60 day DL so I had to turn down my invite to spring training this hear. Basically had the same surgery as Tim Hudson but different. I am learning how to walk again. Other than that, I am peachy keen…


  160. 169 Voice of Raisins February 20, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    Salt-dude! Wassup! Hope you are doing better than Tommy Hanson…



  161. 170 berigan2electricboogaloo February 20, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    Gil, congrats on the unaided steps!!!!! 😀 :mrgreen:

    Salt man, nice to see you stop by..in case you didn’t know…we are open 24/7! 😉

    And yes it’s nice to see those photos of spring training! Wish I had looked yesterday….brrr! I was out without my jacket…went to church in shortsleeves…when I got home late afternoon I found it was 46….and with that windchill I think I was really stoopid! 🙂


  162. 171 Voice of Raisins February 21, 2012 at 7:35 am

    You know, I like reading DOB’s blog leads, because he brings so much inside info that you can’t get anywhere else (like his new one on Martin. I love Martin. I hope he’s a Brave forever… even without a regular position.) Anyway, every now and then I’ll peek down at the comments. I believe they comments are getting stupider and stupider. And just plain mean. It’s as if some of those folks just ooze vitriol. I am thankful for a peaceful and friendly neighborhood.



  163. 172 Gil in Mechanicsville February 21, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Raisins, many of those folks are the same ones who think Jerry Springer should win a Pulitzer….

    That nasty and combative style of reporting might gain you 15 minutes of fame but rarely allows you to have a long standing career.

    To tell the truth, I’d rather not know a lot of other people’s dirty secrets, besides, I have enough of my own to last a lifetime.

    All that said, it was a good piece on Marteen and Huddy.

    Manny signing with the A’s. Perfect marriage if you ask me. Oakland really has little to lose and everything to gain. It’s not like Oakland is in any real position to challenge the Angels or the Rangers this season anyway.


  164. 173 Gil in Mechanicsville February 21, 2012 at 11:00 am

    Ber, I would love to say taking those few unaided steps felt good but only in the sense of accomplishment, pretty torturous otherwise.

    My PT is sending me out with homework for the days I don’t see her and gave them to Josie to make sure they get done. It’s like knowing you are going to get a whipping, just dread thinking about it…. Makes me want to go out a kick a surgeon right square in the butt, if only I could raise one leg that high, and not fall on my butt in the process…


  165. 174 Voice of Raisins February 21, 2012 at 11:26 am

    DOB reports that Uggla has reported with even more muscle than last year. Dadgum…

    “2B Dan Uggla, who already had Popeye arms, has even larger guns now after adding about 20 lbs through heavier lifting.”


  166. 175 Carolina Lady February 21, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    Reading this blog is such a wonderful treat! I can learn everything I need to know about the Braves right here and be able to smile while doing it! Thanks to all of you for that! *big hugs*

    Salty!! Great to see you here, my friend!! As somebody said above, we’re open 24/7/365 – and the door is always open to you. Hope you and all of your clan are well. How’s your soldier-son? I think of him often and keep him and all of our military in prayer.

    Gil, congrats on making progress! It’s really hard but I know you can do it! Think of where you can be next year at this time!


  167. 176 Gil in Mechanicsville February 21, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    Gil, congrats on making progress! It’s really hard but I know you can do it! Think of where you can be next year at this time!

    CL. I will be at spring training next year even if I have to buy a motorized wheelchair to drive down I-95… I did my exercises and then konked out in my recliner for an hour. Not sure if that is the proper cool down but it works for me..

    Latest weather report.. As you know, I got about 4 inches of the white stuff last weekend, the weather gurus now say it will be in the mid 70s by thursdays, then another chance of snow next wednesday. That is the thing about the weather here in Virginia. If you don’t like it, just wait a day or two.


  168. 177 Gil in Mechanicsville February 23, 2012 at 9:35 am

    Good morning folks, wish I had some profound insight I could pass along this morning about the Braves but at the moment I am still having trouble passing my water. Oh well….

    Looks like most of the guys are in camp and ready to go. Not much DOB or Mark Bowman can really report on other than what the players did during the off season and who has lost or gained weight, muscle etc…. I guess we will soon get reports on the sound the ball makes coming off the bat of player A or B or maybe even player H.

    Sigh, I only wish I were there, soaking it all in while being bored watching a bunch of grown men stretch and run around in the outfield……


  169. 178 berigan2electricboogaloo February 23, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    Gil, hope you and CL are gettin’ some of this nice warm weather! Sit out in back, put the sunscreen on, and imagine you are there! Only less traffic issues to deal with! 🙂

    Weird to go to MLBTR and never see any news on the braves…Roy Oswalt may sit out til midseason…I really dislike him…one of the rarest of the rare, a major league player, making a ton of money, and at 34, he’s talked about retiring for years. This year the precious little darling only wanted to play for teams that didn’t have room for him in their rotation. He would have forced Matt Harrison (14-9 3.39 ERA last year) to go to the bullpen so he could play for the Rangers. If I were him, I couldn’t do something like that to a 25 year old…157–91, 3.21 career ERA. in the olden days, a player with numbers like him would hope to put some more good years together, and hope to perhaps get into HOF talk…heck, they would play for free, just to play this great game for the few years they could…but I guess he would rather hunt and fish 24-7(something he could do the 40-50 years after he retires) and of course, spend time with the kids….


  170. 179 Gil in Mechanicsville February 23, 2012 at 6:49 pm

    On the other hand, Oswalt does have a bad back. Perhaps he is ready to try a less stressful occupation like TV broadcaster.

    A little more info on Hanson’s crash in the AJC. Appears he may have dodged a very big bullet.


  171. 180 Gil in Mechanicsville February 24, 2012 at 6:55 am

    On the decision by an arbitrator to overturn Ryan Braun’s suspension on a technicality, Happens all the time, unfortunately for Braun, it does not make him any less guilty in the eyes of the fans. Hope he has plenty of ear plugs. He will need them.


  172. 181 berigan2electricboogaloo February 24, 2012 at 8:39 am

    Gil, it’s true…Oswalt will probably be much stronger down the stretch…I did see that Lance Berkman said it was all about the money…


  173. 182 berigan2electricboogaloo February 24, 2012 at 8:43 am

    It’s weird, it seems that no player has had a false positive reading…MLB needs to be much more upfront about things in the future…did he get tested a 2nd time? Who is to say testosterone levels can’t spike? (I really don’t know-I remember with Manny it was Estrogen levels, that seems a lot harder to explain away) I HATE the use of performance enhancing drugs, but I also lower case hate the way some players are treated. Doesn’t even seem to matter if they were on a legitimate medication, I hear, they should have known better, or something to that effect. So in a way I am glad he beat MLB on this one since I had heard there was no way he could…


  174. 183 Voice of Raisins February 24, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    Braun got off on a technicality and it makes me sick. There was NO tampering with the sample. There was NO tainting of the evidence. But because the FedEx guy could not deliver it after MLB offices had closed on a Friday, and because he followed the protocol as written by MLB by storing it until the offices re-opened on Monday, some schmoe arbitrator – actually a panel of 3 who split 2-1 on the decision – overturns it.

    The dude got off on a technicality that was not even a legitimate technicality. I hope his production drops off like a Fat Andruw Jones. He makes me sick. I hate cheaters…


  175. 184 Voice of Raisins February 24, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    Now Braves.

    SS’s have arrived today, and Jack Wilson is already out 4-6 weeks with a calf strain. Nice.


  176. 185 berigan2electricboogaloo February 24, 2012 at 3:25 pm

    So, there can be problems if there are 7 starters(really 8 if you count Medlin)and only 5 slots. Really only 4 starters thru April(usually)

    Mike Minor Talks Role With Braves, Trade
    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [February 24, 2012 at 8:28am CST]

    GM Frank Wren told David O’Brien of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Mike Minor is the “incumbent” in the competition for the Braves’ final rotation spot because of his experience and left-handedness. However, Minor says he would prefer not to go to Triple-A if he fails to earn a rotation spot after pitching well.

    “Then there’s no reason I shouldn’t pitch in the big leagues somewhere,” he said. “If they don’t have room for me here, then there’s no reason they shouldn’t trade me or just do something with me.”

    Minor, 24, clarified his comments to manager Fredi Gonzalez and some teammates, according to MLB.com’s Mark Bowman (Twitter links). Minor says the Braves should trade him if he hasn’t earned a lasting spot in the Major Leagues by next year.

    Minor owns a 4.74 ERA with 8.8 K/9 and 3.0 BB/9 in 123 1/3 innings at the Major League level. The 2009 first rounder made 15 starts for the Braves last year and another 16 at Triple-A. He is currently vying for the fifth spot in the Braves’ rotation, along with prospects Julio Teheran and Randall Delgado.



  177. 186 Gil in Mechanicsville February 24, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    Note to Mike Minor…. You have the right to remain silent, if you give up that right, especially in the company of reporters, you shall be deemed too stupid to be allowed to procreate. Means by which said action shall be enforced will begin with a good swift kick in the n*** and repeated until the message is driven home to the few remaining brain cells you possess.

    Attention Jack Wilson. If you had strained a calf muscle while in camp, insurance would have covered your injury, getting hurt in you own back yard… likely not…

    Braves’ players are dropping like flies this spring are they not? Let’s hope they can reverse this trend before it becomes epidemic.

    Com’n Chipper, No sunscreen? Still think you are superman?


  178. 187 Salty February 25, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    Hi, all. Doing well enough…just busy. I feel like there was an entire baseball season I missed.

    My son was injured during basic (back…like Gil, only different) and had to drop. Ended up getting a procedure done and hasn’t had a problem in well over a year. He was highly disappointed, and gave serious thought to trying again. But, he’s living in San Diego, hopefully starting a new job within a week or so and begin to finish his last 15 or so hours towards his degree. Also met a young woman who is his ‘female version’. Like most sons…pretty sure this one won’t be ‘coming home again’. 😆 We’re proud…he charted his course and is making it happen.

    Gotta run…will do another ‘drive-by’ post sooner than later, hopefully. DO THE REHAB, GIL…AND SPOT YOUR COMPLAINING! 😆 I catch your comments on facebook, occasionally…which I frequent as often as here (?) Guess I’m not a ‘social media’ dude. Cheers…good health…Go Braves! CL…all the best…thanks for keeping doors open here!


  179. 188 Gil in Mechanicsville February 26, 2012 at 10:41 am

    Yeah Salty, that’s what the wife says. She would have made a good D.I…..

    I’m sure the son was disappointed but things always work out for the best it seems.


  180. 189 berigan2electricboogaloo February 26, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    Gil, had that same thought about Chipper. Wife, young kids, Millions in the bank…you really want to die of something that stoopid?

    Glad to hear things are working out for your Son Salty! 🙂 Does he follow the Padres yet???


  181. 190 Salty February 27, 2012 at 5:51 am

    Padres? Never! 😆


  182. 191 Gil in Mechanicsville February 27, 2012 at 8:17 am

    Morning friends, doctors appointment this morning… ugh!!!!! PT this afternoon… a necessary evil… At least my therapist is honest with me, even if she does make me want to cry. I just pretend I back to my two a days in high school football. At least she will let me have a drink of water… 🙂

    DOB is pouring them out now, lots of info on the boys and their off season conditioning. Some adding weight and muscle, some taking it away… Always chasing that perfect combination it seems.

    I do sorely miss being there. Nothing like seeing for your own eyes all the little things you can’t pick up by reading about them or listening to the pundits. Heck, most of them (the pundits) are just reading copy or at the least, someone else’s notes.

    Like our old buddy Lew says, you can’t run a fantasy team and a real team the same way and be successful with either one. So many moving parts to a baseball team, not to mention and organization.

    Timing is everything…. keeping all those cogs turning in sync is a monumental task.


  183. 192 Gil in Mechanicsville February 28, 2012 at 9:04 am

    I really hope these kids who are getting big increases in their contracts are smart with their money. Zimmerman and Molina making some serious coin. I would hate to see them working the card shows in 20 years just to have enough money to eat. Much like Mays had to after he retired.

    Come to think of it, I doubt my autograph would fetch much on today’s market… Sigh, no new truck this year either….


  184. 193 Voice of Raisins February 28, 2012 at 9:33 am

    Braves guest instructor David Justice, courtesy of DOB:

    “It’s just always good to come back to any function with the Braves, because this is where my heart is. Even though I played with other teams, this is home for me, the Braves.”

    Funny… I always think of him as a Brave first also. I always will, regardless of what he did elsewhere.


  185. 194 Voice of Raisins February 28, 2012 at 9:38 am

    More from DOB:

    [Fred] McGriff and Jason Heyward went to a backfield for private instruction after Monday’s team workout, and Justice was spotted giving pointers to players ranging from Brian McCann to rookie shortstop Tyler Pastornicky.

    Love it!


  186. 195 berigan2electricboogaloo February 28, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    great news V!
    Anyone watch baseball tonight, last night? Really dislike Karl Ravech…kept harping on Tito Francona’s Red Sox epic collapse, tying it into the braves collapse…but he just wouldn’t let go…Francona was a very good sport about it…but after being forced to answer one question after another, they would go to the taped interview with Francona and Freddi talking about the two’s terrible septembers! I just with Tim K, Buster , and a few other guys would go over to the baseball network so I would never, ever have to put ESPN on again…
    Anyway, there were tiny bits of braves news (since they were after all at the braves camp) with Freddi saying he threw away most of the notes he made when talking about the team, when he saw how many folks came to camp with a chip on their shoulders, and had come in early, ready to prove last season was last season. Also, Tim K said FF basically wanted to make sure he stayed strong all season, and has gone from bench pressing 165 to 260!


  187. 196 berigan2electricboogaloo February 28, 2012 at 1:24 pm

    I just WISH Tim K, Buster , and a few other guys would go over to the baseball network so I would never, ever have to put ESPN on again…


  188. 197 Voice of Raisins February 28, 2012 at 4:13 pm

    Freddie got hurt today… dislocated knee cap is what I heard. Same thing happened 2 years ago at Gwinnett. It’s about a 2 week injury. Ugh!


