119: Up and Runing!

by Gil Elliott'Gil from Mechanicsville'

by Gil Elliott

I doubt anyone outside of the most fervent fan figured a beginning to the Upton Era quite like the one we have seen the first week of the 2013 season. With Justin homering in five if the first six games and his big bother breaking out of his early slump with a huge home run off Carlos Marmol to tie the game Saturday night. While the talking heads fawn over Bryce Harper and Mike Trout, the Diamondbacks’ former first over all pick of the 2007 draft has taken to Atlanta like kudzu on a Georgia highway embankment.

BJ (2) and Justin (8) Upton

BJ (2) and Justin (8) Upton

Yes, the D’Backs did pick up a fairly promising young right hander in Delgado but the early returns on J-Up have been like the price of gasoline futures during the Arab embargo. To be honest, the town of Atlanta has not had so much to be excited about since the premier of Gone With The Wind.  While it is still early days, the brass in Arizona must be wondering what they were thinking when they flipped Justin to the Braves for Marteen Prado.

Evan Gattis

Evan Gattis

Little has gone wrong for the Braves the first week with the flip-flopping of Chris Johnson and Juan Francisco at third and the same behind the plate with Gerald Laird and growing folk legend Evan Gattis. Even with the somewhat disappointing début of phenom Julio Teheran could not overshadow the excitement coming out of The Ted this first week of the 2013 season. Every move being made in the Atlanta dugout appears to be gold because no matter, this bunch of ball players have covered up every mistake made so far. While it is still way early to be crowning any team as the probable winner of this year’s Wold Series. The current team, being led with the heroics of the Justin Upton is certainly making sure they are being included in the conversation.

One has to wonder the effect the return of Brian McCann will have to the team in early May. Can this team get any better? It is a little scary to think about frankly. But, that is a topic to fret over another day. Let’s all ride the wave of euphoria while we can. To be sure, it is a mighty big wave.


53 Responses to “119: Up and Runing!”

  1. 1 Carolina Lady April 8, 2013 at 10:05 pm

    There sure is a lot to be excited about! Let’s just hope and pray that we are this excited in May. And June. And …. 🙂

    Thanks, Gil, as always!


  2. 2 Gil in Mechanicsville April 9, 2013 at 5:50 am

    Thanks CL… Kudos to graphics for me please.


  3. 3 Gil in Mechanicsville April 9, 2013 at 6:01 am

    Last night’s win over Miami wasn’t without it’s moments. Kimbrel is still having some difficulties locating his fastball. I seem to remember the same thing when he first came up and Bobby sending him down to fine tune his game. I get it, he is a slow starter. Let’s just hope he can still use a little smoke and mirrors before the rest of the league sees what I see.

    You also have to wonder when National league pitchers start walking Justin Upton and pitching to whomever is occupying the spot behind him? This will not be an issue when BMac returns or even Freddie Freeman but if I were the manager opposing the Braves right now, I would hold up four fingers and take my chances with the guy in the on deck circle. J-Up is absolutely on fire, the rest are not…

    Gattis had a couple of pretty nice at bats last night but he is still a rookie and the umps will not respect him. He is not going to get many calls to go his way on balls on the edge of the plate. You could see that last night.


  4. 4 Voice of Raisins April 9, 2013 at 10:18 am

    Yes, Gil, Kimbrel was scuffling a bit last night. But isn’t it great that our “scuffling” Kimbrel is still better than 90% of the rest of the league.

    And JUp… I have no words. He is a beast.

    For those who may wonder, today’s pollen count here in NEGA is 2,605 particles per sq. inch. I am took my white dog out to pee (him, not me) and brought a yellow dog back in. Yuck…


  5. 5 Gil in Mechanicsville April 9, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    Summer has arrived today. Bought a small lawn mower for $20 bucks and cleaned it up and started it, runs like a champ. It’s going to the Bay and I am bringing home that electric piece of **** back and selling it. Should bring enough to pay for the one I just bought. I used to pick them up at the dump but they have stopped the practice of folks leaving such things and Goodwill has parked a truck for folks to drop off items… Too bad, some of my best yard tools I salvaged and with a little TLC the run great.

