Archive for March, 2024

207: The 2024 Season is Upon Us.

by Gil N Mechanicsville

The season statrts anew for the Braves as they open with arch nemisis Phillidelphia. High expectations exist in Brave’s Country with the best assemblage of talent ever seen for an Atlanta baseball team. It will be tought to best the record breaking offense of 2023 but it is possible with the addition of Kelenek and DuVal to hold down the left field position. Of course we have been perhaps a little dissapointed Kelneck did not put up eye popping numbers this spring with all the hype which preceeded hom but it is spring training after all. It is the time to experiment a bit with new swings and altered stances. Plus what do we really learn from facing such a wide assortment of pitching talent?

Top to bottom, the Braves line up is a minefield for opposing pitchers. At any moment any Atlanta player in the box can turn a game around with a long ball. There is not a single Punch and Judy hitter in the line up. Not to say more homers than singles will be struck, Just that we shold not be surprised when a three run homer becomes the rule of the day.

In addition. the Braves starting pitching staff may well be the best put together since the heady days when Maddux, Glavin and Smoltz lead the charge. The bullpen is the strongest and deepest I can remember. No more having to outslug the opposition. It is also doubtful other teams will be able to come back after being down three or four runs. The defense assembled is stellar too. Hurlers should not be afraid to pitch to contact either.

Like last season when the NL All Stars field an infield made up of all Braves, don’t be surprised to see something similar happen with the Braves outfield. All four of the primary outfielders are capable of winning a gold glove and all potentially will hit over .300 and slug 35 homeruns. Yes, I know, long odds but yes, it is a possibility.

Will the Braves win 162 games this season, Nope, but I won’t be surprised to see them win 110 of them. After all, with humans still in charge of calling balls and strikes and 175 foot infield flies still possible, you just never know when a ball will actually go thru the webbing of an infielder’s glove allowing the winning run to score.

So I’m excited to see thing get started and as Spencer Strider has opined, it’s the World Seris or Bust this season.