  189. 199 Voice of Raisins February 28, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    A very reasonable (I like “reason”) assessment of the Braves offseason inactivity and 2012 outlook. I can’t really disagree with much:



  190. 200 Gil in Mechanicsville February 28, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Face it folks, the reason the Braves have been aggressive with playing rookies is they have little other options. Fortunately they have been fairly good rookies but we have seen what happens when the get hurt, a lot of bench guys get exposed.

    Sounds like Freedie has one of those nagging injuries which will haunt him his entire career. Just don’t sit down FF, got to keep the rest of those muscles strong.


  191. 201 Gil in Mechanicsville February 29, 2012 at 10:35 am

    Morning folks, another fun filled and busy day ahead… Sigh… Still would rather be in Florida for ST…


  192. 202 Voice of Raisins March 1, 2012 at 7:22 am

    MLBTR: “The Braves will make Nick Swisher their top free agent target next offseason, according to ESPN’s Jim Bowden.”

    Ha ha ha ha… 😆

    This season hasn’t even started yet and he knows what the Braves are going to do when it’s completed? There is alot of time between now and then…


  193. 203 Voice of Raisins March 1, 2012 at 7:29 am

    So the Marlins’ Mike Stanton now wants to be called Giancarlo Stanton? Can we rename our RF Beauregard Heyward? It’s got a ring to it…



  194. 205 Gil in Mechanicsville March 1, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    Now, the real question, is Gattis that good or is O’Flarerty losing it? 🙂

    Jim Bowden is still working out of his mother’s basement ever since he got busted for taking “playola” from the Latinos. I have zero respect for him or any of his many opinions.


  195. 206 berigan2electricboogaloo March 2, 2012 at 1:37 am

    Nice story…hopefully he can keep his act together…I think Mike Stanton got tired of braves fans saying how can he look so young, and why did he give up pitching left handed. 😉


  196. 207 Gil in Mechanicsville March 2, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Morning folks, hope all are well….

    Almost time for pre-season games to start which actually mean zero but gives us all a reason to fret, or gloat or pick any adjective to describe what they actually mean. I’m just anxious to see something besides talking heads ponder over who spent how much money over which players and who might be competitive in the year 2017….

    Still, I kind of exited for no real good reason… I think I want to see how JJ’s knee is going to fare and if Tommy Hanson can really speed up his delivery to the plate without tossing gopher balls….

    That and seeing for sure that Mike Minor isn’t tipping his pitches.


  197. 208 Gil in Mechanicsville March 2, 2012 at 11:07 am

    Yeah Ber, I was wondering the same thing about Mike Stanton myself. I was really surprised at how well he was able to make the transition from pitcher to position player…. 🙂


  198. 209 Gil in Mechanicsville March 4, 2012 at 8:02 am

    One hit!!! I know it’s spring training but guys, one crummy hit?


  199. 210 berigan2electricboogaloo March 4, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    I see the braves are already hitting like it’s September! 😛


  200. 211 Gil in Mechanicsville March 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm

    Yeah Ber, and so are the Tigers..


  201. 212 Voice of Raisins March 5, 2012 at 8:45 am

    2day’s lineup:

    1. Bourn to run, CF
    2. Pastor (Rev), SS
    3. Mac, DH
    4. Popeye, 2B
    5. Hinskinator, 1B
    6. JHey, RF
    7. Terdo, 3B
    8. George Constanza, LF
    9. JC (no nickname; Bosco?) Boscan, C

    Pitching rotation: JJ, Cory Gearrin, Todd Redmond, Erik Cordier and Luis Avilan.

    Not that any of that really matters, but I, too, have to get myself into form for the season…


  202. 213 Gil in Mechanicsville March 5, 2012 at 8:49 am

    I almost don’t know what to write after yesterday’s 18-3 shellacking at the hands of the Tigers. Yes, it is pretty early in ST to worry but I cannot recall the Braves getting beat up on that badly in a spring training game before.

    I will wait another week before I fret too much. Still, it is pretty humiliating.


  203. 214 Voice of Raisins March 5, 2012 at 9:35 am

    Julio was having trouble spotting his fastball, so he was throwing nothing but fastballs while working on it. It’s pretty easy to tee off when you know what’s coming…


  204. 215 Gil in Mechanicsville March 5, 2012 at 10:25 am

    Does that mean the Braves could not hit a fast ball either? Just asking. Kind of glad there was no TV of the game because then I would have felt compelled to watch. Fortunately I was able to watch the NASCAR race.

    Oh well, no need to fret over spring training blowouts. They count for zilch and don’t really give us an indication of how the season will turn out.

    It’s snowing here this morning. Very pretty since I don’t have to venture out into it. Come to think of it, I would be very timid to give it a try as I have yet to attempt to get up from floor level since my surgery.

    Sigh, sure can get boring though. All this sitting around….


  205. 216 berigan2electricboogaloo March 5, 2012 at 4:47 pm

    Gil, I hope you find this funny…I was (mis)reading your post, and thought you were being funny saying “I would be very timid to give it a try as I have yet to attempt to get up from THE floor since my surgery” like you would fall on your…padding! 😛 anyway, the snow will melt, and you will be going up and down before you know it. 🙂


  206. 217 Voice of Raisins March 6, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    2day’s lineup:

    1. Bourn to run, CF
    2. Marteeen, 3B
    3. Mac, DH
    4. Kneeman, 1B
    5. MattyD, LF
    6. JHey, RF
    7. DRoss, C
    8. Andrelton Simmons, SS
    9. Drew Sutton, 2B

    Pitchers: Medlen, O’Flaherty, Venters, Kimbrel

    Chipper’s out again. He’s missing his second day with “leg soreness” and is already scheduled to NOT make the trip to Lakeland tomorrow. I don’t like it.


  207. 218 Voice of Raisins March 6, 2012 at 12:47 pm

    OK… just heard some radio commentary regarding Chipper that I may or may not buy into. Gotta give it a little more thought. But the radio dude opined that the Braves are holding Chipper out of these early games simply to preserve him. The thought is that a veteran such as Chipper requires much less ST to get ready, thus they are simply holding him out of a couple of early weeks of wear on the legs in hopes of having those couple of extra weeks in the season. It makes sense, except that they might be a little more forthcoming about it. The Phillies are doing just that with Utley, and are open about it. I don’t know… maybe it’s just being extra cautious. I have no problem with caution.


  208. 219 Gil in Mechanicsville March 6, 2012 at 2:58 pm

    To be truthful, I think it is the handwriting on the wall as far as Chipper goes. Funny, we don’t hear much about his toes any longer.


  209. 220 Salty March 6, 2012 at 8:09 pm

    OK…I’m not buying the ‘save the legs’ thing. I run more now in my 50’s than i did in my 30’s. Either you’re in shape…or you’re not. Use…or lose it.


  210. 221 Voice of Raisins March 7, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    2day’s lineup:

    1. Bourn to run, CF
    2. Marteeen, 3B
    3. Mac, DH
    4. Popeye, 2B
    5. Kneeman, 1B
    6. Hinskinator, DH
    7. MattyD, LF
    8. JHey, RF
    9. Rev, SS

    Schedule to pitch: not a clue


  211. 222 Gil in Mechanicsville March 7, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    So… anyone else get the feeling that the Braves are Detroit’s personal whipping boys? It’s like they start licking their chops when they see a tomahawk… (terrible pun, I know)….


  212. 223 berigan2electricboogaloo March 8, 2012 at 11:57 am

    I keep reading, but not posting…which seems kind of rude…
    Umm, err…eh…
    Anyway, I think it’s a good idea to rest Chipper in spring training. He should know how to play the game by now…


  213. 224 Gil in Mechanicsville March 8, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    Well, we will find out if Chipper is right, he has been saying all along he only needed a couple of weeks to get ready for the season, it was a matter of getting his timing down,

    That said, I hope Dan Uggla started working on his timing in November…


  214. 226 Voice of Raisins March 9, 2012 at 12:38 pm

    Bravos will be on MLB Network today at 1:00pm!!!!! 😀


  215. 227 Voice of Raisins March 9, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    Did y’all know that the Braves only have 36 players on their 40 man roster? That’s kinda interesting…


  216. 228 Voice of Raisins March 9, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    Well, I kinda half watched the “action” today as I worked. And I’d like to report that the Braves are in mid-season form. I’d like to report that, but I cannot. The truth is, they are in late-season form. Sadly, they are in late 2011 season form. They scored a total of 0 runs. Wow, they were exciting. I think they even reached 2nd base once. Wow!



  217. 229 Gil in Mechanicsville March 10, 2012 at 10:22 am

    Officially, the Braves are saying they are not worried about their spring training record, Well, I’m not either… What I am worried about is they continue to look like they are clueless when it comes to scoring runs. I don’t care how good your pitching staff is, unless you can produce some semblance of an offense, you are going to lose a lot more games than you will win.

    The last two weeks of spring training are the most telling of what your team will look like. Who is hitting and who is not but as of right now, the Braves look like they are all pupils in the 2011 version of the Adam Dunn school of hitting… Oh Wait…..


  218. 230 berigan2electricboogaloo March 11, 2012 at 6:22 pm

    We’re number ! In spring training losses! 😉 Oh well, it’s only spring training…
    I don’t think we will have much trouble recognizing Tommy Hanson on the mound…
    Several scouts watching the game said they were surprised by how little difference there was in Hanson’s windup, after reading about changes he’d made in his delivery.

    Asked about the changes in Hanson’s mechanics, Ross said it was more noticeable from the stretch than the windup.
    article said he is faster to home plate, so it should be harder to steal on him.


  219. 231 berigan2electricboogaloo March 11, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    funny, just saw the MLB channel, and they were talking about the white sox…Dunn, reworked his swing during the winter. Alex Rios, reworked his swing during the winter. Gordon Beckman, well, he focused on hitting this winter. Amazing that we hired a coach that seemingly failed 3 big time hitters…


  220. 232 Voice of Raisins March 12, 2012 at 11:18 am

    Dunn and Rios are well paid established veteran hitters. If they rely on a hitting coach for their swings, well… then they should give back a portion of the fat contracts they signed. As to Beckham, he’s still a wannabe. He needs to focus on hitting since he hasn’t. Hit… that is. Much promise; little substance. Kinda like the Braves 2012 spring… ‘cept different.


  221. 233 berigan2electricboogaloo March 12, 2012 at 6:20 pm

    Well, Beckham hit the ground running his rookie year(sound familiar?) came up in June and drove in 63 for the year…sliding downhill ever since(Of course mental giant Ozzie Guillen has moved him from SS to 3rd base to 2nd base)
    Adam Dunn…read something interesting…our new hitting coach saw Dunn hitting BP last ST and searched out Ozzie…something was very wrong, and both could see it…at least they could see there was a problem…but it sure wasn’t fixed all year long…
    I don’t know…how come no one seems to get “fixed” in a braves uni. Sure hope JHey does…but look at Andruw. Not the same player of course, but a useful player. Frenchy…worthless when he left. The one thats really
    amazing to me is Melky. Had a pretty decent year in KC. thought San Fran made a huge mistake trading for him though. Saw him hit a homer right handed in spring training game…wow…didn’t even recognize his swing, it looked…..GREAT! WTH??? Oh well….


  222. 235 Voice of Raisins March 12, 2012 at 9:31 pm

    I have a bad feeling here… baaaaad feeling. Chipper may have had his share of injuries over the last few seasons, but he’s never been one to openly talk about how bad he’s hurting. It must be at a whole new level this year…


  223. 236 berigan2electricboogaloo March 13, 2012 at 8:59 am

    Yeah, I see what you mean…
    As I alluded to earlier, this game is going to wear you down, whether you have major injuries such as two torn ACLs, menisucus tears – I’ve got no meniscus in the right knee.
    Stuff like this makes it all the more miraculous that Stan Musial played til he was 42, and Ted Williams til he was 41. Except for pitchers, you just don’t see players play til they are 40 anymore…even with all the advances in medicine…


  224. 237 berigan2electricboogaloo March 13, 2012 at 10:59 am

    So, chime in…is Andrelton Simmons going to be our SS out of ST???? It sounds crazy on the one hand, but Pastornicky is hitting .115 when he should have been feeling little pressure to perform beyond showing he belonged in the big leagues….



  225. 238 Voice of Raisins March 13, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    I’d say it’s at least a consideration now that Simmons is in the mix. But to be honest, neither 1/15 nor 3/15 excites me a whole lot. I think AS needs more development. As Chipper says, as long as the defense up the middle is steady, the bat is gravy.


  226. 239 berigan2electricboogaloo March 13, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    Well, after going 0 for 3, Pastornicky is “hitting” (don’t you have to hit to first be called a hitter?) .103 JHey, hitting .148 but he hitting 45 batting points higher than Pastornicky’s must mean he is hitting pretty good, right? 😕


  227. 240 berigan2electricboogaloo March 13, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    This is a WTH moment…who will back up whom at SS???


    The A’s announced that they claimed infielder Brandon Hicks from the Braves. Oakland placed left-hander Brett Anderson on the 60-day disabled list to create 40-man roster space for Hicks.

    Hicks, 26, spent most of the 2011 season at Triple-A, where he posted a .252/.333/.446 line with 18 homers in 407 plate appearances. The 2007 third round selection has mostly played shortstop over the course of his minor league career, but he has experience at all four infield positions. Following Scott Sizemore’s injury, the A’s have an opening at third base, a position at which Hicks has played 20 minor league games and nine Major League games.


  228. 241 berigan2electricboogaloo March 13, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    oh, and he’s played 3rd too? Trade him! 🙄


  229. 242 Voice of Raisins March 13, 2012 at 8:00 pm

    Brandon Hicks was likely the worst of what has been a bad lot of hitters wearing tomahawks this spring. He had just 1 hit in 10 AB’s with a whopping 7 K’s. With Tyler “Rev” Pastornicky, Andrelton Simmons, Ernesto Mejia, Drew Sutton, Joe Terdoslavich and Josh Wilson all ahead of him as prospects, there wasn’t alot of patience left for his development, or room left for him on a roster. The Braves did him a great favor by waiving him this early so that he’d have a chance to catch on somewhere else.


  230. 243 berigan2electricboogaloo March 13, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    V, you know more of the kids than I do…it’s just that I know Hicks had some experience in the majors…just looking, looks like Drew Sutton has played in the bigs…just not familiar with him…also old…28 that’s really old! 😉
    Just weird to have a 40 year old 3rd baseman and a rookie SS and back-ups no one has heard of…


  231. 244 Gil in Mechanicsville March 14, 2012 at 8:22 am

    Morning folks, soooo,, Chipper says it was just a joke…. Hmmm, we shall see.