    Now baseball… Yes, I think I may have become a bit spoiled… It was nice to see Walden pitch like a closer the night before. I think he is another nice piece picked up by Frank Wren. That is the real difference between the Braves and most of the other teams, you don’t worry about turning things over to the pen in the sixth inning if the starter is tiring.

    The Braves seem to salivate at the thought of getting into another team’s relief corps. I’ve been wondering what the Braves might get for Martinez or Valvaro.


  6. 6 berigan2electricboogaloo April 9, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    Great as usual Gil! Yep, Diamondbacks may well regret this trade…nice to have a bunch of mini Kirk Gibsons, but you need some really talented folks too…
    V, was trying to find pollen numbers on the ajc, and during a search saw that we have had numbers as high as 8000k in the past! 80


  7. 7 Gil in Mechanicsville April 9, 2013 at 5:42 pm

    8000k..?. must have been Kudzu

    I was going to try and mow the lawn this morning but just picking up stray limbs and branches I started choking… Will let it grow a little shaggier.


  8. 8 Gil in Mechanicsville April 9, 2013 at 9:55 pm

    Evan Gattis, Paul Bunyan look a like and the most interesting man in the world… Well, maybe not but he is certainly a great story. Two run homer to pick up J-Up. Blocks balls like a hockey goalie…

    Brave relief corps making it a lot more interesting than it needs to be.


  9. 9 Voice of Raisins April 10, 2013 at 7:22 am

    I was listening to the radio broadcast last night, and Jim Powell was marveling at how Gattis’ baserunning was “textbook”. Both he and Don observed every element of Gattis while he was on 2B after doubling to open the 6th inning. Everything from his reading the OF’ers to his footwork between pitches went under the microscope, and they both agreed it was textbook perfect. The kid has worked hard at this game, and it is paying off for him…


  10. 10 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2013 at 8:20 am

    One has to wonder if in his travels, Gattis has learned to appreciate the talent he has and has also learned that hard work really is the key to success. One has to wonder if this real life Roy Hobbs has come in from the cold to be the anti-Francour to the franchise.

    For sure, being a 23rd round draft pick has meant he has had to earn every chance he has had. It’s not like the Braves have any investment at all in him and he can only stay because he brings real value to the team.


  11. 11 berigan2electricboogaloo April 10, 2013 at 10:19 am

    Missed most of the game, but saw the postgame show…man, Gattis can really block it, can’t he? V, interesting what you heard on the radio…makes me wonder if he is still hitting in May, what happens. can you really bench him, or have him be the 3rd string catcher? Guess a good problem to have…


  12. 12 berigan2electricboogaloo April 10, 2013 at 2:19 pm

    Braves Acquire Luis Ayala
    By Steve Adams [April 10, 2013 at 1:13pm CST]

    The Braves have acquired right-hander Luis Ayala from the Orioles in exchange for minor league lefty Chris Jones, the Orioles announced (on Twitter).

    Was scratching my head on this one…then I saw what he did in 2011 and 2012 2.09 and 2.64 ERA…9.00 ERA this year, but then again, he has only pitched 2 innings…so, what the heck, why not?


  13. 13 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    So, who is e replacing in the pen? Martinez?


  14. 14 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2013 at 2:41 pm

    Schafer starting in center field tonight, good move, I was thinking they needed to give Jordan a start.


  15. 15 Gil in Mechanicsville April 10, 2013 at 8:54 pm

    My oh my, Braves have the long ball working tonight.


  16. 16 Voice of Raisins April 10, 2013 at 10:37 pm

    Martinez is out of options, as is Varvaro. Tough call there. Schafer played like a real baller tonight. Gattis played like, well, like we have grown to expect. Another tough call to be made in a couple of weeks. Can’t sneak Schafer through waivers. That’s why Frank gets paid the big bucks…


  17. 17 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2013 at 5:08 am

    Yes, life is full of surprises. Schafer looked really good last night. One has to wonder who will be sent down. Only one playing sub par right now is B J Upton…

    If nothing else, some people have raised their value the past couple of weeks. I look for Gearrin to maybe go down because he still has options, That and Christian has not been seen for a while. Never know when someone has ‘tweaked’ something…


  18. 18 Voice of Raisins April 11, 2013 at 7:53 am

    Yes, Gil… a seemingly random trade for a veteran RHRP…

    If I have learned anything about Frank, it’s that nothing is random. There is a reason, and likely a reason that none of us know.

    Now, the conspiracist in me might look at the roster and think, “We have a guy on our bench (Schafer) that could play every day in alot of ML outfields, and he’s cheap, too. Hmmm…” Then I might think, “We are going to have to make a roster decision in a couple of weeks, and Schafer is directly involved…” I might go on to think, “We’ve just acquired another reliever to add to an already deep bullpen…”

    Now, those things may all be random, coincidental circumstances. But a part of me thinks they could all be pieces assembled for a reason. Ya know, Cristhian Martinez could probably be an effective 5th starter for a few teams. And there are several pitching starved teams.

    I guess all I am saying – thinking out loud, really – is that there could be something brewing. The only real question I have is: what do we really need? Weak at any of the starting 8? Uh, no! JuanFran and CJ have been more than pleasant surprises. And even Danny-boy is driving in runs, if not riding a high AVG. The bench is not a problem. Pena is the new Prado, and Gattis… well Gattis can’t really be called a part of the bench right now, can he?

    Funny how nobody is giving JHey any grief, but he’s got fewer hits than BJ. Nah, I have full confidence that both JHey and BJ will rise to the norm. They’ll be fine.

    I love this team. They are fun. Now, just take care of business in Washington; serve proper notice…


  19. 19 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2013 at 8:51 am

    With it still being so early, I am just glad the Braves are staking up wins. Yes, J-Hey and BJ should get on a hot streak and Gattis will likely cool down. I agree, there is a trade brewing and as you say, Cristhian is the likely candidate given his history.


  20. 20 Voice of Raisins April 11, 2013 at 10:21 am

    BTW: Today’s pollen count around here is 8,024. I am barricading myself inside, except to take the dog out. (Lesser of 2 evils…) Rain is in the forecast for later today. Thank you Lord!!!


  21. 21 berigan2electricboogaloo April 11, 2013 at 10:48 am

    A smart GM would grab someone like Cristhian Martinez ….I wonder how many smart ones there are…remember John Lannan of the Nats? 10-13 3.70 ERA in 2011…Leftie.27 last year. They just him rot in AAA most of the year. Couldn’t believe someone didn’t trade for him. Of course, the Nats may have been asking too much for him, but still, leftie starters don’t grow on trees. And there are always teams needing pitchers.
    Question time…Gattis. Does he start on Tues or not? I was a bit mad at Freddi for saying he was going to start, but then I thought, Laird has more experience of course…then Freddi started to joke about it, saying he might even start at first…never seen Freddi so loose, kind of nice…and we know unlike Bobby, there is flexibility to go with the hot hand… It’s important to get Teheran on the right path. But, you want to get a win first game in DC. Hmmm, Don’t think I would want Freddis job.


  22. 22 berigan2electricboogaloo April 11, 2013 at 11:01 am

    Forgot to mention, did anyone happen to hear Mike Minor interview last night on postgame show? He was asked about Gattis and he said the ball of his bat just sounds different….wow. Not the kind of thing one hears about backup catchers, ya know?

    Oh, and a nice little article on the 40 somethings still playing…


  23. 23 Voice of Raisins April 11, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    Can’t start Gattis at C with Teheran pitching. Hot hand or not, can’t start rookies on both end of your battery. Just can’t. Yeah, Freddie was loose, but I will be more than shocked if Gattis gets any MLB time at 1B on Friday or beyond. To my knowledge, he doesn’t even have any MiLB time there. Hey, it’s great to get what we’re getting from him both offensively as well as defensively. Let’s be happy for that and not press our (and his) luck…

    Oh, and CJohnson isn’t exactly embarrassing himself at 1B or at the plate.


  24. 24 Carolina Lady April 11, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    Great posts, guys! Thanks!


  25. 25 Gil in Mechanicsville April 11, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    Only an embarrassment of riches, eh? 🙂

    I think if you let a catcher rest every third day, it would be beneficial for the guy’s knees. All those deep knee bends are rough on the meniscus. Let the guy pinch hit. I know guys want to play but to be honest, I think a player would actually be better if he could rest every third day or so.