    Brandon Hicks just never lived up to expectations, at least, what the Braves expected out of him. I hope he does well in Oakland. Maybe they have a hitting coach who can straighten him out….

    Braves pitching continues to be spotty this spring but the hitting is really abysmal isn’t it? Let’s all hope the Bravos don’t start the season so far in the hole that they have to fight it out with the Mets to stay out of the cellar.

    After a while, losing becomes an accepted philosophy. I have seen it many time and many places. Pretty soon you no longer have to make up excuses, nobody cares….

    Getting stronger everyday by the way, that said, my PT does not mind kicking my butt. At least it is taking less time to recover from my whupings so to speak. Still, I am looking forward to ditching the walker….


  232. 245 Gil in Mechanicsville March 14, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Gasp…Braves win.. who would have thunk it?

    Happy Birthday Raisins..:)


  233. 246 berigan2electricboogaloo March 15, 2012 at 7:08 am

    Gil, glad you hear it!(that you are getting stronger!) In a way you are lucky you were so terribly messed up before the surgery that it won’t take too long to get back to that level! 😛 then you will blow past that…

    VOR got a nice B-Day present, a win! Said it on facebook(which is the way these days I guess) but hope you had a good one!


  234. 247 berigan2electricboogaloo March 15, 2012 at 7:50 am

    You know, it’s amazing how many teams have more starters than slots for them…take the Nats…
    from MLBTR> on a story about the Nats John Lannan(are they or aren’t they actively trying to trade him)
    The Nationals added Gio Gonzalez and Edwin Jackson to holdovers Jordan Zimmermann and Stephen Strasburg this offseason. They also re-signed Chien-Ming Wang and have the out-of-options Ross Detwiler available as well.

    and above that some GM from the AL (you know the “superior’ league) said, he wouldn’t trade a top flight CF for him… yet, what is he??? a guy who is a 27 YO lefty with a career 4.00 ERA and had a 3.70 ERA last year, and people act like he’s not worth getting…weird…I know, has nothing to do with the braves, but what does these days??? 😕


  235. 248 Gil in Mechanicsville March 15, 2012 at 8:15 am

    Ber, I think it is the new normal for baseball, over valuing your own players while dissing everyone elses right up until the time you make a trade and suddenly the players acquired is the greatest thing since sliced bread and the opposite is true for the guy you just dumped. Self justification I guess.

    Well, yesterday I found out I could indeed get up off the ground… Managed to throw myself in the dirt while trying to do too many things at once (Note to self: ditch the chewing gum…) So, another milestone passed, or is that millstone? Anywho, None the worse for it, I don’t think…

    I do not yet have the means for watching spring training games, It has become pricier and pricier to do so, I am already making payments for the MLB package but ST games are not included. I guess I will have to wait until April to make my own judgements on the Braves’ pitching. Since Jo and I did not get to go to Florida this year, maybe we will take an extra trip to DC to see the Nats play the Braves.


  236. 249 berigan2electricboogaloo March 15, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Gil, so in the battle between Gil and the ground, it was a tie? 😉
    Gil, the game last night was on the MLB channel…they are running (and re-running ) a lot of games….was watching some of the Phils vs the Twins early this AM. Phils seem to have a ML ready shortstop that is going to have to stay in AAA cuz they re-signed Rollins. Should have let him go…oh well…it’s their money….wish we had it…


  237. 250 berigan2electricboogaloo March 15, 2012 at 10:45 am

    Gil, just checked, I guess they aren’t re-running games, (well, they are recorded, from the day before, but run at weird hours) as I see the braves vs Phils running only at 6 am tomorrow…so get up early or set the ol DVR!


  238. 251 Gil in Mechanicsville March 15, 2012 at 11:22 am

    And the DVR it is, thanks for the tip Ber… Actually I think the ground won but the fact it was soft and out of shape could have been telling too. If nothing else, I have learned how to take a dive….

    Okay, time to get ready for PT… Sigh, nothing like knowing you are about to get your butt whipped by a gal who can’t weigh more than 120 lbs. Who says folks can’t wield a lot of power over you because they own the pen…
    I have to keep making progress or they will stop trying and I can’t stop trying because I want to be able to walk normally. Hard to walk normally when your body is screaming at you but you have to push past it. Besides, I still have a lot of things I want to accomplish in my life and I don’t think I can do it using a walker….


  239. 252 Gil in Mechanicsville March 16, 2012 at 8:03 am

    Morning all. said butt whipping was delivered as predicted yesterday… Looks as if the same happened to the Braves…


  240. 253 berigan2electricboogaloo March 16, 2012 at 9:24 am

    “I have to keep making progress or they will stop trying”, Gil, so very true! I’m sure it’s taking too long for your tastes, but it will happen!

    You are making more progress than the braves!


  241. 254 berigan2electricboogaloo March 16, 2012 at 8:52 pm

    braves Astros 10 pm mlb tv…not much warning sorry!


  242. 255 berigan2electricboogaloo March 16, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    of course it’s blocked out here since they must have run it earlier on Sports south…nice. 😕


  243. 256 Gil in Mechanicsville March 17, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Catching re-runs of Braves’ games on MLB is a real crapshoot. I record every one I know about but that is still not too many. Just want to get a look at some of the players.

    Seems the Braves are doing better. Always said it is the last two weeks of ST which are the most telling. That is when the regulars get more at bats and the pitchers go deeper into games.

    Well, another first for me…. Got on my riding mower and cleaned up some of the two tons of pine cones in my yard. I have to cheat and use various devices to be able to lift my left leg to engage the clutch but it is a form of PT. My back is sore but only because many of the muscles have not been used for a while.

    Prediction on the winner of the NCAA bracket challenge this year. Likely will turn out to be some 12 year old girl who picked teams because she liked their mascots or color of their uniforms. So many upsets that it is no longer shocking to see it happen.


  244. 257 Gil in Mechanicsville March 18, 2012 at 8:37 am

    Good morning ya’ll, Well, VCU lost a squeaker (goes to show that no matter how good your defense is, you still have to make a shot or two when it counts)

    I can now return to normal programing.

    Braves are scoring some runs and thus winning some games, The next 2 weeks should give us a good idea of how good or bad the 2012 edition will be. My personal observation to date is the Braves’ starting pitching is good but not great this season. Too many kids. You have to have a brain to go along with that great arm. Strike outs are sexy but won’t allow you to go deep into games. Pitching to contact only works when you can keep the ball off the sweet spot and you have guys behind you who can go get the ball.

    I think it is going to be very hard for the Braves to justify keeping the pastor over Simmons from what we have seen this spring.

    Thanks Ber for the heads up on the Braves game this AM. DVR will be full before you know it. 🙂


  245. 258 Gil in Mechanicsville March 19, 2012 at 8:51 am

    Rest in Peace Furman Bisher…

    One of the sad things about getting old is see your friends and relatives pass away as well as your idols. For those of us who believe in God, at least it is only a temporary absence for those of you who believe this is it, well, you better get it all while you can….

    I am sad today because my team lost to IU Saturday because they simply could not score when they needed to. I will be sadder still if VCU loses yet another promising young basketball coach to a “Big Name School”… Perhaps it is the reason I am not rich today, I always held the belief that it would be the greater accomplishment to take a struggling program to the top than to inherit a program with unlimited resources to get there.

    So tell me, who is really the better teacher, the one who has a classroom full of Mensa Society candidates and knows how to stay out of their way or the one who has a room full of kids who has a collective IQ near the Mendoza line yet turns out most who will actually be able to support themselves during their lifetime?

    Now baseball…. Like I have said, the last two weeks of spring training will give us the best idea of how this year’s addition of the Braves will perform. My hope is the Braves will have a collection of pitchers who can get past the 5th inning. That will be a lot easier to accomplish if the offense isn’t held to one run by the opposition.


  246. 259 berigan2electricboogaloo March 19, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Thanks for mentioning Furman Bisher Gil….hadn’t heard that…went to front page of AJC, his death was down the page, well under pollen story..

    Seems like a few Braves players think it makes more sense for Medlen to start and go 6 innings than have him pitch 1 out of the bullpen…but we all know what his “role” will be…


  247. 260 Voice of Raisins March 19, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    Having a hard time mustering up excitement this spring for some reason. Maybe it’s because of the openness of the extreme financial restraint. I mean, we all knew it already, but to hear the Braves FOT’s talk about it so openly… and in such an accepting manner…

    Well, I don’t accept it quite as easily. Couldn’t we have at least found us a real LF? I guess not. Prado will be spending alot of time in the IF. I guess we’ll have to get used to “Dodge” Durango.



  248. 261 Voice of Raisins March 20, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    Well, Arodys has a torn elbow ligament. Gotta say, not too surprised. After the partial tear 2 years ago, it was really only a matter of time IMO. Pitching depth is GOOD.


  249. 262 berigan2electricboogaloo March 20, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    V, I know what you mean…I feel like I am too negative about the team, but really, what can we be excited about? Which SS that should still be in the minors will be the starting SS? (You should have seen the look on Ken Rosenthal’s face when talking about the braves SS situation) I didn’t see Delgado yesterday, (saw one pitch that was a homer) but Teheran does not look ready for prime time, IMO. Cards hit every fastball it seemed yesterday. Which I guess is just as well…but Medlen should be the starter for Hudson.


  250. 263 berigan2electricboogaloo March 20, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    OH, on MLBTV at 11 pm(and I assume other times) the braves hour long preview….


  251. 264 Gil in Mechanicsville March 21, 2012 at 8:47 am

    I watched the Braves yesterday vs the Tigers and I must say, JJ was underwhelming at best. Body language mirrored that of Luis Tiant when he was pitching in Richmond and trying to get released by the Braves. He had a plus 13.50 ERA so the Braves cut him loose, he signed with the Red Sox and the rest, as they say, is history.

    Maybe it is all the talk of being traded this winter or maybe his knee is really bothering him but he looked flat. Much like the Braves offense.

    Okay, it is time for the Braves to flip the switch and start playing like they mean it, or at least give a damn. I always heard that you play like you practice.

    Oh how I hate a bunch of lollygaggers…..


  252. 265 berigan2electricboogaloo March 21, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Gil, I didn’t see them in action…I did see the hour long show on them(Missed it the first time, forgot!) no one ever brought up financial restraints as a reason they didn’t do anything this offseason…wonder if they were told not to? Anyway, a whole lot of optimism (Wonder what Harold Reynolds is smoking, he predicted the braves to win the EAST!) was put forward, but when Freddi was asked about last year, and the way the bullpen was used, he pulled an Obama and said he and McDowell did a great job of handling the bullpen the 2nd half of the year…ok…but he really sounded like a B.S. artist,but new to that field, like he didn’t really believe what he was saying…of course he has to be optimistic (WHo would want him if he wasn’t?) but something just didn’t seem right…perhaps it was the 6th interview that AM and it was hard to seem enthusiastic without pretending a bit…
    I don’t know if anyone was aware of this, but if the braves score a bunch of runs early, it will take pressure off the pitchers, and the team will be fine! 😛


  253. 266 Voice of Raisins March 21, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    I watched them yesterday and was just not excited at all. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m just not excited about the upcoming season. They look so… so… I can’t even come up with a word for it.

    Here’s what I know. They made no real changes this offseason, and their anemic 2011 offense is intact for 2012. Thus far, I cannot think of 1 thing I’m looking forward to. Nothing. Maybe Simmons, but I’ll be surprised if he starts the year with the ATL crew. And to be honest, if they’re gonna suck, I’d rather them just suck and let Simmons continue to develop…


  254. 267 Carolina Lady March 21, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    Who is going to write a new lead?



  255. 268 Gil in Mechanicsville March 21, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    I think the reason Frank Wren is so insistent on the Rev being the starting shortstop over Simmons is because the pastor is already on the 40 man and has already begun major league time. I think it is a financial move so they can keep the kid from Curaco under control longer because they believe he really is the long term solution for the Braves in the 6 hole.

    And yeah, it is real tough to feel all warm a fuzzy about this year’s squad. I think it is hangover from last September and the fact that Frank Wren has all but said the Braves are the new Marlins as far as payroll goes. Don’t even think about a free agent or trade that will boost cost. It is like they are taking away all hope.

    Anyone really think that Chipper is going to earn his salary this year? He hasn’t even mentioned his toes or back so far as reasons for sitting out games.


  256. 269 Gil in Mechanicsville March 22, 2012 at 9:41 am

    And Chipper announces his retirement after 2012.


  257. 270 berigan2electricboogaloo March 22, 2012 at 10:59 am

    That cheers one up! 😕
    Oh, but think of the savings next year!! Oh wait, Liberty called and said it won’t really be a savings, what with increases to the salaries of x, y, and z, plus the fact revenue may be down if the 2012 braves are a .500 team, yadda, yadda, yadda….

    CL, still want one of us gloomy Gus’ to write a new blog? 😉


  258. 271 Voice of Raisins March 22, 2012 at 11:54 am

    I think the reason Frank Wren is so insistent on the Rev being the starting shortstop over Simmons is because the pastor is already on the 40 man and has already begun major league time…

    Perhaps, but they only have 36 on the 40-man roster now. It’d be easy enough to add him. No one expected them to retain Furcal when they did way back in… that year that I cannot recall. But they did. If they sense a general malaise amongst the faithful that we seem to be exhibiting, they could surprise us and keep him. It would be the singular exciting thing to come out of camp.

    As to the Rev, he’s OK… but just OK. He’s a slightly larger in stature version of Brent Lillibridge. I wonder if he can play LF?

    Now, Chipper. It speaks volumes to his place in the game when something completely expected still makes huge news. I respect him immensely. I hope he doesn’t suffer through a ton more injuries in his final campaign. And Prado can’t play both positions. It’s really gonna hurt us this year shuffling Prado back and forth and not having a true offensive presence in either spot.


  259. 272 Voice of Raisins March 22, 2012 at 11:56 am

    We cried all offseason to bring in a real offensive threat for LF. All of us did. It’s magnified now.


  260. 273 Gil in Mechanicsville March 22, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    It is amazing how sad I feel about Chipper actually pulling the plug. Not like it has been unexpected but much the same as with John Smoltz and Bobby Cox.

    Makes me realize I’m getting old I imagine. Time is never really on our side… It just continues on whether we are there or not.


  261. 274 berigan2electricboogaloo March 23, 2012 at 1:21 pm

    Time is never really on our side… It just continues on whether we are there or not.
    So very true Gil!
    Yeah, never seen Chipper get emotional before…really does seem the
    “youngsters” (as my Grandmother called my Mom and Dad) kept him wanting to come back. Well, hopefully like getting into the playoffs one last time with Bobby, the team can find a way to get into the playoffs this year too….


  262. 275 berigan2electricboogaloo March 23, 2012 at 2:18 pm

    Looking for some feel good baseball stories? Gregor Blanco has a very good chance to make the Giants team this year(Hopefully I didn’t just jinx him!) http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20120322&content_id=27501484&vkey=news_mlb&c_id=mlb

    49 Y.0. Jamie Moyer tossed 4 shutout innings yesterday against the Giants as well!

    Also, baseball tonight was good because Karl Raveck was not on it, and Steve Burth, Barthuem, you know who I mean, put up stats and Chipper’s OPS was higher than ANY other 3rd baseman, ever! And Curt Shilling said you could argue he might be the best 3rd baseman, ever! 🙂


  263. 276 Gil in Mechanicsville March 24, 2012 at 8:39 am

    Best third baseman ever Pretty high bar but likely true when you consider defense and offense plus leadership. I know Brooks Robinson was a great one but likely because he made some really outstanding plays during World Series. Timing is everything…. Like when Chipper “smote” the Mets in September of ’99 to win the MVP that year.

    We folks who live south of the Mason Dixon Line may not like the arrogance of New York City but anytime you put 11 million folks in such a small space, it is tough to argue the weight their opinion carries, right or wrongly.

    The older I get, the more space I like around me. Josie and my little slice of heaven may not be all that big but at least I do not have to pull the shades down at night unless I want to. There are plans to build houses within 2000 yards of our place and we are giving serious consideration to moving further out into the country.


  264. 277 berigan2electricboogaloo March 24, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    Chipper to have knee surgery, miss three weeks….That will make 6 knee operations, right? Yikes!
    Could Johnny Damon work in left? Hey, Garret Anderson played a full year there….And Damon can take a walk, and is a guy you want up when the game is on the line….wonder if he has ever tried to throw with his other arm….

    From MLBTR…
    Braves Looking For Outfield, Infield Depth
    By Zach Links [March 24 at 2:21pm CST]

    Earlier today, the Braves announced that Chipper Jones will undergo surgery on his left knee and is expected to be sidelined approximately three weeks. General Manager Frank Wren said that he was looking to acquire backup outfield help even before the injury and will continue to do so, tweets David O’Brien of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    While Johnny Damon remains unsigned, it’s unclear how much interest the Braves have in the outfielder, O’Brien tweets. Meanwhile, the Braves are looking for more infield depth as well, tweets Jayson Stark of ESPN.com. However, Stark notes that Jack Wilson could be back in action as soon as Sunday.


  265. 278 Gil in Mechanicsville March 25, 2012 at 9:37 am

    I am like Raisins in regards to waning enthusiasm for the Braves and the 2012 season. I still think it might be “jet lag” left over from September 2011 and the lack of a much needed boost of the power bat needed in the outfield to boost my outlook for the team’s fortunes this year.

    For some reason, I think the potential haul the Braves might have received for any of their vaunted young arms has waned considerably given the collective dismal showing of all three this spring. Of course, a shredded elbow or two can do that for you.

    Of course, the Braves are not the only team which is experiencing injuries this spring, plenty of other clubs are in the same boat. Maybe it is Major League Baseball’s fault for being greedy and trying to charge big league prices to watch minor league talent. Much like the World Baseball Classic… but different…

    Oh well, for some reason my back is killing me this morning, must be the weather… I sure so miss my liberal libations of snake oil to ease my pain and suffering. That said, 9 AM on a Sunday morning might just be stretching the mantra of “It’s five o’clock somewhere” a wee bit too far…..


  266. 279 Gil in Mechanicsville March 26, 2012 at 7:14 am

    Good morning friends, off to see the wizard this AM. Yep, doctor’s appointment….. Yech, how I hate going there. 😦 Now I realize how my pups feel when I take them to the vet.

    Good luck to Chipper who has surgery on his knee scheduled this morning. I wonder how long it will be after he is out of baseball before he has the knee replacement surgery?


  267. 280 Voice of Raisins March 26, 2012 at 11:49 am

    Gil, take care of that back. Prayin’ for ya, buddy.

    Now, Braves. This opine today from the intrepid Mr. O’B:

    If the Braves could get the Cubs to pay a large chunk of his $6.5 mill salary, Marlon Byrd would be a nice pickup. He’s very much available. Given the time that Prado might end up playing at third base, getting another proven every-day type of OF would be a good idea, in my opinion. He still plays a solid CF (eliminating need to move Heyward over as a backup to Bourn) and can play LF as much as needed.

    Of course, if the Braves carry him then then don’t have room for Sutton as an extra utility guy. But with Jack Wilson healthy now and able to play three positions, and Prado freed up to play third or even second if needed, I don’t know that they wouldn’t be better served carrying Byrd, a legit every-day OF, than Sutton.

    The Braves have had interest in Byrd in the past. I just don’t know how much of his salary they might be willing to pay now, and whether Cubs would demand a good prospect in exchange for picking up a big part of that salary.

    Byrd is 33 and hit .276 w/ an unimpressive .324 OBP last season, with nine homers and 35 RBIs in 482 PAs. But in 2010, he was an All-Star center fielder who hit .293 w/ a .346 OBP in 630 PAs (152 games) with 39 doubles, 2 triples, 12 homers, 66 RBIs and 84 runs.

    Given the limited OF availability right now, and given the Braves payroll limits, I think this would be an excellent pickup.


  268. 281 berigan2electricboogaloo March 26, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    Gil, have they talked about scar tissue to you? It can cause a lot of pain, as you may know….you must have a ton in your back right now….


  269. 282 berigan2electricboogaloo March 26, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    Byrd is 33 and hit .276 w/ an unimpressive .324 OBP last season

    .324 OBP is better than Alex Gonzalez, Prado, Uggla, Bourn(for the 53 games he was here) and Heyward. BA was higher than all but Chipper and Freddie and Bourn.
    Not quite sure why the Cubs would pay us to play him, unless we gave up something of real value…

    but the really exciting trade talk is….
    Braves Inquired On Will Venable
    By Ben Nicholson-Smith [March 26 at 12:41pm CST]

    The Braves asked the Padres about right fielder Will Venable, only to hear he’s not available, Jon Paul Morosi of FOX Sports reports (all Twitter links). It was reported over the weekend that Atlanta GM Frank Wren seeks depth for the infield and outfield.

    The Braves would prefer to add someone who can play center field if they acquire an outfielder, Morosi writes. Venable has MLB experience at all three outfield positions, though he spent most of last season in right field. He has great speed for a right fielder to go along with outstanding range, according to The Fielding Bible Volume III. The Braves are reluctant to trade Kris Medlen for an outfielder, since they value the right-hander’s versatility.
    He hit .245 in 2011, .246 in 2010. Be.still.my.beating.heart.


  270. 283 berigan2electricboogaloo March 26, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    trivia time! What braves player had the most doubles last year????


  271. 284 Gil in Mechanicsville March 26, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    Oh man, always the tough questions Ber…. Does it count if I look it up first???? Taking a wild guess, I think it was McCann. That that guess was pretty wild….


  272. 285 Gil in Mechanicsville March 26, 2012 at 5:00 pm

    Depending on how Brian McCann works out for the Braves next season, salary, health etc… I would not be at all surprised to see Bettencourt moved to the outfield. Don’t forget, Dale Murphy started out in the Braves organization as a catcher… Of course the fact he could not make a throw to second on a steal without it ending up somewhere in center did factor into that decision but I digress.

    Byrd would not be a bad pick up, would likely result in Diaz being shipped out again but Marlon is a bonafied center fielder.

    It is a shame the Braves have not been able to develop any power hitting outfielders in their minor league system but so many factors come into play.


  273. 286 Carolina Lady March 27, 2012 at 12:34 am

    Good article on Chipper:
    Says he will serve in some capacity for the Braves after this season. Best news I’ve heard in a while!

    Smoltzie has a book coming out 5 May – “Opening and Closing” – or something close to that.


  274. 288 Gil in Mechanicsville March 27, 2012 at 11:09 am

    Thanks for the link CL, great read….

    And for all you who may not be a Tiger Woods fan, here is a shot…



  275. 289 Voice of Raisins March 29, 2012 at 6:25 am

    Braves opening day is just 1 week away… I’m starting to feel it. JHey helped me along yesterday when he punched that game knotting homer over the wall in left-center.

    And somewhere across the sea, Oakland is trying to close out a 4-1 victory over Seattle in the league’s season opener. Opening America’s pasttime in Japan. Makes me angry. The MLB season opener should always be in Cincinnati. Always. What next? A second Wild Card team?

    Oh, wait…


  276. 290 Gil in Mechanicsville March 29, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Raisins, you are really going to hate it when Pittsburg is relocated to Mexico City…. Sigh….

    I recorded yesterday’s game and stayed up until 12:30 AM watching. Man, I hate playing AL teams. By design they play in slow motion….

    J-Hey actually made that over the wall catch look easy. Got to give it to the kid, no hot dog in him… Nice for him to be able to show some of the New York writers what he is capable of. Actually, pretty good of him to remind us, the Braves faithful, too…

    Doesn’t Freddie Freeman look locked in? Just right on the ball. Five homers in eight at bats… amazing…

    On some sports blurb via either AOL or Huffington Post, some dude had Freddie Freeman listed as one of the 50 most overrated players in the majors. Based it on his weak defense… I’m reading this and thinking, who have you been watching dude because it sure hasn’t been Freeman? Sometimes I think the guys who write those articles knowing even less than I do and I don’t know squat…. Freeman is stellar around the bag and I can’t begin to count the number of throwing errors he has saved the other Braves infielders with his quick glove work picking throws out of the dirt.


  277. 291 berigan2electricboogaloo March 29, 2012 at 10:10 am

    V, I know…that game in Japan…first off, it always happens way before the rest of the games…well, first off should be that the first game is in Cincinnati, in the daytime…but you know what I mean….I’d have no problem having the Reds play today, then have them play in Japan…shoot, why not a game in Japan and in Cincinnati start at the same time? Split screen showing the games starting, then you can go to the ESPN of your choice to watch what you wanted to watch…nah…just have a game in Japan as the opener…that really excites the fans in the US and Canada!


  278. 292 berigan2electricboogaloo March 29, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Gil, so some maroon thinks Freedie is a sub par defensive player? Must have been at the Huffington post! 🙂 seriously though, there are a lot of people that must be legally blind that follow baseball. I knew the defensive matrix was worthless(forget the name, not gonna waste time looking it up) when I started seeing people act like Teixara was not that good a 1st baseman! I mean, I am not a fan of Tex, and while I know his numbers will be HOF worthy, it will be tough for me to think of him as a HOF hitter…you simply cannot rag on his defense! I was pretty young when Keith Hernandez was with the Cards(plus didn’t get to see close up highlights like you do today) but he was usually rated as one of the all time best…and I think Tex is there too…but nope, his UZR(AZR?) says he isn’t, so there….
    Wow, 5 homers in 8 ab’s??? Save some for the season! Glad someone is getting hot though!


  279. 293 Voice of Raisins March 30, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    Livan Hernandez? 😯


  280. 294 Voice of Raisins March 30, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    Does this spell the end of Kris Medlen’s stint in Atlanta?


  281. 295 Voice of Raisins March 30, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    To clarify, could this be the precursor to a deal sending Medlen for an OF? Seems to me that everything I have read about the Braves kicking the tires on decent LF’s is that the teams all ask about Medlen. If so, it better be a good one.


  282. 296 Voice of Raisins March 30, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    Mr. O’B tweeted this just a little bit ago:

    “Uggla hit in arm by a pitch in #Braves 4th. The ball is OK.”

    That’s funny, I don’t care who you are… 😆


  283. 297 berigan2electricboogaloo March 30, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    V, that is funny! Hopefully, the ball won’t sue! 😉
    As for signing Livan Hernandez…that’s just to keep any other NL team from signing him, and having him pitch against the braves again! 😯
    Really though, don’t think the braves need him…guy did pitch 175 innings last year, ERA just under 4.50…I’m getting a bit ticked off at this youth movement in baseball…If Livan was 32(or at least they thought he was 32) He’d have a starting job. He is cheap.
    Guys like Vlad can’t get a taste of the bigs even though he hit .290 last year(I know, he can’t play the outfield anymore) and Johnny Damon will be kept out of the HOF because he won’t have that magic 3000 hit plateau because they say he can’t play left anymore. I don’t believe that with him…he never could throw to save his life, but he sure can hit…and very good with the game on the line….but all they seem to care about these days are the number of years on the yeardometer . Experience, helping the younger players? Who cares…


  284. 298 Gil in Mechanicsville March 31, 2012 at 8:51 am

    You are right guys, I can’t think of a single reason for Medlen not to be in the starting line up… If all of the other teams want Medlen, doesn’t that tell you something right there?

    The kids all competing for the 4th (5th) outfield spot all remind me of a basketball player who cannot hit foul shots. CLANG!!!! Another brick…


  285. 299 berigan2electricboogaloo March 31, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    Gil, you mentioned this on the ajc(I don’t often read the comments there, but did there on that game thread-of course yours was the most rational! 😉 ) it does feel like Wren is trying to make Freddi’s decisions, doesn’t it?
    This team is no better than last years…unless some people turn a corner, which we all hope will happen…meanwhile, teams like the Nats and Marlins ARE better…Reyes and Hanley, that lefty starter from the Whitesox, a better closer(saw the Marlins team preview last night-doesn’t mean I can remember the names!) Nats got a great lefty from Oakland (Gio Gonzalez) Edwin Jackson had an ERA under 4 last year…long story short, these teams will be harder to beat this year than last…so…you really want to run out one of the green “studs” 3 times, have them give up 4 runs in 4 inning, lose those games, tax the bullpen(perhaps have Huddy rush back too soon) all because Medlen is just too darned valuable in the bullpen?