    Laird does not have the power possessed by Gattis but he is no slouch at the plate. You really need to let Johnson and Pena get some time in as well as Schafer. Sundays used to be the day Bobby let his regulars have off. I think it would helpful for Freddie to do the same.


  26. 26 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 10:16 am

    And just one more reminder as to how a team can NEVER have too much pitching… anyone catch the Dodgers/Padres bout er, game last night? At least the highlights I hope…

    Carlos Quentin acts the fool and Zack Greinke suffers a broken collarbone and will be out 3 months. Anyone who moderately follows baseball knows that Greinke was not throwing at him intentionally in a 1 run game with 2 outs and a 3-2 count. Not to mention that Quentin annually is among MLB leaders in HBP because he consistently hangs out all over the plate.

    So Quentin gets hit on the tricep, then gets his butt on his shoulders and charges the mound. Quentin goes about 235 solidly put together pounds. Greinke might go 200 in a wet uni. Now the bottom dwelling Padres will be without Quentin for 3 days, and the top rated Dodgers lose one of their best pitchers for half the season.

    Oh… and the Padres will be in LA next week. I’ll have my eyes open for that one.

    Here is a link to the story, but it contains the whole video and Vin Scully’s fantastic commentary during the aftermath: http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/blog/eye-on-baseball/22052984/dodgerspadres-benches-clear-after-greinke-hits-quentin-with-pitch


  27. 27 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 10:24 am

    Correction: It was a 3-2 count with NO outs… 😳


  28. 28 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    To add to my earlier rant… apparently Greinke is not exactly innocent in this himself, regardless of whether the HBP was intentional or not. Not sure what was said, but Greinke reportedly ran his mouth to Quentin after the initial stare and before the charge. Maybe he shoulda kept his yapper shut and he’d be penciled in for his next start next week.

    Don’t get me wrong; I still think it is pretty bush league of Quentin to charge the mound under those circumstances. I just don’t want to portray Greinke as blameless. For a “man” earning a king’s ransom in salary, he showed a distinct lack of maturity and seasoning…


  29. 29 Carolina Lady April 12, 2013 at 3:08 pm

    What a dust-up. Think it’ll be an interesting year in NLWest? 😛


  30. 30 berigan2electricboogaloo April 12, 2013 at 3:21 pm

    V, totally missed the melee! Wow…watched the whole 10 minutes. Quentin has issues. How often do you see someone rush the mound…and the ball wasn’t near the hitters head? Reminds me of some moron who had some speed that rushed the mound after being hit in his legs back in the 80’s. He legs were his livelihood and all that. I Guess he’d have rather the pitcher hit him in his head, which he clearly didn’t use much.
    Clearly, that is not the time to hit a batter, 1 run game, 6th inning.
    And as for the “history” between the two of them, Quentin hasn’t been hit by a pitch by Zack since 2009. And hard hittin Quentin hasn’t ever played more than 131 games in a season, and he’s played 8 years.Punk.
    Like you said though, Zack probably shouldn’t have looked at him, though I am sure he was thinking, come on, not in this count, this late in a game, score close.
    And how about 85 year old Vin Scully? Does he for a second seem that old? And he does games all by himself, which is even more amazing.
    Have to say, its taken me a long time to truly appreciate him…but I first heard him on TV, doing national games, and I think he suffered the way Jack Back, the Cards broadcaster did. You just can’t be as relaxed on national games, with teams you don’t know like your team, and producers you don’t work with 6 days a week, no doubt talking into your ear like you don’t know what you are doing.
    Whenever I see/hear him on MLBTV doing a game its like, oh, now I get it, he’s amazing!
    Funny, I thought a few years ago, he only did LA based games, but must have decided to at least to Cali based games too, or does early and late in the season…..


  31. 31 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    Unbelievably, Fredi is starting Gattis at 1B tonight. I am floored. 😯

    Not that I think so little of Gattis, but the kid hasn’t taken a ground ball at 1B since 1 pre-game warmup in Spring ’11 (source: DOB). I can’t believe a MLB manager is making lineups like it’s a beer league softball game. I’ll give him this much… he’s got stones. If Gattis falls on his face over there, Fredi will have a target the size of Barry Bonds’ head on him. And if the kid struggles, and it affects his bat? Oh, man… this is a step out for sure.

    Well, obviously I pray that Fredi looks like a genius.

    Gotta wonder, though… is there more to this story than meets the eye? Just wondering out loud…


  32. 32 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 5:14 pm

    And to make room for Ayala on the roster, Martinez has been placed on the 15-day DL with a “right shoulder strain”. There ya go.


  33. 33 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    Fredi sure is loose these days… as is Gattis about starting at 1B. Check out these quotes via DOB…

    Fredi: “I know he’s gonna get 4 at-bats. We don’t know if he’ll get 4 ground balls hit to him… I feel comfortable.” 😕

    Fredi: “I don’t know. If, like, Span bunts a ball over there, he may just tackle him over there at first base.” 😆

    Gattis: “Physically it’s a lot easier than catching. Just make the routine plays…. Do more good than bad, hopefully.” 😎


  34. 34 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 5:23 pm

    And yes, he has taken ground balls there today. I’ll be honest, though. It’s not his ability to field and catch the ball. He’s a ball player. I know he can do that OK. It’s defensive positioning, holding runners, being in the proper place for cutoffs, defending bunt plays, etc. Those are the things people don’t think about but that can make a big difference on the field. Fredi was joking, but I fully expect to see Span bunt down the 1B line in his 1st AB. Why wouldn’t he?


  35. 35 berigan2electricboogaloo April 12, 2013 at 5:36 pm

    Verrrrrrrry Interesting!


  36. 36 Voice of Raisins April 12, 2013 at 10:32 pm



  37. 37 Gil in Mechanicsville April 13, 2013 at 8:07 am

    Now that was a game of two halfs… I thought Laird did a great job of calming down Teheran after he gave up the second pair of runs. And I remember when the Braves had a leaky bullpen just like the Nats…What a difference that made. Game is on natioanal TV today CL… This is your chance… Don’t look for many familiar face though. Only one will be Huddy


  38. 38 Carolina Lady April 13, 2013 at 4:53 pm

    Oh, man. I missed the game. 😥


  39. 39 Carolina Lady April 13, 2013 at 5:09 pm

    Gil, you’re right – Huddy and Heyward were about the only two. I did recognize a couple of the names in video clips, though. I’ve decided to go with Dish network because I can get Sports South (and a bunch of sports channels I’ll never watch) for just $9.00 a month vs $200+ on DirectTV and others. Since Kelly only watches a Discovery a few times a week and my only interest is Braves games, it’ll serve us well enough, I think.

    I hate having missed that game today!!!!! 😡


  40. 40 Gil in Mechanicsville April 13, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    Good for you CL (on getting Sports South Too bad you missed a good game. Huddy was super today, Gattis is building his brand to raise the price of his life story for a movie deal…


  41. 41 berigan2electricboogaloo April 14, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    Keep taking breaks from doing my taxes…weird. wonder why? :p
    What can you say about the past 2 games? AMAZING! I heard the first several innings of Fridays game on the radio, didn’t sound good at all. Almost didn’t bother putting the tv on. That would have been a big mistake. Loved seeing the Barvos (SP?) come behind like that.
    Was up in time to see the game Saturday, but was sure it would be the game of the week at 4 pm. What? no game at 4 pm? Do they wait til May or something? Sorry I missed it, but saw CL’s link, then saw the homer a few times on MLBTV. Those guys seemed a bit in awe of what Gattis did.
    Quick question. Who else in baseball can turn around a 96 MPH high outside fastball for a homer? Anyone??? That IS amazing! 4 hrs in 30 ABs…not bad for a rookie!