  286. 300 Gil in Mechanicsville April 1, 2012 at 11:41 am

    Braves trade JJ Hoover, a RHP for 3B Juan Francisco

    Francisco is 24, who hit .307 w/ 15 HR, .334 OBP in 314 PAs in Triple-A in ‘12; and .258 w/ 3 HR, .289 OBP in 97 PAs (31 g) for Cincy in ‘12.

    He’s 6-2, 245, and has a .286 career average with 116 homers and 439 RBI in 652 games and nearly 2,581 at-bats in the minors.

    Francisco has a .284 average, .331 OBP, 11 doubles, 5 HRs in 81 games and 181 PAs in parts of 3 seasons in majors, all with Reds.

    MLB reports that Juan showed up in camp overweight and out of shape and did not rehab a calf injury properly he sustained in the off season. He is out of options and will be placed on the Braves 25 man roster.

    Frank Wren said he will mainly play 3rd base but can also play left field and first base. Hummmmm… one less roster spot available for the other kids….


  287. 301 Voice of Raisins April 1, 2012 at 9:03 pm

    one less roster spot available for the other kids

    It simply means Drew Sutton will not break camp with the big boys. No major loss there…


  288. 302 Gil in Mechanicsville April 2, 2012 at 6:52 am

    Who will win the last outfield spot now guys?


  289. 303 Voice of Raisins April 2, 2012 at 9:25 am

    My guess for the roster…

    SP Tommy Hanson
    SP Jair Jurrjens
    SP Mike Minor
    SP Brandon Beachy
    SP Randall Delgado
    P Jonny Venters
    P Eric O’Flaherty
    P Craig Kimbrel
    P Kris Medlen
    P Cristhian Martinez
    P Livan Hernandez

    C Brian McCann*
    1B Freddie Freeman*
    2B Dan Uggla*
    SS Tyler Pastornicky*
    3B Chipper Jones*
    IF Jack Wilson
    IF Juan Francisco
    BUC David Ross

    LF Martin Prado*
    CF Michael Bourn*
    RF Jason Heyward*
    OF Eric Hinske
    OF Matt Diaz
    OF Jordan Parraz (because he’s a rightie)

    * starters

    My guess is that they’ll only carry 11 pitchers for the first couple of weeks due to the built in off days. But after that, Fredi likes to carry 12. Parraz will be the casualty there. Making JFranc the primary backup at 3B means that Martin is the LF… period. That likely costs all of Parraz, Constanza and Durango a shot at a final bench spot. Alot depends on JFranc’s ability to hang onto a MLB job. If he cannot, then it all changes.

    BTW – JFranc is in today’s final Grapefruit League game lineup wearing #25, playing 3B and batting 6th.

    One final thought. I wonder if we could all be in for a surprise? JFranc plays 3B, 1B and LF… and bats leftie with alot of power. Hinske plays LF and 1B, bats leftie with power. Hinske is also under contract for $1.5M for 2012. Matt Diaz is under contract for $2M for 2012. Do you think they could let Hinske or Diaz go and keep 1 of Parraz, Constanza and Durango instead? Hmmm…


  290. 304 berigan2electricboogaloo April 2, 2012 at 9:50 am

    I actually think the Juan Francisco trade is pretty good…what can it hurt? He has put up pretty good numbers in the minors, but was hurt last year when he could have shown something when Rolen was hurt…seems he has been injured a bit in his past…he will fit right in! 😉

    V, I can see letting Diaz go, but Hinske seems too valuable to me…when you say let go, do you mean trade? Because then I can can see someone trading for Hinske, but not for Diaz….and Wren doesn’t want to look like he makes mistakes, and would keep Diaz around for that reason alone…


  291. 305 Voice of Raisins April 2, 2012 at 11:28 am

    Actually, Ber, the reason I used the phrase “let go” was to purposely be ambiguous. Maybe there is a team that does not have a satisfactory RH bench bat as they break camp?


  292. 306 berigan2electricboogaloo April 2, 2012 at 11:42 am

    Well…since Diaz hit .263 last year with 0 homers, and is hitting .208 this spring(Isn’t that middle of the pack on this team? 😉 ) I’m going to say no team is going to want him unless the braves eat 1.7 of his 2 Mil….


  293. 307 Voice of Raisins April 2, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    I was pretty dang close… let’s see how I compared:

    SP Tommy Hanson
    SP Jair Jurrjens
    SP Mike Minor
    SP Brandon Beachy
    SP Randall Delgado
    P Jonny Venters
    P Eric O’Flaherty
    P Craig Kimbrel
    P Kris Medlen
    P Cristhian Martinez
    P Livan Hernandez
    P Yohan Flande [They are carrying 12 pitchers from the start. This surprises me.]

    C Brian McCann*
    1B Freddie Freeman*
    2B Dan Uggla*
    SS Tyler Pastornicky*
    3B Chipper Jones* [Duh. He’ll start the season on the DL.] 🙄
    IF Jack Wilson
    IF Juan Francisco
    BUC David Ross

    LF Martin Prado*
    CF Michael Bourn*
    RF Jason Heyward*
    OF Eric Hinske
    OF Matt Diaz
    OF Jose Constanza [… over Parraz because he’s already on the 40 man roster]

    * starters


  294. 308 Carolina Lady April 2, 2012 at 8:38 pm

    @Gil several days back – NY writers don’t watch the Braves so they don’t know beans from applebutter.

    We traded one of our guys for San Francisco?? Really? Wait – can we get our guy back?

    Going into week 3 of Computer Purgatory. LOOOOOOONG story. Upshot is that I bought a new tower (3.0gHz, 1.5 Trigabytes memory, 10 GBs RAM) that I don’t have yet. Why? Because the “Easy Tech Experts” at Staples have now completed their 4th day of transferring 39 GBs of data from my 10-yr-old HP (that’s 39 TRILLION pieces of info) to the new one, plus the must-have-no-excuse-accepted files from the email program which is refusing to let them have ’em. I plain flat-out told them yesterday to go ahead and install the blasted email program WITH files and be done with it!
    I just might have to dust off granddaddy’s 12 gauge.

    This little laptop – that I am so thankful to have! – will never replace a good ol’ big desk top.


  295. 309 Gil in Mechanicsville April 4, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    Hey folks, Josie and I went to the camper (no computer connection) so have missed the last couple of days. Nothing like spending 3 days of tracking down and repairing plumbing leaks on a 25 year old Air Stream…. Problem was, I could not do the repairs myself as I am still unable to get up and down and Josie (bless her heart) is not really good at plumbing speak…. Let’s just say, she now understands why I switched over to plastic tubing and shark bite connections…. Heck, it took me two days to get the TVs to work correctly… Camping is suppose to be fun, not a home make over project…

    So, the Braves picked up another reliever in Durbin. Big surprise for Flande I bet…

    I am a tad bit worried about the Braves starting pitching this spring but it should be expected I imagine. Some really young kids in the rotation. Only really solid rotation in the NL East is still the Phillies. It is why they will be tough to dislodge from the top of the division.

    CL… great news on the new CPU… Now I have “puter” envy… What in the world will you do with all that storage space? Must be downloading DVDs… 🙂


  296. 310 berigan2electricboogaloo April 5, 2012 at 4:25 am

    Nice…wordpress ate my fairly long post…CL I joked that 1.5 Trigabytes is made up…said its stoopid for the season to roll out like this(days off abound when no one needs them-and some teams don’t start their season til Friday)
    more gripping (Griping?) about super tight playoff schedule, and hoping there is a 3 way tie the last day of the season, and seeing how they can figure that out with televised playoff games that supposedly can’t have their dates changed….
    oh yeah, GO BRAVES! Give us something to cheer for!


  297. 311 Voice of Raisins April 5, 2012 at 8:41 am

    Opening day, baby… OPENING DAY!!!!!!!!! 😀


  298. 312 Voice of Raisins April 5, 2012 at 8:45 am

    And as night follows the day (one of my favorite Skip quotes), here is 2day’s lineup:

    1. Bourn to run, CF
    2. Marteeen, 3B
    3. Mac, C
    4. Dan the Man, 2B
    5. He-man, 1B
    6. MattyD, LF
    7. JHey, RF
    8. Rev, SS
    9. Big Red, P


  299. 313 Voice of Raisins April 5, 2012 at 8:48 am

    By the way, I like the lineup. Matty kills Santana; Marteeen is in his best slot; Freddie is gonna have a MONSTER year, and with him batting behind Danny boy, Dan may have an equally monster year. And when Chipper returns, I’d simply slide him in the 6 hole, and leave everything else the same…


  300. 314 Voice of Raisins April 5, 2012 at 8:49 am

    … after today, and b4 Chipper returns, slide JHey up to 6 and slide SanFrancisco into 7th…


  301. 315 berigan2electricboogaloo April 5, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    Hey Berigan, the game is on NOW!!!! 🙂
    649 on direct tv…
    man, with those new fences in NY it almost looks like the braves park…Don’t want to see Santana win, but nice to see him back on the mound….


  302. 316 berigan2electricboogaloo April 5, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    so…who wants to talk about the game???


  303. 317 Gil in Mechanicsville April 5, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    Well Berigan, I was a bit disappointed with the loss but for some reason I expected it… That is a bad attitude to have isn’t it? All in all, the pitching looked great, especially Medlen but man, you just have to score a run to have a chance.

    I give the team April to find themselves, after all, they should not have to face Santana again for a while but if the Braves are going to be 25th in run production again this season, I don’t know if I can stand it.

    3 day games to start the season, did someone actually figure this scheduling thing out?


  304. 318 Voice of Raisins April 5, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    4 hits? Really? Ugh… 🙄


  305. 319 berigan2electricboogaloo April 5, 2012 at 8:40 pm

    Gil, seeing a lefty starting against the braves doesn’t give one a lot of hope, does it???
    Pastornicky looked pretty good….the rest of the team….well…pitching was good. Medlen should start…show teams he can start…and be traded for someone who can, you know…hit….or he can keep pitching 1-2 innings after the starter comes out after 5-6 innings keeping the braves close in games they lose…perhaps I am a wee bit bitter tonight, and after a win or three I will feel better.(Heh, I typed batter first! 😉 )


  306. 321 Voice of Raisins April 6, 2012 at 10:00 am

    3 innings in a row, they could not get a “big hit” when they needed it. Same story, new season. Folks, I know it’s game 1. I am NOT overreacting, but watching them go down by 1 run again, stranding men in scoring position over and over… and JHey striking out to end it… it just brings back bad memories. 😐


  307. 322 Gil in Mechanicsville April 6, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    So, looks like the Braves will not manage to go 162-0 this season… bummer…


  308. 323 Gil in Mechanicsville April 6, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Now, all kidding aside, I was thinking exactly the same thing. Not getting guys home from third base with less than two outs…. aaarrgghhhh!!! Drives me crazy…. After a while, you have to say, it’s not the hitting coach… it’s the batter…


  309. 324 Gil in Mechanicsville April 6, 2012 at 4:47 pm

    Sigh… Sitting here watching the Orioles vs Twins and thinking even the lowly birds can get guys in from third…. Nice crowd there too, Camden Yards is really a nice ballpark, much prettier than Nationals Park.

    Oh, did I mention the Gnats won yesterday? SO, the Braves share the cellar with the Fish.. Oh. the humanity…

    And Josh Willingham just hit a 2 run jack for the Twins in the top of the ninth… He would have cost the Braves what? Constanza and a bucket of balls? Two on with two out for the Twins… Birds can’t seem to seal the deal.

    My back is sore and I am trying to figure out why, rode my exercise bike 2 miles yesterday but did PT this morning. I don’t remember involving my obliques in either session…


  310. 325 berigan2electricboogaloo April 7, 2012 at 5:42 pm

    V, I bet today’s game didn’t give you more confidence…but…it’s still early..til it’s not…
    JJ , I heard early on the radio that he was hitting 89…did he ever get to 90???
    Seeing JHey miss fastballs down the middle during the first game…yikes…he did better today, at least walked a few times…I wonder if Bobby screwed him up saying to the press he needed to be more aggressive…he seemed to be doing just fine at first walking a ton and hitting…of course being healthy will help the most…man, if the mets are the weak link in the NL East…


  311. 326 Gil in Mechanicsville April 8, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Okay, here is a completely unsolicited observation on my part for my fellow Braves fans to gnaw on. Michael Bourne is a flop… If body language means anything, he appears to me as being the next Kenny Lofton as far as the Atlanta baseball team is concerned.

    I’m not saying the kid doesn’t have talent, far from it, It’s just he does not want to use that talent to benefit the Braves. He is, in my eyes, the worse thing a ballplayer can be….. A lollygagger….. On the ball he hit over Jason Bay’s head in the first inning, I could not believe he was only standing on second after it was over but alas, he held up as he rounded first, thinking Bay would make the catch. A guy with Bourne’s speed should easily been cruising into third on that play. Then on the passed ball/wild pitch during McCann’s at bat, he headed back to third before trying for home and managed to take out what little wind was in the Braves’ sails …

    He also looked as if he was a circus act on nearly every fly ball hit in his general direction all afternoon. I know, I was spoiled by watching Andruw Jones patrol the outfield for 10 years but really folks, he looked as lost as a first year rookie out there.

    It is time to wake up this team and remind them that spring training is over, it is also up to Freddie to let some guys know that if they don’t want to play 100% out of the box, there is always room for them on the Gwinnett roster.

    Yes, the season has just begun, even the mighty Philles lost to the Pirates 1-0 last night but Washington managed to score 5 runs in the 8th inning against the Cubs yesterday to come from behind to win. They look to have something the Braves lack so far, a passion for the game…..

    I love Freddie Gonzalas but right now, the Braves don’t need a den mother, they need a task master, someone who will crack the whip to get their attention. There is an old saying in sports, you play like you practice. Never was this more evident than with the Braves this spring. Well, guys, these games count, time to bring your A game, if you are going to get clowned by the Mutts, it is going to be a very long season….


  312. 327 Voice of Raisins April 8, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    And we have Matt Diaz as a starting LF again today. Anybody else recognize a serious deficiency?


  313. 328 Voice of Raisins April 8, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    3 hits. Until they discover some offense, they’re the dregs of the NL. Glad Frank hung on to all those pitchers so that we can get swept by the Mets while mustering less offense than most soccer teams.

    I’m actually afraid of what the Astros might do to us. 😯

    Fredi: better find some answers. Your seat is officially “hot”.


  314. 329 berigan2electricboogaloo April 9, 2012 at 12:45 am

    Fredi’s hope is to get fired, then hired by a team that will actually spend money. Think he might like to have the Marlins team now???
    Or a team where the GM isn’t telling the press things like Medlen won’t be starting…weeks before spring training ends.
    Well, moral victories, braves did score 5 runs, huzzah! 🙄
    Astros have 2 lefties starting against the braves, fun!
    Saw this link on the AJC…I too think David Ross is too valuable to never play…thought that when Bobby didn’t use his right handed bat…oh well…


  315. 330 Voice of Raisins April 9, 2012 at 7:01 am

    Morning rant:

    Yes, I know the season is very young – just 3 games old. Yes, I know that every day 15 teams will lose.

    What bothers me is not that they lost, but how they lost. The Braves of April 2012 look exactly like the Braves of September 2011. Mac said yesterday that they are the same “talented team… that won 89 games in 2011”. Yes, they are.

    But… they are also the same team that finished last in the majors in average (.229) and OBP (.291) against lefties, and last in the NL in slugging percentage (.354) and OPS (.645) against lefties. They are the same maddening team that cannot muster up one big hit with a runner in scoring position, and the same team that lost so many flippin’ 1 run games last season.

    And they are the team that got swept by the lowly Mets in this year’s opening series… and looked completely unfocused in the process. It’s April. It’s a new campaign. It’s a new slate. Why do they look so lackluster?

    And I won’t accept payroll as an excuse. They are right smack in the middle in payroll. And the Mets, our new Daddies, slashed a whopping $50M from last season’s payroll – the largest total team salary cut in MLB history. But they owned us. Completely. This team is simply not ready to play games.

    Fredi… you got some ‘splainin’ to do.


  316. 331 Gil in Mechanicsville April 9, 2012 at 8:35 am

    Agree with you on every point Raisins..

    Tough to explain the “doldrums” of April… What? Spring training is too rigorous?

    Several years ago, when the Braves were the perennial leader in the National League, the GM of the Phillies was asked one question, how do you build a team who can beat the Braves… His answer, stack you pitching staff with left handers…. How prophetic and on point that turned out to be….

    See, I do remember a lot of stuff I read…. Obviously, so do folks in baseball.

    I read a comment in a blog across the street on the rational of pulling Tommy Hanson, after yielding one run and yet left Mike Minor in for six….

    Sorry folks but I am jumping off the Freddi bandwagon early this year. I think the guy is a great human being but when it comes to having someone manage your baseball team, I would just as soon have a smuck like Lyland…. Maybe not the nicest guy in the clubhouse be you sure know who is in charge…

    And other people are seeing what I’m seeing concerning Bourne. He is not happy in Atlanta for whatever reason and it is bleeding through…


  317. 332 Voice of Raisins April 9, 2012 at 11:34 am

    I think the guy [Fredi] is a great human being but when it comes to having someone manage your baseball team, I would just as soon have a smuck like Lyland

    Or… Terry Francona?

    At least we don’t have Ozzie Guillen. What an idiot…


  318. 333 Voice of Raisins April 9, 2012 at 11:43 am

    I guess if the Braves will just go and sweep the ‘Stros and come home 3-3, I’ll settle down a little. But the obvious problems are still present. They desperately need a RH bopper, and they definitely need a fire under their butts.

    And they definitely need a better option than Matt Diaz in LF.


  319. 334 Voice of Raisins April 9, 2012 at 1:31 pm

    I guess misery really does love company. I feel better knowing that the Yankees, Red Sox and Twins are all still looking for their first win also. 😀


  320. 335 berigan2electricboogaloo April 10, 2012 at 3:50 am

    V, LOVE the avatar! 🙂
    you can hear it on the radio side of things, but when I got home to watch the last few innings(for some reason) they seemed to be much more causious…sure, it is early…but this team looks terrible. And the new sets on the tv side and the super sunny gal with the positive twitter comments(wow, they found two folks who weren’t cussin’ or theatening to kill someone, bravo!) makes me think if they went 0-20 you would never know it…I hope they won’t censor Joe Simpson…he calls a spade a spade…
    I still don’t know what exactly is wrong…well, besides a cheap ownership group…and we know other teams can compete with less moola, but…this offseason clearly something needed to be done. Every guy that could have made a difference, was signed by teams like the Rockies, the Twins…you know, teams that don’t spend a ton of money. And I think Wren thinks every braves minor league prosect is better than gold. Or he thinks every GM is dumb and will give away players like with Borne


  321. 336 berigan2electricboogaloo April 10, 2012 at 4:04 am

    hmm, weirdness when I was looking how to spell Bourne’s name…posting window shrank. Oh well, at least the wasn’t lost.
    Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the team sux! 😉
    Livan as a one-two inning guy? really? Guys like him, Moyer, etc, they can only start. I thought everyone knew that…oh well. Durbin was released too…why couldn’t they run with some of the young relievers? Is it Freddi, or Wren that insists you have to have rundown bullpen arms that teams like Houston relase?
    And what happened to spellcheck? Did WordPress do away with it? No matter what I type, no underlined words. weird.


  322. 337 Voice of Raisins April 10, 2012 at 6:18 am

    Yes, it’s early, but Durbin has given up a homer in each of his 2 appearances, and Livan is a big tub of goo, with all due respect to Terry Forster. When he lollygagged over to 1B last night, I wanted to throw a chair at the TV.

    As far as I am concerned, they can both be released today. I’d rather have Flande and Gearrin. Maybe when Huddy comes off the DL…


  323. 338 Voice of Raisins April 10, 2012 at 6:21 am

    And before we get too excited that we held a 3 run lead – albeit briefly – remember that one of those runs was driven in by our pitcher, and the other by our #8 hitter. With the exception of Freddie, 1-7 is sucking profusely.

    And for the love of all that is good and holy, can we find somebody, SOMEBODY, to start instead of Matt Diaz? 🙄


  324. 339 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2012 at 9:05 am

    I guess someone heard your pleas Rasins, since they played Matt in right field last night…. I watched the first half of the game, saw that Juan is not the future at third base, at least not for the Braves… That’s twice now I have seen him try that 360 spin and then throw the ball 10 feet away from Freddi at first. Of course, he is not the only one that keeps number five have to stretch more than a fat girls jeans…

    Yes, this team suxs


  325. 340 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2012 at 11:39 am

    Getting ready to watch part of the Gnats/Mutts game to see if NY is going to ride high on the backs of the kids.

    It’s still way early but these games count the same as those in September. Still, two of the best third baseman in the league going head to head.

    And what is with the Braves’ pitching? Got to learn how to win games without relying on defense, or offense to pick you up… What a bunch of wusses…

    Ber, I guess spellcheck was no longer important, It would keep distracting all the kids who text…


  326. 341 Voice of Raisins April 10, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    And as expected, Chipper has been activated to play tonight. Down goes Jose Constanza, who has 0 hits and 2 K’s in 3 AB’s.


  327. 342 berigan2electricboogaloo April 10, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    Hopefully Chipper isn’t coming back too soon…bet he shows he is still very important to the teams overall ability to win a game. Plus, I think a rightie is pitching, yay!

    Heh…just thought of this, think all those folks that wanted ol’ Brooks Conrad run out of town on a rail…who would they rather have now???


  328. 343 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    Whew, those Mutts are tough…

    Astros too…


  329. 344 Voice of Raisins April 10, 2012 at 8:53 pm

    Chipper is right on time…


  330. 345 berigan2electricboogaloo April 10, 2012 at 10:36 pm

    that’s for sure! What a difference a day makes, eh??? Can Chipper hang around another year??? 🙂
    I was also very impressed with Hinske’s late a.b. going the other way getting that important run to again make it a 2 run game. See? You guys worried for Naught! 😛


  331. 346 Voice of Raisins April 11, 2012 at 6:08 am

    Dadgum, this is just a different team with Chipper in the lineup. I guess that’s what future HOF’ers do…


  332. 347 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2012 at 8:18 am

    I never thought one player could make such a difference but an entire team seemed to have an attitude change with Chipper’s return. I guess we can all see who is really the glue that holds this team together.

    On other news, David Wright broke a pinky finger diving back to first base and will be out a couple of weeks, Immediatly the Mets go into the tank and lose to the Gnats…


  333. 348 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2012 at 8:21 am

    Oh, anyone else notice that Freddi has returned to his wayward upper cut swing. Sigh…. Strikouts and flyballs will abound…


  334. 349 Carolina Lady April 11, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    Chipper stays on their cases! Man-oh-man, do I wish he would manage!! He has said that after retirement that he would still be with the Braves in some capacity. PLeASe, PLEASE LET IT BE!


  335. 350 berigan2electricboogaloo April 11, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    CL, that would be great, wouldn’t it????


  336. 351 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    So, to manage, you still have the same crummy hours but for a fraction of the money…. Of course, Chipper is not exactly blessed with the glib tounge of Smoltz or Glavin, not like you could expect to see him in the booth where the big bucks are paid….

    And could we really stand hearing him called Skipper Chipper?? Still, the guy has a wealth of baseball knowledge, if only they could hire Greg Maddux as his pitching coach/bench coach….


  337. 352 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2012 at 6:37 pm

    Only way it could happen for Chipper to return as a full time manager/coach would be his kids are grown and he is broke…. Otherwise he is going to be raising deer on his ranch.

    Watched the Mets/Gnats game this afternoon. Stasburg was being given pitches 10 inch outside the strike zone. That my frinds is how perfect games are tossed. I do not like it when the umpires become too much of the game. I thought Beachy was being squeezed by the ump the other night.

    All said, the Mets are a much differnt ball club without David Wright in the line up.

    It’s about time BMac be given a night off. Ross should be playing at least two games a week. It’s not like the Braves don’t face enough left handers to justify it.


  338. 353 Carolina Lady April 11, 2012 at 11:57 pm

    I’m curious about what that “capacity” is that Chipper mentioned. To have said that, obviously it has been discussed with Wren et al. He has a ton of money so that isn’t in the picture. Bench coach? Assistant manager? Special assistant to ‘somebody’? it would have to be something directly related to the players because that is where he is most effective and seems to like. Oh, well. Whatever. i want my computers put back toegther and running. There is one file, in particular, that I HAVE to have. Before taking the old tower to the techs, I downloaded special things on a flash drive so the very latest files would be safe and intact. Plugged the flash into this laptop to see what I needed to research next – and the file was empty. *bashes forehead into wall……repeatedly*


  339. 354 berigan2electricboogaloo April 12, 2012 at 1:49 am

    CL, Yikes! Sometimes no matter what you do, you just can’t win, can you? Sorry!
    I posted ( I thought) a comment about Chipper…guess I started it, and tab was closed later…oh well…what I read a week or so ago was he’d like to be a hitting coach one day, but not a manager….
    Astros were not quitting on us, but thank goodness we were able to win 2 of 3!


  340. 355 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2012 at 7:09 am

    I am thankful for the win, but losing 4 of 6 against the bottom 2 teams in the NL doesn’t exactly trip my trigger. I gotta see better. I’m still giving Fredi the “fish eye”.

    BTW – I thought Delgado looked pretty good last night. The kid has filthy stuff. His 2-seamer is downright nasty. I heard Joe describe one pitch as simply unhittable, as the Houston batter turned 180 degrees out of the batter’s box shaking his head. If the kid can find consistency in location, he’ll be dominant.


  341. 356 Gil in Mechanicsville April 12, 2012 at 7:55 am

    Yes, and the umpire was not exactly generous with his strike zone. It would not have been a good night for a nibbler…

    Freddi Freeman worries me a bit whit his uppercut swing. Did the new hitting coach get to him? He had been taking a nice level swing and hitting balls to left center and now it seems as if he is trying to pull the ball…. Sigh, at least Adam Dunn is happy….

    Poor Ozzie, he is a baseball player/manager and dose not know when he has been baited by a reporter. Time magazine is a little slicker than Rolling Stone but same leftist bent. Do folks really think the question posed by the reporter about Castro wasn’t a plant? I have never heard that question asked before of a ballplayer.

    Why don’t they just ask Freddi Gonzalas what he thinks of George Zimmerman or even Robert E Lee? Would be the same difference. No right answer for those. Well, there is for me but I don’t matter, no one really cares what I think and that is just fine with me….


  342. 357 Gil in Mechanicsville April 12, 2012 at 8:06 am

    CL, there is no reason why your hard drive could not have been backed up and saved in its entirerty. Only thing is when you have a corrupted file. No way of getting around that.

    Micro soft must be hurting for money with their announcement they will no longer support XP. Planned obsolecence, just like Mercury outboard motors… Sigh, it is not that I mind the new operating systems but older computers like mine just don’t have the capacity to run memory hogs like Windows 7 or Vista. Besides, I’m still using an old HP printer and will continue to do so a long as I can find ink catriges for it at the Goodwill. The color cartriges are a little scarce but I get the HP 45s for $2.25 each.

    Josie has some super duper HP printer that uses ESP to print your files but she does not care the cost of the ink for the dang thing as long as I keep paying her Visa bill each month… Well, I guess all in all I am getting off pretty cheap considering what it would cost me for 24 hour nursing.


  343. 358 Gil in Mechanicsville April 12, 2012 at 8:14 am

    One last thing, that home run J-Hey hit last night was a thing of beauty.

    O’Flarety and Venters looked a little shaky but that could have been due to the fact the ump was calling everything a ball that wasn’t over the heart of the plate. Still, you are playing with fire walking guys in the late innings.

    Still looking for guys to be throwing free and easy, that overthrowing crap scares the peediddle out of me. Only guy who looks comfortable on the mound for the Braves are Beachy and Medlen and Beachy not so much when he doesn’t get a call.


  344. 359 Carolina Lady April 12, 2012 at 1:03 pm

    Since I don’t get to see the games anymore,, y’all are my portal to the Braves. I always enjoyed hearing Joe call a game. Who is his partnet now?