  42. 42 Carolina Lady April 14, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    Taxes? Is it time to do them again?? Uh-oh. Guess I’d better put this other stuff aside for a couple of hours. Ya think?? 😆


  43. 43 berigan2electricboogaloo April 14, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    LOL! Wish I would learn my lesson, it would be so much easier if I just totaled everything every month….perhaps next year…


  44. 44 Carolina Lady April 14, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    Wow! That was FUN! Next time I think I’ll file early like I did this year! I filed 25 hrs earlier this year – according to the time stamps. 😆


  45. 45 Voice of Raisins April 15, 2013 at 9:29 am


  46. 46 Voice of Raisins April 15, 2013 at 9:32 am

    Not surprising. Given the presence of Paul Janish, the Braves do have a SS surplus. Speaking of which, I have become a rabid Ramiro Pena fan. Thus far, he is playing the “Martin Prado” role perfectly. I will not be surprised at all to see Pastor traded. He had a fantastic Spring, and his value may never be higher.


  47. 47 Gil in Mechanicsville April 15, 2013 at 9:43 am

    It’s not like the Jays don’t already know about him since the Braves got him along with Collins in the Yunel Escobar trade. It would be interesting to know what the Jays are offering. I would think the Braves would be thinking long term. The Rays do have a need with Reyes hurt.


  48. 48 Gil in Mechanicsville April 15, 2013 at 9:54 am

    You do have to be careful you don’t let your club get old on you. Maholm and Hudson will be looking for retirement contracts next year. Teheran is still learning but I would think the Braves would still be in the market for a front of the rotation starter.

    It’s a shame we cannot just enjoy the Braves current run but it is a long season and you just never know when the injury bug will strike. (Knock on wood), Everyone seems to believe Brian McCann’s days as a Braves are numbered, I’m am still not convinced. Let’s talk about that one in September.

    That said, I am pretty sure the Braves will test him to see if it is worth the investment with the emergence of Gattis. While I really like Evan, he is still pretty raw.

    Maybe what the Braves should really be doing is seeing who might be interested in Danny Boy. They have other big right handed bats now to fill the role they signed him for. Hey, it not like the guy doesn’t have some value, a sub Mendoza batting average not withstanding.


  49. 49 Voice of Raisins April 15, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    As the season was opening, it was my strong opinion that Maholm (and his $6MM expiring contract) would be on the block at this year’s deadline given the impending return of Brandon Beachy at about the same time. And at first glance, with the emergence of Maholm’s new curve and stellar 3 starts, I want to waiver on that opinion. The addition of that 1 pitch seems to have transformed Maholm from a #3 or #4 pitcher to possibly a dominating top of the rotation lefty. Those are very rare and valuable. Fortunately, Frank and 29 other GM’s will have half a season to determine if this appears to long term potential.

    While my heart wants to see Maholm successfully ply his trade here, my head still believes his $6MM salary allotment might be better used elsewhere. And I do not foresee Huddy returning either. That’s $15MM in salary (already slotted in the starting rotation) right there. Follow me here:

    Gil, you hit on a very good point. The Braves seemingly have 8 very strong position players, a strong bench, a deep and talented starting staff, and the best ‘pen in the NL if not all of MLB. But the one thing they do NOT have is a lock down #1 ace. And while the Braves are very very good and have World Series potential, a #1 ace would give them stability and sustainability to accompany their talented young starters and talented young lineup. Was there anyone who could boast 3 better young pitchers than Atlanta with Glavine, Smoltz and Avery in 1991? Not a chance, yet JS went out and signed the best FA starter in the game (Maddux) in 1992. Frank should be in the same position now.

    A quick glance at the list of potential 2014 FA starters is revealing. First, most teams are locking down their stars earlier and earlier. By my observation, there is not a real “ace” type pitcher on that FA list. No, that will need to be found via trade. IMO, with an apparent abundance of relievers, starters and middle infielders, Frank has the tools to pull off that type of trade at this year’s deadline.

    Keep pitching lights out, Paulie… and keep hitting that ball, Pastor. We need you in late July. Should I also say, “Keep pounding it Evan”? Ooohh.. That one might get an evil eye turned my direction… B-)


  50. 50 Voice of Raisins April 15, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    Happy Birthday, Gil!!


  51. 51 Gil in Mechanicsville April 15, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    Thanks Kenny..


  52. 52 Carolina Lady April 15, 2013 at 9:12 pm

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHIEF!!! You’re just like fine wine – get better with every passing year!!! (((birthday hugs)))