    Gil, yeah, the hard drive has a corrupt file and is in the process of failing. Nathan just called and said he was able to save “most” of the info off of it,
    so I’ll go get it and see what I have. I’ll have to be thankful for what I have and start over with the rest of it.


  345. 360 berigan2electricboogaloo April 12, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    Gil, sounds like you need a new computer! Vista has been fine for me, (After I heard nothing but trouble about it) but its main problem was people making it with 1 GIG of RAM, which would be like me trying to run my Lincoln with 4 banger…silly. 3 GIG’s of RAM, and smooth sailing.
    of course Vista is now old, and next to be dropped, eh what? sigh…

    CL, how come you aren’t seeing games??? you watched on the computer?
    Joe and Chip do the TV games.


  346. 361 Carolina Lady April 12, 2012 at 5:54 pm

    God is SO good!!! Nathan, my computer guy, was able to get ALL the info from the old hard drive!! The very first thing I did after setting up the new tower today was to back up everything I NEED on a 16 gig flash drive. The other flashes went into the trash can! I am so very, very thankful!

    I didn’t renew the MLB subscription this year, Ber. I miss it but you gotta do what you gotta do. 🙂


  347. 362 Gil in Mechanicsville April 13, 2012 at 8:19 am

    CL, remember the good old days when you couls at least listen to the Braves on radio on at least one radio station broadcasting in your community if you lived anywhere south of Washington DC? To me it is really tough to understand a business model that continues to alienate your best customers with nickle and dime charges.

    I have been paying for the MLB package on Dish for several years now and I think this year may be the last. Just too pricey, especially when I get all the Nationals’ broadcast on regelar cable (forced to listen to their broadcast when they play the Braves) and lots of Saturdays when I am blessed with the Yankee/Red Soxs and the Braves are the alternate game.

    I am glad you were able to recover the majority of your files. Throw away your old flash drives? Why not just reformat them and use them again on your smaller files?

    I bought an exteral hard drive for my back up except for my finacial files which I use a flashdrive for.

    Ber, my wife loved Vista but took the free upgrade that was offered to Windows 7, she has regreted doing so ever since. I have Windows 7 on my laptop but it is only about 3 years old now. I think that is right… Anyway, by the time I buy another CPU I’m pretty sure they will all be obsolete. Everything will be smart phones and tablets. BAH!!!!

    I told my son the other night that in 10 years, people will not have LED TVs hanging on their walls but will just put on a pair of glasses and watch everything in 3D and the controls will be tied to your phone like Blue Tooth. May not even take that long…..


  348. 363 Salty April 13, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    Did you ever wonder; what was the best before sliced bread came along?


  349. 364 Voice of Raisins April 13, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Bread pudding?


  350. 365 Gil in Mechanicsville April 14, 2012 at 7:04 am

    Good one guys…

    Now baseball… I think Freddi should have let Medlen go two/three innings….

    O’Flarethy looks a little off, wonder if his back is acting up

    BMac sure does like home cooking, eh?


  351. 366 berigan2electricboogaloo April 14, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    CL, congrats!!!! I’d back it up on two/three flash drives the way things were going! 😉 the braves don’t play on sports south eh? that stinks, sorry! Some will show up on MLBTV, do you have cable or sat?

    Now baseball…Gil, you can have your 1-0 games, give me 10-8, at least for a little while! 🙂
    Did you all see the play of Omar Infante’s life the other day???


  352. 367 Voice of Raisins April 15, 2012 at 9:08 pm

    Happy Birthday Gil!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  353. 368 Voice of Raisins April 15, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    Chad Durbin…

    3 appearances, 3 innings pitched, 9 hits, 6 earned runs, 3 home runs allowed, 18.00 ERA, $900,000.00 major league contract… more than Craig Kimbrell, Jason Heyward, Freddie Freeman, Tommy Hanson, Jonny Venters, Brandon Beachy, Kris Medlen, and Mike Minor.

    Hey Frank… remember Anthony Varvaro? Cory Gearrin? Yohan Flande? They are only 30 minutes north in Gwinnett.

    Hey Chad… Delta is ready when you are.


  354. 369 berigan2electricboogaloo April 16, 2012 at 5:10 am

    Happy Birthday Gil!!!! hope its a good one, and many more!!! 🙂


  355. 370 berigan2electricboogaloo April 16, 2012 at 5:22 am

    V, V, V! 900,000 is a lot of money to the braves! You can’t give up on a guy just because he’s been horrible in each of his outings! He will be given weeks if not months to “turn it around” ….sigh…perhaps he will have to go on the DL after the next terrible appearance…
    well, the good news is the braves have won….5 games in a row!!!!


  356. 371 Voice of Raisins April 16, 2012 at 6:13 am

    Livan is right below him with $750,000 – ahead of each of the productive and important team members listed above as well.

    They are this year’s Scott Linebrink and George Sherril. There is a slight difference this year, though. At least we don’t have to FACE Livan, who mysteriously seems to own us, even when he sux.


  357. 372 Carolina Lady April 16, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    Ber, Sports South isn’t shown here because most of the population now isn’t from the South. Locals love the Braves but the others want NYY, Mets, Red Sox, etc. *sigh* And this is my home. *tears*

    And, after having to spend something over $11,000 in repairs and other emergency spending since last August, I decided that the tv package was too much this year. Same thing for the computer thing. I REALLY hate missing Chipper’s last year as a player.


  358. 373 Gil in Mechanicsville April 16, 2012 at 12:52 pm

    Thanks for the birthday wishes guys, went out of town for a couple of days which really sucks because I could not get any of the baseball games and just when the Braves have decided to start winning again…

    Tis sad when you are so cash strapped that even a $750,000 chance on a vetern pitcher can break you. I would like to hope Durbin can be fixed but Livian is what he is… Way to many miles on his arm to expect much. Maybe he can teach the rest of the staff how to throw a 55mph heater…


  359. 374 Voice of Raisins April 16, 2012 at 2:42 pm

    Yup… we are strangled by the hideous 25 year (21 remaining) TV deal that some nimrod in a suit approved. What an idiot! Who signs a 25 year deal with no opt-out or renegotiation clause?

    That one singular move will severely hinder the competitiveness of this franchise for 2 more decades. One need only look to the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels and Rangers to see how uber-lucrative TV deals can grease the skids. The Rangers’ deal will bring the team an estimated $3 Billion, that’s with a “B”, over the next 20 years. Heck, even the Padres have a new deal worth about $75M for them over the next 20 years, and they’re in the league’s #26 market.

    Wanna compare numbers? Check out this depressing chart: http://media-cache6.pinterest.com/upload/84864774198351680_eKhlLtIs_c.jpg

    The last person to show such poor judgment and forward thinking was Barney Frank’s boyfriend at Fannie Mae…


  360. 375 Voice of Raisins April 17, 2012 at 6:25 am

    … and in the midst of the carnage, Livan gives up yet another homer in his 1 inning of work.


  361. 376 Voice of Raisins April 17, 2012 at 6:27 am

    I wonder if the team chiropractor gets extra work when Durbin and Livan pitch? You know… from all the necks twisting around so quickly..?


  362. 377 Voice of Raisins April 17, 2012 at 6:30 am

    Speaking of Durbin, here’s a nice tidbit that Mr. O’B tweeted yesterday:

    Chad Durbin allowed a home run in seven consecutive appearances w/ #Indians and #Braves going back to Sept. 14, 2011.

    Hmmm… Now, I’m no MLB executive, and didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I recognize a problem here.


  363. 378 Voice of Raisins April 17, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Then again, if you just want a veteran “hanger on” for opposing teams to step all over when the game is out of reach, then Durbin is a perfect fit.


  364. 379 berigan2electricboogaloo April 17, 2012 at 9:03 am

    V, that is depressing about the TV deal….I thought we had a mere 15,16 years left…I would be 66 before the braves got a new deal…I bet it will make selling the team a lot harder….I wonder if there is any way to break the deal…sort of do the Fox thing…in reverse…usually its fox forcing the the cable/sat company into a deal by withholding programming…MLB would probably step in…a contract is a contract, UNLESS there was some fishy business…and that has to be here…why sign such a Fox friendly deal?
    WOW…7 straight games with a homer??? And he’s all ours??? Lucky us! Wonder if signing Durbin and Livan keeps us from getting some expensive outfielder down the road…you know, some guy earning 2.5/3 Mil a year…


  365. 380 Gil in Mechanicsville April 17, 2012 at 9:10 am

    It was a pretty interesting game until Tommy/BMac decided to give Ike Davis one more look at a breaking ball that did not quite break enough… Sigh, I called that shot to the wife just before he hit it. Told her “I hope he doesn’t try to sneak another curve ball by Davis right here”… WHAM!!!!

    Oh well…

    And here I thought the Braves would have a chance because I was thinking David Wright was on the DL… Silly me thinking a broken pinky would keep him out of the game…

    Okay, we can try to get them tonight.

    I don’t know Raisins, appears to me that pitchers have stopped with the head snap when they think a ball is gong out, they just look down at the ground now. An ounce of prevention I guess…

    Still early but I am thinking there is something missing with this team… Like passion…. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!


  366. 381 berigan2electricboogaloo April 17, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Well, the good news is JHey is hitting…and they looked very good during the 5 game winning streak. It just seems when they lose, it looks like anyone could beat them…weird…


  367. 382 Gil in Mechanicsville April 17, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    Yes Ber, you have a point about those 1-0 games… I guess it depends on which side of the zero you are standing on…. Decenct game tonight, strang how the Uggla lost one in the moon…


  368. 383 berigan2electricboogaloo April 18, 2012 at 3:48 am

    Gil, Bing Crosby sang about a night like last night! 😉

    Yes, I put it up on youtube, I am that weird…


  369. 384 Gil in Mechanicsville April 18, 2012 at 9:06 am

    Good comeback Ber… You are quick like that… weird… but quick 🙂

    And what of Carolina Lady? Where can she be hiding? Puter trouble again?

    Okay guys, Braves game at noon today. I hope the Bravos kept their bats wrapped up in blankets over night so they would not cool down.

    Kris Medlen… fast becoming one of my favorite Braves. I told the wife his nickname should be Bulldog. He pitches like he has no fear and with that awful flat brimed cap pulled down, he looks like one. A little guy with a big heart. I would say “pit bull” but that would be like biting the same wound for you Atlanta folks.


  370. 385 Voice of Raisins April 18, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Ya know… JFranc can hit the ball a lo-o-ong way when he connects. 😯


  371. 386 Gil in Mechanicsville April 19, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Maybe he is just getting over the jitters of going to a new team, he is still a kid after all. Maybe he was a little gun shy from Dusty. You never know. He sure looked a lot better at third yesterday afternoon.

    And the Braves infilders need to stop taking for granted F5F is going to be able to reach everything thrown in the general direction of first base. The kid can make some picks by geeze… some of those throws are 15 feet away from him.

    Nice for the Braves to prove to me they can put up some crooked numbers. JJ seems a bit shaky to me right now, I am wondering if he is worried about his knee giving out on him. Okay to pitch to contact but not when you are serving up pitches on a tee. His fastball just seems to have no movement to it.

    Going to be a lot of late nights for the next week. Sigh, Good thing I am retired or it would entail a lot of butt dragging for me to get to work.


  372. 387 Voice of Raisins April 19, 2012 at 10:59 am

    JJ looks hurt to me. But that’s just me.

    Is it not amazing that the team that got beat 1-0 on opening day is now leading the Majors in runs scored?


  373. 388 Voice of Raisins April 19, 2012 at 11:04 am

    Dadgummit… and as soon as I post that, I find someone posting correct information. The Braves are 2nd in runs scored in the NL. Not 1st in the majors. 😐


  374. 389 berigan2electricboogaloo April 19, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    V, without looking, gonna guess its the Rangers leading the way?
    I guess we all know why teams didn’t jump to get JJ this offseason. Weird…can’t really think of a pitcher who had a ton of knee issues…at least this early in his career? Fat boys like Davis Wells, and CC didn’t/don’t seem to have a problem…wonder if he’s putting off some surgery he needs, or is he going to doctors that just aren’t that good???
    Hey, y’all hear about Jamie Moyer? Pitched 7 innings a few nights ago, and is now the oldest pitcher to ever win a game! 49 years old….amazing!


  375. 390 berigan2electricboogaloo April 19, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    If anyone checks, the game starts at 9:40, in AZ.
    CL, do you listen to the games? I’m sure you could listen to them online….


  376. 391 Voice of Raisins April 20, 2012 at 7:19 am

    Wow… just wow.

    And I’m not talking about this suddenly imposing offense. Mike Minor! What a great game from the young southpaw. For my money, he shoulda got the complete game. But 8 very strong innings was just what the doctor ordered. He was just darned impressive last night…


  377. 392 Gil in Mechanicsville April 20, 2012 at 7:33 am

    That was a pretty impressive display by the Bravos last night. Gotta love it when the crooked numbers go up on the wall… The second homer by Freddie was a monster shot.

    I am beginning to believe that the Braves have overcome their fear of lefties.. I guess at some point you have to learn how to hit them if the other teams are going to continue to roll them out for you.

    Venters looked a bit rusty last night too, the guys in the pen are going to have to come up with new ways to stay sharp…. Love having the young kids begin to blossom before our eyes.

    One last point… I can see the validity in the argument for keeping Medlen in the pen this year. It would be the best way to protect his arm. I read somewhere that a pitcher should be limited to no more than 150 innings the year after they return from Tommy John surgery. It would be the best way to accomplish that and still have his services for the entire year.


  378. 393 berigan2electricboogaloo April 21, 2012 at 10:13 am

    I was looking for a song that I thought was called enjoy the ride…but what I found on youtube was not the song(s) I was thinking of!
    But, whatever…it fits! 🙂 Of course I do something, miss two innings, and it’s 7-0 but thats ok! Amazing run right now! Diamondbacks even missing two of their big guns, are a very deep, aggressive team….and now back to back deep starts by 2 of the younger guys, great news! 🙂


  379. 394 Gil in Mechanicsville April 21, 2012 at 11:32 am

    Yes, best enjoy this run as long as it last, won’t be long before we fret over JJ and Hanson again…

    I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with JJ, he looks so much like the guy I saw at spring training two years ago when he said he was trying to learn how to pitch to contact rather than being a strikeout pitcher so he could get deeper into games. One never realizes how much difference 2 to 3 mph can make to a pitcher but with Jair it definitely has changed his approach completely. It has to be related to his push off with his knee. Regardless of what he says, it has to be ailing him. At least subconsciously.

    His fast ball has no life on it and just sits there in the middle of the strike zone like it was on a tee with a big sign on it saying Hit Me Hard . Jair hardly ever gave up a homer but now we are seeing them fly out of the park like crazy.

    So, what is the answer? Some say send him down, others say the 15 day DL might do the trick. For sure, he has little trade value right now. I am thinking he has altered his delivery to compensate for his knee and now he cannot undo the change. That said, the only way for him to get past it is to pitch. Sometimes you just have to ride it out with a guy, at least until the first of June.


  380. 395 berigan2electricboogaloo April 22, 2012 at 1:47 am

    Does he have a fear of surgery? I just wonder….
    wow! after a 0-4 start, 10-1, thats…not bad…not bad at all! 😛


  381. 396 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2012 at 8:35 am

    Well, looks like Frank Wren has been reading our blog again…. JJ sent down last night. He pulled the trigger a little sooner than I thoight he would be I guess he saw the same guy pitching last night that I did.

    I have to same, some of what JJ went through was pure bad luck but when you add in those rocket shots off him in the first and second innings, you make a lot of your own luck. Just no movment on his pitches, well, not on anything thrown above 80mph.. Twas a sad thing to watch…. painful even…

    Now, who (or what) comes up? Another position player to cover for Chipper maybe?


  382. 397 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    His fastball is way down, but he says he’s healthy. Well, little choice left for Frank. Braves wouldn’t disable him anyway. His trade value is already lower than a snake full of buckshot, but add “chronic knee” to it and he’s virtually untradeable. At this rate, they may still get somebody to give ’em an extra sprinkler for the new grass on the infield. For a guy that was shopped (somewhat) in the offseason to see if Frank could get lucky, JJ is now a legit non-tender candidate.

    This is a plummet of Andruwsian proportion.


  383. 398 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    And a reliever comes up to add an extra arm in the ‘pen until Huddy is activated later this week. And for my money, over the next 4 days, Chad Durbin ought not be looking for houses in suburban Atlanta unless he’s just impressed with the local golf courses.


  384. 399 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    And Happy 40th Birthday Chipper! Unwrap the knee and get a hit tonight to celebrate! 😀


  385. 400 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2012 at 12:48 pm

    Back to JJ…

    One has to wonder if there may be a little “hard-headedness” happening, and that this demotion is as much an attention-getter as it is a kink-worker-outer.

    (Yes, I had to really go deep into my bag o’tricks to pull out those colorful journalistic phrases…)


  386. 401 Gil in Mechanicsville April 24, 2012 at 3:49 pm

    “kink-worker-outer”. Definitely a blog first 🙂

    So, Cory Gearin (Peter Moylan lite) has been promoted back to the show. Make the best of it kid, you never know for sure how things will work out for you when you come up…

    Yes Raisins, the “I’m healthy” may have run its course. Likely, it should be, “It only hurts when I pitch” … Let’s hope JJ gets it straightened out because as we all know, Scott Boras has a lot of overhead… Having said that, I don’t see Big Red finishing out his career in Atlanta either.


  387. 402 Carolina Lady April 24, 2012 at 8:50 pm

    I really don’t like not being able to see games! 😦


  388. 403 Voice of Raisins April 24, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    And Happy 40th Birthday Chipper! Unwrap the knee and get a hit tonight to celebrate!

    Thanks, Chipper, for helping a brother out!


  389. 404 berigan2electricboogaloo April 24, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    (I LOVE thinking I have posted something, only to come back and find out you were not signed in…at least the post wasn’t lost, just delayed an hour or three)
    I wonder if favoring his knee, JJ hurt his shoulder? wouldn’t be the first person. And to give him a little benefit of the doubt, perhaps his shoulder isn’t reallly hurting…we’ve heard of that before. Not a shoulder, but remember how Hudson couldn’t believe he needed Tommy John surgery since his elbow didn’t hurt that much? I guess we will find out if he makes a start in the minors or not…he had a 93-94 MPH fastball in the past…I forgot all about the game last night, and haven’t had a chance to watch baseball tonight yet, to see if they said anything about him…what was his top fastball last night, 88? 87?


  390. 405 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Ber, in reply to your questions about JJ’s velocity, he hit the radar gun at 90 a couple of times but the problem does not seem to be velocity as much as the complete lack of movement on his fastball. It is just flat and straight and often belt high middle of the plate. I doubt you could throw batting practice any better.

    I read on one of the blogs that Jair appears to be planting on his left leg instead of dragging it during his pitches and the results is no tailing action.

    I don’t think velocity is as important as movement and deception and at this point, JJ has neither.

    Now last night’s game. I think FGon needs to move F5F back down the order. He is giving away too many at bats in the 3 hole. Actually, he should do the same with Uggla but that is another story.

    Baseball is all about adjustments and with the availability of so much information on every team and every player, you have to be able to adapt pretty quickly to remain successful.

    Minor looks like a big league pitcher now… No fear from that one. Medlen too. I thought the Braves’ pen was outstanding. Kimbrel looked lights out but still can do better. I think he gets distracted for a batter or two. Of course, he is still throwing what BMac calls for…. Give him another year for him to grow his own….

    CL, we miss you not being able to watch too. I think what DirecTV charges for the baseball package is outrageous but it is what I reward myself with instead of buying other stuff… I am holding out as long as I can before I resign myself to following the Nats. Pretty sure I can’t convince the wife to move to Atlanta so the games are a local feed. I am seriously considering buying a place of the bay however. Trick is, trying to figure out how to get Obama to pay for it….

    By the way, have they finished shoring up your house yet?


  391. 406 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2012 at 9:20 am

    Raisins, I think it is Strasburg who is the only starter who is on a 150 inning limit this year but Zimmermann may be included in that too. For sure, they have put together a pretty nice ballclub but we will see when they have to play LA.


  392. 407 berigan2electricboogaloo April 25, 2012 at 11:53 am

    Gil, I guess it’s an all of the above situation for JJ. What’s amazing is he’s only 26…Like Tim Lincecum losing 3-4 MPH off his fastball(started last year, but he has only 4 MPH difference between fastball and Changeup this year, and is being hit easily right now) you first think injury…too young to just lose that…but of course mechanics as you just mentioned, can play a role in it…
    as for Kimbrel, he did look lights out, which made me (and Joe Simpson) wonder why he kept throwing sliders to hitters that couldn’t hit his fastball. (Oh yeah, McCann kept calling for them) the one hitter got a hit on one, and from the grimace on Uribe’s face, he would have to cry himself to sleep after he missed the biggest hanging nothing pitch you ever would hope to see….he’d better stick to fastballs on the corner tonight if he has to face Kemp.
    From all the negative comments above, you would think the braves lost, but they won! yay! 😉


  393. 408 Gil in Mechanicsville April 25, 2012 at 4:38 pm

    Negative? Naw… perceptive….

    Point is, never give a pitcher a long term contract, no matter how good you think they are unless you are really good a drawing to inside straights. So many moving parts and any one of them can spell disaster….

    Like D Lowe and Kawakami… but different…


  394. 409 Gil in Mechanicsville April 26, 2012 at 8:58 am

    Heck of a ball game last night, toughed it out to the end. The line drive BMac hit off Javy’s jaw was big time scary…. It is why they will never use aluminum bats in the majors. I can’t believe the guy continued to pitch after that.


  395. 410 berigan2electricboogaloo April 26, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    Gil, it really was! I was not hopeful, just seemed like a keep ’em close then lose kind of game. That dodgers closer must not feel pain much! He almost seemed annoyed that they were checking him out! but, it may have affected his pitching…but who knows? They were already pounding him. Great comeback though!!! Chipper is going to have some fun this year it appears! 🙂


  396. 411 Gil in Mechanicsville April 27, 2012 at 7:51 am

    “it may have affected his pitching…but who knows?” It is tough trying to pitch when you duck after releasing the ball. You are right though in that he was getting shelled. Braves hitters were getting good wood on the ball.

    Yeah, Chipper appears to be having a good time this year. I have never seen him cut up a much as he has this spring. Must be as if a great weight is lifting from his shoulders having carried the team so many years.

    I will say that being retired is over rated. It can get pretty boring after a while, especially for the spouse. I wonder if Chipper is going to continue to reside in Atlanta after this season or will move to his ranch in Texas.


  397. 412 Voice of Raisins April 27, 2012 at 9:10 am

    It’s funny… but during those 1st 4 games in NY, this team looked as heartless as an Obama appointed czar.

    But dadgum… after coming home, something happened. This team has an intangible quality that can’t really be described. But they have it. They have “it”. It takes “it” to have a magical season. We could be onto something here…


  398. 413 Carolina Lady April 27, 2012 at 7:53 pm

    Gil, the foundation work was completed and even that awful 1″+ gap in the brickwork mostly closed up. The window and sill are back in alignment and the people in the next neighborhood can no longer tell when the window is raised or lowered. All for a low $6,000 price for a limited time only. Taxes and batteries not included. Hurry NOW to get yours!! or something…. 🙂

    After all these many years of watching the Braves on TV – from their earliest days on Ted’s TV until this year, I’m really not liking being limited to a few highlight videos now and then. Especially when they are winning!

    I’m glad Chipper is enjoying this final year. So many times, he has just looked tired. Hm. This also means we’ll have to have a new banner before next season….


  399. 414 Gil in Mechanicsville April 28, 2012 at 7:18 am

    Morning CL, glad you got the crack(ed)house fixed… “A little low humor…”

    Yes Raisins, Chipper looks like he is actually having fun out there. I agree with you observation on the difference in this team from the first four games to the last 10… I think “it” might be exactly the right word to describe the Bravos right now.

    Only one game back of the Nats now. In fact every other NL East team lost yesterday. Just keep grinding them out guys.

    It is tough to lose BMac but it is not like other teams aren’t going through the same thing. It is why depth is so important. It’s a bit dicey for the Braves to only have one good catcher right now but you don’t want to lose Mac for two weeks when it might just be a temporary thing.

    That said, I think ggs is trying to kill off both Tyler and Freddi. I mean, between running over the Rev and those balls thrown into the runner at first. Scary…


  400. 415 berigan2electricboogaloo April 28, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    Yeah, one almost hates to say anything about a special team, but they look like one in April.
    Nats I do believe are going to be our biggest obstacle this year…their pitching is insane, and the boy wonder has been called up for the game today. Since the left fielders I read were hitting a combined .097, anything the teenager does will be better than what they had…


  401. 416 Gil in Mechanicsville April 29, 2012 at 9:02 am

    Well, I checked the AJC this morning and did not see where there was a spike in suicides over night so I guess the fact that the Dodgers won in the 10th inning against the Nats must have muted the sting of the Braves loss last night.

    Folks, there is a reason Delgado is a “5th” starter. He is pitching exactly as to how a number five pitched, that being one good start for every three games. It was the Braves offense or lack there of that resulted in a 4-2 loss.

    Personally, I am more concerned about Freddi Freeman’s sudden lack of discipline at the plate than anything else. Maybe he needs to make another trip to meet “Mr. Bench” to get his mind right again.

    On the bright side, I thought Christian Martinez was outstanding last night.


  402. 417 Gil in Mechanicsville May 1, 2012 at 5:26 am

    Oops… Braves let one get away from them last night. 😦 Oh well, it happens, chalk it up to one of the 60 a team is going to lose each season, it happens. Pirates are not that bad a team. They just have a bad reputation for being bottom feeders for the past 20 years.

    Thing was, Mike Minor was just a tad off and in a major league game, that is all you need to be, just a tad off….

    Phillie is in town tonight, should be interesting…


  403. 418 Voice of Raisins May 1, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Yep, even the greatest pitchers have an off night every now and then. Well, except Greg Maddux… 🙂


  404. 419 berigan2electricboogaloo May 1, 2012 at 9:42 am

    Heh, yeah, Maddux didn’t have too many, did he? Of course, when you throw 99… 😛
    Gil, the Pirates always play the braves tough…every year you think this is the year for them…they had a very good first half last year…they have some good young talent…some “can’t Miss” people like Pedro Alvarez still haven’t put it together yet…didn’t they draft one of those UCLA kids too? Oh yeah, had to look it up…Gerrit Cole. Forget if he was the best or 2nd best one…though I think some “experts” thought the 2nd pick was going to be better…
    How about the JHey Kid stealing a fair number of bases early on???


  405. 420 Voice of Raisins May 2, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Just. Wow.


  406. 421 berigan2electricboogaloo May 3, 2012 at 1:53 am

    yep!!!!!!!!!! I missed the first 8 innings, but I didn’t really miss much..(Just watched much of the game, kinda fun game to see, especially the the last few innings) Chad Durbin…pitched a great inning. Great comebacks, and the GREAT Chipper Jones , what more can you say????


  407. 422 Voice of Raisins May 3, 2012 at 6:39 am

    That’s what Hall of Famers do. They rise when the heat is on. Kinda like yeast, only different.


  408. 423 Gil in Mechanicsville May 4, 2012 at 8:08 am

    So, what do you do when the bread isn’t on the menu? I think we see a much different team when Chipper is on the bench and when he is in the game. Juan has way to long a swing. Reminds me of a former Braves first baseman who hailed from Canada for whom I cannot recall a name… Sad huh?


  409. 424 Gil in Mechanicsville May 4, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    Uh. Scott Thorman…. only took 4 hours to remember that…


  410. 425 berigan2electricboogaloo May 4, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    heh, I remembered his name , go figure! All I remember, besides the strikeouts, was the grounders to 2nd and him running like his life depended on it…if only he could have shortened his swing, gotten a lighter bat…whatever would have helped…


  411. 426 Gil in Mechanicsville May 5, 2012 at 7:38 am

    Well Ber, since you profess to like offense more than pitchers duels, you must be ecstatic about Wednesday and Friday’s games… For sure, no safe leads at Mile High…

    Must be stuffing the balls with jumping beans the way they have been flying out.


  412. 427 Gil in Mechanicsville May 5, 2012 at 10:22 am



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